SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (83 page)

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Jackie decided not to comment. It was odd that he left their conversation in a hurry to taste the elk. He must have been uncomfortable talking about the previous night.

“We have plenty of non-meat options so I’m sure Jono will be fine. We should mingle and I have to check on JB.”

Jackie kissed her husband on the mouth. It was a lingering show of affection that Tina noticed from across the room. She commented to her friend.

“That woman is a hussy. Doesn’t she realize that this is a funeral?”

“You’re just jealous Tina. You would rather be the one with your tongue in his mouth. Face it Tina. Jackie and Beau are in love and they have a little boy together so it’s time to step aside.”

“When have you ever known me to step aside Sasha. She’s acting like the goose that laid the golden egg. He has a son and will realize soon that he can do without the wife.”

“I think you’ve had too much to drink T. Let’s call it a night.”

“It would be rude to leave without thanking the hostess. Have our car brought around and I’ll meet you out front.”

Before Sasha could change her mind, Tina started walking towards Jackie.

“Hi Jackie. Wanted to come over and say goodbye. Your home looks beautiful and there are so many changes since the last time I was here.”

“I didn’t realize that you had been a guest at the Wandering Bison.” Jackie commented.

“Yes, as I said Beau and I go way back. I saw him in Paris while I was doing runway but we managed to see each other when I made it back to the states.”

“Right. I know you’ve been in the LA area for a while linked with Tim Randall.”

“That sounded worse than it was and I’ve moved on.”

Jackie had enough of Tina Dorsette and her innuendo. She was a guest in her home.

“Moved on to another married man with a family Tina?”

“Harsh Jackie. I’m feeling your tension and I think you had better ask Beau about the situation. I was not the only one in the room last night so if you want details ask your husband. Cover the little one’s ears when you speak with Beau. Some of what will be said isn’t appropriate for children. Bye Jackie.”

Tina walked away leaving a shattered Jackie. Her world had just collapsed and she needed fresh air. Jackie escaped to a field adjacent to the house and sobbed uncontrollably. She had gone all-in with her marriage to Beau and completely redirected the trajectory of her life for him. She would pack a bag and leave if it weren’t for JB. Unlike most women, she didn’t need or want Beau’s fortune. Jackie’s career didn’t afford her luxuries but it was enough. It would have to be enough. Jackie dried her eyes and went back into the house. She was not about to make a scene with Beau in front of the guests as it would be disrespectful to the memory of Jason Savage.

“It seems that everyone is finally gone. I need a soak in the hot tub in the worst way. Care to join me?” Beau winked.

Jackie wanted to smack him in the face but she maintained her composure.

“I have things to take care of.”

Jackie turned and went to her bedroom.

Jackie quickly packed a bag and asked Eve to pack some things for JB. Her plan was to go to Jason’s house on the ranch until she decided what to do. Jackie felt as though she had been in a car wreck; her head was throbbing and every muscle in her body was sore. Having her heart broken was more painful than child labor. Beau eventually appeared in the room after her bags were packed.

“Going somewhere that I don’t know about?” Beau was dripping wet with a towel around his waist.

“I’m going to stay down at Pops’ house with JB for a few days until I decide where to go. I’m leaving you Beauregard. Don’t insult me with some lame excuse about how you were just working through your grief with Tina. You must be superman the way you fucked her on Friday night and then came home to go at it with me. I’m aware that you have a past Beau but to bring it into the present. You flaunted your whore around my house with your child present, at your grandfather’s funeral. You can have your damn money because it doesn’t impress me. JB and I will be fine on our own and don’t get any ideas about taking our son. There isn’t a judge in the US that even you can buy who’ll award you custody. Tina gives models a bad name because I’m sure there are many of them smarter than me. That girl isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but I guess you don’t aim very high.”

Beau was in shock as stood in the doorway motionless with tears streaming down his face.

“Jackie, he whispered. “I love you. You and JB are all that matters. I’m sorry.”

Jackie slammed her suitcase shut and walked down the stairs.

“Eve, let’s go,” She called out before they walked out the front door.

