Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Shane's Fall (The Escort Series Book 2)
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As their bodies eased and started to relax, he watched her carefully release him and then she raised her hand up to study the white fluid coating some of her fingers. His body instantly hardened when she looked at him as if asking permission. With his nod, he watched her little pink tongue dart out and lick her hand so she could taste him.

“Jesus,” he muttered as he automatically stroked her clit. Only at her soft shutter did he remember that he still had his hands in her pants. Realizing that his body already wanted hers again, he carefully disengaged his hand and then gently lowered her so she was sitting on the couch.

“I’ll be right back,” he said softly as straightened his clothes. She watched him in silence, still dazed. He returned within moments, a damp washcloth in his hand, a fresh T-shirt replacing the cum-stained one. She blushed as he cleaned her hand off with the washcloth.

“Is it always like that?” she finally asked him.

He desperately wanted to lie to her but couldn’t, so he shook his head. When she mistook his response as saying it hadn’t been good and her face fell, he gripped her chin in his hand and forced her eyes up to his. “It’s never been like that for me. Never.” His firm tone made it clear that he meant what he said.

She smiled shyly and then dropped her eyes to her lap. “Thank you Shane. Even if this is all it ever is…thank you.” She suddenly gave him a quick hug and then stood. “I should probably get going. I have to work tomorrow.”

“Right,” he said and then reached for his phone. “I have something for you. It’s the number for someone you can talk to – a professional.” She stiffened at his words and he hated having to remind her of the fact that they had an agreement that included his conditions. But she nodded as they both heard her phone announcing the arrival of his text. She started making her way to his door and then stopped and spun around so suddenly that he nearly ran into her.

“Will I get to see you again?” she blurted out, heat suffusing her already bright cheeks.

Instead of answering her, he leaned down and kissed her hard, his tongue not asking for permission as it swept into her mouth. She instantly wrapped her arms around his waist and he used his hands on each side of her neck to control her movement so he could dominate the kiss. When he finally pulled back, they were both breathless.

“We can do dinner after your session at the gym.” He felt her fingers tighten and she looked at him in confusion. “I signed you up for a self-defense course.”

She started to protest but then snapped her mouth shut and he could see she was mulling the idea over. He was worried that his high-handedness would piss her off, but when he felt her fingers relax against his sides, he knew he had bypassed the storm.

“Okay,” she said.

He rewarded her with another kiss, but when he felt her warmth press against him and his cock sprang to life again, he forced himself to release her and took a step back. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

She smiled serenely at him and he couldn’t help but be arrogantly pleased with himself, knowing he had put that happy, sated look on her face.

“Okay,” she said again. When he felt his body tighten at her submissive tone, he quickly grabbed her jacket and purse off the side table, grabbed her hand, and nearly dragged her out of the apartment.



“Another hot date?”

Savannah practically jumped out of her skin at her brother’s voice and she slammed her back against the kitchen door so hard she was sure the doorknob would leave marks on her spine.

“Jesus, Logan, you scared the crap out of me!” she shrieked.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a ledger open flat in front of him, a cup of coffee near his hand. The kitchen wasn’t completely dark, but he appeared to only be using the light they routinely left on above the sink to do his work by.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were working.”

“Sam offered to cover for me so I could get some paperwork done,” he said, motioning to the ledger in front of him.

“Where’s your car?” She knew her voice sounded high-pitched and almost accusing, but she was still on edge from being caught completely off guard.

“It’s out front. I left the driveway for you to use,” he said, suspicion creeping into his voice at her odd behavior. Thoughts of Shane had taken over as soon as he helped her into her car, but not before he’d turned her into mush with another one of his devastating kisses. Her lips still tingled and she barely stopped herself from reaching up to touch them.

“Savannah!” She jumped as she heard her name. Logan was watching her with obvious frustration.

“What?” she asked, realizing that he had asked her a question but she had no idea what it was.

“I asked if you went out with that guy from your class again.”

