She Shouldnt, But She Will (20 page)

BOOK: She Shouldnt, But She Will
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“Gentlemen, Mary is yours and she needs relief.”

Thia looked up in to Derek’s eyes and asked, “Why is Betty holding Mary’s arms up.”

“So she doesn’t make herself cum as the men undress.”

“How do you know about this?”

Derek shrugged, which reminded Thia of how little she knew this man. She looked back to the camp.

As they dropped their pants, each man exposed an erect dick.

Thia held her breath. Was Mary being given to ten men all at once? How must that feel—exciting or helpless?

“Remember,” Betty said to the group, “if Mary says ‘elephant ear,’ she means stop. That’s her safety phrase if things get too rough.”

Betty moved away when one man stepped behind Mary and reached around, placing a hand on each breast and trapping her arms at her sides. He pinched her nipples and moved his dick up and down the crack of her ass. Another man stepped up in front, kissing her lips and pulling her legs up to his hips. Mary wrapped her legs around his ass, effectively positioning her pussy over his dick.

From where Thia watched she had a clear view as the man entered Mary’s trapped body. The man in back slowly eased his dick into Mary’s ass. The man in front kissed her, the man in back kneaded her tits and both men pumped in and out.

Thia’s concentration was broken by Derek saying, “This is making me horny.”

When she turned to say maybe they should return to the camper, he was already pushing his pants down and had a condom wrapper out for covering his rock-hard shaft.

“Here?” she squeaked.

“Right here,” he said against her lips. He raised her over him, parting her legs and then lowering her onto his dick. Derek turned them so they still had a view of the campsite and the action. When one of the men came he moved away and let another man take his place.

Derek supported her while his hips provided their stimulation. In minutes they reached the crescendo. Derek fisted her hair and pulled her lips to his, taking control of her mouth. When they came, the kiss muffled their moans.

When they could focus enough to watch the gangbang again, Betty was working to keep the men hard and ready by cleaning and sucking their cocks, as well as keeping Mary lubricated.

Finally, Mary slumped to the ground. She lay there quivering, but before her body settled, two men lifted her onto all fours, allowing one man to penetrate her mouth while another impaled her pussy.

“Are they hurting her?”

“She doesn’t seem to be complaining and she hasn’t told them to stop.”

Indeed. When one of the guys moved off, Mary reached out for the next man.

But how could she not be ready to stop? Thia watched in amazement as the men took her over and over, using her pussy, her ass and her mouth. How could she stand to be so exploited?

How could Thia stand there and watch it—and be excited by the sheer primitive feeling such raw sexual activity inspired? And not only was
excited, so was Derek. His cock grew hard again under her hand.

She crouched in front of him and dipped her head. She took him in her mouth, working his full length slowly at first, then faster. Derek stroked her head as he pumped her mouth and continued to watch the men ravage poor, skinny Mary. When she felt him thrust harder, she caressed him with her tongue and pressed his length far into her mouth. His cock jerked and pulsed, and she swallowed all he gave her.

They’d stood in the darkness of the trees for close to an hour when the men finally finished with Mary. She collapsed, pulling her exhausted body into the fetal position. Betty talked to several of the men as they dressed. At last, she pulled Mary to her feet and took her to a wash bucket. The woman looked too exhausted to clean herself, but she managed a little.

Betty helped her into the bed of one of the pickups. “Don’t forget, if you wake up and need Mary, she’ll be available. As agreed, we’re here until first light.” Soon, the party broke up, with some men sliding into sleeping bags and others climbing into truck beds or cabs.

Derek took Thia’s hand and they quietly slipped away.

Back in their motor home Thia said, “I can’t imagine what it would be like to have two dicks in me at the same time.”

“Unfortunately, I only have one.”

“I’ve noticed and I think it’s a shortfall of yours. I guess I will just have to use my imagination.” She winked.

“There might be a way. I have friends who’d love to oblige.” He raised a brow, questioningly.

God no!
Don’t you dare bring one of your friends into our sex life or you might not have even one dick to please a woman.”

