SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (79 page)

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“I’ll be seeing you soon Jackie. I hope that slit was intended for my pleasure.”

Jackie smirked and walked down to the wine cellar. She remembered that a friend told her Beau was hot and to be careful not to be burned. She was going to need a fire extinguisher.

With clipboard in hand, Jackie descended the stairs to the wine cellar. It was reportedly one of the best stocked in the West. A great many bottles were those of Beau Savage who used Clear Creek for bottles that couldn’t fit in his own wine cellar. The space was dark, mysterious and she was a little frightened. No one on her staff was allowed to enter without management supervision as the collection was easily worth millions. Jackie heard approaching footsteps and thought it must be one of the servers who was in need of something specific.

“Mark, is that you. I’m bringing up the bottle of Pouilly-Fusse you requested. I’m bringing up a couple of bottles if I can find the damn things. Mark? Mark?”

Jackie felt hands grab her from behind. Beau wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her neck. She whipped around meeting his blue-grey eyes with hers and gasped.

Beau placed his fingers over Jackie’s lips.

“Shh. I had to touch you and I think you wanted me too. If I should leave just say the word.”

Jackie pulled him in for a kiss so powerful. Beau knew she was feeling the same. With his hand, he removed a single clip from her hair and her long black hair softly cascaded down past her shoulders.

“When you spread your legs upstairs giving me a glance of your red lace panties, I knew I had to explore every inch of you. It isn’t often that a woman surprises me but you knock me to my knees.”

“Did you close the door when you came down?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Good because I’m the only one with a key.”

Jackie pushed Beau against an oak wall, surprising him with her strength. With a single pull, her silk blouse dropped to her knees. She stepped out of her skirt leaving her in a bra and panties as Beau looked on. She removed his tie, shirt and cummerbund.

“You’re used to being in charge. Tonight I’m the boss Beau.”

Beau didn’t answer he just moaned in ecstasy as his pants hit the floor and she began sucking his cock. His fingers became tangled in her long black hair. After he came. He gently laid Jackie on the floor and caressed her silky skin from her ankles up her thighs. He removed her silk panties and then her bra getting lost in her natural breasts. He kissed her crotch and she began to move to a rhythm of which she had no control. He was about to cover her body with his but she turned him on his back.

“Remember who’s in charge here.” Jackie whispered.

Jackie and Beau enjoyed each other until they were abruptly interrupted. They heard the dinner announcement.

“That was the fastest 45 minutes ever. In my life, I’ve never been out of control. You do something to me Jackie. I don’t want this to end but I really should go upstairs and rejoin that trollop that I brought,” Beau said as he began getting dressed.

“Would you believe me if I said that was way out of character for me.”

“I would like to think that you don’t normally fuck men in the wine cellar. I hardly know you though. I want to change that Jackie Keller and I hope if I call you you’ll agree to go on a real date; one in which we wear clothes. I would love to see you in a pair of blue jeans and a cowboy hat. If you can ride a horse like you just rode me, I’ll be amazed.”

Jackie gathered her hair back up in a bun. “We’ll talk Beau. I’m not willing to be one of your many conquests. Expensive baubles don’t impress me and I’m not looking for a husband. What happened tonight was amazing but I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the future.”

They shared a final passionate kiss before walking up the stairs. Jackie allowed Beau to go up first so it wouldn’t appear suspicious. Jackie grabbed her clipboard, wine and re-entered the ballroom.

“Thanks for the wine. I’ve got the table from the Blue Star Ranch and they’re drinking like fish. Quite a raucous bunch. Um, none of my business boss but your shirt is inside out. Are you okay?” Mark whispered in Jackie’s ear.

“Oh, I had a stain that I wanted to treat and it was easier if I took of my blouse. Must have put it on wrong. Thanks for saving me from being embarrassed. People may have thought I was screwing around with someone in the wine cellar.” Jackie was flustered as she crept away to the restroom.

In the bathroom, Jackie had a moment to process what had just happened with Beau Savage. She had known him for 24 hours and already he was complicating her life. Hooking up with a wealthy cowboy was not a part of her plan in Wyoming. She didn’t have a plan for the Clear Creek Resort other than to move on to a property in Nevis or Antigua. Her assistant Colette came into the restroom with Jackie.

