She Shouldnt, But She Will (11 page)

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“You didn’t come.”

“No.” His brow bunched in concentration. Sweat ran down his back and arms. She raised her head and licked the salty liquid from his neck. He groaned and increased his thrusts.

His strokes were long and sure, and every one hit her right where she needed to be hit. Any second she was going to come again. She clenched her fists and hung on for dear life as the first crest of her orgasm struck, flinging her into a wonderful place where logic played no part.

Derek stopped moving again until she came down far enough to speak. Then he shifted slightly.

“How can you still be hard?”

“Cock ring. I could go all night. And I might do that as good as you feel when you come. It’s like an earthquake with a thousand aftershocks, all centered on my dick.”

The scent of sex filled the air and her juices mixed with the lubricant ran over her ass and down to the bed.

On his knees, he held his cock in hand. He plowed her furrow, rubbing her clit, and then poking just the head into her. Over and over. Well, over and over for about the two minutes it took her to come again. This time, she yanked on her wrist restraints, wanting to be free so she could grab something, hold on to anything that would give her a foundation in the turbulent sea in which she found herself.

She was living every woman’s dream—orgasms, one after another, until she thought she’d pass out. The pause after each orgasm just made the next more devastating. Her nerves were raw. Could someone actually die from coming too much?

Derek said, “You don’t know how that feels. You come with such strength. I think my poor little guy is going to be sore tomorrow.” She gasped as he started a new assault and his balls slapped her ass.

“Maybe we should stop?”

“One more time,” he whispered on a moan. “Or two.”

In the end she lost track, and it seemed as though her world was one continuous orgasm, a narrow border between the pain of overextended nerves and sheer, ultimate pleasure.

A loud grunt penetrated her haze, and finally Derek’s penis pulsed inside her. He collapsed, his weight taking her breath, his mouth taking her lips, moving over them, kissing her deeply while swallowing her moans and groans.

At long last, he raised his head and pushed off her. He untied her ankles and then her hands, chafing each to stir circulation back into them.

She stretched, watching him rise and dispose of the sagging condom and magical ring that had banded the root of his shaft. Barely able to move, she pulled the cover and sheets over her and snuggled down.

Derek slid in beside her. Flipping a switch on the night stand doused the lamp designed to appear like a ship’s lantern. Without another word, he turned her onto her side and cuddled against her back. In moments, his deep steady breathing told her he slept. In no time, she did the same.


* * * *


Thia woke to sunlight, the purr of well-tuned engines and the smell of coffee. Pushing off the covers, she threw her legs over the side of the bed and sat up. Aches she hadn’t known yesterday assaulted her. Step by tiny step, she made her way to the head and a hot shower, emerging less achy but famished. Looking through a small clothes cupboard, she found and slipped into a fluffy white robe.

She stepped into the lower salon expecting to find Derek. Instead, she found coffee sloshing in a pot secured on the counter. A mug hung from a hook near the pot. She filled the mug with the black liquid and took a deep whiff.
I need this.
Taking a small sip, she automatically adjusted to the motion of the boat moving under her.

After a quick caffeine fix, Thia took the rest of her coffee and climbed to the salon where she found Derek piloting the craft.

“Good morning. I figured we needed to get started if we’re going to get back this afternoon.”

Thia looked at the clock nestled among the instruments. “It’s

“You looked so comfortable sleeping, I thought I’d let you.”

She snorted a laugh. “How could I avoid sleeping when you shtuped my brains out last night?”

Smiling, he answered, “Shtuped? That’s a pretty demure term for someone who ‘shtupes’ as good as you do. Do you even know how many orgasms you had?”

“Enough to make me think I’d died and gone to heaven last night and to make me ache all over this morning. How far out are we?”

“Maybe an hour.” His eyes swept over her with appreciation then he winked. “Time to shtupe if you want to.”

She broke into laughter just as she sipped, almost choking. “I don’t think I could handle it. I’d better dress and get my things together. Can I fix us a little breakfast?”

