Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (14 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Tooth pursed his lips. “Would you cheat a girl like

“I don’t know. If she was a slut like him then maybe
I would. Jeez. Since when are you so sensitive?”

Tooth snorted. “I’ve always been this sensitive. My
cousin was just like him. And guys like you said the exact same
things,” muttered Tooth, and for a moment anger got the better of
him, giving his voice a raspy edge.

Milk’s eyes widened slightly. He must have finally
understood that he’d stepped into quicksand. “Sorry, man. I didn’t

Tooth raised his hand to silence Milk. “He’s a
frightened little boy, who got abandoned by his father and who saw
his mother die. He’s doing what he’s doing to get by somehow. There
you are, promising him help in exchange for a deal and won’t even
honor your side of the bargain? What kind of scumbag are you?”

The tension in the room became tangible. Something
must have gotten through Milk’s thick skull, because he didn’t even
try to throw any shitty excuses like ‘I was drunk’. Milk wasn’t
exactly Tooth’s type, but it still gave him a little tingle of
pleasure to see a bead of sweat run down the man’s stomach.

“You used his desperation to try it with a guy, and
then you dare talk shit to him about it?” Tooth got up from the
chair and marched to the sink, retrieving a simple metal bucket,
which he dropped in front of Milk.

“What’s that for?” Milk asked, but the tremble in
his voice suggested he had some idea.

Tooth patted the
two milk cartons. “You’re gonna
it all up, like a good

Milk’s face went completely pale. “Tooth… Brother…
No… You know what this shit does to me,” he pleaded.

“You won’t die,” Tooth said, picking up the opened
carton. He handed it to Milk with a small smile. “Bottoms up.”

Milk swallowed and reached for the drink with a
trembling hand. “And the Lucifer thing stays between us?”

“As long as you repay him without breaking club
rules.” Tooth touched the cool tiles on the wall, enjoying the
peace of mind they brought him.

Sweat dripped from Milk’s pasty forehead, but he
flipped the carton upside down and began drinking. His Adam’s apple
bobbed with each huge gulp and he held onto the arm of the dentist
chair as if that could help him. Tooth helpfully opened the second

“I don’t want you to drink alcohol for the next six
months if that’s what happens when you do.”

Milk slowly nodded and got the next carton from
Tooth’s hand without a word. He began drinking with less energy
than the first one, and a single tear dripped down his temple no
matter how much he clenched his eyes to avoid it. Tooth had known
Milk for three years, and he’d never seen him shed a tear, so he
must have gotten the point across.

Tooth patted Milk on the shoulder and slowly made
his way to the door. “Use that bucket. I’ll be back in three hours.
And if you soil my floor, you’ll clean it,” he said, looking at
Milk through the gap between the door and its frame.

The miserable look on Milk’s face spoke of a job
well done.

Tooth locked the door and turned the lights off to
Milk’s protesting howl. He needed to remember to switch on the
water in the basement later.


Chapter 8

Luci had his heart in his throat as he lay in the
darkness, snuggled up in Tooth’s T-shirt and pretending to be
asleep. He hoped all those elements put together would make Tooth
spare him. He still couldn’t believe Milk would use him like that.
He didn’t seem the type. But Luci should have learnt his lesson
about any guy being a ‘type’ in the years he’d spent in the street.
Or at school for that matter. No one could be trusted. He just
couldn’t believe this happened to him under his father’s roof.

He watched the light form stripes on the wall,
unable to do anything as his heartbeat sped up over and over. When
the door opened, Luci’s stomach clenched so hard it hurt, but his
hopes died when the light went on, and the mattress trembled from a
kick to it.

“Get up,” said Tooth.

Luci’s instincts screamed that he should curl into a
ball under the comforter, but instead, he forced himself to sit up
with eyes as pleading as he could muster.

Tooth sighed, giving him that stern look that seemed
to be his trademark. “Come on now, up.”

Luci swallowed his fear and got up, squeezing his
hands on the hem of the T-shirt. “I thought it would have been
better for everyone,” he muttered.

Tooth’s eyes narrowed as he walked over to the bed
and pulled out the box of toys. “Would it?”

