SEXY ROMANCE: Her Dark Obsession (2 page)

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The new sensation of opening my body to a stranger was exhilarating and within minutes, I began feeling an orgasm build.  My breathing accelerated and my wetness flowed, all over his mouth, as the forever-attentive lover took turns licking my clit and then traveling down to taste my sweetness.

As I began hollering and slamming my fists onto the wall, ever so delighted to make a public scene just outside his front opened door, I realized what the attraction was.  Yes, my friend, how ironic that I only realized my emotional attraction while this strange man was already devouring my physical attraction.  He is my love slave.  My willing and ready toy.  Rather than feel repulsed at his unending eagerness to please, I simply relegated him to the role of submissive.  A nice de-stressor with its own place, its own shelf in my compartmentalized life. 

Even after I came, I kept the conversation to a minimum.

“You don’t have to do me, you know,” he said happily.  “I enjoy just giving you pleasure.  I could do that…every night for the rest of my life.”

              “Mmm,” I said with a smile, pulling my panties and pants up, barely having to get redressed at all.  No condom, no awkward conversation about where we were headed.  Just selfish sex.  I even remembered him cracking a smile at our cold goodbye.

“I have to go to bed now,” I said heading for the door.

“Okay.  Would you like to know anything…or…is this it?”

I smiled and tilted my head, thinking over all my options and unlimited power.

“Do you want my number or last name?” he asked.

“No,” I said evenly.  “But I know where you live.”

“Yes, you do,” he said, shyly smiling and pleased to know his new friend-with-benefits.  “Come over any time.  Free batteries for life.”




It may surprise you to know, dear one, that despite all his charms and aww-shucks good guy nature, I did not fall in love with Nate.  The old me might have ever started to feel sorry for him by now.  Clearly a man who wants more, who would do anything for me, and yet one I keep on a leash. 

As the days passed, I did find myself craving Nate.  I never wanted all of him.  Just his tongue, just his fingers.  I would drop by, unannounced, and he would go down on me with no questions or guilt. 

After about a month of no-strings-attached de-stressing, I began to lose some of my attraction to him.  I even felt a pang of regret as I had to inform him that I could not come by and allow him to cook me dinner.

“I have a date later tonight.”

“Oh,” he said, a bit hurt by the idea. 

“Does that bother you?”

“Well, a little.  I guess in a perfect world, you and I would…”

“Fall in love?”

“Or something like that.  Maybe not love.  Maybe just like.  For a while.  And then maybe it would lead to something more.”

“In a perfect world,” I said with a bittersweet smile.  “But I like what I’m feeling, Nate.  “I want to experience more.  And I crave different things.  A lot of which you can’t give me.”

“Well, I could…I mean, I would do anything for you.”

“I know you could, sweety.  But that’s not what I want.”

“Is this the end?” he asked in trepidation.

“I guess so.  We gave it a try.  It was fun.  But I don’t think this is what either of us wants long term, is it?”

“Maybe not.”  Nate exhaled strongly and sucked up his pride, a bit angry at himself for letting the emotion carry him away.  “But you know, what the hell.  Why do I always have to be such a bitch about this?”

I laughed.  “What do you mean?”

“Look…I know I never deserved you in the first place.  I know this was just an experiment.  And my stupid brain keeps telling me we should end it.  But then I keep thinking, why?  Maybe this is all we’ll ever have together.  But why does it have to end?  I don’t want to stop seeing you.  If you have other guys in your life, you know, part of me just says I should go ahead and let you do what you have to do.  But maybe you can come see me sometimes.  And we can pick up where we left off.”

Whatever this was, however mad this was, this was just another opportunity to say Yes and bury my instincts.  “Then let’s not end it, Nate.”

He smiled warmly, probably relieved to not lose yet another girlfriend.  For once he didn’t have to say goodbye.  He found a girl as crazy as he was, and one that embraced all opportunity.  Life should never be about saying goodbye.  Should it, my dear?




