SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (80 page)

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It wasn’t difficult for Jackie to navigate her way to Beau’s ranch because it occupied a huge portion of southeastern Wyoming. There were signs off the highway directing the way to the Wandering Bison. Jackie liked the name but she didn’t know she would see actual herds of wandering bison, which she did. The scenery was painfully beautiful and photos didn’t come close to doing it justice.

“Jackie Keller here to see Beau Savage.” She pulled up to the gate.

“Mr. Savage has been expecting you. He asked that I give you this.” A man at the gate handed her a large hatbox with a note attached.

This should get you started. Put it on!

Inside was a brown leather cowgirl hat. Jade beads that matched her eyes dotted the perimeter. It was the most exquisite hat that she had ever seen and she could tell that it was hand sewn. She placed it on her head and continued towards the main house. The house was modern and it blended perfect with the landscape. It was constructed of wood and tinted glass with enormous porches like wings coming off each side. One was perfect for watching the sunrise and the other for watching the sunset. A man walked down from the front porch to greet her with a glass of champagne.

“Welcome to the
Wandering Bison Ranch
. Make yourself comfortable on the east deck and Mr. Savage will be down shortly. If you prefer, I can bring you sparkling cider.”

“No, it’s the weekend, why not?”

Jackie looked out at the rolling hills, which were dotted with cattle. It was difficult to imagine one family owning so much land. Her family home in Utica would fit nicely in Beau’s garage several times over.

“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting. The hat looks awesome but then anything would look good on you.” Beau paused. “I can’t help but picturing you wearing nothing but that hat.”

“You have a one track mind Mr. Savage. I call you that because you are a savage; a sexual savage if I remember correctly.”

“You’ve got that right but if I recall, I wasn’t the only one making the moves in the wine cellar.”

Beau lifted Jackie out of the wicker chair into a close embrace and kissed her.

“Mm. Better than I remembered. Now let’s get you looking like a real cowgirl before we head out to the stable. I have some options in the bedroom you’ll find second from the left when you go in the house.”

“Is picking out women’s clothes a hobby of yours,” Jackie joked.

“I know women at a few boutiques in town who were more than happy to help. They helped choose everything except for the lingerie as I know what I like in that category.”

Jackie’s jaw dropped when she entered the room. It looked as if he had purchased an entire boutique. It was the first time that Jackie had let a man dress her and the feeling was odd. What the Hell, she thought and pulled on a pair of blue jeans that fit like a glove and a white linen blouse. The dressing table had a variety of sterling silver jewelry, which is the only type she normally wore and about 20 pair of sunglasses. Her hand hovered over an extra pair that she was going to stick in her purse for Colette as a souvenir but thought better of it.

“Well, I’m set. What do you have planned cowboy?”

Jackie burst out on the porch to find a stacked redhead in black jeans, red sleeveless top and a replica of her own hat standing with Beau. Her long fingers with red nails had a grip on Beau’s bicep. She looked at Jackie and didn’t seem surprised. Beau looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Hello Jackie. Beau was just explaining and what we have here is a case of double booking on Beau’s part. This must be your first time to the ranch because I see you got the full treatment with the outfit to make you look like a genuine cowgirl. I’m Sierra by the way and I’ve decided to step aside and allow you and Beau to enjoy a ride on the property and whatever he has in store next. There will always be other Sundays — right Beau.”

The buxom redhead stepped back as she loosened her grip on Beau’s arm.

“Jackie.” Beau lost all color in his face. “Sierra is an old friend and we had this planned long before I met you. Isn’t that correct Sierra?” “I think a week on a yacht in Cap Ferrat classifies me as more than a friend but call me what you want. We’ll catch up later Beau. I’ll be in LA for the next few weeks and you know where to find me.”

Sierra grabbed Beau’s square jaw and kissed him on the lips before turning to Jackie. “Have fun with Beau and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Actually, come to think of it, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do.” She turned and walked away.

Jackie put up her hand. “I didn’t learn anything here that I didn’t already know but it made me realize that I’m not your type. I think of Sierra, Tiffany and I’m just not that. I shouldn’t have thought this was more than just a one night fuck. I was actually beginning to think of how you might impact my future.”

