Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2)
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Chapter 15


Savannah trudged into the dark house, every limb in her body rejecting even the simplest of moves like taking a step forward. After the drama of this morning, she was completely spent. She’d managed to call in to work sick at some point, but must have been on autopilot when she’d done it because the only evidence she’d even remembered that she was supposed to be in class was a text from the principal letting her know he’d found a substitute and asking her to let him know if she would need tomorrow off as well. Deciding to play it safe, she’d said yes even though she felt guilty for lying about being ill. But the truth was that she was just too wrung out to be of use to anyone.

Gabe had tried to talk her into spending the day with him, but she’d stood her ground and refused and he had reluctantly left her at the gym. She’d managed to get cleaned up in the women’s locker room, but hadn’t wanted to go home so she was still wearing the same dress and shoes that she’d put on with such care yesterday in preparation for her dinner date with Shane. It seemed like a lifetime ago. So instead of going home, she’d gotten in her car, filled up the gas tank and then pointed the car west. It was a short drive to the ferry and the wait wasn’t long for a spot on the huge boat since it was a weekday morning and she was going in the opposite direction of rush hour traffic. The ferry ride had been short, but feeling that breeze caress her skin as she stood at the front end of the massive boat had felt like Shane was skimming his fingertips all over her.

As soon as the ferry docked, she just started driving. She went up and around the Olympic Peninsula. Her little car trudged up the side of a mountain so she could admire the endless view of the snow-capped Olympic mountain range and then it got her safely to the beach where she walked along the wet sand as the Pacific Ocean lapped at her toes. Hours passed as she put miles and miles behind her. The pain was still there though when she finally had to turn the car back north and make the long, slow drive back to the city. There was no big breakthrough or life-changing decision, but she’d made it through the day and that was what mattered. She’d make it through the next one too and each one after that.

There’d been no calls or texts from Shane after the one he’d sent this morning making sure she was safe. But there’d been several from Riley and Gabe and a few missed calls from her brother. It had taken her a good ten minutes to talk Riley out of coming over for a girl’s night of ice cream and tears and she’d sent a text as soon as she pulled in the driveway letting Logan know she was home. No lights were on in the house, testament that her brother was working more long hours. She’d hoped to tell him the truth tonight about the attack, but it was nearing ten o’clock and she wasn’t sure she had it in her to stay up long enough to wait for Logan, let alone have the emotional strength she would need to come clean.

After dumping her purse and jacket on the kitchen table, she made her way up the stairs of the quiet house, her mother’s antique Grandfather clock the only sound to accompany her. She entered her room and kicked off her shoes. One of them hit the wall with a thump but she ignored it and made her way to the bed. She didn’t even have the energy to remove her dress or pull back the covers so she just dropped down onto the bedspread and let her body sink into the soft bedding. But it hit her instantly that something was wrong – very wrong. Something cold and wet seeped into her dress and slid against her the bare skin of her arms and legs and she instinctively scrambled from the bed. She fumbled for the lamp on her nightstand and then screamed at the sight before her. Blood was all over the pretty bedspread, the dark red stains now imprinted with where her body had lain. It covered her arms and legs too and likely the back of her dress. It was sticky and congealed but still fresh enough that is trickled down her skin in eerie streaks.

“Oh God,” she cried as she leaned over and emptied the contents of her stomach on the floor. She retched for several seconds as the scent of blood wafted through her nose. She reached for her cell phone, but realized she’d left it in the kitchen. The cordless phone was on her dresser so she stumbled over to it and snatched it up and dialed 911. But when she pressed it to her ear there was nothing – no ringing, no dial tone. She desperately pressed buttons but nothing happened. Her eyes shifted to the bed once more, then the rest of the room. Everything was exactly as it should be except for the bed. A chill ran through her and she ran out of the room.

Her instinct was to get to her cell phone, but when she reached the top step she hesitated. Whoever had done this could be long gone or still in the house. She hadn’t noticed anything off when she’d come inside, but she’d also been too tired to pay any attention. She grabbed the banister as she slowly started down the staircase, her ears listening for any sound. All she heard was the tick tock from the clock. Her slick, blood covered hand slipped along the wood as she began her descent. Her breath sound heavy to her own ears and it seemed to take hours to reach the bottom stair. She stilled again and listened, but there was nothing different.

She made it to entryway of the kitchen but froze when she heard what sounded like footsteps just outside the kitchen door. There was a shade on the upper portion of the door and since it was drawn, she couldn’t see anything on the other side. Her phone was several feet away and as the doorknob rattled as someone tried it, she knew she wouldn’t reach the phone in time. She grabbed a knife from the butcher block and watched in horror as the door swung open.



“Savannah, what the hell?” Shane heard Logan say as his friend flipped on the light after opening the kitchen door. He’d gotten a call earlier from Logan asking him for a ride home since his car wouldn’t start. Sam was covering the bar for the rest of the night and Logan hadn’t been able to reach Savannah to come get him. He had heard the fear niggling Logan’s voice at being unable to reach his sister all day and he’d had to bite back his confession that he was the cause of his sister’s silence. They’d both been relieved when Logan received a text just a few minutes ago from Savannah letting him know she was home safe and sound. He’d debated whether he should come in when Logan asked him if he wanted to stay for a quick drink, but had decided it was time to come clean to his friend. When he heard the surprise and shock in Logan’s voice as he said his sister’s name, Shane quickly pushed past him and ground to a halt at the sight before him.

She was standing in the entryway between the kitchen and the living room, still wearing the same dress from the day before. Blood ran down her arms and legs and she held a huge butcher knife in her hand, her arm stiff next to her body as if readying for an attack. Her eyes were wild with fear and she sobbed in relief when she saw them.

