SEXY ROMANCE: Her Dark Obsession (7 page)

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I stared in wide-eyed disapproval.  My first thought was to lecture him on a woman’s right to look sexy and not be treated as a commodity. 

Of course, that’s not what I said.  Within seconds, the erotic charge returned and I found illicit pleasure in playing along with this one-player game.

“Look, even if I was that type of girl, I don’t think you could afford it,” I said with a sneer.

“Oh yeah?” he said boldly.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad full of cash…which he then took and planted right inside me dress, down my cleavage and in between my boobs.  The gall of the kid was impressive.  I quickly pulled the money out, but resisted throwing it back in his face.

“Good.  So give me your hotel number and I’ll see you later.  Okay?”

I flinched rapidly, and felt my panties get damp.  I looked him in the eyes and tilted my head, smirking back.  “Room One Forty Five,” I said, having no idea what hotel number was actually available. 

“The Casino George Hotel?” he said, glancing over at the hotel just a few blocks down from the downtown district.

“Yeah, that’s right,” I said with a snarky head bob.  “Your mom going to drop you off?”

“I’ll be there,” he said with another smile.



I hurried to the hotel and asked if they even had a room 145.  I left my next sexual adventure in the hands of fate.  If they didn’t have the room number, I would have stood the kid up and screwed him out of a small fortune.  But lucky me, they had a room 245 on the second floor.  I figured the “client” would figure this out, he being such a smarty pants.

I entered the room and waited, not having the foggiest idea of what I was doing there, or how much danger I was really in.  For all I knew, he could have been a psychopath.  My dangerous liaisons would come to a natural, predictable end.  Stupid woman takes a chance, embraces casual sexuality, and pays for it dearly.  What a cliché. 

The door knocked and I opened it, letting the familiar oblong face inside my hotel room.  He smiled and entered…but held the door open for his buddy.  Just as tall and handsome.  Just as intimidating too, the two friends looking hot and bothered and like Brad Pitt in his glorious 1990s days.

“Whoah.  Two of you?”

“Yeah,” the leader said.  “You think I gave you five hundred bucks plus hotel expenses because you’re just that beautiful, doll face?”  The two boys cackled.

“Don’t worry,” the other said.  “We’re not going to hurt you.  Not too bad.”

“You might be just a little sore in the morning,” the other laughed.

“What do I call you guys?”

“Adam.  He’s Tyler.”

“And we brought these.”  Tyler said, grabbing a condom from his pocket and tossing it at me.

“We’re not stupid,” laughed Adam.  “Nothing sexy about an STD.  Ain’t that right, princess?”

What an ego-slap…and yet it was mesmerizing.  Two guys, probably virgins that watched one too many porno movies, demanding that I wear a condom.  The old me would be repulsed.  The old cautious me, who never said Yes unless there was an understanding, along with love poetry, chocolates and meet-the-parents nights. 

The new me just stared at the little rubber pack with quiet curiosity, wondering what it would feel like to have a condom-clad penis inside of me.  No testing.  No trusting.  Just risk.  Just impulse.

Before I could become comfortable and slide into a little sexy Q and A routine, the two boys decided to take control of the situation.

“Take off your clothes.”

I stared back at the two young men, dismissing my feelings to challenge or chastise them.  For this fantasy, they had to be in control.  They paid for my time.  They wanted to give to me.  And from their own confessions, they wanted to give until hurt.

“No talking,” the other one said.  “Just slide your dress off and let us see.”

I began swaying side to side, trying to find a rhythm.

“No need to do that.  Just take it off.”

Nothing but a toy.  A bought and paid for pleasure.  Something similar to what I had subjected Poor Nate to, only amplified, and crushing to my ego instead of his.

              I accepted every word and slowly pulled down my dress straps.  I locked into their eyes as I stripped, hearing their unspoken lust, their red-hot desire that was only now coming unchained.  I pulled my dress down and below my shoes, leaving only my lace white bra and panties to fuel their desire. 

“Turn around.” 

I swirled around slowly, giving them a good look at my ass and arching my back, accentuating my breasts.  Just as I went to unfasten my top, they interrupted me with another order.

“Leave it be.  We’ll take it off.  Understand?”


“Yes, sir,” he said back in defiance and with warning in his cavernous eyes.

“Yes sir,” I said softly, and already feeling a tingling sensation traveling up my spine and down back into my hot loins.  Whatever these guys were getting off on, was affecting me to.  I began to crave their orders.  The suspense of just how rough they might be and what punishment I was bound to endure tickled me pink.

Adam went first, and shoved me back first on the bed.  “I’m going to tie you up,” he said, taking out some leather straps and hooking them to the bed.

“Whoah, I didn’t agree to this.”

“You agreed to do whatever we wanted.  That was the deal.”

My stomach fluttered and I squirmed nervously as Adam cuffed my hands in the straps, far more interested in my worried looks and uneasy panting than touching my body.

“I don’t trust you…what if…” I muttered, starting to panic and finally fearing for my life after only three months of reckless Yes sex.

“Honey, if we wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.”

The other one laughed and began taking his clothes off.  “Maybe you should just relax.  And learn to trust people.”

They laughed.  They took special gratification in tying me up and making me watch as they stripped.  First to their underwear, showing me their buff bodies, with six pack abs and muscular pectorals.  I became turned on seeing them both strip, keeping their eyes on me as they showed their nakedness.  A total power trip and all I could do was writhe back and forth, trying to move, but firmly held in place by my arms, which were strapped to the bedposts. 