Luci’s eyes widened and his palms became sweaty.
“Y-yeah,” was all he had as his gaze glued to the box. He had no
idea what Tooth wanted to do to him.

“And what would you do? Because you wouldn’t go back
to the Vanilla Lounge, would you?” Tooth started rummaging through
the contents of the box, digging all the way to the bottom.

Luci ran his fingers through his hair and took a
step back. “Does it matter? I’d be out of your hair.”

Tooth took a deep breath, and then let the air
out, getting to his feet with a wooden ruler in hand. “I don’t want
you to end up
at some
truck stop, or at another strip joint. You’re too young for that
kind of shit.”

Luci swallowed at the sight of the ruler. He didn’t
sign up for this. “Why do you care? I’m an adult.”

Tooth’s mouth twitched. “Why do you want to know?
You don’t even like me.”

‘Didn’t like’ couldn’t even begin to describe the
mix of emotions Tooth stirred in Luci. There was fear, curiosity,
attraction, resentment, excitement. Luci dared to look up into
Tooth’s eyes despite another step back. “I wanna know what makes
you tick.”

Tooth sighed. “I don’t think what you did so far was
really your choice. You’re vulnerable, and I think you deserve a

Luci pouted and crossed his arms. He didn’t
appreciate the patronizing attitude Tooth had toward him. So maybe
Luci didn’t have the most glamorous profession, but it kept him
afloat all on his own. “Do you think I’m some dainty flower or

“Milk’s gonna have a very bad night at the
dentist’s, but you really shouldn’t offer yourself for such a cheap
price.” Tooth shook his head, ignoring the question.

“‘Cheap’ is a relative term.” Luci didn’t realize he
was at the wall until he hit it with his back.

“Show me your hands,” said Tooth, approaching Luci
with the ruler.

“No,” Luci said reflexively, hiding them behind his
back with his eyes wide. Tooth was probably twice his size, and
there was nowhere to run. It felt like being in a cage with a

“I will hit you five times with this ruler. Now,
show me your hands,” repeated Tooth in the same stern voice he
always used.

“No,” Luci choked out and backed off into a corner.
That piece of wood looked unpleasant. If Tooth were to spank him
with his hand, now that could have been worth bending over for, but
this? Luci’s stomach was in knots.

asked Tooth, putting the ruler on his nape while holding
both its ends.

“No. It’s unfair. What right do you have to demand
it?” Luci wanted to disappear into the wall, but he couldn’t help
staring at Tooth’s impressive chest. The last thing he needed now
was getting attracted to his captor. Tooth would surely notice at
some point that the flirting wasn’t just teasing, and he’d use it
against Luci.

When Tooth’s hands moved, Luci’s first reaction was
to curl his shoulders, but the pull of fabric touching his back and
stomach had him staring at Tooth, who pulled the hem of the T-shirt
through the head hole, forming a knot at the front of Luci’s chest
and exposing his stomach.

Luci looked up at him, unsure of what to think of
it. The T-shirt was as long as a tunic on him, but now, he ended up
with his briefs exposed. “You want it back?” he asked, unsure.

Tooth shook his head. “If you’re not enough of an
adult to take responsibility for what you did, go to the

Luci squinted at him. “Oh, I took responsibility. I
took the whole load.”

Tooth mirrored his expression. “You can’t shock

Luci grumbled at him and walked over to the other
corner of the room. He made a point of standing with his back to


That on the other hand sounded sinister. Maybe
turning away wasn’t such a good idea after all. If only Lucifer’s
dick stopped getting interested, complaining would be a lot easier.
Luci slowly kneeled with
goose bumps prickling over the exposed part of his back. He
didn’t even notice when the atmosphere in the room became thick
with tension.

Tooth’s boots squeaked against the floor, the sound
approaching step by step. “Pull your underwear down to your

Lucifer blinked a few times and looked up over his
shoulder, putting his palms on the walls that seemed to enclose
around him. “Huh?” His mouth hung open.

His face was at the level of Tooth’s crotch.

“Pull your underwear down.”

