Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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“Nothing about my dating is about business, but I do bring dates out to business functions. You see, if I didn’t, I might be bored out of my mind. It’s nice to have a distraction sometimes.”

“I see.” So what, he’s a player now? I mean, I have seen the pictures, but to hear him say it … I feel a little nauseous. I must get these last two questions done and get out of here. This is beginning to be embarrassing.

“What’s next for you in the ever-changing world of architecture? Anything you would like to share with our readers?”

“Let’s just say I have been working on a secret project, which I have yet to unveil even to my brother.”

“Interesting,” I say.

“What is?”

“You being secretive.” I give him a questioning look because we never kept secrets. We told each other everything. I couldn’t even keep one around him if I tried.

“I’m not one to divulge my uncompleted projects. I trust my brother like no one else. I just won’t settle for anything less than perfection.”

“So you are a perfectionist?”

He nods at me.

“I am, too,” I tell him shyly before finishing up by asking him a couple more of my prepared questions.

“Thank you so much for taking the time to sit down and answer these questions. I will email the article to your assistant when it’s done. I was told you would need to okay it before it’s published, correct?”

“Yes, Gretchen will make sure I get it.”

Yes, I’m sure Gretchen will. Why do I not like her, besides her being long-legged and gorgeous?

I begin to gather my belongings, checking the time on my phone. I was anxious to have this interview end, but now I’m sad. Is this the last time I will see Keegan? Was this our last chance at reconnecting? I just don’t have the guts to ask him why he possibly doesn’t remember me. I don’t understand. I wish Reese were here. She would know what I’m thinking and save the day. I hope she got some great shots.

I begin to stand, and at the same time, Keegan stands and buttons his jacket. Then he holds out his hand and says, “It’s been a pleasure.”

I shake his hand, enjoying the touch. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, and I immediately let go of Keegan’s hand.

“Come in,” he says.

When I turn around, entering the room is none other than the older James brother. Kaleb has the biggest smile on his face, and he looks like he’s grown a foot since I saw him last. His short, dark hair is styled perfectly, and he is wearing a three-piece suit similar to Keegan’s, only in grey.

Kaleb always lights up a room, and seeing him now, I feel relieved because I can see the recognition in his eyes. At least someone doesn’t easily forget.

He quickly moves toward me. “Aimee Brennan in the flesh.” He gives me a big bear hug, lifting me off the floor and swinging me around. My briefcase drops with a
to the floor.

Keegan interrupts. “Kaleb, are you done yet? I think you may have broken one of her ribs.”

“Keeg, stop hoarding this girl like you did when we were kids.”

Keegan smiles at me, and I’m taken aback. What game is he playing? He
remember me? This whole time, I was making a fool of myself? I don’t know whether I should be furious or happy he hasn’t actually forgotten me.

“So, little Aimee Brennan has become the roving journalist. Hey, Keeg, you remember when Aimee had her own newspaper when we were little? She wore that hat that said ‘Press’ to all your little league games and featured you in every single sports section. She delivered those papers to everyone on the block, classic Aimee Brennan. Now look at you, all grown up.”

I smile, knowing he’s teasing me. At eight, I did publish my own paper, and it may have been printed on construction paper, but it was a damn fine paper.

“If I remember correctly, you both helped me deliver each and every one of those papers. Even Mrs. Sawyer requested a subscription.”

“Oh, yeah, Mrs. Sawyer loved you. She always told us not to tease you too much. Some things never change,” Kaleb states.

Keegan is silently watching both Kaleb and I interact, seeming a little irritated. I’m the one who should be irritated with him.

I decide it’s now or never to put the cards out there. “Keegan here made me believe I was a stranger. He even introduced himself as Mr. James.”

“Really? What’s up with that, Keeg? This is your long lost best friend. I was sure I’d find the both of you playing hide and seek in here, and not the good kind.” Kaleb winks at me.

“Wow, Kaleb, you really haven’t changed.”

“I guess not, but have you, Miss Aimee. Are you single, dating, married, or complicated?”

“If you must know, I am single.”

“I’m just messing with you, Aimee. Keegan here has vowed to stay unattached till the millennium, so no worries. Right, Keegan? No one cramping your playboy, millionaire lifestyle?” he says while looking at me.

“Kaleb,” he warns.


“Nothing, just your usual assery.” Keegan stares at him, annoyed.

“That, I am! No denying that.”

I make a mental note of his sudden moodiness, even if it is fun to watch Keegan get irritated. These boys have always been like this. Kaleb knows how to push his buttons.

“So, Aimee, I have to run to a meeting across town, but what are you doing tomorrow night? We need to catch up, all of us,” he says, looking at Keegan.

“I’d like that. Tomorrow night sounds great.”

“Okay, how about drinks?”

“Perfect,” I say.

“He pulls out his phone, unlocks the screen, presses a few buttons, and hands it to me.”

“Just type in your number, and I’ll text you the details later.”

I quickly type in my cell phone number and hand him back his phone. Then he gives me another hug, but not as big as the last one.

“Now don’t flake out on me, and bring that pretty photographer I saw downstairs.”

“I won’t flake out, Kaleb. I mean, how could I miss the opportunity to experience your assery?” I laugh.

“Well played, Miss Aimee. See you two kids later.” He then walks out of Keegan’s office

Keegan and I merely stare at one another for a few moments before I finally break the silence and say, “So you do remember me?”

Keegan turns around, walks to his desk, and picks up a photo from it, handing it to me. I look at the old photograph, a picture of us from a camping trip we took in high school. In the photo, we are huddled together, looking into the camera with two huge grins on our faces. We really were inseparable.

