Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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We walk up to the massive building, and I can’t help thinking of how much things have changed since the last time I walked into this building. As we reach the doors, Keegan knocks, and Bob, the friendly security guard, approaches the door then waves at Keegan with a smile.

“Hello, Mr. James. I wasn’t expecting you. I hope things are all right,” he says, moving out of the way to give us entrance.

“Things are fine, Bob,” Keegan answers.

We make our way across the lobby, and I try to calm my breathing down as we enter the elevator.

He looks over at me and points to a camera. “I would love to kiss you now, but Bob doesn’t get paid for that kind of show.”

I giggle at him. No, I certainly do not want an audience, but it makes me happy that he is thinking about kissing me.

“It’s in my office,” he tells me as we reach our floor, and the elevator doors open.

He takes me through the dimly lit hallway, and as we reach his office door, he pauses then squeezes my hand. “Trust me, Aimee, you’ll love this.”

I do trust him. There is no one on this earth I trust more at this moment.

He continues, “Do me a favor and close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you to.”

“All right.”

I close my eyes while he opens the door then slowly leads me into the space, the anticipation of what he’s going to show me making me feel like I’m floating on air.

We move around something, and then he lets go of my hand and walks away for a second, moving something around. Both of his hands then touch my hips, and I’m guided down to sit on his lap.

“Keegan,” I yelp, the action having surprised me.

“I’m going to count to five, Aimee, and then you can open those beautiful eyes.” His deep and commanding voice starts counting, “One … two … three … four … five.”

My eyes remain tightly shut as I feel his beating heart against my back, matching mine.

He laughs and puts both arms around me, holding me close with his chin on my shoulder, and I can feel his breath on my neck. I suddenly break out in goose bumps.

“It’s okay. Open them,” he whispers in my ear.

I slowly open my eyes, seeing we are sitting directly in front of his expansive window. The scene in front of me is one of beauty. I am facing the New York sky, the stars twinkling above and lights of different colors below us. I can see everything for miles, the entire city. It’s the most amazing view I have ever seen. The buildings and sky fit together like the perfect puzzle. The view at night is more glorious than I ever imagined, just as Keegan mentioned during his interview.

“This is … just … no words, Keegan.” Although him sharing this with me makes me feel something in my heart, I can’t find the words to describe it.

He holds me a little tighter. “I know. You don’t have to say anything.”

“Thank you for showing this to me,” I whisper.

“You’re welcome,” he replies in another whisper.

“No, really, thank you. I could sit here all night, looking at this.” I tell him, imagining how beautiful this scene would be watching the sun rise. Of course, what would make it special is watching it together.

“I have actually looked out these windows and watched the city all night.”

“By yourself?” I ask.

“I’ve never shared this with anyone until now.”


“Yes. As if I would even want to be here with anyone else.”

I melt into him. How could this man be any more perfect?

“I know we need to talk, and I plan on it, but I couldn’t go another night without bringing you here,” he says.

“I’m glad you did.”

This night started off so miserably for me, and now it’s done a complete one-eighty. I don’t want it to ever end.

“There were so many nights I sat here, thinking of you, Aimee.”

I turn my head, and he lifts his off my shoulder. His words are everything to me right now.

In this moment, with the light from the city casting a glow on his face as he looks back at me, I realize there was never a day I didn’t love him. I know I should be asking where he’s been all these years, why he never contacted me? However, I can’t seem to find the words, even after the hurt and pain from our separation. He simply always held my heart, and I want to belong to him as long as he will have me.

I decide to tell him what I’m feeling with a kiss, because right now, that’s the only way I can.

I drop my gaze to his lips, the anticipation making me feel numb all over. Closing my eyes, I move my lips to his, and the moment they touch, the warmth enters me in a windfall. Immediately, we shift together, and the kiss deepens, making me fall into him even more.

When he moves in closer, holding me more snugly, I throw everything I’m feeling into the kiss, knowing he’s doing the same. Then I notice him harden under me, and that increases the tingling I’m feeling even more.

How can every time we kiss become one hundred times better? If this is how every kiss with him is, then I want to do nothing else ever again.

I can’t get close enough to him, and although he’s holding me, I want more. Our breathing increases, and the familiar stirring starts. I want him, bad.

He breaks the kiss without letting go, placing his forehead against my cheek. “Aimee? We have to slow down,” he pleads.

“I don’t want to.”

“I don’t, either, but this isn’t why I brought you here.”

“I know.” I just couldn’t bear another moment without kissing him after he shared something so beautiful with me.

We both sit there, enjoying the scene in front of us in silence, and surprisingly, it helps calm my hormones.



Silence stretches between us again as I wait for him to speak.

“I’m sorry,” he finally says.

I’m not sure what he’s apologizing for: the kiss, his abandonment, or just everything as a whole. Whatever it is, his sincerity moves me. I get it. He’s just sorry, and I forgive him for everything, even if I’m not ready to completely forget.

“I know.” Then I ask him, “Do you remember when I asked you to run away with me?”

“Which time?” he asks in a raspy voice that gives me a new stirring of excitement.

“The first time, when we met.”

“Yes, I remember.” His voice comes out in a low whisper.

“We hid at the park under the picnic tables. It’s only when we decided that we needed a tent to live in that we were caught,” I remember.

