Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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“Absolutely. Kaleb just texted me. We’re meeting at Paragon at seven”

“Interesting,” she says.

“I guess. Keegan apparently doesn’t want us having to drive across the city, and it seems they have people who find things out for them, like the addresses of women they are planning on having drinks with.”

Reese looks at me in confusion, but then her look changes as she realizes what I’m hinting at.

“Sounds good. Drink up. We have a lot to do before seven.”

Yep, I have a feeling I’m putting a dent in my credit card today.




Chapter Five


I’m exhausted. Reese and I shopped till we dropped, literally. We went from Chanel to Bloomingdales and every other boutique we could get into. As always, we had a great time, and I started to feel good about tonight’s outing.

After we got home, I checked my messages, finding nothing from Keegan. I’m not sure why I keep hoping he will text, maybe simply to take the awkwardness out of this whole ordeal. I keep imagining us catching up and starting our friendship where we left off, hanging out and being inseparable again. A little naïve, I know, but these are the things I have always hoped for over the years. Yes, he hurt me, but above anything else, we were best friends.

Now I’m looking at some of my new purchases, and yes, I’m wearing those lucky shoes of mine. There was no need to purchase any footwear. Reese convinced me to get a simple but sweet BCBG, black, sleeveless, lace cocktail dress. I didn’t want to spend an arm and a leg, but when I tried the dress on, the material felt so good against my skin. It made me feel beautiful, so I absolutely had to get it. You can never have too many little, black dresses. Reese ended up getting an ice blue, capped-sleeve, fitted mini dress that she looks stunning in.

I’m just about ready with my hair curled in waves flowing down my back and my make-up on. I put my dress on then spray my favorite perfume before I grab my black clutch off my dresser and place the essentials for a night out inside: lipstick, money, ID, and my phone. Then I walk out of my bedroom and knock on Reese’s door to tell her the cab will be picking us up in about ten minutes. I’m getting anxious.

When Reese enters the living room, she looks as stunning as ever, and I double-check myself to see if I look all right.

“Don’t you dare,” she says.

“Do I look okay? It’s not too short?”

“You could wear a trash bag and still look fine, and by fine, I mean sizzling hot.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Reese.”

“We both look hot, and I’m sure those guys won’t be able to take their eyes off us.”

“This isn’t a date,” I remind her.

“If you say so.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yep, after you.”

As we exit our building, the cab pulls up. Both Reese and I get in then tell the driver where to drop us. The city is as lively as ever, and my heart begins to beat a little faster. When we arrive at Paragon, it is packed, and I have no idea how I’m going to find Kaleb and Keegan. As a result we approach a host and tell her we are meeting Mr. James. She looks us over as if sizing us up. I’m not sure if I should be offended, but whatever.

“Mr. James has a special table reserved in our private area. Just follow me this way.”

We nod and follow her.

The lighting is dim as we weave through all the people in the bar. In only a short walk, we are taken to the private area which is surprisingly full of people, as well. I spot Kaleb and smile, but I don’t see Keegan. I can’t help feeling disappointed, thinking maybe he changed his mind and doesn’t want to catch up.

As we approach his table, I notice Kaleb is wearing black slacks and a white button down shirt, and Reese is eyeing him. I look at her and silently tell her with my eyes, “down girl.”

Kaleb stands and pulls out both of our chairs.

“Always the gentlemen,” I tell him.

He gives me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek then holds his hand out for Reese and introduces himself. Reese gives him the usual nice-to-meet-you pleasantries. For a moment, I’m not sure they are going to look away from each other, so I decide to clear my throat, making them both break their gaze and sit down.

“You both look lovely, by the way,” Kaleb says.

From the corner of my eye, I see Reese blush, and I do believe it’s the first time I have witnessed it. Apparently, she is at a loss of words, as well, so I politely say, “Thank you,” with a smile.

“Just calling it as I see it.”

“Have you been waiting long?” I ask.

“I just arrived a little while ago and was waiting for you beautiful ladies.” He winks at Reese.

I can’t help wondering what happened to Keegan. Should I ask? I don’t want to seem too interested.

Reese saves the day as usual and interrupts my thought. “So, Kaleb, I thought this was going to be a double date?”

“I decided that I didn’t want to share you women with my less attractive brother,” he remarks.

Reese stares at him and gives him a knowing look that says, “Just cut the crap and tell us.”

“Keegan called me on the way over and said to give his apologies. His assistant called him with a small client emergency, but he will get here as soon as he can. He wouldn’t want to disappoint his bestie over here.” He points to me.

“I don’t think you can refer to me as Keegan’s bestie any longer, Kaleb.”

“I beg to differ, Aimee, and I know I’m right.”

Reese cuts in, “So, Kaleb, have you always badgered Aimee, or is this something new?”

“Aren’t you a little feisty?” He smiles flirtatiously.

“You don’t even know. You should actually be afraid. Aimee here is my best friend. No, actually she’s my sister from another mister.”

Kaleb is amused and chuckles at her warning.

“To answer your question, Aimee’s sister from another mister, I have always been open and honest with Aimee. She is like a sister from another mister for me, as well.”

When the waitress arrives and takes our order, Kaleb orders a scotch on the rocks, while both Reese and I decide on white wine. We both love our wine and have spent many nights bonding over our love of the delectable beverage.

The conversation flows for the next hour, and I feel much lighter after a couple drinks. I haven’t enjoyed myself like this in such a long time.