“Of course I remember you, Aimee. How could I forget you? You were like my other half. I don’t have a single memory from my childhood that doesn’t include you.”

I stare at him in shock. “Then why did you act like you had no idea who I am, Keegan?”

He responds, “Why did you?”

Here we go. It’s like we are going in circles now.

“Well, since I was nervous of seeing you after all these years without a letter or even a call, I just assumed you had forgotten me.”

“Are you mad?” he asks.

“No, I’m not mad, just glad you didn’t forget me. “

“I’m happy you haven’t forgotten me, either, Aimee,” he says in a low, sexy voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

“So we both agree and can move on?” I tell him.

He nods, takes back our picture, and places it back on his desk. “Tomorrow night, then?”

“Yes. Are you free, Keegan?” I ask then laugh.

He smirks. “I’ll have to check with Gretchen.”

Wait? What? Are they involved? Maybe he does date.

“Oh, have you been dating her long?”

He looks at me a little dumbfounded. “No, Aimee. Gretchen is my assistant, and I was joking. I would never date an employee; it’s bad for business. Plus, according to Kaleb, I plan on being unattached till the next millennium.”

“Oh, sorry, I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

“You’re cute, you know that?” He touches his finger to my nose.

He thinks I’m cute? Kid cute or adorable cute?

He walks to his desk and picks something up.

“Here’s my card. My cell phone number is on there. Now Kaleb has your number, and you have mine.”

“Oh, I have a card.” I grab my briefcase which is still sitting on the floor then take one of my cards out of the side pocket and hand it to him. “That has all my contact numbers, as well,” I explain.

“Well, it’s official.”

“What is?”

“That we are reacquainted,” he tells me.

“I wouldn’t go that far, Mr. James. I mean, we have no clue what the last six years has been like for each other. Well, at least for me. I know you have been pretty busy becoming a famous architect.” I wave my hands around, indicating our cushy surroundings.

“Tomorrow night, then?” he questions.

“Yes, tomorrow night.”

“Just a warning, if you bring the photographer, Kaleb will be a super flirt. I can tell when he’s on the prowl.”

“Her name is Reese Mathers, and she’s my closest friend and roommate. I think Kaleb should be the one you are warning, not me.”

We stare at one another briefly before the phone rings in his pocket, and we are taken out of our moment. He talks to whoever is on the other line, and I presume it is business. When he holds up his finger, telling me to wait, I oblige, looking around his office. I notice there are no other pictures on his desk. Interesting … Maybe he only put the picture on his desk today.

He ends the call. “I have an appointment, but I’ll see you tomorrow. I can walk you out.”

He walks toward me, motioning me to the door, and puts his hand on the small of my back, making me feel incredibly comfortable. I can’t believe we have been apart for so long, but it’s like we are the old Aimee and Keegan, best buds and friends till the end. However, what I am feeling is more than nerves.

As he walks me to the front lobby, Gretchen is coming out of the elevator with Reese in tow.

“Keegan, you’re still here? Your meeting started ten minutes ago,” Gretchen says.

“Thank you, Gretchen. I lost track of time.” He then turns to me. “It was a pleasure, Ms. Brennan.”

I watch him as he walks out of the lobby. There goes Keegan James, the man, the myth, the legend.

Gretchen interrupts my thoughts with last minute instructions to email the copy of my article to her when it’s completed. Once I agree, both Reese and I wait for the elevator. Nothing is said between us, but I can tell Reese will be giving me the third degree the moment we exit the building, and I haven’t been this excited to tell her something in so very long.




Chapter Four


I was right; the minute we walked out the door, Reese grabbed my arm and told me to spill. I may have let her simmer for a while, not wanting our cab driver to overhear me acting like a giddy teenager, since I felt like I was fourteen again.

Although Keegan and I may finally get our second chance, I’m still a little nervous because a lot has changed. Will he like the adult I have turned into? Will he still be the same sweet and caring boy he was when we were kids?

After the interview, we both decided to finish the workday at home. Olivia, our boss and friend, allows us to do that sometimes. Able to go home and slip on my comfortable clothes, I change into my black yoga pants and my I Love New York shirt. Then Reese sits with me on our plush, grey sofa while I surf through the TV channels to find something to watch, and Reese begins to grill me on the details of Keegan’s interview.

“So, he acted like he didn’t know you?”

“Yes, and I was devastated. He even formally introduced himself to me, so I was sure he had no clue who I was. It was nerve racking. I even tried asking a question about his childhood, hoping to jog his memory.”

“But when his hot brother came in, he recognized you instantly, and that’s when he remembered? Aimee, this is all very confusing.”

“Tell me about it. Kaleb was so happy to see me, and Keegan was all brooding. He knew it was me. I even asked him about it, and he asked me why I didn’t act like I knew him. That kind of stung, you know. He left me when I was seventeen to go to college, and I never got one phone call or a letter.”

Of course, I know why he didn’t call me or write. It was because I, Aimee Brennan, ruined our carefree, easy friendship with one mistake.

The night before Keegan was set to leave for college, we decided to hit one last high school party. It was a hot August night. I can remember the yellow sundress I wore like it was yesterday. Keegan was dressed in his usual khaki shorts and white button down shirt. When he picked me up and we drove to the party together, I remember being so sad because I knew I was going to miss my best friend like nothing else.

“So, are you ready for one final night of debauchery, my pretty partner in crime?”

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