I can take a hint.” He climbed into the bunk and held the blanket up for her to get in beside him. “If not a friend, what about a stranger?”

She cuddled close. “It would have to be someone we would never see in a social or business environment again and someone who wouldn’t tell another living soul.”

“That might be hard to find.”

Thia’s heart sunk. She knew if anybody could find such a person Derek could. She said, “By the way we didn’t use a condom back there.”

I’m sorry. I don’t normally get so carried away. Are you all right?”

She liked that he was concerned. “Yes. I don’t have to worry about children. It feels so much better without one.”

“It sure does.” He pulled her close.

Thia settled against his warm body and went to sleep with the image of Mary, being filled in every orifice while others stood and watched. Including her.

She shouldn’t have, she really shouldn’t. But somehow, she was glad she had.


* * * *


Derek lay on his back with Thia close by his side. Slowly she climbed over him, positioning herself over his semi-stiff dick. She positioned him at her opening and stroked. Derek woke to his enlarging penis pushing into Thia. His eyes opened to see her eyes, looking down with a glazed expression.

“I hope you don’t mind. It was just too tempting.”

“Not at all. I’ve never been woken up like this. It’s fantastic.”

“It feels good to have a man grow inside me. What do you think is happening to Mary this morning?”

He ran his hands up and down her thighs, then pressed his thumb against her clit. “I imagine they all took a turn on her before they got dressed. They probably did during the night, too.”

“So she might be doing what we’re doing right now?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” He stretched and reached around to caress her butt, paying attention to her smaller hole. Thia trembled at his touch. “I can do this for you, if you want.” Derek’s words were jerky because of the deep breathing caused by his approaching orgasm.

Her own words came out on ragged breaths. “Maybe, yes, maybe so.” Her body pulled tight as her orgasm took control. Derek held her hips tightly against him and she felt him pulse, releasing his cum deep inside.

Thia was happy she hadn’t been Mary, but knew the fantasy and images were ones she’d keep for a long time.






Chapter 10



The smell of loam and ocean mixed as Derek and Thia tramped through the woods the next morning. They skated the campsite from the previous night on their way to the back gate at the Oglethorpe’s, but the pickups were gone. Nothing remained of the night’s activities but a cold, burned spot where the fire had been.

Continuing on the track Derek set using the
, they came to the old logging road leading to a gate in a high chain link fence. About twenty feet on the other side of the fence, a large stone wall with another steel gate provided the second barrier to the Oglethorpe property. The chain link fence—which looked like something the park would erect—was peppered with warning signs.

“By my estimation, the house should be on the other side of that wall.”

“Gosh, Derek, what do you think those signs mean. ‘No Trespassing. Violators will be prosecuted.’ They couldn’t mean we could be in trouble if we cross this fence, could they?
” She raised one brow.

He simply smiled. Almost the same smile he’d given before he’d spread her on the table and eaten her instead of a hearty breakfast. He’d said she was a great “breakfast of champions,” and she’d loved it.

“I’m sure those signs don’t apply to us.”

“Oh, yeah, right.” Sighing, she faced the fence again. “How do we get in? I’m not exactly dressed for fence and wall climbing.” In fact, Derek had provided her with a pair of shorts that barely covered her butt and a halter top, designed, he said, for efficient baring of breasts.

Derek, in a T-shirt, Dockers and hiking boots seemed ready to climb, walk or kick his way through anything.

The park fence was not locked so he opened it for Thia and then closed it behind them before advancing on the steel gate in the wall.

“I wonder why they don’t have cameras on this wall,” Thia mused.

“Good question.
” One of his burglar picks slipped his fingers and fell into the grass. Thia bent and retrieved it. “Thanks. I guess they don’t think anyone would know the road is back here.” The lock snicked open and he turned to her with a boyish grin. “That’s a mistake on their part, because here we are.”

With a flourish, he ushered her through the gate before closing it behind them, “It looks like we won’t need a key to open this one when we leave.”

