Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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I laugh at her corny joke. Everyone needs a Reese in his or her life.

“I’ll meet you out front, all right?”

I nod, and after she leaves the bathroom hesitantly, I take a few minutes to collect myself. When I finally make it outside, I find Reese and Olivia whispering. They both stop as I approach, and then Olivia looks at me with sad eyes.

“I’m fine, really,” I tell her.

We find a cab and huddle in together for a quiet ride back to our apartment. I think Reese and Olivia are afraid to speak. I’m a woman, but I’m not a delicate flower. I have a tough exterior. Gretchen rattled me a bit, but things could have been worse.

Once we arrive at our apartment, we say goodnight to Olivia who gives me a giant hug and a smooch on the cheek. Inside, Reese and I both put our pajamas on. I don’t even bother brushing my teeth or taking my makeup off before climbing into bed. Then I send Keegan a quick text, telling him I’m home safely. He responds by asking if I had fun, and I respond with
After placing my phone on my nightstand and setting my ringer on silent, my bed dips, and I’m surprised to see Reese crawling in next to me.

“I know you want to be alone, but that’s not happening,” she states.

I don’t plan on arguing with her. Frankly, I don’t mind the company.

“Please don’t tell Kaleb about tonight,” I plead, turning to face her.

“He isn’t blind to Gretchen. I’m going to give you some unsolicited advice right now, and I’m not telling you what to do, but what I think you should do. Tell Keegan.”

I stare at her for a moment, almost considering what she’s telling me, but in the end, I make up my mind that she’s important to him, and I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. Plus, we just made up, and I don’t want to pressure him or make him feel like he has to choose. I would never ask that of him.

“Just don’t say anything, okay?”

She stares at me with sympathy. “I promise I won’t say anything, but I’m still going to kick her ass if she attacks you again.”

We talk for a little while, and she tells me she’s nervous to introduce Kaleb to her brother when he comes for a visit. Knowing Liam, he and Kaleb will definitely hit it off as long as Reese and Kaleb don’t show Liam their goods accidently. I shiver at the thought.

As we both fall asleep, I promise myself to brush off tonight’s events. I’ve become fairly good at that lately.




Chapter Twenty


I wake with no covers and a half-inch of space on my side of the bed. I almost forgot what a blanket and bed hog my best friend is. I nudge her to wake up, and she mumbles something incoherent, so I nudge her a little harder to get her to at least move over, but no such luck.

Sighing, I remove myself from bed and head to the kitchen to start brewing the coffee. Looking out the window, I see the sun is shining, and things are oddly quiet. I head back into my bedroom and find Reese sprawled across my bed, lightly snoring as I locate my phone to quickly check my email, finding a text from Keegan from last night.

Rest up. Andrew will be picking you up tomorrow at 5 sharp. Remember, underwear is always optional

Only Keegan could make me smile before I’ve had my precious caffeine.

I reply,
Thanks for the tip. Can’t wait. Love you.

I don’t expect a reply, but I immediately receive a message in return.

To the stars

In that moment, I wonder how much abuse he would go through for me, but I push my insecurities away. I promised myself I wouldn’t go there, and I plan to keep that promise.

I’m on my third cup of coffee and reading from my Kindle when Reese emerges, her hair in disarray. I tell her good morning, and she gives me a curt wave and grunts at me. Reese is so not a morning person. I know too well not to engage with her when she isn’t fully awake.

She heads to her room and shuts the door, most likely taking mama bear back into hibernation.

I spend the morning cleaning the apartment and doing some grocery shopping. Reese emerges in the afternoon, perfectly dressed and much more chipper than when I last saw her. We have lunch in a little diner not too far from our apartment, and I let her know I won’t be home tonight. She lights up a little at my news, and I can see the wheels turning in her head.

Later on, I pack my overnight bag and a little something special for Keegan. I’m excited to see what he will think of my little surprise. I’m actually very anxious for our evening, wondering what he has planned.

Five o’clock on the dot, our buzzer rings, and I push the button to let Andrew know I will be right down. I grab my things then give Reese a peck on the cheek, telling her good-bye before making my way out the door.

Andrew greets me from next to the Range Rover as he holds the door open for me while I exit. We chat on the way to Keegan’s, and I learn he received a master’s degree in engineering from NYU. I wonder why he’s driving for Keegan when he could be applying his degree elsewhere, but I don’t question him, only let him know that we have the same alma mater. When I do confide a little in him, telling him Keegan and I have known each other since we were children, he lets me know Keegan shared that with him. I smile at the thought of him sharing our past with Andrew. I really like him, though he is somewhat of an enigma to me. I would love to find out more about him.

We pull in through the garage, and like before, I’m escorted straight to the waiting elevator.

As the doors close, I’m reminded of the last time I was here and have to take a deep breath to calm my beating heart while I wait to reach the penthouse. When the doors open, I step into Keegan’s space, immediately eyeing an envelope with my name on it next to one single rose set on top of a small table, making me curious what exactly he has up his sleeve.

Opening the envelope, I pull out a card that has his initials on the front K.M.J.—
Keegan Michael James.
I find a handwritten message inside.


Tonight is all about you. I told you before that I have years to make up for.

Starting tonight, I’m going to fulfill that promise. Go to the bedroom where I have picked out something very special for you.