I catch myself looking at the entrance to the room we are in, getting anxious for Keegan’s arrival. This all reminds me of how much fun we used to have when we were younger. I’m also beginning to feel like a third wheel with these two as Kaleb shamelessly flirts with Reese.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to get some fresh air,” I tell them.

“Do you need me to go with you?” Reese asks.

“No, I’m fine. I won’t be long.”

I stand up from my seat, and Kaleb, being the gentleman I remember, stands up, too. Once I’m outside, I take a long breath, hugging myself as I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the city. It isn’t long before it begins to rejuvenate me. Then I suddenly feel my skin come alive with goose bumps as a unique and spicy scent invades my nose. I know Keegan is standing close—I can feel his body’s warm proximity—yet I keep my eyes closed.

“You made it,” I say out loud with a smirk.

“That, I did,” he says in a low and sexy voice.

I finally open my eyes, my heart feeling like it’s going to explode when I see him smiling at me. In that moment, it hits me just how much I have missed him.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?”

“Just needed some air.”

“New York air isn’t very mind clearing,” Keegan says.

“No, it is not.”

“I take it Kaleb is inside, entertaining your friend?”

“He’s inside, but I’m not sure he’s the one doing the entertaining.” I smile.

Keegan lets out an infectious laugh, and it’s adorable, finally letting me see a glimpse of the boy I remember.

“Reese and Kaleb are getting along very well, although she did snap at him. I think he liked the challenge of getting under her skin.”

“Sound about right.” He smirks.

“Those James boys, leaving a trail of broken hearts wherever they go,” I tell him.

“What about you, Aimee?”

“What do you mean?”

“Is Aimee Brennan leaving men broken-hearted?”

I certainly have not left a trail of broken hearts. I have had a few boyfriends since high school, but no one I felt completely comfortable with. I never thought of looking for anything serious. I mean, I’m only in my twenties, but now, being around Keegan, maybe I was merely hoping to find someone like him who could see me for all I am, faults and all.

I laugh and give him a teasing grin. “Not at the moment, but the night’s still young, so you never know.”

“That is very true about the night—it’s still very young.”

I take a good look at Keegan. He’s wearing a pair of grey slacks that fit him just right and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. He always wore those white shirts like it was the Keegan James’s uniform of sexiness.

I begin to hear whispers and people staring. They aren’t staring at me for sure, but at him.

“I’m pretty sure the most eligible bachelor’s fan club has arrived,” I tell him.

Keegan looks toward the whispers and people in line to enter the bar who are now pointing while a few take pictures with their phones. Is this how it is for him?

He turns back and smiles at me. “Aimee, how would you like to get out of here? I doubt we’ll get very much privacy now.”

I nod my head. How can I pass this invitation up? I would have to be crazy.

Keegan removes his phone from his pocket and begins typing away.

“Should we at least let Kaleb and Reese know I wasn’t abducted?”

“Got that covered already. Just texted Kaleb and he already replied, ‘Have fun.’ Don’t worry about your friend. I also told him he must be a perfect gentleman and make sure she returns home safely.”

“Thank you. That’s actually very sweet,” I say.

“He also replied back with a thumbs up.” Keegan laughs, putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me around the corner to an alley.

“Just one minute and your chariot will arrive.” He winks.

A few moments later, a black Range Rover arrives with a portly older man with slick, black hair driving. He appears to be wearing a dark brown blazer with a dark shirt underneath.

Keegan opens the door for me and helps me up into the back seat.

“Thank you, Andrew. Things were getting a little crowded outside.”

“You’re welcome, sir. Just part of my job,” says Andrew.

“You have a chauffeur?”

“It makes things a little easier than hailing a taxi or driving around. Plus, Andrew here is the best driver in the city.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Brennan,” Andrew tells me.

“You, as well, and please, call me Aimee.”

Andrew smiles. “Where to Mr. James?”

“Central Park West at 79

“Wild night at the National History Museum, Keegan? Is this like
Night at the Museum
where the exhibits come to life?”

“I forgot you love that movie.” He smirks.

“Isn’t it past business hours?”

Then it hits me where he plans on taking us. “The Planetarium?”

He looks at me. “Ever been?”

“A few times,” I answer.

Keegan pulls out his phone and starts texting again.

“Are we sneaking in since it’s after hours?”

“Why? Are you up to the challenge?”

“Well, I did sneak into your house plenty of times. Why did they even give us curfews in the summer?”

“Probably to keep us in line so we wouldn’t sneak into museums when we were adults.”

We both laugh together, and now I’m excited to think we may be sneaking into the planetarium together like we are the old partners in crime.

There is silence for a few moments, and I can see Keegan looking out the window from the corner of my eye. With him looking so calm, relaxed, and happy, I smile because, in this moment, I am happy, too.

As Andrew pulls up to our destination, I look at the planetarium which seems empty. My door opens, and Keegan is standing there with his hand outstretched for mine. I look into his eyes and smile, placing my hand in his and feeling the flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

“Shall we?” he asks.

I nod and let him lead us to the entrance, nervous, excited, and weightless. If I didn’t know any better, I would say I was floating on a cloud.

Once we reach the entrance, Keegan knocks three times, and a security guard approaches and opens the door, greeting us and acknowledging Keegan as “Mr. James.” He looks to be in his late fifties with graying hair, wearing a uniform with a flashlight and walkie-talkie on his belt.

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