“Can we just forget about Sierra? I want to impact your future and I want you to impact mine,” Beau said

“That’s out of the question cowboy now that I’ve cleared up my view of how you operate. That being said, let’s not waste a beautiful day. Let’s go for a ride.”

With things settled in Jackie’s mind, she wasn’t worried about impressing Beau and she relaxed. They had a great time on horseback with him on Han and her on Princess Leia.

“Are you that much of a
Star Wars
geek that you named these horses after the characters. These poor animals have to live up to their names.”

“I’m not a geek. I’m 41 therefore I grew up with the original movie as my reference point for pop culture. I mean of course I’ve changed with the times but the nostalgia pulls be back with impending release of the next one.”

“How often do you ride Beau?” Jackie asked.

“A couple of times per year.”

“What a waste. You should spend more time out here because it’s magical.”

“It is when I’m with you Jackie.”

“Get over it Savage.” Jackie pulled her horse up and they raced back to the stable.

Jackie arrived back first and jumped off Princess Leia. She noticed a room off the stable was ajar. She pushed open the door to find Beau had arranged for a romantic rendezvous. Twinkling lights hung from the beams and rose petals laid on a bed covered with white cotton sheets and pillows. Beau touched her shoulders.

“I had this planned before the Sierra debacle. I wanted to make sweet love to you Jackie and not have sex as we did the other night. This is the man I want to be. A friend and a lover. I suppose I’m too late to prove that I’m more than just a wealthy cowboy who treats women as a commodity. I came up with this idea the night after the charity event but I guess I jumped the gun.”

A bottle of champagne sat beside the bed and soft country melodies poured from the overhead speakers.

“It would be a shame to let this go to waste.” Jackie smiled and removed Beau’s cowboy hat. He did the same to hers.

The mood was hurried in the wine cellar, which was the opposite of the slow pace in the stable. Beau took his time unfastening Jackie’s buttons and was sure to kiss each inch of her bronze skin as it was revealed. His hands moved into the waist of her jeans and he squeezed her ass as he pulled her in for a deep and deliberate kiss. Her blouse and pants lay on the straw covered floor and Beau gently laid Jackie on the bed. He joined her still fully clothed. He gently ran his fingers up her leg taking special care when he reached her upper thighs and beyond. Jackie moaned with pleasure as he covered her nipples with his mouth while moving faster with his other hand.

Jackie reached up and in a single motion pulled open the snaps on his shirt. Soon he was naked in bed with her as a musky sage scent wafted in the open windows. Their bodies rose and fell in unison as if they were born to be together. Jackie and Beau made love three times that afternoon. “My stamina has not been like this since I was 21 years old,” Beau said proudly.

Jackie climbed on top of Beau’s muscular body because she preferred even numbers and there was no limit on how much time they could spend in their love nest.

“Do you realize that my life is much more complicated than the moment I bumped into you?” Jackie purred as she rested her head on his six-pack abs.

“Complicated isn’t necessarily a bad thing Jackie and I don’t think it should be any other way for a complex and intriguing woman like you. Can you stay for dinner? You’re welcome to stay here the entire night and beyond if you can be convinced.”

“It has nothing to do with being convinced Beau because I would stay if I were a billionaire as you but I have to be at work tomorrow. The chamber of commerce is holding a breakfast meeting and I don’t want to let down the chamber. They help send a lot of business my way. If I succeed here it’ll get me noticed so I can reach my final goal.”

“I’m sure Colette can handle whatever comes up; besides, I’m on the board-of-directors at the chamber.”

“I should have figured that. Regardless Beau I have to leave this magical place.”

Beau and Jackie got dressed although they both wished they could linger in the barn. He walked her to her car.

“I’m disheveled,” Jackie said as she tried to run her fingers through her tangled hair.

Beau pulled her in and kissed her forehead as her cradled her in his arms. “I wish you never had to leave Jackie. It’s the first time I have ever felt this way. Even when my parents left me at boarding school, I didn’t feel the pain that I’m feeling now.”

“I feel it too Beau but I have to go.” Jackie jumped in her car and drove towards Cheyenne.

