Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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I will spill out my heart to her later, but this is not the time or place.

“Kaleb left to get us drinks. Did you want anything?”

“No, I’m good. That handsome bartender already made me a couple potent cocktails.” I point to the direction of the bar which is now crowded with party goers.

“Did you talk with Keegan?” she asks.

I shake my head, and it is enough confirmation to tell her to drop the subject.

Thankfully, Kaleb chooses that moment to arrive and hand over a glass of wine to Reese. Then he drapes his arm around his date and smiles at me.

“Can I get you anything?” he asks.

“No, thank you. I think I’m going to walk the room and greet a few people,” I reply.

As I see several people I know, quite a few congratulate me in passing on my article, which puts me in a better mood.

Suddenly, I’m parched, so I head to the bar for a water. I’m just taking a sip of the refreshing ice water when Keegan appears in front of me by himself.

“Water?” he questions.

“It would appear so,” I answer, pursing my lips.

He looks at me like he wants to say something, but holds back.

“Is there a reason you are avoiding me?” he finally asks.

“Excuse me?” I question.

“You’re avoiding me, and I want to know why.”

“I’m not avoiding you, just enjoying the party,” I lie.

“You look like you’re having a ball with your water.”

“Don’t you have a date to get back to? I’m sure you would rather annoy her.”

When he laughs at me, I start to get even angrier with him. Why can’t he ignore me like he’s done the past eight years? I was fine before he came back into my life. I want to return to my mundane, Keegan-less existence.

“Do you mean Gretchen? You know she’s my assistant, and she attends these things with me from time to time.”

I look at him, dumbfounded. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No, we’re just friends, actually have been since college.”

Did he say since college? What the

“Since you two are such great friends, then you don’t need me, do you?” I bark at him.

“Aimee, I’ve needed you since the day we met. You should realize that by now.”

“Wow, what a load of crap. I’m not playing these games with you, Keegan. I’m not a child anymore, and I know exactly what this is.” I wave my hands between us. “Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?
, Keegan, without an explanation. It’s been eight years, and suddenly you
me? Where were you when
? I’m not the girl I was before you left. I’m stronger, and you know what? I. Don’t. Need. You. So do me a favor and pretend I don’t exist. You’ve had plenty of practice, so I’m sure it won’t be too hard.” By the time I finish, my breathing is hard, and he’s staring at me with what I would swear is a hint of desire in his blue eyes.

“There’s that fire I’ve missed.”

I let out a laugh. “If you’ll excuse me, the air in here is stifling.”

With that, I turn and walk toward a set of French doors that lead to the outside terrace, my breathing fast and my body trembling from the confrontation.

I hear footsteps behind me and know he has followed so without turning to face him, I ask, “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t, Aimee. I want to fix this between us.”

“You have ignored me all week. I get that your busy and important and all—”

“You think I’m important?” He smirks at me.

“Hello? This is all for you. Everyone is here for you.”

“And I’m only here for you.” He closes the distance.

My heart plummets. I’m on the verge of tears. What the hell is he saying?


“You. I’m here for you. I miss you, Aimee.”

“Really? Then why did you ignore me all week? Why are you here with someone else? Keegan, I’m no fool, and I refuse to be played with.” I let out an exasperated breath. “I guess you have changed.”

He steps closer to me. “The way I feel about you hasn’t changed, and I explained why Gretchen is here tonight. She’s part of the team along with Kaleb. I only ever wanted to be good enough for you.”

Unable to hold back the tears any longer, my eyes start to water. Keegan steps even closer and grabs my face with both hands, using his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

“Don’t cry. I’m here for you and nothing else. I only care about you.” He looks into my eyes, closing the remaining distance then brushing his thumb along my lower lip.

As soon as he says he’s here for me, I can’t help melting in his arms. My legs lose all feeling, and I may just pass out from his touch.

Staring at me, he says, “I’ve wanted to do this again for eight years.”

His lips drop to mine, and I close my eyes, relishing the moment. I can taste the scotch on his lips, and it’s divine. I pray he doesn’t hear my heart pounding as he kisses me slowly, his lips soft and tender. Then he let’s go of my face and pushes me against the railing behind me, pressing his warm, hard body against mine, and I deepen the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck, the sensation of our lips moving feverishly sending me to heaven.

Too soon, he breaks the kiss, and I whimper at the loss. He places his forehead against mine as both of us try to catch our breath.

“I’m here for
,” he whispers.

I nod at him, holding him close, not wanting to lose this feeling.




Chapter Ten


Is this really happening after all this time, or am I dreaming? I just want to stay like this forever, right here in the warmest embrace. This is by far the most perfect moment of my life. No words need to be spoken, because everything was shown in that epic kiss. I am falling deeper into him. I don’t even care what’s next.

I break the silence without moving away from Keegan’s embrace. “That was much better than the first time.”

I feel a rumble in his chest as the most beautiful laugh comes out of him.

“So do you still want me to leave you alone?” he asks.

“Don’t you dare.” I painstakingly remove myself from his arms to look into his eyes. “Promise me something?”

He looks down at me. “Anything, Aimee.”

“Promise me you won’t leave me after tonight,” I say with desperation.

Keegan grabs ahold of my hands and moves both of them to his beating heart. “I promise.”

