Sex Me Up (38 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Paranormal, #sexy books, #story, #sex books, #hot books, #erotic books, #series, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #sexuality, #extasy books, #shapeshifters, #Tianna Xander, #extasy, #witch, #erotica, #sex, #Sex Me Up, #sex shorts

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Sex Me Up

Dare moved behind her, his hands moved to her shoulders, his mouth trailing damp kisses along the curve of her neck. Luc stepped forward and cupped her breasts as the folds of her robe parted and it fell to the ground.

Cool air kissed her skin and she shivered with both the cold and desire. A touch of

embarrassment rode her, knowing dozens of others looked on. She attempted to shrug it off, and allowed Dare to turn her in his arms. His lips covered hers and she opened for him. She needed this. She needed for him to help her forget they had an audience. Part of her raged that he could do this to her, lead her here and force her to have sex in front of dozens of people. Yet she couldn’t stay angry with him. She was too caught up in the moment. What was it about that silvery shaft of light that made her feel so feminine, so loved?

Luc’s hand caressed her from behind and she groaned. What would these people do, stand there and watch them fuck her? Did she really want to be put on display like this?

Trust them, Jaynee. They only have your best
interests at heart. Trust them to know what is best.
Whose voice was that in her head? The goddess? She hoped so. If not, she could be entrusting herself to these men on the word of some creature of the netherworld.


Tianna Xander – Bonnie Rose Leigh

She gasped when Dare’s fingers stroked her pussy. Gently, he parted her lips, his fingers circling her clit. Her legs gave out. Luc caught her and lifted her to the altar. Laying her down, he gently spread her arms, securing them to the base. Her eyes widened, certainly filled with the fear she felt. Still, she gazed into Dare’s eyes and trusted him. Trusted him and Luc not to hurt her. In fact, she fully expected them to take her pleasure to new heights.

Dare secured her legs to the other end of the altar and they moved around her, turning her on with their heated looks. She wriggled on the cold stone, wanting, needing their caresses. She needed to feel their thick cocks pounding into her as she screamed their names in ecstasy.

Before she could beg them to touch her, she heard the rustle of their robes, the soft sigh as material landed on the grass at their feet. Lucan’s strong hands stroked her inner thighs as Dare made his way toward the head of the altar. Luc stopped, looked down into her eyes. She could see the hunger, the driving need flare in his eyes. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the robed woman enter the sacred circle and hand something to Dare, before stepping back to rejoin the others.

Questions flared in her mind but were silenced when he lifted his hand, showing her the silken 76

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