She Shouldnt, But She Will (13 page)

BOOK: She Shouldnt, But She Will
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We look forward to your attendance at this extraordinary affair.

Sincerely, Sylvester and Lilly Oglethorpe

She examined the contents, a black fur miniskirt, a pair of black stockings with dark red garters, a blouse of sheer black silk with gold bullion medallions embroidered around the neckline and over the shoulders, and black, elbow-length gloves. There was also a dark red kerchief designed to tie around the top of her head, and a black Zorro-type mask.

Atop the clothing was a picture of a model wearing the costume. Thia picked it up. Her heart skipped a beat and the blood drained from her face. The model’s breasts were clearly visible through the transparent fabric of the blouse. The skirt was

Quickly she rifled through the box. There was no bra or panties, and the instructions said to wear only what was in the box. She thought of her white skin framing her nipples. Then she imagined her nipples scraping against the silk of the blouse. She’d be in a state of constant arousal.

“Did you take anything out of these boxes?” she called out to Derek.

“You have it just the way they came.”

She felt trapped. “Did you see what this costume looks like?”

“I looked at the picture in the small box.”

“Did your colleague see this?”

He hesitated. “No. I know there’s not much, but put it on and let’s see, okay?” He sounded nervous.

Well, he wasn’t the only one nervous. “Okay.” She could only have whispered it.

Thia found a pair of black boots she’d bought for a charity play years ago and then dressed. She left her bra and panties on the bed and lifted the blouse from the box.

The silk was like heaven against her skin, filmy and light as air. The skirt—which was soft as mink, though she didn’t think it could be. It couldn’t
be—ended about three inches below the top of the stockings, barely covering the garters and leaving most of her stocking-covered thighs exposed above the boots.

Looking in the full length mirror, Thia’s eyes froze on her breasts before she let her gaze slide down her body to her legs under the short skirt. How could someone be dressed and still feel naked? The answer stared back at her. No way. No way could she go out in public like this.

Her gaze focused on her breasts again. Perky. That’s how her husband, Henry, had described them, and she had to admit now, the word was apt. For the first time, she was glad the idiot had talked her into getting the enhancement surgery. He’d spent a lot of money on those
globes. Might as well show them off. Besides, she’d be wearing a mask. When else could she put herself on display and be in disguise?

Thia threw the cloak over her shoulders, hooked it at the collar, and buttoned it down the front. From feeling unclothed, she was suddenly covered from neck to mid-calf.

Derek stood in the living room, hands in pockets, looking expectant. He looked her up and down. “The cape is nice.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Thia glanced at herself in the mirror above the sofa, then reached for the coffee she’d neglected at Derek’s arrival.

“Well?” he asked.

She turned and smiled.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, I’ll beg. Do I get to see your costume?”

She replaced the cup in the saucer. Striking a pose with her head high, she unfastened the buttons and clasp at the neck. Taking a deep breath, not only to steady her nerves but to show her breasts to best advantage, she slowly pulled the cloak open and let it slide off her shoulders.

Derek appraised the length of her body. “Wow.”

“Thanks, but I’m a little apprehensive. The instructions said not to wear panties. I’m not sure I’m comfortable like this. Dress-up is fun, but I’d better pass on the party, Derek.”

“I can see where you might be anxious, though believe me, you look, well, fantastic doesn’t describe it. It’s always better cover at functions like this to fit in, and in this case, it means having a companion. But don’t worry. This is my business, not yours. I shouldn’t get you involved.”

He seemed so contrite she felt guilty. “Why don’t you call me tomorrow night and I’ll let you know.” She picked up the cloak and returned to her bedroom, emerging a few minutes later in her bathrobe and carrying the box. “What do you know about this party?”

“It’s a charity event for world hunger. There will be casino gambling and betting. I was told there would be special activities, but I’m not sure what that entails.”

She grinned. “If we gamble, are you staking me?”

“Of course. And doing a little gambling will help our cover. However, I’m going in there for a reason. Things may not be as they seem. You shouldn’t be in any danger, but keep that in mind.”