I feel like I can finally breathe again as I look down at our joined hands then up into the sincerity in his eyes.

“Keegan, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” My back stiffens at Gretchen’s shrill voice.

Keegan holds my hands tighter, and without looking at her, he says, “Is there something you need, Gretchen?” His voice is cold, making me thrilled that he is just as disappointed in her interruption as I am.

“People are asking for you. You are the man of the hour, so you need to finish up out here and get back to the party.”

Once again, she isn’t acknowledging me. I didn’t care for this woman before, but now I
her. She orders him around like she owns him, and I don’t like it.

“Keegan?” she asks, irritated.

He doesn’t answer her, only looks down at me and says, “I want to talk some more.”

I nod, unable to find words.

“Come home with me tonight?” he pleads.

I nod again, wanting nothing more than to be with him in any way I can.

He releases our hands and places the gentlest of kisses upon my forehead then turns around, walking away. He passes Gretchen without even glancing at her while she stands there and stares at me, sizing me up in a very unnerving way. Then she smiles at me in amusement, and not with a friendly smile, but one that says I won this round. She turns around a split second later and walks away.

What is her problem? I don’t like the feeling she gives me at all. She is in it to win it, and I can feel it all the way to the bottom of my stomach.

I stay on the terrace for a few more minutes, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart before I return to the party. I feel so light and happy right now, like I’m floating. Thinking about what just happened with Keegan puts a permanent smile on my face.

After I return to the party, I eye Keegan talking to a few people with Gretchen standing close to him. I push back my jealous feelings and find Reese and Kaleb.

“What’s with that goofy smile?” Reese asks.

“What, I can’t smile at my best friend?”

“That is not a best-friend smile.”

“No?” I question.

“That is an ‘I disappeared with Keegan James, and I need to dish to my bestie’ smile.”

“Later,” I reply.

As she nods then grabs me into a hug, Kaleb eyes me curiously and smiles.

“You both are cuter than newborn puppies.” He tells us, and we both laugh.

We mix and mingle a bit, and I’m congratulated a few more times on my article that is soon to put
into the mainstream.

I catch myself looking for Keegan several times, and each time I find him, our eyes seem to meet simultaneously. And each time I look at him looking at me, I get that familiar feeling of butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I haven’t felt the fluttering since I was a teenager, and now it’s becoming a regular occurrence.

While I order another drink and chat a little with Sam the bartender, I catch Keegan looking at me. I’m not sure, but I think he looks irritated.

Gretchen suddenly sidles up next to me, too close for my comfort, her overly strong perfume permeating the air around me.

“Aimee? That’s your name, right?” she says without looking at me after ordering a scotch on the rocks.


“You know Keegan likes to play sometimes, but he gets bored fairly quickly. If you are expecting something permanent, you will be disappointed,” she says. I remain silent, unwilling to let her ruin tonight for me, as she grabs her drink and says, “Nice chatting, but if you’ll excuse me, I have to get this to Keegan.”

I’m relieved at her exit, even though she’s heading straight toward Keegan.

Despite knowing him since college, she seems to know nothing about me and obviously doesn’t like my relationship with her boss. Regardless, I brush the encounter off and decide avoiding her whenever possible is best.

The rest of the evening seems to fly by without any more run-ins with Gretchen or even Keegan. I’m chatting with Reese and Kaleb when I feel a warm hand grab mine, sending tingles through my body. I can feel his warmth next to me while both Reese and Kaleb stare at me. When Kaleb looks at me and gives one of his I-told-you-so winks, I give him a dirty look.

Keegan whispers in my ear, “Are you ready to leave?”

I immediately break out in goose bumps as I smile and nod, and he softly chuckles.

“We’re taking off,” he addresses Kaleb. “Can you make sure Gretchen gets a ride with you?”

Once Kaleb responds with a “no problem,” we walk out of the party, hand-in-hand. The few partygoers who remain stare at us, and I catch Gretchen coldly looking at us as we exit the hotel.

As we step out onto the sidewalk, I notice the sky is clear and the stars are twinkling down on us.

“It’s a beautiful night,” I say

He looks at me. “It sure is.”

A Mercedes with tinted windows rolls to a stop and out jumps Andrew. I wonder exactly how many cars Keegan owns.

“So nice to see you again, Ms. Brennan.”

“You, too, Andrew.”

Still holding hands, Keegan and I get into the backseat where I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Taking in his spicy scent, I listen to the sounds of the city as Andrew drives us to Keegan’s.

Keegan slants his head down toward me. “Do you mind if we take a detour?”

“No, of course not.”

“Andrew, can you take us to the firm?”

“Sure thing, Mr. James,” Andrew answers

“I have wanted to show you something for so long, and right now seems like the perfect time. I hope it’s all right,” he says.

“Yes.” I would go anywhere with him. I would ride the train all the way to Poughkeepsie if he wanted to right now.

A look of relief flashes across his face, making me believe he might be as nervous as I am.

I feel the familiar excitement in my stomach as the car approaches the James Architecture Firm. When Andrew parks right in the front of the building, Keegan opens the door and pulls me with him. A blast of air hits me as I step onto pavement, the fresh, night air taking the edge off my nerves momentarily.

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