She Shouldnt, But She Will (16 page)

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After a few minutes, a whistle blew, the girls started to pedal, and the mileages on the displays started to mount.

After a couple of minutes the slave in the lead climaxed and two others moved ahead. Thia watched as others had orgasms and the lead changed hands several times. By the end, the first slave had caught up and reached the required ten miles. She smiled at the guests and was led off. The remaining slaves were paired up and positioned by each of the logs.

While the next contest was being prepared the servers settled the bets.

“Ladies and gentlemen, in this contest the slaves will be screwed by these machines. The first one to have an orgasm loses and gets five lashes with the cat o’ nine tales. The winner will receive two lashes. The first one to have an orgasm will raise her hand so there will be no mistake as to who loses. They will face each other so they can use their hands to stimulate their opponent. Please place your bets.”

Thia looked at Derek. He was looking at her, and she was sure it was lust in his eyes. She checked his pants. “It looks like I’ll get another orgasm any time now.”

Derek smiled, placed a bet and settled back.

“Derek, open your pants. With my hands bound I can’t do it.”

“No, use your teeth.”

Thia looked at him with surprise. He stared back. She felt a craving building deep within her. She wanted him and it was patently obvious he wanted her. She sighed. The placket where the ends met was flush against the material. She looked at Derek.

“If you want it, find a way.”

She stared at him for a second. Well, she wanted it.

She dipped her head again and used her teeth and tongue to get the edge of fabric in her mouth. Then it was a simple matter of pulling.

“You might be interested, with the length of your skirt and your position, your bare ass is exposed for the slaves and others to see.”

Thia looked around and saw what he was talking about. Shit. She didn’t care. When she turned her head back to Derek he was rolling another latex sheath down his shaft.

“Then let them watch this.” He helped her rise over him and in seconds his cock filled her, plunging deep into her belly.

As she screwed herself on Derek’s rock-hard dick she leaned back until she could see the slaves. They appeared upside down, but even at that angle they were really getting into being fucked by those machines.

Derek wasn’t doing a bad job of fucking her, either. He slowly moved her up and down to match the rocking of his hips. At the same time, his thumb circled her clit

I’m dying and going to heaven.

Thia’s moans escalated. One of the slaves cried a little as she went over the top, screaming in release and raising her arm. Seeing it, even upside down, forced Thia over the top, too. She wrenched forward, sitting up and then falling onto Derek’s chest as her body twitched uncontrollably. Derek clutched her and groaned with his own climax.

Thia tried to catch her breath as the thump-thump of the machines and moans of the slaves continued in the background. Then she noticed the noise of the machines had stopped. In fact, the hum coming from the various tents had stopped also.

A loud crack was followed by a scream.
What the hell.
Thia rose off Derek’s cock and turned. A slave stood on the far side of the pool. A man with a cat o’ nine tails whipped her ass. While she watched, he raised the whip and brought it down again.

“Derek, do something.”

“I can’t.” She whipped her head around and glared at him, but he simply shook his head. “First, this is part of the contest. Second, I can’t bring attention to myself by interfering. If I thought they were truly in danger I would, but this doesn’t qualify.”

While Derek spoke, the next contest “loser” stepped up and took her turn. Two more waited quietly. Before the monster with the whip finished, Thia leaned into Derek’s shoulder, trying to block the sound.

However, by the time the next contest was prepared, none of the women looked any worse for wear. Thia watched in amazement as the four slaves walked around the pool and took positions on the wooden disk. They faced out, kneeling on the edge of the disk.

Thia sat beside Derek though he hadn’t helped her or adjusted her skirt, choosing instead to leave her exposed to any who could see into their tent.

Sylvester’s voice distracted her from worrying about her exposure. “I forgot the winners get two strokes of the whip. We want to show you how cooperative these slaves are.” He motioned to the winning contestants, who rose and walked back for their whippings. Afterward, they walked back to the disk and resumed their position.