All I could smell was my own deodorant and perfume, as my arms dangled side to side.  All I could hear was the sounds of their pants, belts and shirts hitting the floor.  The leather straps pulled and squeezed my wrists while the silk blankets rubbed so softly against my skin.  And my sense of sight was overwhelmed when the two boys stripped down to nothing, taking their boxers off and showing their erections in broad daylight—confident as can be, and both surpassing nine inches.

              Adam started first, and made me swallow him whole, shoving his cock deep into my mouth and grabbing me by the hair, making sure I got every last inch.  When he was ready for me, he didn’t just take my clothes off—he ripped them off.  He tore my lacy bra in two, exposing my breasts.  He ripped the panties from my thighs, yanking them off and forcibly spreading my legs apart.  I tried to resist accommodating him, tried not to moisten up and spread my lips apart, but to no avail.  My body wanted him independent of my mind—both of them.  By the time Adam kneeled down and entered me, I was too soaking wet to object.  He slid inside me easily, deeply and in a series of fast, long strokes. 

              He grabbed my breasts and intensified his thrusting, burying his member inside me, stabbing me right in my throbbing spot.  I bellowed out obscenities, since the two lovers didn’t feel me worthy to use their names.  Within minutes, Adam became tired of my slutty voice and stuffed my mouth with my own panties, demanding reverent silence while he finished thrashing against me. 

              My arms suspended, my every erogenous zone engaged, I had no choice but to writhe against his thrusting, doubling the friction and oozing out juices.  Our skin meshed together in heat and my whole body erupted into ongoing tremors.  I could feel Adam’s penis pulsating inside of me, and ready to explode.  I almost objected, before realizing I had no voice, no power to resist him, and no good excuse since he wore a condom.  He came inside me and rattled my bones as he grabbed me tight, holding me down to take every last drop.

              Just when I thought it was over, Adam withdrew from me letting me rest my spinning eyes on Tyler, who was up and ready, watching my body shake and shimmer with exhaustion.  I closed my together legs, my instincts to protect myself taking over.  I was already losing control over my mind and quite embarrassingly, over my genitals.  I couldn’t help but wet the bed with my overflowing gel and fill the room with my tart scent.  I groaned, in passion and in fear, as Tyler forced my legs apart, showing me his thick pole, about an inch longer than Adam. 

              Too much, I thought as he entered me deep, taking full advantage of my flooding pussy and gouging me harder.  He stuffed me hard and fast but took minutes on end to break.  They were both in giggling awe of his staying power, and the more I moaned against my will, the more I shuddered at his stubborn erection that only seemed to plunge deeper each time, the more it pleased them. 

              “No!  No more!”  I cried, not in pain but in ecstasy, afraid of losing total control of my senses and what might come out of me if he kept thrusting.  My hands wrought up in straps, the only way my body could move was side to side, which only helped his cock go in deeper and withdraw in twisting fury.

              I screamed and creamed, as Tyler came inside of me two, his deposit even more thicker and heavier.  For the next hour, all I could hear was the sound of my own raging voice and that disturbing, never ending sound of the bed bouncing, squeaking because of an uneven leg.  It became ingrained in my mind. 

              Their ego was completely satiated, and all the more so when in my breathy and quivering voice, I asked them to please leave.  To let me recover.  With each full body quake, and another assurance of “please go”, I sounded less like a shamed prostitute at the depths of depravity, and more like a horny woman who had just been ejected outside of her own body. 

              I watched them smile at each other as they got up and cleaned themselves off.  They waited until they were completely suited up before they helped me out of the straps.  Always staring at me…right into my used pussy.  Right into my teary eyes.  Right into my naked soul.

              They left me another tip and left without a word.  I almost broke down and shouted, I’m not really a prostitute, you know.  But something tells me if I had said that, they would have just cackled to themselves.  I was a prostitute, at least for this one night.  This experiment, that had no meaning, no logic behind it, except for pleasure. 

And now…officially now.  That’s when I hit rock bottom.  Compared to pretending to be a prostitute and taking two boys’ money for sex, Brody screwing me on my kitchen counter was a fairly classy thing to do.







Feeling a bit anti-social, given my relapse into self-destruction, I began withdrawing from society and avoiding new men in my life.  This only left me with reruns, the same guys I previously said Yes to, only to lose interest.  It is funny how a little distance can drive men wild—even if they aren’t the chasing type. 

I finally allowed Nate the pleasure of penetration and intercourse, after months of using him as my own personal toy.  I decided that there wasn’t any great or special thing about me, and I might as well do something kind for a guy who more or less deserved it, at least compared to some of the other fiends.

I rocked on in his bed, letting him thrust into me, and taking his dick deep inside, letting him push in as hard as he wanted, no need to be gentle with the kind of woman I was. 

Nate, however, was as big as a freak as I was, apparently.  Since what really got him off was telling him how unworthy he was.

“Tell me…tell me what you’re doing later,” he said, turning red in the face and thrusting faster inside of me.  He didn’t dare touch my hair but felt honored when I grabbed his ass and pulled him in closer.

“Mmmm…” I said, feeling the heat and giving him his fantasy.  “I’m going to meet my boyfriend.”


“And we’re going to have sex.”

“Right after me?”

“Oh yeah…because he’s a real man.  You get me a little horny…but he satisfies me completely.”

“Sounds like a bigger guy than me.  Is he big?”

“Much bigger…like compared a toothpick to a big old sausage.” I said, smiling, looking into Nate’s eyes.  I raised my eyebrows, playing along with the fantasy.  It was enough to make him ejaculate, and especially the humiliating aspect of it. 

I left Nate’s feeling strangely about the encounter, and not only because Nate was just a weirdo masochist.  But the idea that Nate tolerated me doing pretty much anything, while asking nothing from me, seemed to provoke my intellect.  What really makes something unacceptable to society…to me? 



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