Crap. She hated lying to him, but she certainly couldn’t tell him who she’d been with, much less what they’d been doing. “Um, no, I just had dinner and caught a movie with a friend.” That was close enough to the truth, right? Before he could question her further, she hung up her jacket and then hurried passed him. “Goodnight Logan.” She heard him mutter the same back to her as she darted out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Mr. Pickles was on the bed and greeted her with a soft meow when she hurried into the room and shut the door. She dropped down on her bed and the cat immediately started climbing all over her. She automatically ran her hands over the animal’s soft fur, but her thoughts were once again on Shane.

She hadn’t meant to fall asleep and definitely not on him. She hadn’t even managed to make it through the movie; not that she had really watched any of it because she’d been too nervous at Shane’s proximity to pay attention to what was going on on the television. She’d felt like she was on fire in all the places his body had been pressed up against hers and she’d had to stifle a cry of protest when he’d gotten up to answer the door for their Chinese food.

They’d eaten in silence as the movie played and when she was done, the combination of good food and a hard, warm male body did her in and she’d fallen asleep. When she’d come to, she’d found herself sprawled over him and felt his fingers playing with the strands of her hair. It would have been smart to pull back and move away, but she hadn’t been able to force herself to do it – it had just felt too good to feel his strong heartbeat under her fingers as she’d caressed him.

Her desire to know more about him had led to her questions about his brother and hearing the truth had been upsetting. She’d regretted almost instantly that she’d dampened their night with such a dark topic. She couldn’t remember actually meeting his brother when she was younger since Logan had lived in the dorms at that time and she’d lived at home with their parents. Michael’s death had come a couple months before her parents’ own deaths. Knowing that he’d taken his own life and that Shane had to deal with the guilt of that had broken her heart, but she was grateful that he’d been willing to share so much of himself with her.

Kissing him hadn’t been part of her plan at all and she definitely hadn’t intended to crawl all over him like a monkey before she even got her lips on his. It was like something inside had just taken over her body and knew what it needed. There’d been no fear this time and she wasn’t sure if that was because he hadn’t reached for her or if it was because her body instinctively knew he wouldn’t hurt her. A thrill had run through her when he finally kissed her back and her insides had melted when he told her to pull him free of the confinement of his jeans. It was thrilling to know she’d put him into that state and the rush of removing his cock from his pants while he forced himself to keep his hands off her had given her the strength she needed to follow through with the task.

Seeing his hard, nearly purple cock leaking that clear fluid against her fingers had turned her on in a way that she didn’t know was possible and she’d only managed to give him a few strokes before she felt the need to rub up against him. Sensation had shot through her body as her clit came into contact with his hardness and the pure want had taken over as she gyrated against him, searching for more. Grabbing his hand had been bold, but she’d known he could give her what she desperately craved and within seconds of his hand touching her, she felt everything inside tighten up into an almost unbearable coil of raw need.

She’d had no idea what she was reaching for but as it sucked her in, she’d felt a moment of panic and had tried to draw back. But his deep, gentle voice – strangled with his own desire – had given her the lifeline she needed as she flung herself over the edge. Everything had gone dark for a split second and then it was like lights and sparks lashed through every cell in her body. She’d had absolutely no control as her body twisted and thrashed against his and it had been unbelievably freeing.

As the liquid fire had raced through her veins, she had felt his hips push up and his cock thickened in her hand and then suddenly there was hot liquid splashing down over her fingers and all over his chest and abdomen. She’d wished she had thought to push up his shirt so she could see the milky white fluid covering his rippling muscles. It would have been more fun to learn his taste that way. Heat washed through her cheeks as she remembered the look he had given her when she licked the salty, bitter substance from her finger.

When he had pulled free of her and gone to get the washcloth, a rush of doubt had swept through her. The silence had been awkward and she should have kept her mouth shut because a sexually self-confident woman wouldn’t desperately need her partner’s reassurance. And then the words had just tumbled from her mouth and then a rush of humiliation when he shook his head. But his next words had had her flying high. If he was telling her the truth that it had never been like that for him with another woman, then maybe it meant there was something more than the obvious physical attraction between them. She knew it was a risky line of thought, but her heart refused to crush that little shard of hope that had flared to life.

