She Shouldnt, But She Will (21 page)

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“Yes. The view of the house and ocean would be perfect for what I have in mind. Have you ever been painted, Lei?”

She hid her face and giggled. “Oh, no. There are more beautiful women than I to paint.”

“You’re wrong,” he said gently. “You’re gorgeous.”

Lei lowered her eyes. “Thank you. Would you like tea before you go into the house to measure?”

Derek glanced at Thia. “We have plans for the afternoon, so I’d better take care of work before pleasure.”

Thia nodded. “If you don’t need me, it’s warm and sunny, and it would be nice to sit and relax for a while.” She looked at the Oriental girl sitting beside her. “If Lei doesn’t mind, that is.”

“You’re welcome to stay and enjoy the pool if you like, Sin.”

Thia thought if she was going to distract Lei she should engage her in conversation. “How long have you lived here?”

“For a long time. I lived on the
Natant Revel
but about a year ago they brought all my stuff in and told me I would have to stay here for a while.”

From the corner of her eye she saw Derek slip away. Lei settled into her chair, seeming perfectly relaxed.

“I liked it better on the
Natant Revel
. It gets lonely here when the ship is at sea and it is just the three of us.”

“Where did you live before the
Natant Revel

“At a school in North Korea.”

North Korea ? Wasn’t that a country the US had no dealings with? “So you’re Korean?”

Lei laughed. “Oh, no. I just went to school there. I’m American.”

That didn’t ring true. “My parents sent me away when I started high school. Like you, probably. Where do your parents live?”

“Somewhere in China. I don’t remember them. I went to the school when I was very young.” She sighed. “I liked it there, but sometimes it was hard for me. I didn’t always understand the other girls.”

“How did you meet Sylvester and Lilly?”

“From the school, a nice man took me to a ship. It was the
Natant Revel
, and there I met Lilly and Sylvester. Lilly told me I was special and asked if I’d like to help her on the ship. I was happy when they took me.”

Thinking of the girls in the slave auction, an idea began forming in Thia’s mind. “What happened to the other students?”

“You were here for the auction at the masquerade?”

“Yes.” Thia held her breath, knowing what was coming.

“Those girls were from the school.”

Oh my God. Were Lilly and Sylvester running some kind of slave factory in the Orient?
“What happened to the boys?”

Lei got a puzzled look, “There weren’t any boys. Parents wanted boys.”

Parents wanted boys.
Thia had read about the one-child policy in China , where boys could work and serve the family but girls were seen as worthless. Is that the culture Lei had escaped? But escaped into what? Being a household servant, or a sex slave? What choice was that?

Well, she is alive
, a contrary voice whispered in her mind.

“After high school I went to college where I studied accounting. I run the firm my husband and I started. What did you study at school?”

“Mostly languages and the culture of countries around the world where the languages are spoken. I also learned accounting, but only after Sylvester and Lilly bought me. I keep their books. Unfortunately, that doesn’t keep me busy.”

Bought her? I don’t even want to go there.
“Do you ever see your parents?”

“No, they don’t want me.” Lei said it as though it was no problem. “In the village where I was born, girls are often killed or abandoned and left to die. I was lucky the school picked me up.”

“I guess you were lucky.”
Talk about a rock and a hard place.
“So, the people from the school find unwanted girls in China, educate and care for them until Lilly and Sylvester buy them and bring them here, where they sell them to someone else?”

Lei brightened. “Yes, that’s it.”

“But, what happens if no one buys a girl?” Thia swallowed. She couldn’t believe she was having a normal conversation with someone about buying and selling women. She must be delusional.

“Oh, everyone is sold. If the original price is not met, it goes down until somebody gives in. If the price goes too low, the situation might be very unpleasant. Lilly and Sylvester would not be happy and neither would the girl, so they work hard to keep prices high.” She smiled brilliantly. “They are good at keeping everyone happy.”

“I can see why you like it here.”

“Yes. Lilly says it’s hard for Americans to understand, but they take care of us.”

Sure they do. While lining their own pockets.
Oh, if only she’d known this at the party, she would have given Sylvester a piece of her mind. They deal in slavery. Only for Derek’s sake did she maintain an attitude of calmness. Obviously, Lei was childlike and didn’t understand the concept of slavery.