Luci swallowed and reached down to the waistband
of his briefs, trying to control the tremors in his fingers as he
pulled down his pants. So that was why Tooth tied his T-shirt. Luci
took one more glance at the man towering over him with the ruler
still in hand. The scent of Tooth’s leather and denim was the last
straw, and Luci looked back
at the wall. His nape was burning, palms sweaty, lips dry.
Was this something Tooth would do with a girl? Was this what he was
into and just used his experience in punishment? He felt tiny in
front of the monster of a man behind him. Would Tooth hit him? A
dark, sinister lust crawled into Luci’s imagination, helping him
envision how Tooth could touch him, pin him to the floor with his

Tooth stepped even closer, and in Luci’s mind, those
sinful hips were right behind him, with a bulge that was about to
grind against the back of his head.

“Put both your hands on the back of your neck.”

Luci bit his lips and followed the order trying not
to seem too willing. Why would Tooth make him expose himself? Did
he want to look how the bruises were doing? Would he be into that
even on a guy’s ass?

There was a moment of silence before Tooth spoke
again. “You will stay like this until you’re ready to take the five
hits with the ruler.”

Luci hit the wall with his forehead but kept his
hands in place. “And you’re gonna watch my ass, perv?”

“Stop behaving like such a slut. You’re not helping
yourself by provoking people. You wanna have your ass out for
everyone to ‘perv’ at? Go on. When you actually want to cover
yourself, tell me.”

Luci sucked
in his lips and took a deep breath. If he hadn’t said those
words first, others could mock him more easily. No one could throw
the first stone if Luci grasped it before anyone else.

Tooth sighed above him. “I’m not punishing you
because you’re gay. I don’t care about that. But as long as you’re
here, I’m responsible for you, and if you don’t stop acting this
way, you’ll end up hurt or worse.”

“That’s why I’d be better off gone from here,” Luci
whispered with a heavy heart.

“I disagree,” was all Tooth said before walking
away, presumably to his bed, as Luci soon heard the sound of

Tooth had to watch him to make sure Luci wasn’t
changing position, but that meant he couldn’t go to sleep. A part
of Luci’s mind suggested Tooth would get bored, but even the short
acquaintance Luci had with him provided examples of a stubborn
nature. After a few minutes, Luci shifted, trying to relieve his
knees somehow. He could sense Tooth’s gaze on his back. Silent
judgment of Luci’s life choices.

“Whenever you’re ready for your five smacks,” Tooth

“You do this in your free time as well?” Luci
groaned, his fingers numbing slightly. Maybe talking would help
pass the time faster.

“What exactly?”

“Watch people kneeling in your corner.”

Tooth sighed. “I never do this here.”

Luci stiffened even more as he imagined Tooth
standing with a ruler behind some girl, leaning down to grope her
ass. Hell. It was his fantasy. He reimagined Tooth behind
. “Where
do you do it then?”

“Motels, usually.”

Luci’s breath quickened, and he uselessly fought
the blood draining down his body. Oh, God. He couldn’t be getting
excited now. This would be a disgrace. “And what do you do?” he
whispered, remembering how he
’d pulled the belt out of Tooth’s pants.

There was a low laugh behind him. “That’s none of
your business, boy.”

No. No. That last word had Luci’s dick curling up.
He needed to pull
up his
. “I’ll
take the smacks.”

“Good. Pull your underwear up, get to your feet and
show me your hands,” said Tooth, already approaching the

Luci pulled
up his pants in a split second and got up from his aching
knees with a moan. Was this what his life would look like now? He
untucked the T-shirt from his neckline and pulled it down before
turning around.

Tooth was such a massive man. Built like a
brick shithouse, and with a
face just as expressive as one. The ruler still looked menacing,
but at least submitting meant that this shitty day would be finally
over. Luci held out his hands, annoyed at how they trembled. Maybe
at least the slight numbness would make the ordeal hurt

Tooth positioned himself on Luci’s side without a
word. Their eyes met for a brief moment, but Tooth was completely
focused on the task at hand. The ruler fell on Luci’s palms with a
loud smack, and sudden numbness quickly turned to burning.

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