She Belongs to Me (24 page)

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Authors: Carmen Desousa

BOOK: She Belongs to Me
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Chapter Seventeen


Jordan’s vehicle was in the airport parking area, ticket on the dash and keys under the seat. It dumbfounded Jaynee how much he could accomplish with just a few phone calls.
Who was this man?
wondered silently. Every time she thought she knew, something caused her to question her sanity of marrying so quickly. Would the love she felt for him conquer any issue that might creep up?

Evidently, it was a long drive from the airport to Jordan’s home—their home. Jordan pointed out Charlotte in the distance but then headed in the opposite direction, traveling the outer loop of Charlotte’s 485
. The city was enormous. Jaynee could travel from one side of Pinellas County to the other in about half an hour depending on traffic, but Meckl
enburg would take twice as long
and that was if
a throughway crossed the county;
it didn’t look as if there was. The roads didn’t run straight north and south and east and west as Florida’s roads. Instead, they seemed to ramble whichever direction they wanted.

They drove for forty-five minutes before Jordan exited the highway. She attempted to catalog the surrounding businesses, hoping to become familiar with the area. Jordan traveled along two more stretches of
road before he finally turned onto one that had a no-outlet sign.

This had to be it. Her heart thumped loudly, nerves and excitement beating like one loud, rapid drum. The road turned to gravel, and they passed several large homes before she saw a line of trees indicating a dead-end. Jordan finally pulled into a driveway with brick pillars on each side and a white split-rail fence that seemed to go on forever.

The house was a two-story, Victorian home. The front porch wrapped around the left side of the home, continuing its path around the back separated by a small gate on the deck. A three-car attached garage was on the opposite side, and she noticed a large structure set off in the distance with four stalls.

Jaynee waited as Jordan walked around to her side of the pickup. This was really happening. She was a new bride, entering her new home, her new life.

She bit down on her lip as he opened her door.

He held his arms out for her. “I’ll install running boards this week.”

Jaynee sucked in a deep breath and happily scooted into his waiting arms. “I already told you, I don’t have a problem with our current arrangement.”

He smiled and pulled her to his chest as he lifted her out of the truck but didn’t set her down. Instead, he carried her up the front steps to an impressive entryway of solid-wood doors, approximately eight feet tall.

Jordan unlocked the door while still carrying her then pulled it open so he could enter sideways while kissing her as he stepped over the threshold.

“Welcome home, Jaynee.”

She looked around, attempting to absorb everything. They were standing in what looked like a formal area with a stone fireplace off to the left. “It’s amazing, Jordan!”

The room, decorated with such warm style and grace, was like nothing she had imagined. The furniture was soft tan leather. The pictures on the wall were of western motif with ranches, horses and sunsets over rolling hills. In the middle of the room, a coffee table held a vase overflowing with a couple dozen long-stemmed, red roses, and in the air, she smelled fresh baked cookies and coffee.

Jordan continued to carry her through a short hall with a formal dining room off to the side, and at the end, an enormous kitchen with soaring light maple cabinets and contrasting dark granite countertops waited. In the middle of the kitchen sat an island that would seat at least eight people. At the rear of the room, the sink was inlaid into a deep counter with a pass-through to the wraparound porch. A dinette area off the kitchen transitioned into a family room. The entire rear portion of that room, completely enclosed with French doors, led out to the deck. Jordan set her down in the kitchen but held his arms around her waist.

He inhaled a deep breath. “
Melissa, she never fails to amaze me,” he said, breathing in the delectable scent. “She makes delicious cookies, and I could go for coffee, how about you?”

Jaynee had just assumed a cleaning lady had readied the house and prepared the coffee and cookies.
“Melissa…your older sister, right?
She did this?”

He dropped his arms from around her waist and walked toward the coffee pot. “Yes, I asked her for the roses and to freshen up the house, but she always goes overboard. I’m sure Rachael helped, but she probably complained the entire time.” He laughed as he poured two cups of coffee, so it must not bother him.

Jaynee heard a groan, almost a howl but not quite. Sounded more like the creature on Star Wars, Chewy or Chewbacca something.

Jordan set the cups down and motioned for her to join him. “Come on, Jaynee; let me introduce you to Boomer. He must be going insane about now.” Jordan headed through a utility room off the kitchen that held a washer and dryer. He reached for the handle of the door on the other side of the area. “Step back, Jaynee. He’ll come charging through, and it can hurt if he steps on you. He weighs about a hundred pounds.”

As soon as Jordan opened the door, the brindle-colored boxer came barreling through, sliding across the tile floor. He looked like a cartoon character trying to obtain traction as he made a beeline toward Jordan, his entire body bending in what looked like an unnatural state as he wiggled and wagged his way around Jordan’s feet. The sound she heard previously flowed freely from the beast’s throat, resonating through the kitchen. Boomer moaned and howled with delight, and then he detected Jaynee. He charged in her direction. She thought he would jump, so she shrieked backward, but
he came to a grinding halt in front of her. She bent over to ruffle his floppy ears; he was adorable. He sniffed and wiggled around her too, overjoyed to make her acquaintance it seemed.

Jordan squatted down next to the pup and smoothed his fur under his neck. “He likes you. He always has had superior taste.”

“It appears he does.” She grinned and cupped the boxer under his chin, careful to avoid the bubbles forming at the sides of his mouth. “I like you too, Boomer.”

Jordan stood up in front of her and rested his hands on her hips. “Would you like to see the backyard or the upstairs first?”

Jaynee peered up into his eyes. “I think maybe we should start with the backyard, while it’s still daylight. We may get sidetracked in the bedroom.”

“Good point.” He took her by the hand and led her out the patio door. Boomer followed behind them but then darted off as soon as they stepped outside, clearing the porch steps in one leap.

