Sex Me Up (29 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Paranormal, #sexy books, #story, #sex books, #hot books, #erotic books, #series, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #sexuality, #extasy books, #shapeshifters, #Tianna Xander, #extasy, #witch, #erotica, #sex, #Sex Me Up, #sex shorts

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Sex Me Up

It was ingrained in her mind, like the scents her mother and father always wore. She refused to look up. Refused to acknowledge they sat next to her on the bench. Her whole body quivered with need for these two men. She literally shook with the desire to couple with them both again. When had she lost control over her own body?

“I can’t go with you, Dare,” she said. At last she had come to a decision on this. There, she’d told him. Now he knew she couldn’t go with him to his planet. She would stay here alone, or perhaps she could convince Luc to stay with her.

Dare sighed and shook his head. “I wish you had not just said that.”

He stood and moved to the side and she felt bereft. How could his absence be so heartrending?

What would it be like after he left her here?

“Take her to the transport and hurry up about it. We don’t need her people causing a scene over her abduction.”

“What?” She raised her tear-filled eyes and saw three men approach from the trees surrounding her. They must have been hiding there, waiting for a signal from Dare. She whipped her head toward Dare, watched the satisfaction fill his eyes. Rage filled her. Rage and fear. She stood and made to run away again. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”

One of the men reached out with a glowing rod 57

Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

and touched it to her middle. Every one of her muscles went slack. She felt nothing, could do nothing. She fell, could only lie in a heap, her eyes open, as Luc bent over her, a grim expression on his face.

“I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for this one day,” he said as he threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the waiting shuttle. She raged and screamed in her mind. She begged people for help as they walked by. None of them heard her. She couldn’t say a thing. When Luc shifted her in his arms, it must have looked as though she were there willingly. Her eyes were opened, she didn’t say a thing. If only the people could have heard her mental screams, maybe someone would have helped her.

When they reached the transport, Luc bent and set her gently on a plush seat. She’d never seen such a luxurious shuttle before. Dare sat down beside her, touched her with a small needle and feeling began to return to her extremities.

“I hope you know I’ll never forgive either of you for this. Kidnapping is a crime in every system. You must know that. My people will not stand still for this, you know.”

The corner of Dare’s mouth lifted. “I contacted your people the moment you ran from us,
. They believe you to be a willing participant in our coming nuptials on
. Even your esteemed 58

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