Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2)

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Shane’s Fall

Sloane Kennedy

Shane’s Fall is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Copyright © 2015 by Sloane Kennedy


Published in the United States by Sloane Kennedy

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover Image: ©


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The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:




Boy Scouts Club of America




Chapter 1


The hotel room wasn’t exactly a dump, but it wasn’t what he was used to either. Shane Matthews looked around the room as he worked the buttons of his dress shirt free. Most of his clients typically spared no expense when fulfilling their fantasies, which wasn’t surprising. With the amount of money they were paying for his services, it made sense to go all out and get the whole package. The hotel was located just north of the city and the view sucked – he liked it when he could fuck the woman while she was pressed up against a huge window with the busy Seattle streets just below, tourists and residents alike completely oblivious as they hurried down the sidewalk. Every once in a while a customer would balk at his demand, but a little dirty talk and the forbidden threat of being discovered had them plastered up against that glass in no time, their hot breath steaming up the window as he brought them the pleasure they had bought and paid for.

Escorting had become a way of life for him, as easy and straightforward as eating or going to the store. After all, he’d been at it for more than seven years. The fact that it no longer fueled his adrenaline to be paid to fuck a woman senseless was something he didn’t spend a lot of time dwelling on. As the thrill had started to wane, he had tried experimenting with more risqué excursions including some S&M crap that he still didn’t get and the occasional “fuck me while my husband watches” kink. There was always an initial rush at trying something different, but it never lasted. So he’d gone back to his roots and focused on doing what he did best; becoming whoever his clients wanted him to be.

He toed off his shoes and went to work on his pants. His customer still hadn’t made an appearance, but he could see a light under the closed bathroom door so he assumed that was where she was hiding. He could hear water running but nothing else. He’d been given pretty specific instructions so he didn’t call out or knock on the door. A quick glance around the room indicated a woman’s jacket thrown over the back of the desk chair so he felt a little better knowing that the chances that his customer really was a woman were good. He didn’t usually accept new clients via email but, this one’s request had interested him and the fact that she had his email address at all meant she either knew one of his other customers or he had given her his card at some point because he had been intrigued by her – a rare occurrence, but not unheard of.

She had only referred to herself as “S” in the email and had indicated she wanted to play out a control fantasy. The unusual part was that she wanted to be the one in control. While that part had caught his attention, her insistence that he be tied up as well as blindfolded for the duration of their time together had been what had made him hit the reply button. He’d agreed to everything she asked for except the tying up part because as much as his body had hardened at the idea of a woman temporarily taking his control from him, he wasn’t stupid enough to put himself in a complete stranger’s hands with no way to defend himself. He was probably pushing it with the blindfold part, but he figured his instincts were well-honed enough that he’d be able to sense if she wasn’t on the up and up. And truthfully, when he had felt that little prick of excitement that came with the unknown, he’d felt something he hadn’t felt in a while. Sure, things could go really wrong really fast, but he was willing to risk it if it meant he could just escape the darkness that seemed to be wrapping its fingers around every part of his soul these days.

Shane pulled a couple of condom packets from his pants and tossed them on the nightstand before he removed the pants and kicked them aside.
‘Always be prepared’
– wasn’t that the Boy Scout motto? Probably not what they had in mind, but a good lesson all the same. Grabbing the dark red blindfold - which actually appeared to just be a generic sleep mask - from the nightstand, Shane got up on the bed and positioned himself so that he was lying flat with his hands folded behind his head. While his customer had finally agreed to him not being bound, she’d been insistent that he couldn’t touch her. It was strange, he thought, but his entire career was built on strange so who was he to judge? The woman obviously had some need to be in control of everything that went on and if it got her off, then all the power to her – that’s what he was here for, after all.