The talk about seeing a therapist as well as his decision to sign her up for self-defense course had been a stark reminder of why he was doing this, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be angry. She wasn’t as sure about the therapist, but she wanted desperately to be free of the darkness that still had a grip on her. And the idea of learning how to defend herself was quickly growing on her. It surprised her that it had never even crossed her mind to look into something like that – she supposed she had just gotten used to being a victim and her perspective was skewed. If nothing else happened between her and Shane, she’d at least be grateful that he had shown her what her body was capable of and that maybe, just maybe, she was strong enough to defend it from anyone or anything ever hurting it again, even if that person was herself.

Chapter 8


Shane knew he wasn’t going to be able to go through with what he’d agreed to. He’d thought he could keep Savannah separate from his professional life, but still maintain the emotional distance he would need. But last night had fucked with his head big time.

“More coffee honey?” Nell asked as she went ahead and filled up his nearly empty mug. He’d barely touched the food in front of him, but was on his third cup of coffee and it was barely noon.

“Thanks Nell.”

“Sure thing.” She looked at him fondly and then wandered off to see to her other customers. It had been a spur of the moment decision to have lunch at the diner, but one look at Nell’s pleased expression as he walked through the door and he’d known it was the right choice. He took another long draw on the bitter coffee and then forced a French fry into his mouth. The delicious combination of salt and grease flooded his taste buds, but there was no pleasure in it. He chewed automatically and finally gave up and pushed the plate away from him.

“Nell’s gonna skin you alive if you don’t eat that,” Riley said as she suddenly dropped into the seat across from him. Gabe’s girlfriend wasn’t beautiful in the typical sense, but something about her always made him feel a little lighter inside. Her long blonde hair was neatly braided and she wore a set of scrubs with puppies and kittens on them.

He pushed the plate across the table to her and she snagged a fry. Her gray eyes bore into him as she leaned back against the cushion and studied him.

“This is our table you know,” she remarked casually.

He looked around and realized that they were in fact sitting in the same booth they’d sat in all those months ago when he had told her about Gabe’s childhood in hopes that she would understand the circumstances that had shaped the broody man’s dark life. That was also the day Shane had told her what he did for a living.

“Let me guess. Nell,” he stated as he cast a look over to the counter where Nell was serving customers. The woman gave him a big, unabashed smile and then winked at him.

“Gabe said he met you here yesterday and Nell gave you the third degree. Since you can’t take it upon yourself to show up for family dinner or answer any of my calls, I asked Nell to keep an eye out for you in case you showed up here again today.” She grabbed another fry and then pushed the plate back towards him. “You should eat – you look like you’re’ losing weight.”

He hadn’t, but he secretly enjoyed her nagging so he reached for the burger and took a bite.

“He misses you. We all do,” she said quietly.

“I’ve been busy,” he began.

“Bullshit,” she cut him off. The fact that she was swearing was a bad sign.

He put the burger down and leaned back. “What do you want Riley?”

“How about the truth? Why do you look like shit? Why does your smile never reach your eyes? Why are you lying to us? To me? Why do you keep pulling further and further away from us?”

Hurt accompanied every one of her words and he actually felt pain in his chest.

“What difference does it make? I’m out of here in less than a year. I’ve got a whole new life waiting for me.” He tried to inject excitement into his voice, but his words felt flat, even to his own ears.

“So you’re breaking up with us before we can break up with you?” she said snidely.

If she hadn’t been so upset, he would have found her analogy amusing. “I just have different priorities.” Might as well turn the knife a little deeper he thought.

She was silent for a long time, her eyes sharp and calculating as they studied him. He actually started to squirm under her intense gaze. The woman was definitely in the wrong profession – she belonged in a prison somewhere, intimidating criminals into confessions. She finally leaned forward, her arms folded on the table.