“Jesus, Savannah?” he said as he hurried to her and grabbed her by the upper arms, ignoring the blood that instantly stained his hands.

“I didn’t,” she stuttered, her voice broken and harsh with fear. “I didn’t hurt myself,” she stammered as the knife clattered to the floor. “I swear Shane, I didn’t.”

“I know sweetheart,” he said instantly and he felt her relax marginally beneath him. “Tell me what happened,” he ordered firmly.

“Upstairs. In my room. Blood on my bed.” Her words were clipped and he felt her start to shake as the adrenaline started to wear off.

Logan was moving before he could even say anything and disappeared upstairs. Shane pulled her into his arms and said, “You’re safe now. You’re safe,” He whispered it over and over as she began to sob against his chest. He used one hand to dig out his phone from his pants pocket. He called 911 and gave them the address.

“Logan?” he shouted as he hung up. “Cops are on the way!”

“It’s all clear up here,” his friend yelled back down.

Savannah was saying something against his chest and he pulled her back so he could understand her. “Mr. Pickles,” she kept saying over and over. He realized then that she suspected the blood might be from her pet. He pulled her back against him and kissed her forehead as he told her it would be okay even though he couldn’t guarantee that it would be.

Logan returned and he handed Savannah to him so he could go take a look at her room for himself. He hurried up the stairs and then stopped at the sight in her bedroom. He stared in shock at the blood that had soaked her bedding. Fear seeped through him as he imagined her lying there in it, her eyes closed, the blood seeping from her body. His hand clenched the doorframe at the image of her lifeless body and he forced it away. He focused on what was in front of him and then realized that there was too much blood to belong to a cat. Hope went through him and he began a slow, methodical search of the upstairs rooms. He found the animal in Logan’s bedroom closet. He managed to grab the very freaked out cat and felt its nails rake into his chest as he cuddled it and tried to sooth the animal with his voice and hands. It finally settled down and he took the cat downstairs.

Savannah was still in Logan’s arms when he returned to the kitchen and she cried out in joy at the sight of her pet.

“Mr. Pickles! Oh God, thank you, thank you,” she whispered as she took the cat from him and clutched him against her chest. She reached up to kiss him on the cheek but the image of her body was still stuck in his head and he needed more so he settled his mouth over hers. It lasted just seconds, but gave him the reassurance that he needed that she was okay. Her brother’s eyes flashed when Shane glanced at him, but the sound of sirens and flashing lights in the driveway bought him some time.



Savannah sat stiffly on the couch as more and more cops came and went. Mr. Pickles sat quietly in her arms, his soft breathing keeping her calm. He’d been clean when Shane handed him to her, but she’d been too relieved to see him alive and well to think about washing her hands before she grabbed her pet. As a result, his beautiful white fur was now stained red. Shane sat to one side of her, his thigh pressed against hers as his hand stroked her knee. Her brother sat on her other side, his hand supporting her back. The police had asked her endless questions, but she couldn’t remember most of her answers. She kept seeing the blood and now she felt like she could taste it. Shane had used a washcloth to get most of it off her hands but at some point she must have touched her lips because the coppery taste lingered. She wished Shane would kiss her again so she could taste him instead.

“We should know what kind of blood it is by tomorrow,” the police officer was saying. They had found the point of entry into the house. A broken window and popped out screen in the basement. A shudder ran through her that someone had been in her house, in her room and she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to go back in there.

“You folks should find someplace else to stay tonight.”

“We will,” Logan said.

At the same time, Shane said, “They can stay with me.”

It took another hour for the cops to finish asking their questions. Logan had tried to convince her that they should leave immediately but she had refused. She could live without her things, but she absolutely could not go another step without getting the blood off of her. He’d finally agreed to let her shower and had brought her some of her clothes that he’d found in the laundry room. When she looked in the mirror, she almost vomited again. Her skin was deathly white against the dark red of the smeared blood. Her beautiful pink dress was ruined. She turned the water on in the shower and then reached for the fastenings on her dress. That was when she heard the first crash.



Logan pounced the second Savannah was safely ensconced in the upstairs bathroom. He didn’t struggle when Logan slammed him into a wall and said, “Did you touch her?”

Shane remained silent and Logan punched him. “My sister?” he screamed as he threw another punch. Instinct had Shane putting up his arm in defense, but he made no move to strike back. His friend threw him across the room and he stumbled hard against the coffee table. “You fucked my goddamn sister?” Logan’s body slammed into his and they hit the coffee table which splintered beneath them. With the wind knocked out of him, he was defenseless against Logan’s next blow.

“I trusted you!” Shane felt his lip split with the next punch and then saw stars as Logan slammed his head down against the floor. “You were like my brother!”

“Logan, stop it!” Shane heard her voice but it sounded like it was far away. Another vicious punch from Logan. “Stop it!” she shouted again and then he saw her standing in the middle of the stairs, still covered in blood. He wanted to tell her it was okay and to go back upstairs and get cleaned up, but he was having trouble forming the words. “Logan, stop it! He was helping me!”

Her words seemed to have no impact as he received another head slam. “I was raped!” she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. “Logan, I was raped!”

He felt Logan freeze above him. Seconds dragged by and then he heard Logan whisper, “No,” as he scrambled off Shane and turned to face his sister who was still standing on the stairs, tears streaming down her cheeks. When she turned her eyes on him, she cried out and hurried down the stairs to his side.

“I’m all right,” he managed to say as he pushed himself up. “Finish it,” he said to her as she tried to help him sit up. She turned her attention back to her brother who stood in horrified shock above them.

“It happened when I was seventeen,” she began.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Logan managed to utter as the harsh truth of what she was saying began to sink in.

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