They walked along the road for several hundred yards before the space opened.

“This isn’t at all what I remember. Are you sure this is the right place? I don’t see the swimming pool.”

Derek frowned. “It has to be. We arrived and left on the other side, so we never saw this side of the house. I’m sure this is the right place. I mean, how many houses on the Pacific coast also abut
Golden Gate
National Park

As they moved closer to the house, Thia’s heart pounded and she noticed Derek’s attention was solely on their surroundings. The sound of falling water struck them. They rounded a stand of bougainvillea and she discovered they were at the top of the cascading pools that ended in a beautiful swimming pool. The Pacific sparkled in the distance, and the house sprawled below them. Derek quickly pulled her back behind the cover of bushes.

Thia ducked low and peered around the lower branches, feeling like Jane Bond. “That looks like where the slave auction was held.”

Standing above her, Derek narrowed his eyes and scanned the area then checked the
. After scribbling in a small notepad secreted in the leather pouch, he stood back. “That is where the auction was held. There’s not much activity, which is how I thought it would be.”

Thia took another quick look. “Isn’t that somebody by the pool?”

“Yeah, I saw. There’s a housekeeper and gardener who live here. Maybe it’s one of them.” He moved farther from the protective cover. “Shit. I think she’s seen us.”

“She looks like a child.”

Frowning again, Derek said, “My information doesn’t mention children in this house.” He smiled and waved to the girl. The youngster did the same.

“How do we just walk down there?” Thia asked. “We’re not supposed to be here.”

“You’d be surprised what people accept. Just smile and wave, sweetheart. Smile and wave.” And he started off down the hill.

The person by the pool stood, quickly put on a robe and waved back.

“Good morning! I’m Derek Anderson and this is my friend, Sin. Are Sylvester and Lilly around?”

The girl was Oriental and much older than she looked at a distance. She replied in perfect English, “I’m Lei and I’m sorry to say they are at sea.” She looked at them suspiciously. “By the way, how did you get in?”

“The back gate was ajar, but don’t worry we closed it after we came through.”

Lei hesitated then said, “Oh, dear, that’s never happened before.”

“Well, I’m sure it was an accident when it was used last.” Derek leaned forward, sharing a smile and a conspiratorial wink. “I wouldn’t want to get anyone in trouble.”

Lei didn’t smiled back. “Well, still, I must tell someone. Thank you for closing it. Is there something I can do for you?” She hadn’t relaxed, and glanced again at the house, as though she thought she might need help.

“I’m creating the artwork for the house and wanted to find some good backdrops for my work. Sin and I attended the masquerade a few weeks ago and Sylvester invited me to come back if there was anything I needed for the work.”

That did the trick. Lei smiled warmly this time. “You paint! Of course you must see the property and the house. Yes, yes.” She gestured toward a table near her chair. “Would you like some iced tea?”

“That would be nice, thank you.” Before Lei could leave he asked, “Are you alone here?”

Lei’s size made Thia think of a child, though she obviously wasn’t. But her manner enhanced the impression. There was a trusting sweetness about her.

“Yes, the gardener and housekeeper had pick-ups to make in town. They invited me to go with them but I don’t like it in town. I’m always afraid we will get separated.”

Thia moved forward smiling. “I’ll help you with the tea.”

“That’s okay, it isn’t a problem. There is some made up in the kitchen. Just make yourselves comfortable.” Lei picked up her glass and went into the house.

“I hope you don’t mind that I used Sin but it is how you are known here.”

“No, I’m just glad you remembered. I didn’t. Besides when we’re together it seems appropriate.”

Derek chuckled and gave her a kiss filled with promise. “Later I’ll prove that, but for now I need to take a look around the house. When I go inside, find a way to keep Lei occupied. It’s a good break that everyone else is gone.”

Lei came out with a tray of glasses, ice bucket and a pitcher of dark red liquid. She set it on the table between two deck chairs. “Mr. Anderson, did you find some good scenery for your pictures?”

BOOK: She Shouldnt, But She Will
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