I feel a smile spread across my face as I pick up the rose and head to the bedroom. When I enter, it’s eerily quiet. I look around, my eyes stopping on the bed where my something special is laid out for me.

I walk over to find a beautiful, lavender, strapless mini dress that ruffles at the bottom. Picking it up, I hold it to my body. I oddly find only one shoe. Then I find another envelope, too.

Opening it, I find another note card.

Put this on, and don’t worry, I will be waiting by the elevator with its match.

I quickly jump into action, removing my clothes so I can put on the dress Keegan has picked out for me. At closer inspection, I don’t believe what I see, but then again, I wouldn’t put it past him. Yes, I’m putting on a Prada dress, and holy shit! The shoe is also designer, Jimmy Choo! A champagne, glittery, open-toed pump. I’m starting to feel like Cinderella here.

Once I’m dressed, I look in the mirror, hardly recognizing myself. Grabbing the shoe, I take it to meet my prince where he asked me to.

As I approach the elevator, Keegan is standing tall, wearing a gorgeous black suit with a lavender silk tie that matches the dress. He smiles when he sees me, and as he opens his mouth to say something, I stop him by grabbing him and giving him a long, sensuous kiss.

When we break apart, he looks at me. “You are a vision. I knew you would look beautiful in that dress, but you are a vision.”

I sigh, tingling all over from his words. “Thank you. I feel like a princess.”

He takes my hand and motions for me to sit. He grabs the shoe I’m holding before bending down and pulling my foot onto his knee. He gently runs his fingers along the top of my foot, the sensation completely erotic, especially with the way he’s looking at me right now.

He places the shoe on my foot then, almost out of thin air, produces its match, which excites me even more. He repeats the action with the other foot, completing my ensemble.

Pulling me to stand, I look into his eyes. “How?”

“I had a little help.”

I hope it wasn’t Gretchen, because that knowledge may ruin this moment.


I am relieved when he answers, “Reese.”

There’s my fairy godmother. That little shit knew the whole time he was planning something special. I’m not sure if I want to hug her or strangle that girl right now. Either way, it’s going to have to wait.

We enter the elevator hand in hand, and Keegan presses a button.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

He answers with one word, “Up.”

Of course we are. How silly of me.

It only takes a few seconds before we reach the top of the building and step onto the top of this massive building.

When I see what is waiting for us, I pause, both amazed and a little frightened.

“Is that a helicopter?”

Keegan senses my mood and stops, grabbing my chin. “You have nothing to be afraid of, Aimee. Trust me, you will love it.”

I nod at him because I trust and believe him. He leads us to the waiting helicopter with Andrew at the controls. Apparently, he doesn’t just drive, but he flies helicopters, as well.
He’s definitely an enigma
, I say to myself.

Keegan helps me into the helicopter and, when seated, puts on my seatbelt then places a pair of ear protectors on me. He does the same for himself then grabs my hand and squeezes to calm my nerves, which only helps a little, as my heart is beating double time, especially when I feel the roar of the propellers.

“Are we ready, Mr. James?”

When Keegan looks at me, I nod. Then Andrew flips some switches, and I close my eyes tightly as the helicopter leaves the helipad. I don’t plan on opening my eyes until we land.

I feel another squeeze of my hand from Keegan, so I turn my head to look at him.

I love you
,” he mouths.

I love you to the stars
,” I return.

He points out the window, and I look to see we are flying through the skyscrapers. It’s quite the experience, one I never could have imagined.

The sun is still shining, and I can see its reflection in the buildings. I have no idea how long we will be up here, but now, sitting here next to Keegan, my stomach begins to settle, and I decide to enjoy the view. It seems my boyfriend can cure anything, including my fears.

I can feel Keegan’s eyes on me during our flight, and he grabs my hand a few times, kissing it softly. After a while, I lay my head back and doze off. Who knew a helicopter ride could lull me to sleep?

I have no idea how long I have been out, but I’m awakened with a jolt as the helicopter makes a descent in what seems to be a field. Once we land and my stomach settles, Keegan unbuckles me and takes off my ear protectors. Then he leads me out onto the ground, and I have to get my bearings. I have a sudden bout of dizziness, which subsides after a few moments. Keegan stops to look into my eyes to see if I’m okay before we head toward a waiting town car.

When we get in, Keegan grabs ahold of my hand, says hello to the driver, and then we are on our way to the next destination. I ask where we are going, but I only get a “You’ll see,” which irritates me since my nerves are all over the place.

The ride lasts about fifteen minutes, and when I see exactly where we are, I’m shocked, yet I’m not. I’m looking at a familiar establishment, one both Keegan and I worked at in high school. Benjamin’s is a quaint, casual, family-owned restaurant with what is best described as a vintage chic atmosphere.

“We’re home?” I say to him.

“Yes, we are.”

The town has changed a little in the years we have been gone, but it will always be my safe haven. Indiana, Pennsylvania may not seem like much, known only for being the hometown of Jimmy Stewart, but I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up anywhere else, or with anyone else.

As we enter Benjamin’s, the delicious Italian aromas from the kitchen envelope me, and my stomach growls, reminding me it’s been hours since I have eaten.

A hostess, a pretty, older woman with short, brown hair, welcomes us with a sweet smile. Keegan lets her know we have reservations, and then she leads us to a small table with a white lace tablecloth which is lit with a candle.

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