Her hands clenched into fists on the chair arm. “It sounds like you have a nice life here. What do you do when you aren’t keeping the books?”

“I like to read. There is an excellent library, and I order books from Amazon. I also help Mike and Judy with the yard and housework, and of course there is the pool and hot tub. Sin, why don’t you join me in the hot tub?”

“Too bad I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

Lei stood. “Oh, you don’t need a swimsuit. I never wear one. Will Derek mind?”

Derek had told her to keep the woman occupied. “Well, as long as not wearing a swimsuit won’t be a problem.”

“Come along.” Lei started off at a fast clip and Thia rushed to keep up.

The hot tub was nestled near the cascading falls. Bougainvillea and other flowering bushes cast off their heady fragrance and tumbled over the retaining wall that backed the tub.

Lei was out of her robe in a heartbeat exposing a petite figure. Then she looked at Thia. “Sin?”

Thia craned her neck, checking all directions to make sure they were alone. Except for gym class, she’d never come close to being naked with another woman.
Oh, Derek, where are you when I need you?

He’d asked her to distract Lei and keep her out of the house, but would he want her to do this? She was trapped.

Turning her back on the tub, Thia slipped the halter top over her head.

“Come on, Sin. The water is wonderful.”

Right. Nothing to it.
Thia shimmied out of the shorts. Funny, with Derek she’d felt she had practically nothing on, but now she wished she could leave on those tiny scraps of material so she would be somewhat covered.

She side-stepped into the tub and then immediately sank to her chin in the warm bubbling water. If she wasn’t so uptight about being in the tub naked with another woman, the kinks in her muscles from hiking, climbing and too much sex in strange positions would have uncurled. But she couldn’t get past the idea of Lei being there with her. Naked.

Lei leaned against the side opposite Thia. Her eyes were closed, her body under the water, as Thia’s was.
This might be okay after all.

The churning warm water started to do its work. Against her will, Thia began to relax. Her eyes drifted shut. Her arms floated to the surface and she propped her head against the padded edge.

The water soothed her and even tickled a little. The rush coming from one of the jets swirled around her nipple and massaged her breast. Another caressed her thighs and eased her legs apart. How cool was that?

She eased her lids up to see if Lei looked as languorous as she felt. Lei wasn’t across the pool, though.

Oh, my God!
” Thia sat straight up and scurried to the other side of the hot tub. More than the jets of water had been caressing her. If only she weren’t naked, she’d jump out, but she was naked and she couldn’t bring herself to run away, exposed.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

Lei backed up, startled at Thia’s rejection. “You were tense. I was only helping you relax.”

“Relax?” Thia gave a nervous laugh. “No way. Not with you, uh, doing what you were doing.”

“But Sin,” Lei coaxed, “you were beginning to let go of your tension.” She shrugged. “I felt it—” she held up one slender hand, “—in the tips of my fingers. You know what I mean?”

“Well, I think you need to keep your fingertips to yourself.”

Lei shrugged and then smiled. “I’m sorry I could not help you relax. I think you’ll unwind better if I am not here, so I’ll go inside and see if I can help Derek.” She stood and began to climb out.

” Thia didn’t know how her palms could sweat while submerged in water, but they were. Whatever she felt about Lei, she couldn’t let the little Oriental woman interrupt Derek. “Um, I just wasn’t expecting you to, um, you know. I-I was shocked, that’s all. Please stay.”

What had she done? She’d sacrificed her personal feelings in order to help Derek with his investigation. Stopping the drug smugglers was very important. Or was it she cared that much for Derek?

Just relax
, she told herself.
Just go with the flow. It doesn’t mean anything, and you’re helping Derek.

“Are you sure?” Lei stepped back into the tub. The woman’s body was exquisite. Delicately shaped, with dark, almond-shaped eyes. Shining black strands of silky hair were clipped up on her head.

“Yes,” Thia whispered and held out her hand.

Lei sat beside Thia then leaned over and kissed Thia’s cheek, letting her tiny nipple buds brush Thia’s arm. Lei draped Thia’s arm over her shoulders and placed Thia’s hand on her breast.

Thia held her breath then moved her fingers, instinctively massaging Lei’s breast. Lei snuggled against Thia’s side. Tiny and soft, Lei mewled with pleasure and stroked Thia’s thighs. Warm water bubbled and swirled around them, easing Thia’s discomfort. She parted her legs and Lei slipped her hand between them.

