Sex Me Up (36 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Paranormal, #sexy books, #story, #sex books, #hot books, #erotic books, #series, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #sexuality, #extasy books, #shapeshifters, #Tianna Xander, #extasy, #witch, #erotica, #sex, #Sex Me Up, #sex shorts

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Sex Me Up

cooperate and she would not have her males punish her again for her disobedience. Her face burned at the thought of her punishment. She hated it and enjoyed it at the same time. There must be something wrong with her. Normal women didn’t like to be spanked and restrained during sex, did they? She shuddered, remembering Luc’s sharp slaps followed by his gentle caress, rubbing away the sting. She spun in a circle, looking around. The wide band of trees surrounded her, the vivid colors of their purple and blue leaves, breathtaking beneath the moons beams. A thick carpet of purple and blue leaves covered the grove inside the stone circle. An altar, marbled with veins of pink, stood between the two largest upright stones.
blooms of pink and white decorated the circle. Their star-shaped buds glittered with dew and their stems—braided together in a delicate rope—

were draped over most of the shorter standing stones. Tears filled her eyes at the collective beauty. It seemed even though his people were strange and hard at times, their souls were pure. Dare and Luc still stood outside the circle of stones. Their glimmering black robes made them appear sinister somehow. Maybe it was the hoods pulled up over their heads, or the way they kept their heads down and their hands tucked into their sleeves.


Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

It still irked her that Luc knew what the hell was to happen during this ceremony and she was kept in the dark. She still hadn’t forgiven them for stealing her away from her world, her life, but she
grown to trust them during the three day trip to this world.

A wedding ceremony with witnesses she could understand. But this…this not knowing their secrets was really beginning to grate on her nerves.

Jaynee, whatever should happen in this circle is an
affirmation of your love and your trust in your mates.
If you refuse them, if you show you do not trust them
by not following their requests, you will forfeit your
right to bond with them. You will also doom the three of
you to a childless existence. You can only bear the
children of these two men. To any other you are sterile.
Remember this when you think to refuse them
something in the next few hours.

Jaynee chewed her thumbnail and wondered if the voice she heard was that of the Lady Goddess?

Who else could it be? She looked over at her two mates and knew she trusted them. She vowed to herself, that come what may, she would do everything they asked of her, as long as she remained in this circle.

Soon, cloaked figures moved from the cover of the trees, silently approaching them. They surrounded her and her mates. Dozens of people 72

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