As he waited, he ran through the rest of his week in his mind. Classes started in a few weeks so he could fit in a few more client sessions each week until then, but then he would have to start paring it down to one or two a week. Just thinking about getting through his final year of law school had the pressure building in his chest. Less than a year left of freedom and then he’d be joining his dad’s firm in Chicago as planned. It had all been worked out years ago and like the good son he was, he’d made it to the finish line. Didn’t matter how he got there, as long as he crossed it.

The sound of a door opening snapped him from his thoughts and his ears honed in on the sound of someone approaching. A single set of footsteps, light and soft. Some of the tension eased as he confirmed that whoever it was was alone. So far so good. As the steps grew closer, he detected a light floral scent, perfume or body wash probably. Very feminine. Another sigh of relief. He couldn’t see through the blindfold, but knew he could have it off in a millisecond if he needed to. He clasped his hands together tightly so that he wouldn’t be tempted to do just that and waited. He could hear her - at least he was 99 percent sure it was a her - breathing softly as she stopped next to him. Sensing her gaze running the length of his body, he felt his dick start to harden. He knew she probably liked what she saw – he’d been fortunate to inherit his father’s tall, muscular frame but his mother’s golden looks. He wasn’t a muscle head like his buddy Gabe, but he took care of himself and women always seemed to appreciate it. Gabe’s girlfriend, Riley, was always commenting on his shaggy, blonde hair and had offered to trim it more than once for him, but he also caught her admiring it on more than one occasion and he knew it was good just the way it was.

A good minute passed, but Shane kept his mouth shut and let the woman have her fill of him. He was surprised to feel her fingers briefly brush against his lips, almost reverently. He was tempted to suck the tip of one into his mouth, but held himself back – this was her game. A moment later the fingers were gone and he heard her move around to the other side of the bed. The bed barely dipped under her weight as she climbed onto it so he was guessing she had a lighter frame. He felt her knees press against his outer thigh and he pictured her kneeling next to him as she examined him, like he was a buffet laid out for her enjoyment – in reality, that’s what he was.

For all the times had had done a similar perusal to a woman, it felt strange to be the one being looked at. The woman’s fingertips drifted over his chest and down to his abdomen before coming to a stop. Sensation shot through him and he forced back a curse. She’d barely touched him and he had felt it everywhere. She might as well have used a live wire on him. He tensed, silently begging her hand to move further down his body to the part that needed to feel her the most, but she stroked back up his abdomen and circled one of his nipples, then the other. And even though her touch wasn’t sensual at this point, more curious than anything else, he felt like he was going to explode. What the hell was happening to him? Seconds passed and then her hand was stroking up one of his bent arms, stopping just short of where his hand lay under his head.

Shane let out a sigh of relief when her hand disappeared, but then nearly shot off the bed when he felt her lips brush his chest. He forced himself to remain still, but when he felt her hair brush his nipple he nearly came on the spot. An image of long, black hair flashed through his mind followed by a set of wide, pale blue eyes. No, he wouldn’t do that – he wouldn’t picture
while he was working. He felt a hand put pressure on his chest and then suddenly her lips were on his, a fleeting touch. He hadn’t expected kissing at all and he guessed she hadn’t planned on it either because he could sense her hovering just above him, her lips just inches from his, her breathing now heavy. If he lifted his head just a little bit, he’d be able to get that lush mouth back on his. Before he could even tell himself why it was a bad idea, her lips were back and brushing his with feather light kisses, one right after the other. After a few seconds he returned each soft kiss and a warning light went on in his head that this was getting way too heavy; too emotionally charged. But his body wasn’t listening because his tongue skated across her plump lips and she gasped and stilled.

He waited for what seemed like forever and then her mouth was pressed back against his, more demanding this time, but still not sure what it was actually seeking. The word ‘inexperienced’ was flashing through his head like a set of hazard lights warning of dangerous conditions ahead, but he didn’t care as he opened to her in silent invitation. When her tongue finally slipped inside, his was there to meet it, to welcome it. He sealed their mouths together and sucked on her tongue and then followed it back into her mouth so he could search every surface. The fingers of one of his hands bit into the wrist of the other and he briefly wondered if he would have bruises tomorrow. But he knew if he didn’t keep a death grip on his arm, it would rip free of its moorings and snake around to grab her by the head so he could plunder her mouth the way he really wanted to.