Beau walked out to the west porch. As he waited for the sun to set he thought of a plan to keep Jackie. He wasn’t
in love with Jackie Keller. He
love her.

Jackie walked into the office on Monday morning feeling on top of the world but exhausted. The phone was ringing and Colette was frantic when she entered.

“I’ve been trying to reach you since last night. Corporate negotiations have taken place and they’re selling Clear Creek along with the property in Nevis. I didn’t even know negotiations were in the works for this kind of deal,” Colette spoke rapidly.

“This probably means the end of my road working for Dominion. I’m sure the new owners will bring in their own people. This sucks.”

“It gets worse. There is some big shot with the new company waiting for you in the conference room.”

“Wow. They’re wasting no time in showing me the door. My resume is in my personal file and you have the password. Will you start updating it for me? I’m gonna need it.”

Jackie stopped in the restroom on her way to the conference room. She shed a couple of tears, splashed water on her face and then proceeded.

She opened the door to find Beau Savage sitting alone at the long glass conference table.

“Sorry Beau. I don’t have time for you. My complicated life just got a whole lot more complicated. This room is being used.”

“Yes, I know. The new owner of the Clear Creek Resort and the Blue Gem Resort in Nevis is using it. I was itching to spend some money and now I need help managing my new properties. I know nothing about the hospitality business but I hear you do.”

“You’re my new boss?” Jackie gasped.

“I’m the new owner but you’re the boss. I’ve been in charge long enough and I want you to be my partner. Marry me Jackie because I love you and I never want to be without you. We can travel on my private jet between the Caribbean and Wyoming.”

“You think you can just barge in here and make all my dreams come true Beau Savage?” Jackie tried not to smile.

“Yes. I do,” he said. Beau pulled a black velvet box from his pocket and opened to reveal a breathtaking diamond ring. “It’s not on loan this time.”

Jackie welled up with tears of joy. “I love you too Beau and yes I’ll marry you.”

Beau put the ring on Jackie’s finger as he gathered her in a tight embrace.

Part 2

Spring mornings in Wyoming on the Wandering Bison Ranch were blissful. From the moment she opened her eyes until her two-year-old Jason Beauregard (JB) called her name, Jackie Savage had her moment of Zen. Unless of course, her husband Beau rolled over which was often the case.

“I think we have time before our son begins screaming.” Beau grabbed a naked Jackie around the waist before she had a chance to throw on her silk negligee.

“Mm. I can never resist you in the mornings. You are very sexy with your hair tousled and that smoldering smile,” Jackie purred.

As Beau pulled his wife in towards his muscular body, JB wailed.

“He’s punctual. I’ll give him that. JB must get that from my side of the family; all the men in the Savage clan are up at dawn. I bet even pops is rolling over at this very moment,” Beau said as he put on his boxers.

JB was nearly two years old and his parents still fought over who was going to be the first to pick him up. Jackie and Beau had a shotgun wedding after a whirlwind courtship. Jackie always joked that a shotgun wedding was appropriate for a cowboy. Beau had gone from jet setting lothario to family man in two years but he settled into his new role seamlessly. They spent most of the winter in the Caribbean but Beau kept one foot in Wyoming for business and to keep an eye on his 92-year old Grandfather Jason Savage.

“You beat me again. I liked it when JB preferred me when I was the food source.”

“Since you insist on getting JB out of his crib, you’re on breakfast duty. I’m going to pick up Pops so he can spend the day up here with us. I’ll fix some brunch and we’ll all take a walk out to the stables. We have to savor the moments when we have Pops with us because face it; he’s 92 and things are winding down,” Jackie said.

“Pops is going to live until he’s 100 at least. I have no doubt about that but if you insist on a family day then I’m in. We can get my grandfather on a horse and I bet he out rides both of us. He’s a cowboy born and bred so get the old coot up here; I’m sure he’s raring to go.

“I’m going to pull on a pair of jeans and my boots before I go. Eggs scrambled for JB if you think you can handle it.”

“You doubt me?”

“Yes I do Beau. You were giving our son elk jerky the other day and mixing coffee in with his milk.” Jackie laughed. “Good thing I didn’t marry you for your culinary skills. Why don’t you have Eve fix Master Savage his breakfast?” She winked.

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