Leaving Nate, my Nice Guy tongue buddy, behind while I actively chased another man lent me an all new kind of erotic thrill.  Dwayne seemed the natural opposite of Nate in many ways.  Super confident, suave and a bit of a brat when it came to conversation.  I met him outside of a club, where I was advertising my fading charms, hoping to get invited inside by association. 

“Whoah, whoah,” he said, wearing shades and fearlessly looking my body up and down, admiring my tight red skirt and white blouse as if it were my only redeeming feature. 

“Loose Cougar on the prowl.  Beware all sheep.”

“What?” I laughed.  “What is that supposed to mean?”

Dwayne was younger, blacker, and a more traditionally sexy man than Nate, or most men I ever dated seriously. 

“You want to get in here, Ms. Bootylicious?  I know the guy that runs this place.”

“Watch yourself, young man,” I corrected him, even throwing in a mini-scowl.  “I am a lady.  You treat me like a lady.”

“Damn.  Real authority figure, huh?  I like that.  You remind me of my sexy kindergarten teacher.”

“Really?  In kindergarten?  That’s horrible!  Have you no shame?”

“Naw, when I was five years old I was still horny as shit.”

We bantered back and forth and everything the man said was absolute bullshit.  He reminded me of the guys I met back in college, whom I stayed away from because they had drama written all over their smug faces.  He was the type of guy that would say anything to anybody, just because he had to sample every piece of ass on earth.

I knew this.  And so my instincts told me to let him go.  Meet someone worthy.  Another nice guy like Nate.  Or at least someone who wasn’t such an obvious player even from ten miles away.

That was the attraction this time.  The idea of having sex with a guy I couldn’t admire, and couldn’t possibly be happy with, was alluring.  Suddenly, me saying no to him felt like a rush of adrenaline.  I wanted him to chase me and I wanted to slap him down…only because I knew it was just a matter of time before I let him fuck me in degrading ways.

But I wasn’t going to make it easy.  He had to work for it.  I wanted to see the performer strut his stuff. 

“I’m just not attracted to you,” I said over a platonic lunch one day.

“Yeah right, I don’t even believe that,” Dwayne said, being a cocky bastard as usual.

“Well, it’s true.”

“Nah, I’ve seen the way you look at me.  You’re just too good of a girl to do what your heart says.  But trust me, you need to listen to that little voice inside.  That little voice inside you that says yes,” he said with a smirk, as if knowing what my mind was already contemplating. 

Technically, he hadn’t asked me yet.  He was implying a lot and flirting like a dog, but my mission of yes still hadn’t been triggered.  I was curious to know if he would back away.  Curious to know if that’s why all men back away, is because they just never ask, and so we never have to answer.

“Now seriously, Regina, even though you know it’s wrong and all.  If I asked you to come with me to Cancun next weekend, would you do it?  Even though I’m repulsive and you’re not attracted to me and all that shit.  Would you come?”


“Would you cum?  I mean, would you accompany me?”  He laughed, and I giggled too. 

I shook my head, waiting to see what he would do.  To my amusement just stared, waiting for an answer.  Waiting for me to shyly cower away at possibility.

“Yes,” I answered him meeting his eyes.

“Okay, that’s cool,” he answered smugly.  “Course, you realize, in order to get a free ticket to Cancun there are some obligations.”

“Ohh, are you extorting me?” I asked in jest.

“No, no, of course not.  Honey doll, I don’t need to extort anybody.  You think I go around dangling carrots in front of horses and having my way with them?”

“I hope not, I would feel bad for those horses.”  We both laughed it up. 

“No, no.  The deal is this.  I come to your house tonight and cook you dinner.  No obligation beyond that.  Just honesty.  I want us to talk for real.  About life.  About love.  All that great and wonderful mystery.”

I didn’t even have to think about it.  “Yes.” 