She finally pulled back from the kiss so she could catch her breath and that’s when he noticed the fabric rubbing over his chest as she leaned across him. She was still wearing a shirt, but he was sure her legs had been bare when she had shimmied up against him earlier. It took everything in him not to rip the blindfold off so he could see her. He’d never been affected this much, this fast and he had no idea what she even looked like. Fingers drifted down his chin, along his neck and then down his chest. He held his breath when her hand continued down to his pelvis and skittered to a stop near the base of his cock, the tips of her fingers testing the light, rough hair surrounding his hard length. She shifted her weight and he instantly missed the warmth of her body pressed against his. But then her hand was moving again and she trailed her thumb against his base as her fingers gently closed around him. His cock was aching now, almost painful, and he heard her breathing increase as she began slowly stroking him. As pre-cum leaked from his top, she smeared it with her fingers around the head.

On her next down stroke he instinctively lifted his hips up and she hesitated for a moment before stroking him again. “Tighter,” he muttered harshly, his voice sounding loud in the quiet room. She stilled for several seconds, probably caught off guard by his voice and his guttural command, and then tightened her grip as she dragged her hand up and down his length. Heat rushed through his body and he began reciting criminal codes in his head to try to keep his raging body under control. But when he felt her tongue explore the head of his dick, he let out a harsh moan and started to reach for her. Luckily she was too busy to notice and he caught himself and forced his hands back under his head.

She licked him up and down several times as her hands explored his balls and then she took his length into her mouth. He instinctively thrust further down her throat and instantly felt bad when she started to gag. She was clearly a novice at this, but his body didn’t care and for once, he couldn’t control his responses. Even now his hips were pushing back up to try and seek out as much of her warm mouth as it could. She used her hand at his base to keep him from choking her but didn’t pull off. When she added suction he yelled out, “Stop or I’m gonna come!”

She seemed startled by his words, but gently released him. He was glad he had the blindfold on or she’d be able to see how humiliated he was that he couldn’t control his reaction to her. He was supposed to be this Sex God who could last for hours, but she had him ready to come like some horny teenager in the back of a beat up old car with the older and much more experienced captain of the cheerleading squad. He sucked in several deep breaths and waited to see what she would do next. When a minute passed, and then another, he started to worry that she was done – that he’d fucked this up so bad that he’d turned her off. But then he felt the silky skin of her inner thigh brush his leg as she shifted her weight so she could sit astride him. At some point, she had grabbed one of the condoms off the night stand or she had her own because she was trying to get it down his length, her hands fumbling at the task. He could tell she was still wearing the shirt, but her lower half was bare, evidenced by the heat radiating from her core against his thighs.

After several torturous starts and stops, the condom finally sheathed him and he felt her hesitate for a moment as if wondering what to do next. She finally leaned forward over him and he felt the brush of her breasts against his chest through the fabric of her shirt. He imagined what they would taste like, but the thought was short-lived as he felt her hand fumble between them before closing around his dick. It took her several tries, but she finally got it positioned against her opening and then lowered her weight down. He felt the tip press inside her but knew instantly what the problem was. He heard her harsh breathing grow more rapid as frustration kicked in. She was bearing down on him, but there was little progress and he heard her whimpers of frustration turn to tears. As she grew more desperate, she tried to force herself farther down on him and he knew it had to be causing her some discomfort, if not downright pain.

“Sweetheart, your body isn’t ready for me yet,” he said softly. She chocked back the sad little cries that had been escaping her throat and eased off of him a little bit, unsure what to do next. He sensed she was on the verge of giving up and he really didn’t want that, although he refused to wonder why it mattered so much to him either way. She was braced on her knees over him, her hand pressed against his chest for support, the tip of his cock still pressed to her entrance.

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