Fear tugged with excitement. “Where is this party?”

“Up the coast a short distance. We’ll meet at the
and their yacht will take us there and back. We’ve investigated and the house is extremely remote.”

“You mean we’ll be trapped there until they decide to bring us back?” She’d been leaning toward going, but that fact brought her up short.

“Us, and a lot of other people.”

“You’ll stay near me the whole time?”

“Very, very close. Especially since you’re wearing that costume.”

She sighed, undecided between what she knew she should do and what she wanted.

“Whatever you decide will be the right choice,” he said. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” With a quick kiss, he left both Thia and the costume.


* * * *


Thia stopped reading the page she’d attempted to understand the last four times she’d read it. Her mind wasn’t on the current best-selling thriller, it was on the box in her bedroom and the masquerade. No need delaying. Since she’d told Derek she would accompany him, her mind returned to the costume with every other thought. She’d accomplished nothing at work. She’d be glad when the damn party was behind her.

She put the book aside and went to face her demon.

She put the box on her bed. Removing the hooded cloak, she remembered the thrill she’d felt letting it slide from her shoulders, revealing the prize the soft wool had hidden from Derek’s gaze. It hadn’t taken him long to drink her in. She laughed. “Honestly, Thia, what’s happened to you? You used to be such a

She laid the cloak on the bed and then set out the rest of the costume. “But nice is so overrated. Where has it gotten me? Unfulfilled while married, lonely when widowed.”

A feeling of foreboding consumed her looking at the sparse miniskirt and seeing the pattern of the bedspread through the blouse. She tried to push it aside by admitting, “Being bad with Derek has shown me what uninhibited passion is. And who has it harmed?” She smoothed her hand over the lush fullness of the skirt. “No one.”

She started a bath. Into the hot water she poured oil scented with a musk fragrance. She knew she played with fire now, but since she’d agreed to accompany Derek, she might as well suit herself to the provocative costume.

Thia had debated about shaving her pubic area, thinking if she was on display she might look better without hair in that area. When she finished relaxing in the hot water, feeling the silkiness of the water envelope her and inhaling the intoxicating scent, she’d made her decision.

After shaving her legs, she spread shaving gel over the black bush above her pussy. When she’d finished with the razor only a small triangle of hair remained. She ducked back in the water, letting the oil sooth her skin before rising to dress.

She came out of the bathroom, picked up the stockings and sat on the vanity stool. The cool air on her naked pussy was a reminder of what she was about to do, go to a strange house with strange people and expose her nipples for all to see. The garters emphasized that not only would her breasts be open for view, her pussy would be open, unprotected should Derek decide to give it attention.

Or rather, should she decide to
him. She might have peeked around the door to the dark chamber where she’d kept her wild side, but she hadn’t become a woman who allowed her lover free rein.

Tonight especially. Since they were going to the party on the job, so to speak, sex would surely be a distraction. She shouldn’t allow Derek anything, even if he expressed the desire.

She shouldn’t.

Her blouse went on next. She slipped the silk-covered buttons through the holes, adjusted the collar and smoothed her hands over her breasts, letting the sensuous fabric infuse her emotions. With a sigh, she dropped her hands and stepped into the miniskirt. The deep, soft pile of the skirt combined with the silk blouse would provide tactile scintillation all night.

This was a mistake. Shaving her pussy had been an expression of the slut in her, wanting to appeal to a man who would touch her there or view her, in the same way women had adorned themselves for ages with the eye toward attracting a mate. The musk bath oil left a lingering scent and smoothness on her skin that could mesmerize a man. And now she donned clothing that screamed only one message, I am available for pleasure. She should not go out like this, not with Derek or any man. Hell, she wasn’t even safe from her own inclinations, burgeoning in her now, to touch herself. That’s all she would need hanging about her, the aroma of arousal.

If she hadn’t committed to Derek, she’d call this off.