“Fix something for yourself if you like. I ate earlier.”

Thia went below, ate some toast and got her things ready, leaving them in the unused stateroom. She returned to the salon after about fifteen minutes and sat beside Derek. She watched the shore line meandering by and sipped her coffee, her back to his side, his arm over her shoulders.

“Derek, I have had a fantastic time this weekend and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way.”

“I hear a –but– coming.”

“Well, nothing could have prepared me for last night. I’ve never felt so alive, but I also have to admit, I’m a little worried about myself. You spanked me, had sex every which way from Sunday and tied me to the bed. We did things I’ve not only never done before, but things I’ve never imagined. And I just gave you free rein.”

“So, it isn’t that I did those things but that you let me do it that’s bothering you?”

“Yeah, I guess. In fact, you had me so worked up, it didn’t occur to me not to let you have your way. You made me feel great, there’s no denying it.”

“Is that such a bad thing?”

“Not bad, but it is a little frightening losing control like that.”

“So you’re saying what? You don’t want me to fuck you again?”

“I think we shouldn’t see each other again. It isn’t I don’t want you to fuck me, but that when it’s happening I never want you to stop.” Thia sniffed, losing the battle to hold back tears of emotion. Wiping her eyes she continued, “See, my emotions are out of control. Yet here I am, letting you hold me and not even trying to get control of myself. I haven’t been like this since my mother held me as a child.”

“So let me see if I have this right, you’re telling me you had such a good time, you don’t want to do it again?”

“Oh, I will be dreaming of this weekend for the rest of my life but, I don’t know, I guess you’re too far out of my league. I think we should stop here and not see each other again. This has been great, but for a fantasy weekend. In the real light of my real world, this is too much, too fast.”

He studied her and then shrugged. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I respect your decision. Thanks for a memorable trip to Monterey, Thia. I wish you all the best.”

“Thanks for understanding.” She turned to watch the traffic on the shore. She knew she’d made the right decision, not to see Derek again. But she feared she had a long life ahead of her in the sex department. Despite Derek’s good wishes, she had the nagging suspicion she’d already had the best.






Chapter 6



Thia sat straight up in bed before slapping the snooze button. After several seconds, her heart slowed and she controlled her breathing. Monday. Yes, it was Monday. Or was it Saturday and she was waking from the wildest dream she’d ever had? She looked at the other side of the bed. The clothes she’d left out Friday night weren’t there, so it couldn’t be Saturday, and the tingly, delicious aches she felt below the waist proved her “dreams” weren’t dreams.

Gripping the sheet, she pulled it over her head.
What have I done?

Slowly she lowered the sheet and smiled into the empty room.
Ohhhh, wow. What have I done?
She’d had the best sex of her life, an adventure that made her feel alive, discovered a mystery with a stranger, and—lest she forget—had the best sex of her life. Sex made every nerve ending tingle, and sensation explode and radiate through her body.

What a weekend!

Getting out of bed, she grimaced when muscles she’d forgotten she had screamed in protest. She did a few extra stretches before climbing on the treadmill. Watching the early news, she started at her normal pace but soon realized she wasn’t up for running. She used those extra minutes in the shower, letting the hot water work out her aching kinks.

By the time she rushed out the door, she felt human again. Alive in a way she hadn’t known in years. Sexy, bold and in control. Life was good.


* * * *


July looked up as Thia crossed the office trying to balance her briefcase, a cardboard cup of coffee and a paper plate holding a bear claw pastry.

“Did we get dressed in a hurry this morning?”

Setting her mouth, Thia tried to breeze past. “I know I’m running late and I don’t want to talk about it.”

July followed Thia, her own coffee cup in hand. “Fat chance. I tried to reach you Saturday night and again yesterday afternoon, and now you come in here looking like something the cat dragged in. I want to hear all about it. Start with, do I know him?” July closed the office door behind her and then settled in. “Spill girl.”