Jordan led Jaynee across the expanse of the backyard then through a gate in the fence. From there it was all downhill, literally. From the top, she could see a river below.

Jordan offered her his arm. “That’s the Rocky River, and at certain times of the year
it’s great kayaking.”

With a firm grip on Jordan’s arm, she descended the knoll, careful not to slip on the red clay mashing under her sandals. When they made it to the bottom, Jaynee
could see the beautiful rushing water
and beside the riverbank sat a little wooden cabin.

Jordan pointed to the tiny shack. “That building over there is our clubhouse. It contains all our kayak gear, fishing equipment, lawn chairs and various other items. I enjoy coming here when the weather’s nice. It’s always been my own private beach, but now it will be ours.” He layered his hand over hers
and she felt a rush of warmth travel through her system.

“It’s beautiful, Jordan, and here I thought I was going to miss my beach,” Jaynee said, silently reveling in the detail that he referred to everything as

After they made their way back up the hill, Jordan approached the structure she saw from the driveway, which she now noticed was a stable. “We don’t have horses, but it has always been my intention. We can decide what we would like together. How does that sound?”

“Jordan, without a doubt you are the most incredible husband in the world. E
sounds wonderful!” She wrapped her arms around his waist, and he swung her around. The day was drawing to a close, and it was spectacular. The faint changing of the leaves and the smell of the surrounding woods was enchanting and best of all…it was quiet. She had never lived anywhere so secluded from all the hustle and bustle of the city. No sirens, no construction noises and no semi-trucks whizzed down the road. All she heard were birds singing.

“Jaynee, I have at least one more promise to keep, and I didn’t know whether you would rather it be a
surprise, or if you’d prefer to choose?” He stopped where they were walking and looked at her face, gauging her response. She hated him spending money on her, that she had made evident, but he couldn’t seem to stop trying to spoil her. She needed to convince him that she didn’t need anything but him. She opened her mouth to speak, and he put his fingers over her mouth. “What type of vehicle would you like?” he asked, quickly adding as her face turned down in embarrassment, “think of it as a wedding gift.” He lowered his hand to her shoulder.

“Jordan, you’ve already given me everything—” Again, he raised his hand to her mouth, shushing her. She swatted his hand away with a laugh. “Stop that! I’m serious. I’ve given you nothing. You can’t keep doing this.”

“Well, that’s not exactly accurate…you uprooted your entire life, you gave me your heart, that’s a pretty big gift. You didn’t throw me out as though I was a maniac. That was a good thing. And you love me for me, no pretenses. You actually fell in love with me before you knew what I could offer other than love.” His steel-blue eyes were intense as he gazed into her eyes, awaiting an answer.

What the heck, she thought. I do ne
ed a vehicle. “You know, Jordan,
I always wanted a Jeep…a topless, off-road Jeep.”

,” he hedged. “It’s incredible to see you enthusiastic about something I could offer,” he started walking toward the barn again, “but those are only practical for half the year here. What else? Something
stylish and elegant, a Volvo, an Acura or a
, what do you say?” He stopped and waited for her answer.

Jaynee knew one vehicle she always wanted but could never afford, even older. Diffidently, she said, “How ’bout an Altima? I have always liked those.”

“What color?” he asked.

“Pearl!” she said matter-of-factly, grinning. “I like that multi-color white.”

“That’s better. I’ll spoil you yet, Mrs. Jaynee Monroe.” His face beamed with pleasure at the notion. “Now, follow me I have something else to show you before I sweep you into the house.”

Jaynee loved the sound of her new name coming off his lips, and the threat to sweep her away, sent a thrill through her, heating her insides.

Jordan opened one of the stable doors
and inside was not a horse, but it was one of her dreams. A large CJ7 Jeep sat in the stall, no top, bright yellow with humungous tires…bigger than on his truck. She wondered how she’d ever climb into it. “What do you think? I’ve been working on it for years, but it’s operational. I just tinker around with it adding accessories and such. Is it what you were thinking?”

“It’s precisely what I was imagining! How cool is that?” She felt exultant, like a little kid on Christmas day.

Jordan smiled at her elation. “It’s not practical for everyday use, but it
fun on the weekends. I enjoy taking it when I go hiking, sort of starts the adventure. We can drive it next weekend; I have a special place I want to show you.” His mouth turned up in her favorite smile. She was just going to have to get used to Jordan
and all his surprises. At least this one didn’t sound as i
f it was going to cost anything;
it sounded like one of his hiking trips he

Jaynee rested her hands on his chest. “Sounds delightful, Jordan. Are you going to sweep me back to the house now so I can see my new bedroom?”

“I thought you’d never ask. Maybe we should run. It’d be faster than me carrying you across the lawn and upstairs…I may lose my strength.” A wicked grin lit up his face as he reached down and grabbed her hand, sprinting across the lawn toward the house with her in tow.

Jaynee stopped about halfway to the house. “Jordan, where’s my stuff? You said they packed my house?”

“It’s all in the garage. We can go through everything later and get you unpacked, and I still need to bring our suitcases in from the truck. But first things first, we need to break-in our bed.”

Following Jordan’s lead, Jaynee kicked off her shoes at the entry and then accompanied him upstairs. He didn’t bother giving her a tour of the second floor; instead, he turned to the right and walked into an enormous master suite.

A king-sized sleigh bed, adorned with the same neutral gold and tan colors used throughout the house sat center stage. The surrounding furniture, again light oak, matched the bed. And then a sitting area over to the far right side of the room contained a small loveseat with two wingback chairs. Pictures hanging on the walls were the same motif as downstairs, various outdoor scenes lending warmth to

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