SEXY ROMANCE: Her Dark Obsession (5 page)

BOOK: SEXY ROMANCE: Her Dark Obsession
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The whole room started a bidding war, even as the host of the ceremony began twirling me around for the room’s viewing pleasure.

“Come on, she’s a once in a lifetime buy.  A beginner.  She has to be shown the ropes, if you understand what I mean.”

The room laughed and the crowd of unusually friendly people began whispering—never once taking their eyes off me and pondering the possibilities. 

“Do I hear 400?” the host said.

I stood in awkward silence.  Taking nervous swallows and feeling a strange tingle in my spine I had to ask, for my own dreading curiosity. 

“Umm sorry.  What does slave mean?  I mean…what do I have to do?”

The room erupted into laughter.  Many of the friendly faces cackled and winked at me. 

“Do I hear 2000?”

The room livened up and about ten people shot up their hands, joining the bidding war.

I began fretting and just as I started to twitch…

The host grabbed my skirt and pulled it up, revealing my panties and ass to the audience.  They hooted, hollered and applauded. 

“Come on.  Come up and take a closer look if you must.”

Several people in the audience decided to come up to the stage using the same hallway Brody guided me from.  I began to panic and ran back to the stage where Brody waited for me.

“Brody…what is this?”

“It’s your life in front of you.  All of this is for your pleasure.  In exchange for rental fees, the winning bid gets to take you home tonight.  And do anything to you.  Short of killing you.  And you sign a form giving full consent.”

“Oh my God…I didn’t know.”

“That’s okay.  I’ll tell you what.  Let’s turn away, right now.  Let’s forget the whole thing and I’ll take you home.  No questions asked.  And you can skip your whole moral, hit-rock-bottom crises and climb back up to your pedestal, where you’ve always been most comfortable.”

I thought it over long and hard.  The initial shock wore off and I began to contemplate the real issue.  Was I merely unprepared or was I really scared of the idea of surrendering my body completely?

“You see, Regina, all of this is yours.  This is your fantasy.  And only you know when to turn around…or jump into a new whole new level of forbidden pleasure.”

“That’s not my real name…”

“I know your real name,” Brody said with a wink.

I looked at Brody, and then back to the crowd of amused onlookers, some of whom were already coming forward to touch and preview the merchandise.

My conscience returned and told me, “This isn’t right.”

My new empowered identity also came to me assuring me, “If I chicken out now, the whole experiment was useless.  And Brody is right.  It’s not about my pleasure.  It’s about my punishment.”

Suddenly, I felt the answer being summon from deep in my heart.  I looked at Brody and tilted my head.  It wasn’t the wine talking.  It wasn’t the fear.  I simply knew the answer because for the first time in my life, I was truly being honest…

















No, No, No



Hello, darling.  It’s just about May and so I figured I should update you on what happened with my latest mission of Yes.  You will recall my life was at a turning point.  Brody, the billionaire dickbag, was offering to make me into a whore.  Selling me off at an auction, with full “consent” to let anyone do whatever they wanted to me.  He claimed that it was to prove a point.  He claimed it was to help me realize my spiritual quest, which was to return to my inhibited life. 

I guess everyone expected me to go through with it.  Since Brody was obviously the “rich” man that had full power to control me and my everyday mentality.  I guess all the strangers there were rooting for me to lose my innocence, not that I have much left at this point darling, and dive face first into depravity.  Maybe it was his flippancy, claiming to “know” what I was going to do before I even decided.  Or maybe it was because I was tired of all predictability. 

But my answer was no.

“No,” I said, staring him square in the face.

He seemed a little bit startled.  “Oh, I see.  Are you ready to quit this ridiculous game then?  And go back…”

“No,” I answered again.  “I’m not going to give up my quest.  I’m not chickening out.  I’m just saying no to you.  To them.  To everyone.”

I left the stage, causing a commotion in the auditorium.  Brody became nervous and walked with me, keeping my fast pace.  “What do you mean?  You can’t just say no and then claim you’re saying yes to everything.”

“But I don’t think this would be pleasurable.  This is all about selfish pleasure, right?  Well, I don’t think this is pleasurable.  It’s just…I don’t know, stupid.  Like I’m dancing for you.  Like I’m singing for you, just for your amusement.”

“So you’re saying no?  You’re quitting,” he said, quite obsessive about the yes/no thing and his victory.

“No, darling.  I am not quitting.  The answer is still yes, but not to this.”

“Well, that’s not fair!  You can’t cheat…”

I started giggling, which only seemed to provoke him.  “But Mr. Brody,” I said with a smile.  “Don’t you understand the technicality?  You didn’t ask me for sex at all.  So I haven’t the option to say yes.  You only outsourced me to other lovers.  That, my friend, is very lazy.”

“Fine, you got me,” he said, shaking his head and getting the point.  “Let me take you home.”

“I don’t need a ride.  I can take the bus.”

“So you are going back?”

“Maybe I do want a normal life,” I said, turning just my face to him, but keeping my body turned, and my hand on the doorknob.  “But sometimes saying yes is about saying yes to more than just sex.  Maybe the next time I’m inclined to say yes, someone will ask me to marry him.  Ever thought of that?”

Brody threw a hissy fit but I kept walking.  I was so excited.  I felt I had graduated and finally learned something worthwhile, even if the mission was going to come to an end. 

But of course, things don’t always work out as planned, do they?

The next man I met was truly a welcome change from my previous list of men who didn’t respect me.  Alan Brandt was a wonderful man, and the kind of guy I used to want to date, before any of this madness happened.  He was almost, what you might call, out of my league.  A fireman, a hero, and someone who was brave in battle, brave in life, and even brave in relationships.  He stood strong without “testing me.”