“Well, guess what Shane? You don’t get to walk away from this. We aren’t some girl you’re trying to ditch after a one night stand or some client who’s gotten a little bit too clingy for your liking. And we’re not “The Bitch” who doesn’t give a shit whether you’re coming or going. We’re your family.”

Her use of the nickname his friends had given Paige would have made him laugh, but pinpricks of fear were skittering up and down his spine because he believed every word she was saying. His friends were loyal, unbending. It had been idiotic to think he could just brush them off and they’d disappear. Frustration and anger boiled up. Why didn’t she get that he was trying to protect them from the truth? He wanted them to keep the image of good old, fun loving, happy go lucky Shane. He’d worked hard to keep them from knowing who he was inside, the demons that haunted him.

Shane stood up and pulled some money from his wallet. “You know what Riley? You’re not my family and unlike the rest of you, I already have a family, a real one.” She flinched when he said “real” but he forced himself to ignore it. “At best, you guys have been a placeholder.”

Sharp heat flooded through him at his own cruelty and his throat closed up as he tossed the money down on the table and walked away from her. The image of tears pooling in her eyes caused his own eyes to burn, but he forced himself to walk out of the diner, ignoring Nell’s confused and hurt look as he slammed out the door.



Savannah was nervous as she entered the gym. She’d changed into sweats before she left school so she wouldn’t have to deal with changing in the gym’s locker room. Shane had given her directions to the gym which was north of the city, but she’d been surprised to find that it wasn’t some big fancy fitness place. In fact, if she hadn’t confirmed the address twice, she wouldn’t have known it was the gym at all. As she entered, she expected to see walls and walls of various workout machines but there was none. No weight machines either. She came to a stop when she realized she wasn’t actually in a gym but a boxing center. In the middle of the room was a boxing ring where two bulky mean in headgear and gloves were pounding on each other. Along the sides stood several men shouting instructions and encouragement and lining the back wall were various types of weights and boxing bags.

Terror went through her as she realized there weren’t any women around and when several men looked up from what they were doing, she nearly choked on her fear. That terrible itch began and she swung around to hurry back out the door.


She knew that voice. Turning around, she saw Gabe striding confidently towards her, his face etched with concern. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top that showed off his huge muscles and from the layer of sweat on his skin, she figured he’d already been working out before her arrival. She knew Gabe, trusted Gabe, she reminded herself, but couldn’t stop her body from automatically taking a few steps back as he closed the distance between them. He seemed to sense her tension because he stopped a good couple feet from her.

“How you doin, darling?” His voice was light, casual.

She managed a stiff nod, but nothing else.

“He didn’t tell you I would be the one teaching you today, did he?” When she shook her head, he chuckled and said, “He’s such an asshole.” She could tell he was kidding, but couldn’t force herself to relax enough to enjoy his teasing.

Hurt went through her at Shane’s betrayal. He’d told Gabe about what had happened to her. Her skin was crawling now and she started scratching at her left arm, her nails scraping over the scabs that had just started forming on the cuts that were there. Gabe seemed to sense her agitation and sharply called her name. His tone was firm, his voice authoritative when he said, “Savannah, look at me.”

Temporarily distracted by his commanding nature, she stopped her scratching and looked up.

“Shane didn’t betray you – he didn’t tell me anything other than you wanted to learn a few self-defense moves. That’s all I need to know.”

If she knew anything about Gabe, it was that he didn’t lie. The man was honest to a fault, sometimes too much so, and if he said Shane hadn’t told her secrets then she believed him. The itching eased, but she could still feel it there and she debated whether or not she should just go.



