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Authors: Conor McCabe

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Le Monde, 30 Apr 2013
(accessed 20 July 2013).

Daily Telegraph
, 17 June 2013,
(accessed 21 July 2013).

   Richard Murphy,
Pot of Gold or Fool’s Gold?
(Belfast: ICTUNI, 2010), p.4.


   For more on corruption in Irish life, see Sinn Féin/the Workers’ Party,
The Banks
(Dublin: Sinn Féin, 1976); Gene Kerrigan & Pat Brennan,
This Great Little Nation; The A-Z of Irish Scandals & Controversies
(Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1999); Paul Cullen,
With a Little Help from my Friends: Planning Corruption in Ireland
(Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2002); Colm Kenna,
The Ansbacher Conspiracy
(Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2003), and Simon Carswell,
Something Rotten: Irish Banking Scandals
(Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006).


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A Preliminary Report on the Sources of Ireland’s Banking Crisis

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Census ’91, Volume 10: Housing

Census 2002: Volume 13: Housing

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Committee on the Price of Building Land, Report to the Minister for Local Government

Digest of evidence taken before Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Inquiry into the state of the law and practice in respect to the occupation of land in Ireland. Part I, House of Lords
, Vol. XXXV (1847)

EU/IMF Programme of Financial Support for Ireland

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Housing in the Seventies

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