A naked man approached the four slaves on the round board. “Ladies and gentlemen, each slave will have fifteen seconds to suck this man. Then he’ll turn the wheel and the next slave will have fifteen seconds. When one of the slaves has a mouth full of cum, she will join the others on the side and the remaining slaves will face the greased pipe over the pool. Place your bets.”

The man turned the wheel and when it stopped the slave in front of him opened her mouth. Fifteen seconds later, he turned the wheel and the next slave took him. After three or four turns he climaxed. The woman stood and showed everyone the cum in her mouth then swallowed and took her place with the other winners. The three remaining slaves walked to the greased pipe crossing the pool and waited.

“The three remaining slaves will each take a turn crossing the pipe. Whoever goes the longest distance before falling in the pool will be the winner. Please place your bets.”

The first girl climbed up on the pole laid face down letting her legs hang over each side.

“Derek her pussy and asshole are completely exposed.”

“But this time there is nothing fucking her.”

“Yes, poor girl.” Thia giggled and Derek laughed.

The first girl got about half-way across, the second a little further, and the third girl got almost all of the way. She took her place at the end of the pool.

Sylvester beamed at his group of winners and then at his guests. “We will take a twenty minute break to prepare the slaves and platform. I know you’ll use it wisely.” He winked at the crowd.

“I know how I’d like to use the time,” Derek said. Thia thought she knew what he was thinking.

And I agree.






Chapter 8



The auction was being held on another side of the house, where cascading pools of clear water interspersed with lush
coast foliage. Derek had released Thia’s hands, and they strolled toward the auction when Sylvester fell into step. “Derek, is there a slave you particularly like?”

“To tell you the truth, Sylvester, I’m new to this slave-master relationship so I’m not even sure I know what to look for. Besides, I’m satisfied with my own brand of Sin right now.” He grinned down at Thia, who gave back what she hoped was a saucy smile. Not that she’d had much practice at being saucy, but she thought she might like to try.

“And why wouldn’t you be?” Sylvester commented. Thia blushed as he cast a thoroughly male appraisal up and down her form. “Perhaps when the two of you are ready to share with a third I can make a suggestion or two?”

It was all Thia could do to keep from gasping. Her and Derek with another woman? It was shocking! It was indecent. It was something she shouldn’t
want to try. No, she shouldn’t, but.

Images flashed through her mind of Derek in one woman’s mouth while he brought another to completion with his own talented lips and tongue. Heat rose in her cheeks and she made in involuntary whimper, which brought Derek’s gaze to her face.

As though knowing what she envisioned, he smiled and took her hand. “Thanks, Sylvester. We’re not there quite yet, but I’d love to learn more about your girls so I can start acclimating Sin to the idea.”

Their host nodded. “I have to start the auction, but I’ll be back momentarily.” He turned and headed for the makeshift platform fronting the pools.

“Shall we find good seats?” Derek asked.

Thia agreed. Like when they settled in the tent, Derek found the vantage point where he had the widest view of the area. He never seemed to be watching, but Thia was convinced not a server or guest moved within his range of vision without him noticing. Before now, her thoughts of him had been solely as a lover. Now she appreciated his other strengths—his dedication to the job and honor. He’d said he would stay by her side, and all evening he’d done exactly that.

Sylvester took a microphone on the makeshift stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve come to the climax of the evening, so to speak.” He grinned, matching the laughter his comment had sparked among his guests. He flung out his right arm, indicating a line of women standing off stage. “These perfect bundles of female flesh are now available for sale.” The first slave climbed on to the platform. “We will start the bidding at ten thousand US dollars.”

Light-headedness stole over Thia as she listened to the auctioneer and bidders transact business with so little emotion. Of course, the women themselves exhibited a decided lack of feeling. Because they were cowed or because they actually didn’t mind what their lives had become?