“We tried to be all stealth, sneaking through the window in the garage. It wasn’t until Kaleb saw us that we were busted.”

“Our parents were so upset, but not mad like we thought. They were relieved because they thought we were kidnapped.”

“Your dad was so pissed. I was afraid of him for years after that.”

My dad was upset, and he told me I needed to watch out for that boy. He warmed up to him after he saw how protective and kind Keegan was to me. There wasn’t anything that could keep us a part for years afterwards.

“You should have been,” I joke.

“Your dad was huge. I was absolutely frightened of him.”

We both laugh together.

“I don’t want to move,” I tell him.

“Then don’t. We can sit here as long as you want.”

“Good.” I hug him tighter and inhale the scent that is all him. I want to bottle it up and take it wherever I go.

Hours pass, but we don’t kiss again, which disappoints me. Mostly, we stay silent until the sun rises over the horizon, and then I slowly drift to sleep in Keegan’s arms.

Sometime later, he wakes me, and I groggily rise as the sun filters into my eyes, making me squint.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“I enjoyed listening to you snore,” he tells me.

“You know I haven’t ever snored.”

“I know. I’m just teasing you. It’s so easy to get you going I couldn’t resist.”

I wish he would get me going in other ways.

“We should probably go. I’m sure you have a lot to do today,” I say, even though I would rather stay like this.

“I actually have to leave town later tonight and won’t be back until next weekend.”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t have kept you here all night,” I say, feeling like a total jerk.

“I was exactly where I wanted to be, and I can sleep whenever. This thing between us is important to me. I hope you realize that.”

I stand up from where we have been sitting all night, stretching my arms and letting go of a huge yawn. It’s been a long time since I stayed out all night.

Keegan watches me with a smile that I feel straight down to my toes.


“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

I blush, smiling from ear to ear. “I can’t remember. You may have.”

“You are, and honestly, you look damn good, so before I do something to screw this up, I need to take you home.”

When I nod and grab his hand, pulling him up, he gives me a small kiss on the lips before we leave his office, making our way out of the building.

As we walk past Bob, he gives us a pleasant smile and tell us to have a good day. Why do I feel like I have just done the walk of shame? Keegan says he hasn’t shared the city view with anyone, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t brought anyone else here for other things. I cringe at the thought and push it out of my mind as he leads me to the car where Andrew waits.

“Has he been here the whole time?”

“Yes, but he gets paid well, so don’t feel bad for him.” He smiles at me with those adorable dimples showing.

I hope he isn’t used to waiting for Keegan with other women. There goes my insecurities again. In the back of my mind, I wonder if all of this is simply too good to be true.

Shaking those thoughts away, I lean into him as we get into the car and pray Andrew takes the long way to my apartment. I want as much time with this man as I can get.




Chapter Eleven


The ride back to my apartment is too short, but Keegan promises to call and let me know when he arrives in California, and we make plans for when he returns from his trip. Just when things seem to be starting, he has to leave. However, it’s not like he’s running away from me again; it’s business.

He walks me to my apartment and gives me a long and glorious good-bye kiss that leaves me wanting more.

It’s quiet when I enter my apartment, and I let out a big sigh. My evening was near perfect. Besides the run-in with Gretchen, it was simply amazing. My heart feels like it’s going to burst, and I can’t hold it in any longer.

Since I owe Reese a little payback, I decide to wake her by bursting into her room while she’s sleeping. I remove my shoes and place my purse on the counter, making my way toward her room. It’s a mess as usual, clothes strewn on the floor. I start for her massive king bed and leap on top of her. Suddenly, Reese screams, and the comforter she’s under falls.

The first thing I notice is that she’s naked. Why is she naked? Then the reason is clear when I’m suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown on my back. Strong fingers start to tickle me on my sides, and it’s then I realize Reese is not alone.

Kaleb is hovering over me, also in all his naked glory, and I instantly feel the shock and embarrassment on my face.

“What the hell, Aimee?” Reese says, annoyed.

“Kaleb, get your naked ass off me, and stop before I kick you in your junk,” I say angrily, gritting my teeth.

“C’mon, Aimee, I thought we were playing,” Kaleb says with a laugh.

“Oh, my God, Reese, tell your boyfriend to get off.”

She grunts and rolls over, going right back to sleep, most likely exhausted from whatever they were up to last night.

I’m mortified. I do not need to see Reese, and especially Kaleb, nude. It’s like seeing my brother naked, if I had one, at least. And it touched me! Ick.

As soon as he loosens his grip, I make my escape. Just before I run to my room and lock myself in indefinitely, I turn around with my eyes tightly shut to avoid getting another eye full.

“This didn’t happen, and we will never talk about it. I know things about you, Kaleb, embarrassing and destructive things.” With that, I turn on my heels and run to my room, slamming my door shut and locking it. Jumping on my bed, I then bury my face in my pillow.

A few minutes later, there is a soft knock at my bedroom door.

“Go away,” I yell.

“Aimee, it’s Reese. Open the door.”

“No,” I mumble into my pillow

“You know I can just have Kaleb jimmy the door for me,” she threatens.

I hate having a determined best friend sometimes.

When I finally grunt and remove myself from my bed to open the door, Reese is standing on the other side with the biggest smirk on her face, wearing a robe.

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