Sex Me Up (34 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Paranormal, #sexy books, #story, #sex books, #hot books, #erotic books, #series, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #sexuality, #extasy books, #shapeshifters, #Tianna Xander, #extasy, #witch, #erotica, #sex, #Sex Me Up, #sex shorts

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Sex Me Up

Unwilling to just watch any longer, Dare approached his mate. Watching Lucan devour her pussy, listening as she begged him mentally to ease her ravenous need, had driven every sane thought out of his head.

His cock bobbed in front of her face, heavy with need. Her eyes flicked up to his, desperate need warred with anxious anticipation. She moistened her lips with her tongue and a drop of pre-cum greeted her in response.

“I won’t tell you again,
. Take my cock in your mouth and suck it dry. I want you to take every drop of my seed when it spills. I want you to lap it up, as a
feline would sweet cream.”

Finally, after what seemed hours instead of just the few seconds that passed, she dragged her tongue over the head of his cock. More pre-cum spilled into her mouth.

His hips began to jackhammer against her mouth, and as she squirmed beneath the simultaneous assault Lucan was making to her cunt, moaning around his shaft, his aggression, his need to dominate her, increased. He knew he was being too rough, but he couldn’t help himself. His
instincts demanded she take him as he was—all male aggression and driving need. Her breathing grew ragged, and still he didn’t 67

Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

slow down, didn’t ease off the pressure or tempo. His strokes were deep, hard, forceful, and she took it, took all of him. Dare sensed no protest in her mind, in her heart, though the fact that Lucan was doing his best to drive her out of her mind, probably helped matters.

The pressure around his shaft increased, and his balls drew taut against his body. Tingles raced up his spine and his hands began to shake, and still he forced his cock even deeper, wedging it down her throat. Dare groaned as he felt his cum rip out of his balls and down the length of his cock.

Savage pleasure raced through him as his body found release. “Swallow it, Jaynee. I want to see you consume every last bit of my seed. And when you’re finished, you’ll do the same for Lucan.”

Dare clasped her head, wrapping her hair around his fingers just as hot jets of semen spilled down her throat. Ropes of cum shot out of his cock, and still he didn’t let up his grip. Dare could see the tension running through his mate’s body. It wouldn’t take much to send her careening over the edge of release. Now was the time to get her to agree to their terms.

Dare dropped his gaze, meeting Lucan’s hungry stare from beneath her weeping cunt. At his slight nod, Dare looked into his mate’s passion glazed eyes. “If you agree to go through with the 68

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