Thia had just finished wrapping the red scarf around her head when a knock announced Derek’s arrival. She’d thought she was ready, but felt herself blush when his eyes examined her.

“Come in. I’ll be ready in a minute.” She retreated to her bedroom and finished applying her makeup.

Thia put a few cosmetics and her house key in a small purse and picked up her cape. She paused, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.
God, I can’t believe I’m doing this.
With the acknowledgement that she’d gone too far to back down, she opened her eyes and stepped out into the living room.

Derek stood up as she entered and stared. “You are gorgeous.” He gave her a long look. “Are you sure you’re ready to go through with this?”

“I don’t know.” Her eyes narrowed as she examined his pirate’s costume. Tightly fitted leather pants hugged his muscled legs. A white shirt hung open at the collar and showed fullness in the body and sleeves. He also wore boots and had a red bandana wrapped around his head. “Why are my clothes see-through and yours aren’t?”

“Maybe a man picked out the costumes. I do know that I’m not letting you out of my sight. My God, you’re going to need protection to keep men away.”

She laughed, pleased as Derek put the cape over her shoulders. “I appreciate the thought. Believe me, I’m going to stay near you.” Her hands shook slightly as she fastened her cape. “There is something you should know. I’m more nervous than I’ve ever been in my life.”

“I can understand, but who knows? You might even enjoy yourself. Shall we go?” Derek swept his cape over his shoulders and held out his arm. With a squeeze of her hand in the crook of his elbow, he led her out of her condo.

As they walked down the hall, Thia tugged Derek’s arm to stop him. “I’m nervous about more than my costume. Why are they having the party at this remote location unless they are hiding something? And you said there would be games. How do I know you aren’t taking me as a sacrificial lamb to be used as entertainment? And you said you don’t know what goes on at these parties. How do I know—?”

He put his fingers against her lips. “I know more than you think. But to answer a couple of your questions, the party is there because they live there. I’ve told you they aren’t nice people or they wouldn’t be investigated to begin with, so I’m sure they do have things to hide. And last, you’ll have to trust me to take care of your sexy body.”

Derek leaned down and whispered in her ear, “And you know I can take care of your sexy body. How many orgasms do you want in the next twenty-four hours?”

She held up a hand with all digits extended and smiled. Okay, so maybe being trapped in a remote location with people who were probably criminals would be worth the risk.

God help me, I believe I might enjoy the evening. I shouldn’t, I really, really shouldn’t, but I think I will.






Chapter 7



Derek helped Thia out of the taxi when it delivered them to the
. They followed the signs leading them to the berth where their ride to the party was docked. Thia held Derek’s arm tighter with each step. Once the boat left the dock, there would be no turning back.

They stopped when it became obvious which boat was their destination. Thia stared. The yacht dwarfed Derek’s boat. “Wow! This is what we’re taking?”

“It looks like it. Not exactly what you were expecting?”

“No, when did they start putting fishing boats and helicopter pads on yachts?”

He laughed. “I have to admit this is the biggest ‘yacht’ I’ve ever seen. It almost looks like it’s built for icebreaking. Amazing.”

Derek appeared to be studying the vessel, not simply admiring it. He probably was. As nervous and concerned as she was with her costume, she’d forgotten he was on the job.

“By the way,” he said in a low voice, “I don’t want these people to know who you are, so your name is Sin for the night.
spelled S-I-N, okay?”

Thia paused for a second then took a deep breath and said, “Sure, fine. Do I have a last name?”

Derek thought for a second and chuckled. “You won’t need one, but if you do, how about Forim? F-O-R-H-I-M?” He winked. "Silent H."

Thia met his gaze and smiled. “Clever.”

“That’s me.” He took the mask from her hand and tied it on her before putting on his own. Then he led her down the dock.

Derek’s touch on her arm reassured her as they reached the gangway. A crew member greeted them. “May I have your invitation please?” Derek pulled an envelope from some hidden pocket. “Very good. Derek Pirate. And the lovely lady’s name, please?

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