“There’s nothing to spill.” Thia dropped her briefcase on the floor and the bear claw on the desk. She sighed and took a sip of the hot French roast. When she looked up, she couldn’t keep a straight face. “Okay, but it’s really stupid. If you tell anyone, your friends will be visiting your grave.”

July sat forward. “What in the world are you talking about?”

“Remember the artist I met? We went to Monterey on Saturday.”

“What?” July practically screamed the word. “The artist you don’t know? The one you already swore you weren’t seeing again?”

Thia felt her cheeks heat with a blush. “That would be the one, yes.”

“But, that doesn’t explain–” July’s eyes narrowed. “You spent the night. Oh my God, you spent the night with him.

“I know.” Thia fell into her chair. “We went by boat, a big boat. With a big berth. That’s a nautical term Derek taught me.”

“I’ll bet that’s not the only term Derek taught you,” July muttered. “Thia, my God. It’s bad enough you went away overnight without telling anyone, but by boat? What were you thinking?” July studied her. “Or is there something about this guy that makes you not think? That’s pretty dangerous. When I suggested you start seeing people and get a life, I didn’t mean to risk your life doing it.”

“I told you it was really stupid. But just so you don’t think I’m a complete idiot, I called my answering machine and left all the information about the trip. This time I told
I definitely wouldn’t see him again, so don’t worry.”

July settled her face into a pout. “Well, I’m still going to worry if you run off to unknown places with strange men.” Then her face cleared and she looked at Thia with real interest. “Of course, he’s not a stranger anymore. Not after two dates.”

“One date, two dates, makes no difference. I told you, I’m not going to see him again.” She leaned across her desk with a dreamy smile. “But July, I have to admit, I had the greatest time. He pushed my emotion button over and over. I was exhausted by Sunday afternoon but I’ve never been so relaxed.”

July fanned herself. “Wow, you lucky woman. So, tell me more about him.”

“His name is Derek Anderson, and he’s an artist.”

“I hope you know more than that. He can’t own a yacht like that and only paint for a living.” July raised her brows.

“Well, that’s what I know. He said his patron owned the boat, not him, and he’s not a ‘painter’ who sells canvases to tourists on

Union Square
, we went to Monterey to talk to someone about a large commission, over in Marin somewhere.”

“You know one more thing.”


“He knows how to deliver great sex.”

Thia covered her face to hide the blush she felt heating up and July laughed. When she looked up at the expectant expression on her assistant’s face, she fought a smile, but lost.

“Lord, you’re so right.” Her cheeks heated even more when she thought of all they’d done on the trip.

With Derek she seemed able to let herself go. Inhibitions flew out the window, or porthole in his case. Even so, to allow a man to spank her as though she were an errant child should have been humiliating. Instead, it had turned into something erotic. Being blindfolded and tied, then fucked until she couldn’t have moved a muscle if she’d wanted to, should have set her independent-woman teeth on edge and made her rail against the man who’d done it to her. But that, too, had carried a dark eroticism with it.

Moisture dampened her panties now, and her nipples peaked, sitting at her desk and rethinking the night. Derek had turned caveman, forcing her to his will. She shouldn’t have enjoyed it, but she had. She definitely
want to do it again, but she—

“Earth to Thia.” July’s voice cut through her memory.

“What?” Thia gave herself a mental shake of the head. She wouldn’t be seeing Derek again. She’d as much as told herself that. Not if she could only convince herself she didn’t
to see him again.

“You were off in a world of your own, and I want to know more of what happened the other night. Where did you spend the night?”

“I have no idea. On the boat, moored at one of Derek’s friend’s places.”

Undisguised disapproval covered July’s face. “If one of my daughters went out with someone they knew nothing about and spent the night in a strange place, I’d lock her in her room until she proved she’d developed better sense.” She harrumphed. “Next you’ll be telling me he blindfolded you and tied you to the bed.”

Thia’s mouth dropped open and her eyes felt the size of saucers.

“Oh, my God. You didn’t really let him do that?”

Thia nodded. “I’m afraid I did.”

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