Gabe watched Savannah consider her options and felt his heart sink when he realized that whatever she’d been through was bad. It had been hard to not probe Shane for details, but one look at her stiff posture and her ready to flee stance gave him everything he needed to know. She kept rubbing her left arm and he guessed it was some type of subconscious, coping thing that she wasn’t even aware she was doing. He knew that teaching her self-defense was going to be a challenge because there was no way she’d be able to tolerate his hands on her, at least not until he’d reestablished some of the trust that he had just assumed would always be there between them. He hadn’t seen much of Savannah in recent years since she’d been gone at school, but early on when he and Michael had become friends with Logan, he remembered a gangly, always smiling Savannah trying to hone in on her big brother’s get togethers. She’d become like a little sister to all of them and guilt poured through him as he realized someone had hurt her at some point and none of them had known.

“How about we warm up with a couple of laps?” he said as he pointed to the small jogging track that the gym’s owner had been smart enough to install. It ran along the top of the wall and had been a significant expense, but allowed the gym goers access to a cardio workout when they didn’t have the time to run outside or the desire to be caught in a Seattle downpour.

She looked up at the track and then back at him. He sighed in relief at her nod, then led her to the stairs. They started off with a brisk walk and then a light jog. After a few laps he could see her starting to feel more comfortable in her stride so he took them back down to a walk and then led her down to the mats. She immediately tensed up when she realized what was next.

“Savannah, we’re just going to cover the basic movements today – no one is going to touch you or grab you in any way. If and when we get to that point, it will be when you’re ready and not a second sooner. Okay?”

She relaxed and he spent the next forty-five minutes breaking down various moves and showing them to her so she could mimic him.

“Nice,” he said when she completed the final move. She’d worked up a nice sweat and he was pleased to see that she seemed more at ease around him now.  “You ever try using a speed bag?”

“A what?” she asked in confusion.

He took that as a no and led her to one of the small punching bags nearby. “These are great for hand-eye coordination.” He didn’t mention that they were an excellent outlet for one’s frustrations too, but based on her earlier agitation, he guessed that she could use something to vent her anxiety on. He gave her a brief demo of how to hit the bag and then stepped back to let her try. Her hits were awkward at first and she laughed a couple times when she completely missed the bag all together. It was a good sound and he suddenly realized why Shane had sent her to him. He was an asshole but a smart one, Gabe mused.



Savannah’s arms felt like noodles, but satisfaction roared through her at her accomplishment. She’d kicked that little bag’s ass and it had felt great. Sure, hitting the bag in the beginning had felt weird and awkward, but after she got the rhythm going, it had felt smooth and natural. And when Gabe had patted her on the back afterwards, all she’d felt was pride. No, she wasn’t ready to go out walking the streets at night by herself, but maybe it was a start. She could have run when she realized Gabe would be her instructor, but she hadn’t. And even if Shane hadn’t revealed all her secrets, the fact that Gabe hadn’t touched her during their training indicated that he suspected what had happened to her. But she’d stuck it out and absorbed as much information as she could about the different techniques she could use to defend herself.

Electricity hummed through her all the way home. She took just a few minutes to get showered and blew her hair just dry enough so that it wouldn’t leave wet marks along her back. She threw on her favorite yellow spring dress that fell in soft waves around her knees and grabbed a pale blue, long sleeved cardigan from her closet. She texted Logan a brief message saying she was out meeting with a friend and then rushed back out the door. She’d seen Shane less than twenty-four hours ago, but it had felt like a lifetime. They’d agreed to meet at his apartment so they could drive to dinner together. He was waiting for her on the curb near his car. As she parked her car next to his, he opened her door. Before he could even speak, she was kissing him, her arms up and around his neck, her body pressed against the full length of his. If he was surprised, he didn’t show it because he kissed her back and then used his arm to brace them both so she wouldn’t get pushed back against the body of the car as he leaned into her.

When they finally separated he said, “I’m really starting to like when you do that.” She blushed when she realized that she had initiated their kisses on more than one occasion.

“I guess you had a good day?” he asked, somewhat cautious.

“I did. I’ll tell you all about it over dinner.”

He nodded and then went to close her door. She noticed the wariness almost instantly and then the sadness in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. He looked up at her, seemingly surprised at her observation. He instantly pasted a smile to his mouth and shook his head as if in confusion.

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