“Thanks for throwing me the shift in the dining room tonight, as it’s a nice change from sitting behind a desk. I’m glad I found you because Beau Savage is asking to speak with you. What’s going on with him? His companion is getting tipsy and she’s all over him. Confusing because he sent you flowers — oh well fill me in on Monday,” Colette said.

Jackie sighed and went out to talk to Beau, which was bound to be interesting.

“Mr. Savage, you asked to speak with me. Is there a problem?”

Tiffany was hanging on to Beau’s neck, which was still marked with Jackie’s lipstick.

“On the contrary Ms. Keller, I wanted to compliment you and your staff for your excellent service. The attention to detail is unsurpassed. I’m going to leave something with the concierge to show my thanks.” Beau said while smiling the entire time.

The ballroom was loud and busy as guests started milling about after dinner. Beau laid his hand on Jackie’s thigh and squeezed it making her jump.

“I’ll make sure they know that you’re pleased. If you need anything else please call.”

“I will, I definitely will Ms. Keller.”

“Can I have someone bring your car around because it looks like Ms. Smythe is ready to go home,” Jackie said because Tiffany could hardly sit up straight.

“That would be great. I’ll drop her off at her condo downtown on my way back to the ranch.”

Tiffany managed to speak up. “No, no. I’m going home to the ranch with you Beauregard. I always go home with you. Don’t be a party pooper.” Spit was gathering around the sides of Tiffany’s mouth and Beau was beginning to become embarrassed.

Beau mouthed the word
and blew Jackie a kiss goodnight as he led his drunk date to his waiting car.

Beau woke up alone and happier than ever that there was not a woman next to him. He was determined to have Jackie Keller beside him soon. He couldn’t get the beauty out of his mind. It was Saturday and Beau had a rare day with nothing on his calendar. Before he called Jackie because it was only 5:30am, He decided to visit with his grandfather. Beau wanted to tell anyone who would listen that he had finally met someone special.

Beau put on Jeans, UC-Boulder sweatshirt (his alma mater), a beat up cowboy hat and a pair of broken in boots. He walked out to his garage where he kept his collection of about 20 vehicles. He had a couple of Harleys, trucks, sports cars, sedans and his favorite classic Mustang collection. He enjoyed looking at his cars but he left the garage without putting his keys in the ignition.

The stables were calling his name. Horses and the open land were two of the reasons he loved Wyoming and it had been too long since he had enjoyed them. The ranch hand on duty was shocked to see Beau. “Mr. Savage. What can I do for you? I was unaware you’d be riding this morning; had I known I would have gotten your favorite horse ready,” Linus said.

“I’ll relax and walk around the place while you saddle up my favorite stallion. It’s been so long since I’ve set foot in here so I hope Han is still about.”

“He sure is. We take him out and keep him exercised because we know he’s your favorite. Something seems different about you Mr. Savage. Have you just arrived home from vacation cuz you seem very relaxed.”

“Thanks for noticing Linus. I’m just happy. I didn’t even know I was unhappy before.” Beau smiled as he visited the stalls, which he had neglected for so long.

Beau rode Han to his Grandfather’s house. Surveying the property that he was anxious to show Jackie.

“Hey Pops!” Beau tipped his hat to his Grandfather who was surprised to see him on horseback.

“Never thought I’d see the day when you showed up here looking like a real cowboy. What brought this on?”

“You said yourself that I’d know the right one when I saw her. Well, I think I’ve seen her. All I can say that today the sun is shining a little brighter.”

“Do I know her?” Jacob Savage asked.

“No, she’s new to the area and I can’t say I know her too well myself. She works at the Clear Creek Resort so she’s different from the women I normally take home. Jackie has a level of class and beauty that’s unmatched. She’s a college graduate and not interested in snagging a billionaire.”

Beau’s Grandfather looked concerned. “It sounds like an infatuation to me Beau.”

“I’m not expecting it’ll be easy to wrangle this woman but I know what I want and that means I’ll get it.” Beau smiled.

“I wish you luck Beau and think about bringing Jackie by to meet me while I’m still around. I’ll be able to tell if she’s as special as you make her sound.”