The guesthouse was a creepy place to be since it was where she found Pops dead but she felt his presence. That in itself was comforting.

“Eve, I can’t thank you enough for coming along no questions asked. There’s a room set up in back for JB. I see that he’s still sleeping poor man he doesn’t deserve any of this.”

“No problem Mrs. Savage. You’re an excellent mother and I’m sure you’ll tell me everything I need to no in good time. I’m going to sleep on the bed next to JB’s crib. That way I’ll be there if her wakes up confused in the middle of the night.”

“Thanks Eve.”

As soon as she was alone, Jackie opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a tumbler full. She was about to take a gulp when there was a knock at the door. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Leave me alone Beau.”

Jackie was surprised when she opened to find Tina’s friend Sasha.

“Hi Jackie. Sorry to invade your privacy but we need to talk. A person from the catering staff told me where you might be.”

“I can’t imagine what you have to add to this horrible situation. Tina sends her minions to do her dirty work. She’s a bigger bitch than I ever imagined. Come in. It’s not your fault and they say — don’t kill the messenger.”

“First, let’s clear something up. I’m not one of Tina Dorsette’s minions. I was her friend for years and I stress was.”

“Wine?” Jackie offered and poured her a glass.

“Can I call you Jackie?”

“Sure and make yourself comfortable.”

“Beau wasn’t completely innocent of flirting with Tina when the evening started. He was tipsy and she is — well you know.”

“Tina’s attractive, I’ll give her that but nothing more,” Jackie, joked.

“Beyond the first hour, it was all Tina. She asked me to leave so she could get your husband drunk and seduce him. She managed to get him very drunk and she told him she would help him get to his room. She practically had to carry Beau out of the lounge.”

“What happened after that Sasha? I’m the co-owner of the resort and the employees tell me everything. I made some calls and the room was a mess.”

“That’s classic Tina. Beau passed out so she made it look like they had an epic time. He assumed they had sex and she didn’t tell him otherwise. She took the poor guy’s clothes off and got nude herself. When I saw Beau look at you tonight and the way he was with JB, I knew something had to be done. I’m so sorry if I contributed to the way that Tina acted.”

“I don’t blame you Sasha. You were used and now you know better. It’s not all fun and games. Tina’s hurting real people and I’m not just thinking of me but JB. I’m still pissed as hell at Beau but this is something we can work through. He’s gonna have to work his butt off to make it up to me. What about Tina? How can we make her feel the pain?”

“I was thinking of that on the way over here. Tina relies on people to take care of her. It all started with her career because as a successful model your hair and make-up are done and clothes are purchased for you. When a model retires she still expects others to foot the expensive bill.”

“How do we get other’s to stop paying her expenses?”

“It helps that Savage Enterprises owns nearly every condo she lives in.” Sasha smiled.

“I’m sure as hell not paying her bills any longer. I bet we own most of the entities that she relies on. This is a good start Sasha. Are you going to be OK without her shirttails to ride on?”

“I’ll be able to sleep well and that’s good enough for me. I’m 26 and not too old to go back to school.”

“Let me know if I can help you with anything. I can write you a letter of recommendation that speaks to your honesty and trustworthiness.”

“Jackie was at the breakfast table when Beau woke up at 6am. She was mad but certain that their love was stronger than Beau’s stupidity.

“Good morning Jackie. Thank you for coming back. I didn’t sleep a wink last night but I didn’t deserve a sound sleep. How’s JB?”

“He’s good. He and Eve are spending the morning at the stables. He asked for you first thing this morning and he slept with his cowboy hat on.”

“I’m so embarrassed Jackie. My grandfather had a reputation as a ladies man but he was married twice and he never cheated on his wives. I want my son to look up to me and I go out and act like a 20 year old at 42.”

“Is it out of your system? It had better be because I’m not waiting around while you sample the merchandise.”

“It’s totally out of my system. No more hamburger when I have filet mignon. I made an ass out of myself to the staff at the resort and in front of my friends. Jono called to tell be what a jerk I was. He say’s he’ll take you and treat you like a goddess if I won’t.”

“No offense to Jono but he’s not my type. I should let you go on believing that you slept with Tina but I’m not sinking to her level. She set you up Beau.”