Without her noticing, Sylvester had joined them again. He handed glasses of champagne to Derek and waited for Derek to decide if she should have any. Damn men. She was no slave. To prove the point, she started to reach for the glass in Derek’s hand, but glanced up as she did so. His barely perceptible shake of the head had her drawing her hand back. Instead, she watched as he dipped his finger into the bubbly liquid. His gaze locked with hers, he painted her lips. Her tongue darted out to sample the intoxicating liquor.

Hmm. Being an independent woman was worth a great deal, but she’d never tasted champagne so heady in her life. A quick flick of her gaze to Sylvester showed his approval of the way Derek had treated her. He took his own glass from the tray of a waiting server and ignored her. With a wink, Derek tilted the glass to his lips and then seemed to ignore her himself.

“All of your slaves are Oriental.” It was a statement that begged a question.

“Oriental girls are more cooperative. Also, the smaller body type is more appealing.”

“Once sold, are they paid?”

“For this event, they have no expectation of being paid. They understand the auction is for charity. Orientals have a strong instinct for the greater good, and so charity is something they understand. Going home with the buyers where they know they will have their basic needs met in exchange for their services is something they are all happy to do. Also, in this case, they know they will return here at the end of the week. I’m afraid Lilly and I pamper them shamelessly.”

“You say ‘for this event.’ Are there other, more permanent sales?”

Thia snapped her attention to Sylvester but he seemed not to know she existed. He studied Derek, however. “Would you like to see more of the house where we are redecorating?”

Derek’s expression didn’t change, though Thia thought he must be upset that his ploy to discover more had failed. “Yes, it would be worthwhile.”

Thia trailed the two men through room after room, not quite close enough to hear what they said, yet never too far from Derek’s touch. The house was magnificent, if one liked overstated elegance, reminding her of pictures she’d seen of European palaces rather than comfortable homes. Judging from Sylvester’s demeanor and tone, he bought Derek’s cover story totally.

When they returned to the perimeter of the auction, Sylvester shook Derek’s hand. “I like your ideas and Lilly and I both appreciate your art work, so I think we have a deal.”

“Good. I can’t wait to get started. I might need a return visit or two to measure the spaces and note color palette.”

“Any time.” Sylvester directed his attention to the platform where the auctioneer had just called, “
” and then faced Derek again. “I need to see to my other guests, but I’ll be in touch.” With a nod in her general direction, he left them.

“That seemed to go well,” Thia murmured to Derek.

“It did. And you played your part perfectly.” He pulled her back into the shadow of the house and took her mouth with a hunger that surprised her.

His tongue parted her lips and delved her mouth, conquering each recess until finally twining with her tongue in an erotic dance. He tasted of champagne and the strawberries they’d snacked on in the tent. She wanted more. She wanted the flavor of her juice on his tongue and his cum in her mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Derek guided Thia onto the lawn where they sat on one of the benches scattered about. “You were quiet in there. Is there something wrong?”

“You mean besides it seems young women are being sold into slavery? I heard what Sylvester said, but it seems so real.”

“They don’t seem to mind.”

“I know, and that’s something else bothering me. Do you think they’re drugged?” She looked to the platform where a naked, bound woman watched people bid on her. She might as well have been watching a sitcom on TV for all the emotion she displayed.

“Will it make you feel any better if I tell you I’m going to do all I can to find out?”

Surprisingly, considering how little time she’d known Derek, it did make her feel better. “Yes.”

Another couple arrived and took up a position on a nearby bench. Wasting no time, the man situated the woman on his lap and started fucking her. Their scent rose and that, combined with their soft passionate noises and the general atmosphere of the auction, caught Thia in a web of desire herself.

Derek must have felt the same. His hand stroked her thigh under the short skirt and sought the heated core between her legs. She parted her thighs. His fingers tangled in the triangle of bush she had left, and then eased to her clit and then between the folds of her pussy. She pushed against his fingers.

“I can’t believe I let you fuck me during the contests where anyone could have watched.” He slid his middle finger into her depths. Her sigh was almost non-existent, felt instead of heard.

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