Her touch was light but sure, stroking away the tension, stoking fire in every nerve ending. Fire trailed her fingertips.

Thia looked down and saw Lei looking up. Thia kissed Lei’s forehead as she continued massaging Lei’s breast. Lei craned her neck and took Thia’s lips, softly sucking her lower lip into her mouth, slipping her tongue into Thia’s mouth and testing the heat. Against her will, Thia whimpered.

Lei ducked her head under the water and took Thia’s right nipple into her mouth. Thia sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. She put from her mind it was a woman sending shivers of passion through her, and just let it happen. Lei’s head surfaced just long enough to take a breath then lower to give Thia’s left breast the same treatment.

The next time Lei’s head broke the surface, she kissed Thia’s shoulder and neck. Thia bent to meet Lei’s kisses—intoxicating kisses, which set Thia’s heart racing. Thia pulled her tight and followed Lei’s lead of exploration with her tongue.

At some point, Thia moved from helping Derek to enjoying the experience. She didn’t want Lei to stop. She wanted to know where the feelings led.

Once more, Lei’s hand move between Thia’s legs. This time, Thia spread herself wide, inviting Lei to touch. When Lei’s fingers reach her pussy lips and then found her clitoris, Thia wanted to scream but she settled for a moan turned to little squeaks.

Lei straddled Thia’s lap, took control of Thia’s mouth and started softly kissing her. Thia let Lei have her way, enjoying the feel of Lei’s tongue push into her mouth. Her mind was totally consumed with the craving building in her loin. While Lei’s tongue played with her tongue she pushed her hands between their bodies and massaged Lei’s small but firm breasts.

Thia’s hand slowly slid down Lei’s stomach, through her pubic hair and between Lei’s pussy lips. The smaller woman flinched when Thia’s finger found her clitoris, then she moved against Thia’s hand. Thia stroked and caressed as Lei’s kisses became more intense.

Finally, Lei broke the kiss. “Will you float on your back for me?”

Thia nodded, her eyes glazed and mind muddled. Lei stepped off Thia’s lap and guided her onto her back. She spread Thia’s knees and positioned her face against Thia’s pussy. Between the surging water, the unworldly feeling of floating and Lei’s tongue sliding up her pussy lips, Thia thought she’d lose her mind.

By timing the strokes of her tongue, Lei pushed Thia higher and higher. Thia tried to rock and force her pussy against Lei’s mouth but was unable to. She begged Lei to finish her and Lei obliged at last, giving her a devastating orgasm. Lei pulled her upright and hugged her close.

Thia clung to Lei as the orgasm subsided. “My God, Lei, that felt so good. Where did you learn to do that?”

Not realizing it was a rhetorical question Lei replied. “It is one of the things we learned at the school I told you about.”

“I went to the wrong school.”

Worry consumed Thia. She knew Lei probably expected reciprocation, but Thia had never satisfied a woman. She thought about Derek and how he’d satisfied her, and resolved to do the same.

Dipping underwater, she smoothed her hands up Lei’s legs, following with hungry lips. Lei sank back into the water and wrapped her legs around Thia’s neck.

Lei’s pussy came against Thia’s lips. She kissed Lei’s pussy then began licking. Pungent fluid coated Thia’s tongue while she hunted for Lei’s clitoris. When she found the little bud, she coaxed it out of its hood, sucked it into her mouth and flicked it with her tongue. Slowly and then faster, Thia licked and sucked. Lei bucked but Thia held her steady. Lei’s moans penetrated Thia’s sensibilities just before every muscle in Lei’s trembling body pulled tight. Thia pulled Lei to her holding her tight until Lei’s body relaxed.

While Thia held Lei’s small body, she wondered if Derek felt protective about her as she did now about Lei.

They both lay in the tub. Thia was trying to get the energy to get out and see if Derek was back. Before she managed the effort, Derek found her and they said their goodbyes to Lei.


* * * *


Derek and Thia hiked back up the hill behind the pools. When Thia turned for a last look, Lei had gotten out of the hot tub and jumped into the pool. She didn’t look up and Thia wasn’t disappointed. She’d never imagined she’d share an experience with another woman, but she couldn’t have asked for any better first time than with Lei.

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