Beau looked more pissed than Jackie had ever seen him. “I’ll kill the bitch”

“Relax. She’s mine.”

“Are you moving back?” Beau asked,

Jackie nodded her head and smiled. “My bag is in the car.”

Jackie stood up and yawned.

“Looks like you could use some extra sleep. I want to go back to bed Beau but I won’t want to sleep. I want you to do to me what you thought you did to Tina.”

Beau picked up his wife and carried her to their bedroom. He picked up where he left off the day before. He tore off her white t-shirt and yoga pants and saw that she was wearing no bra or panties. Her nipples were hard by the time he covered them with his mouth. Beau was never going to skip foreplay again because seeing her turned on and orgasm made him hard. Jackie Savage didn’t lose control often but Beau knew the spots that garnered an immediate reaction.

In a move that was right out of a Bruce Lee film she flipped him over. Now her small toned body covered his and she placed his hard cock inside of her. Beau and Jackie knew that their lover’s fit far exceeded anything Tina would ever experience.

“I’ll never hurt you again Jackie but you have to admit that make-up sex is pretty hot. Why does your phone keep buzzing? Are you expecting an important call?”

“Tina Dorsette has been trying to call all morning. It has something to do with a few cleaning surcharges on her bill. There was a problem with her chartered flight out of our airport. Poor thing is having a bad day. I love you Beau Savage.” Jackie smiled.

“I love you Jackie Savage.”


Her Older Lover

Riley Foster sprinted up the hospital stairs and found a bored-looking receptionist sitting behind her desk. The nine and a half hour flight from London to Miami had done nothing to still her nerves. She had spent those long hours drifting between mentally willing the plane to fly faster and bitter tears of resignation. She could do nothing but sit and wait while her brother lay in a hospital bed half way across the world.

“I’m looking for my brother,” Riley told the receptionist. Her voice wavered on the brink of tears. “He was in an accident. His name is Matthew Foster.”

“Just one moment,” said the receptionist. Riley tapped her fingernails anxiously against the desk while the woman gazed at her computer screen. Riley wasn’t sure if she
a moment — if
had a moment. She felt the tears brimming up once more and fought to keep them down.

“Please,” begged Riley. “It’s really serious. Can’t you just do a search for the name?”

“I’m sorry, Miss,” said the receptionist. “I’m going as fast as I can.”

Riley was just about to jump over the counter and hijack the computer when she heard a deep, familiar voice from her left. She almost jumped.

“Riley? Riley Foster?”

She spun to face the man who had called to her. He was dressed as if he had just stepped from a tense business meeting, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to the elbows revealing tanned, muscular forearms, his tie pulled down and the top two buttons undone, as if at some point he had found the smart shirt stifling and had hurriedly ripped them loose. The stubble dotting his cheeks might have been sexy under other circumstances, but here, under the fluorescent lights of the hospital, it hinted at a man who had barely slept in days, let alone had time to shave.

“Yes, I’m Riley,” she said.

“Follow me. Your brother is this way.”

The man turned and began down one of the hospital’s long, sterile corridor, without a backward glance at her to make sure she was following him. He walked with long, purposeful strides and Riley had to jog to catch up to him.

“Are you his doctor? Is he okay?” she asked him as they wound through the hospital corridors. He smiled warmly, tenderly.

“No, I’m Nick Maddox. Matthew’s business partner. We spoke on the phone. The doctors say his condition is critical but stable for now. We had some scares earlier, but it looks as if he’s pulled through.”

It was hard to believe that less than twenty-four ago she was in her dorm room at the University of London, talking to this man on the phone. He had called her from the hospital within hours of the accident and offered to pay for her tickets to come home to see Matt. Without a thought to the man on the other end, she had accepted, thinking only of her brother. Now she felt as if she owed him a huge amount of gratitude.

“Nick, I’m so sorry. I expected you to be older,” said Riley. “I can’t thank you enough for getting me back here so quickly. I’ll pay you back the money for the flights.” She paused for a moment, thinking of the mountain of student debt she was already facing. “It might take a while.”

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