Sex Me Up (42 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Paranormal, #sexy books, #story, #sex books, #hot books, #erotic books, #series, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #sexuality, #extasy books, #shapeshifters, #Tianna Xander, #extasy, #witch, #erotica, #sex, #Sex Me Up, #sex shorts

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Sex Me Up

Lucan instructed. Power and heat blasted through her body as the great cat emerged from its slumber. Jaynee expected the shift to hurt, but the sense of freedom and joy that flooded her body swept any thought of pain away. When next she opened her eyes, the world had changed. She had changed.

Her mates surrounded her, buffeting her with their bodies, licked her muzzle then darted away. Unable to help herself, she gave chase.
Now you are one, Jaynee. You are of the Pantari as
is Dare. You are of The Savar as is Luc. The two men
now have the power of three as do you. You three are
the beginning of an army. An army of powerful triads
that will one day defeat the Banart plague. One triad
shall form every moon cycle on Carrillia. You must
contact the next female in the line of three.

* * * *

Two weeks later…

“Hello?” Laynee answered the buzz of her communication terminal. Sound crackled and the
was full of static before it cleared to show her a familiar yet beloved face, the face of her twin, older by but a few ticks of a timepiece.

“Jaynee! Where have you been? The store has been closed for two weeks and I’ve not seen you.”

Jaynee nodded. “Yes, Laynee. Tell mother and 83

Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

father that I’m fine.” She smiled softly. “I have to tell you something.”

“What?” Laynee asked moving to sit at her table in the seat nearest the terminal. “That your spell-book doesn’t work?” She shrugged. “I’ve already figured that out for myself.”

Jaynee shook her head. “No. It does work. But it will only work for one specific witch per moon cycle.”

“One a month? What good is that?” Laynee grimaced and took a sip of the steaming
juice at her elbow. “It is very good if you are the chosen witch.”

Laynee made a face. “Yeah, and you would know how?”

“I was the first. I woke from a dream and the words spilled from my mind. It was a spell which brought me not one, but two virile males with which to mate.”

“Two?” Laynee sputtered, her face heating with a blush. It was one of her greatest fantasies.

“You too?” Jaynee asked with a knowing smile as her mates stepped beside her to wrap her in loving arms. She glanced at them and smiled before looking back at her sister. “It was a dream come true for me, Laynee. Don’t fear it, embrace it.” She suddenly became somber. “Now for the reason I’ve called.” She leveled her gaze at her sister. “You are the next.”



Tianna Xander is the author of several paranormal, timetravel and science fiction romance novels. She loves reading everything from romance novels, murder mysteries and encyclopedias, to handbooks on solar energy. Tianna is the first to admit she spends far too much time surfing the internet and chatting with her online friends and critique groups.

Having written many novels and working on at least one more at any given time, Tianna still finds time for her family, friends and her many pets. She currently lives in Michigan with her husband, two children, three cats, two big dogs and one occasionally terrorized Netherland Dwarf bunny. Her life is anything but boring.

Hi there. My name is Bonnie Rose Leigh and I've been writing since I was just a tyke. I live in a small town in Upstate, New York and spend most of my time on the computer either writing, or visiting with my friends. If I'm not busy on the computer, I spend my free time reading. It doesn't matter what genre the book is either, though I am partial to romance novels. If I'm not in my office, I can be found sprawled in a chair with a book clutched in my hand and a cup of cocoa sitting nearby.

To learn about all of my upcoming releases, please visit my website at:

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