I think what I truly liked about Dwayne is that he wasn’t a man of explanations or rationalizations, but simply a man of questions and answers.  He was such a good manipulator by the time I was ready to fuck him, he didn’t even ask me anything.  He just teased me, taunted me and barely grazed the side of my cheek with his hand, looking deeply into my eyes…telling me that I was the one seducing him.

He kissed me deeply, slowly and passionately at first, but with a rising thirst that left me breathless.  Like a fish caught in a net, I had no choice but to surrender to his passion, since I was unable to move—quaking with expectation as he unbuttoned my blouse and helped himself to my tingling breasts.  Before he even got my bra off he buried his face in my tits, his warm lips burning with uninhibited desire.  Never once asking permission, never once looking for my cue that it was okay.  He just took me into his arms and ripped my clothes off as if my naked state was perfectly natural. 

I screamed to the ceiling that night, losing myself in dirty, impulsive fucking that defied all logic. 

He always insisted that he see my place, instead of his because he just loved “art” and because I once mentioned that I had a few paintings hanging in my living room.  But I knew he just wanted to have sex with me in a neutral zone, so that I wouldn’t figure out the big mystery of where he lived or what his real life consisted of.

I groaned as he finally unfastened my black bra, my left nipple already hanging out, and pulled it off.  He sucked on both of my erect nipples, holding my chin, as if to say, don’t you dare try to resist now.  You can’t.  You won’t.  You’re going to feel every bit of this.

He rubbed my clit hard and efficiently through my panties, not really going slow, but not having to, since he knew right where I needed to be touched.  He licked my sensitive spot like he owned it, spreading my lips apart and grabbing my arms to hold them down tight.

I felt that obligatory sizzle of shame as he took turns licking and punching my sensitive spots.  Letting such a creep do this to me.  A younger man, a cocky little thing.  But one that knew exactly what my body craved.

“Ahh!” I moaned loudly as Dwayne turned me over on the bed and began smacking my ass through the skirt’s fabric.  He rustled the layers of clothing up until he found my cheeks and panties. 

“Mmmm, you got a big booty, Miss Regina.  I’ll bet your last boyfriend never smacked that ass, did he?”

“Don’t talk about him like that,” I grumbled already feeling the heat.  I moaned again, gripping the sheets when he rudely smacked my cheeks harder with his stretched hand.

I panted as began putting his hot lips all over my asscheeks.  He spanked me all night just to make sure I remembered I was nothing but a booty call to him.  But Dwayne wasn’t the giving type.  A man of assumptions, he didn’t even bother eating me out, didn’t even bother licking my clit till I orgasmed.  He just got me wet enough, then took his cock out, expecting me to suck on it. 

And I did.  I did everything he wanted, including the stuff that makes a respectable woman like me gag.  He didn’t feel the need to go down on me.  He was so sure of his technique, he just fingered me until he found my G-spot and laughed his ass off while I came…and came.  And came.  By the time I let him penetrate me, I was wet and already writhing in orgasmic joy.  

No wonder girls like the bad boys, my friend.  They have to be really good in bed because there’s no other reason to keep coming back to these guys.

And yes, as I quickly discovered, half the fun of dating a doomed relationship is all the broken promises.

“Where are you going?” I asked, covering up my nudeness as I watched Dwayne happily, nakedly, hop out of bed and stretch.

“I gotta go to work.”

“On a Saturday?”

“Well yeah, not everyone’s got that teacher money like you, Miss Regina.”

“…You’re going to meet someone else, aren’t you?”

“What?  No way.  That’s crazy talk.  You think I’m a real dog, huh?” he laughed.

“Are you?”

“Look, baby, I promise.  I got to go to work.  Not that we’re committed or anything.  I mean you understand…”

“No, I know we’re not exclusive.  I’m not asking that.”

“Look,” he said, smiling ear to ear, as if he really got off on telling lies to women he barely knew.  “I know it sounds crazy.  But I do really feel something for you.  I don’t know what it is…but I feel it a lot.  And I do want to keep seeing you.  But let’s just take this one step at a time.”

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