“And what makes you think you’re my type at all?” I asked him.

“You know, it really doesn’t matter,” he said with a long smile.  “I have nothing to prove.  I think you’re attractive.  I think we might have things in common.  But a girl saying no to a guy is really not the end of the world.”  He took a drink over our brunch, a casual date with no expectations or rules. 

He was a drop dead handsome man, with a burly frame, a movie star face, and eyes that almost seemed fatherly.  His brown hair was short but thick and his face was layered with depth, being a man in his early forties.  He was sensitive without being a whiner.  Strong without anything to prove or any strategy for hopping into bed.

“I’ve been there, done that,” he said calmly, never afraid to look into my eyes.  “I don’t have time for mind games.  Life’s too short you know?  I think you just reach an age where interesting is more important.  You live an interesting life…you have something important to say.  There’s no need for games.  Or for lying.”

My heart almost melted.  It seemed like so long that I heard a real man communicating human emotion to me, with no hidden agenda or “flaw” that I had to solve.  He was truly a hero.

“So…” he said with a smile.  “Would you like to go to NASCAR tonight?”, in reference to his strange idea of a first real date—a racing event.

I didn’t give a damn about racing, but I couldn’t wipe the joy from my face at that moment.  “Yes, yes, I do!”

Alan was a good lover, if you don’t mind me sharing the more intimate details with you, darling.  I couldn’t help but think that he made love the way he approached putting out a fire.  My heat, my passion was aflame.  He tore off my clothes like he was kicking down a door, no shyness, just testosterone and adrenaline.  His grunting and panting turned me on and I became wet as soon as he started kissing my breasts.  His lips were fiery.  His body was emanating heat.  His chest was hairy and masculine, but just the perfect amount of scratch, caressing my sensitive skin.  I loved the way he just raised up his arm and pulled his shirt off in one swoop, so confidently, so sure of what he wanted. 

And he wanted all of me, I tell you.  He turned me around and began kissing my ass, firmly embracing my cheeks with his mouth and teeth and unleashing his forbidden desires.  So many men before him went for the most obvious parts.  Alan wanted to please me.  Every move he made was to please me, and he didn’t stop kissing my asscheeks until I was panting, grabbing bedsheets and whispering his name.

“What do you want?” he said in a gruff voice. 

“Anything…” I whispered.

He moved it closer, putting his lips right against my pussy lips, leaving me breathless and moaning.  “Yes…”

He even moved his lips farther south, grazing my asshole with his tongue, a forbidden sensation that I liked.  All I could say as he ate me out so vigorously, so intent on fulfilling my every whim, was the only word that’s been on my mind as of late…


He was a man of action.  I took him in my mouth just long enough to get him hard because he was anxious to prove to me his stamina.  I had no doubt.  I knew he was an all-nighter type of guy.  His body was chiseled and his movements graceful.  As soon as his penis entered me, I squealed in delight, feeling his hard erection bump and grind inside, and knowing I was going to stay that way—filled up and with a fluttering stomach for long minutes…maybe hours. 

The texture of his body rolling on mine was soft and firm.  His smell was masculine, overwhelming my nostrils and making me quiver.  My lips licked his shoulders, his neck muscles and his upper chest, eager to taste his sweat.  His moaning voice became louder, less controlled, as he continued thrusting hard into me, but with no end in sight.  For the first time ever, I knew I was going to come just from penetration alone.  Then I looked into his eyes—his loving and fiery eyes ever focused on me—and I couldn’t resist coming.  And coming.  And coming again. 

Our moments of afterglow were just as good as our reckless passion.  Everything about the man seemed perfect, from his sensitive voice, to his rowdy and boyish laugh when he cracked a much needed joke to break the awkward tension, to even the calming sounds of his relaxed breathing.

“You’re too good to be true, you know.”

“Maybe I am.  Maybe you’re dreaming,” he laughed.

“Maybe I am,” I said in all seriousness.  I felt like I was dangling a priceless golden cup in my hand—a cup I was too afraid to even hold, in fear I might damage it.  Not that the man himself was fragile, but I was just so clumsy.  Even then, tucked away in comfort and security, my mind wouldn’t stop asking questions.

What if someone else comes along?  Would I still say yes?  It’s not like Alan has put a ring on my finger.

I ignored the angry voices in my hand, hand-to-hand with Alan, soaking up our morning after in all its glory.





              The sad thing is, Alan probably would put a ring on my finger, if I had really wanted it, if I had done anything to let him know that I was giddy in love with him.  But I was the one who backed off.  I didn’t call him the next day, or the next day, and tried to make myself scarce.  I don’t know if it was instinct, or just that I was afraid that he really would propose out of the blue.  He was strong all right…but unpredictable.  That’s what scared me.

              Finally, I look his call and sure enough, he reassured that everything was good between us.  “I don’t want to come on too strong either,” he said.  “I don’t like to be needy.  I don’t like trying to force anything, you know?”  His voice was controlled, but I did hear a faint voice of ache even behind his proud words.  “I don’t have to see you every day.  But I do want to see you sometimes.  I would like to keep things exclusive with you.  Because I like you.  That’s all I’m thinking.  Nothing big and dramatic besides that.”

I smiled and my heart fluttered.  “I want to keep things exclusive with you, too.  I’m just tired of the whole dating game, honestly, I am.”

“So let’s take it one step at a time.”

“Yes.  I’d like that.  I really like you.  And I don’t want to mess things up.  Like I always do.”

It was strange, that I suddenly shifted the blame in my series of lifetime disappointments.  Before it was always the men, or the circumstances that brought me down.  However, now, in my era of liberation, I felt I was truly the one at fault.  I was the impulsive wreck trying to keep still and not panic just because something good was happening in my life.

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