Beau’s Grandfather was suspicious. Beau had a strong attraction to Jackie Keller, perhaps because she wasn’t handed to him on a gold platter trussed up with an apple in her mouth. Jason Savage had been in his grandson’s position at 41 with no heirs. Panic sets in and a man starts looking more seriously for a wife.

“I appreciate it Pops but I don’t think I’ll need much luck as I’ve never needed it before with women.” Beau smiled as he went inside to refill his coffee.

Jackie woke up realizing that sex on the floor of a wine cellar had its drawbacks. She was moving slowly and had bruises in places that were going to be hard to explain. Washing the kitchen floor would be a good excuse, except for the fact that her condominium was carpeted. Jackie was glad that she chose to be on top for her sexcapade, otherwise the injuries would be worse. It was a Saturday but Jackie decided to head into the office anyways. She had let other projects go untouched for a while because all her energy was directed towards the charity event.

“Hey Colette. Any chance you can swing by the office today. I’m going in to play catch up and I would love the company. I’ll buy lunch. Take-out from anywhere.”

“I was thinking the same thing Jackie. I can’t wait to hear what happened between you and the hot cowboy. I saw the glances the two of you were exchanging.”

“It was that obvious huh? See ya in a bit,” Jackie smiled when she thought of hunky Beau.

Jackie hopped in her Camry and sped to the office. As she moved through the canyon in her vehicle purchased in New York, she considered trading it in and leasing a small SUV or truck. She wanted to look as she belonged in Wyoming during her tenure, which would be six months or less. On her dash, she kept a photo of the resort in the Caribbean which she planned to make her final destination. While she was driving, a call came in from Beau so she enabled her Bluetooth and smiled as she answered.

“Did you manage to get your date home safely?”

“Yes, I walked her in the door and reclaimed the diamonds before I left her passed out on the couch. If I didn’t do it the security guard would’ve shown up to do it for me.”

“Do many people borrow jewels for an event?” Jackie asked.

“I do because I go to many events and I want my dates to look a certain way. I’ve never known a woman with whom I wanted to invest in permanently. I have plenty of cash but I go to so many dinners, ceremonies and celebrations that the cost would be prohibitive. In the past week alone I’ve had three appearances in which I had $2–6M worth of shit on each woman.”

“Interesting. Where is your private jet taking you to this week?” Jackie asked.

“I’m not thinking about next week Jackie. Is there anywhere you want to go?”

Jackie was surprised by the question and she almost rammed into another car in the resort parking lot. “To my office is the only place I’m planning to go for a while. I work for a living Beau.”

“O.K. If I can’t lure you away for a romantic dinner in Paris then agree to come out to the ranch and spend the day with me tomorrow. A quiet afternoon on the ranch isn’t something I do often.”

“Sounds blissful. Are casual clothes appropriate?”

“Come as you are and I’ll provide you some western gear when you get here.”

“How are you planning to do that? You don’t know my size.”

“Jackie, I had my hands all over your body last night. I think I can figure out you measurements down to the inch. You can drive out or I’ll send a car; your choice.”

“I’ll be there before lunch. Gotta go. I’m at the office.”

Jackie disconnected. Walking towards her office, she had time to think about what getting involved with Beau Savage meant to her long-term plan. She was using places like Wyoming as a stepping-stone to reach the Caribbean. Colette who came up behind her interrupted her thoughts and the two continued to the office.

“You’ve only been here an hour and already you have a delivery from the cowboy,” Colette announced a delivery.

Colette showed the deliveryman into Jackie’s office. He carried a huge bouquet that took up half of her desk. It smelled amazing because Jasmine were the focal point of the arrangement. They were her favorite flower and they smelled of the perfume she had on the previous night. The delicate white flowers were interspersed with Indian paintbrushes, which were the Wyoming state flower. Jackie read the card.

Nothing can smell as magnificent as you did last night but these should come close. Counting the minutes until you arrive at The Wandering Bison ranch tomorrow.



“OMG Jackie. I’ve been in this town a lot longer than you. Beau Savage rarely holds an interest in a woman beyond 24-hours.”

“I don’t know what to say Colette. I didn’t plan this. In fact, I didn’t even know who Beau Savage was before I moved to Wyoming. I don’t even think I’m his type and I’m sure he’ll lose interest quickly.”

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