Something More (19 page)

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Authors: Kat Watson

BOOK: Something More
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We slept in on Saturday until almost lunchtime, and after we’d eaten and cleaned up, there was just time for a little lounging around before we had to get ready. It was a black-tie affair, as usual, and I was really looking forward to seeing both of them in tuxes. Of course, I’d seen them in years past, but I’d never been allowed to ogle them properly, like I would this time.

I’d also picked a dress that was decidedly sexier than I’d worn to this event before.

Since we all planned to drink, we’d gotten a room in the venue hotel. I couldn’t wait; it felt like a mini-vacation to me.
We planned to spend Sunday exploring the downtown area, and I always loved discovering new-to-me places in the city.

After we checked in at the hotel, we went up to the room and got ready. We’d ordered a bottle of champagne and gotten the party started a little earlier than the rest of the crowd. By the time I was dressed and ready, they’d been waiting and making out on the bed. It was a little high school of them, actually, and I felt like I was back at prom. Well, a much more grown-up version of my prom, that is.

As we approached the ballroom, one of my arms looped through one of each of theirs, my heart began to beat faster. I worried I might get sick and throw up all over someone, but a funny thing happened. We entered together, but no one seemed to notice. If they did notice, they didn’t say anything. Of course, several people cheered and immediately came over to hug and catch up with me, which was nice.

The three of us reconvened at our designated table—Jonathan had finagled a plus-two invitation, so the table was marked appropriately—and we sat for dinner. Our handsy touching continued, and I flashed a wicked grin at Noah when our hands met, covering Jay’s thick erection under the table, unplanned. At least I wasn’t the only horny perv there.

I’d caught Sean’s eye somewhere in the middle of the meal service and realized I’d forgotten he would be there. Why couldn’t I just avoid my Christmastime sex partner? He’d smiled at me, lifting his eyebrows suggestively, and I ignored it, not wanting anything to do with him that night. I continued to watch him, though, and found myself wondering if he’d always been such a slimy jerk—hitting on everything with two legs and tits—or if this was a recent development. Had I really been that desperate for affection?

Despite my brush-off, when I excused myself to the ladies’ room, he appeared in the hallway.

“Olivia,” he said, tilting his head. “I’m surprised to see you here.” He took a step closer, a disgustingly predatory grin on his face. I wondered where the sweet smile he’d given me hundreds of times disappeared to. Was it ever there, or had I always imagined it? Overlooked the predator underneath?

I took a step away, toward the bathroom. “It’s nice to see you, Sean.”

“You look…good enough to eat.”

Ugh. The same line from Noah or Jonathan would have been sexy, but from Sean’s lips it was just gross.

“Thanks, you look nice yourself. If you’ll excuse me,” I said, turning to walk away.

His hand wrapped around my bare bicep, pulling me closer to him instead of away as I’d intended.

“Why are you running away?” he asked, his breath stinking of scotch. As he stood before me, he was an almost entirely different person from the Sean I’d had so much fun with. It wasn’t ever anything serious, but at least before he seemed to have redeeming qualities.

“I’m not running away, I just don’t have anything to stand here for,” I said.

“Come on, baby, don’t be like that. I saw you walk in with those two fags. Are you fucking them now? I can share…”

My stomach churned at the way he talked about my men, and had my dress not been so tight, I’d certainly have raised my knee to his groin.

“Sean, don’t talk about them like that,” I said, looking him square in the eye. I could tell by the way he looked back at me that he felt like there was still wiggle room in the conversation. “I’m serious. Yes, I came with them, and I intend to go home with them. And for the record,
don’t share. Now let my fucking arm go.”

He laughed but released me. When I got into the bathroom stall, I tried to catch my breath. I was afraid of him. He was bigger, he was stronger, and he was definitely drunker than I was. How had I ever considered him suitable for even a quick fuck? I was more than a little disgusted with myself.

I texted Noah and asked him to meet me outside the bathroom. I didn’t explain—I knew I didn’t need to—I just worried that if I were alone, Sean would confront me again, not taking no for an answer this time. After I finished and washed my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror. No matter what happened in my life, I knew I was in a better position to make the right decisions. Never again would I cheapen myself with a jerk like that. He obviously had no respect for me and very little for himself.

“You okay?” Noah asked, taking my elbow in his hand when I’d come out of the bathroom.

“Yeah,” I said, looking around. “I’m fine. I just wasn’t sure if Sean was going to be back out here for another round, and I didn’t feel like having to rip my skirt so I could knee him in the junk.”

“Ugh. He’s such a creeper,” Noah said. “I never understood what you saw in him when Jonny told me about you two.”

“Clearly my tastes have improved over the last year,” I joked, winking at him.

“Thank fuck,” he mumbled.

We took our seats at the table again, and Jay gave me a funny look. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just Sean was being a creeper. You have to work with him, so I didn’t want to get you involved.”

I took Jay’s hand in mine and squeezed, smiling at him as best I could. On the inside, my stomach was still fluttering and nervous, and with my other hand, I downed the champagne left in my glass. I was glad that moment was over and more than ready to move on, back into the fun portion of the night.

It was a little unsettling seeing Sean on the other side of the room now and then, but he made sure to keep his distance. So much so that I wondered if Noah had said something to him before I came out of the bathroom, but I didn't really want to dig too far into that again. As far as I was concerned, it was over and dealt with.

Dancing with three people was obviously impossible, but we took turns and it worked out as best as could be expected. We laughed and I was glad none of us was overly jealous or possessive. We were respectful, and that attitude carried us miles. The arrangement also allowed me to watch as they danced together, smiling and nuzzling each other. They were the same two men I’d admired from afar every year for the last six years, but even I had to admit they looked just a little bit happier this year. It made my heart skip a beat when they looked over at me more than once, laughing and whispering to each other. Only good things happened when they conspired together.

After that dance, they each took one of my hands and we bid everyone goodbye. In the elevator, they kept exchanging smug smirks, not doing a very good job at keeping their hands to themselves. Not that I was going to complain.

Behind the door of our hotel room, they took their jackets off, hanging them up, and then walked to me. Noah was behind me, unzipping my dress and pushing it off my shoulders, as Jay helped from the front. My hands moved to Jonathan’s pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them just as quickly as they were working. As I took him down to his boxers, my dress had been carefully laid on the back of the chair and I was standing in the bra, panties, stockings, and garter I’d bought to wear. I knew the deep purple and gunmetal gray accented each other and looked good on my body—I’d spent several minutes turning and examining it in the mirror before spending such a large amount on it. It had been my most expensive lingerie purchase ever, but I’d known it would be worth it.

Noah unclasped the bra as Jay took it off, and both of them slid their hands down my body, crouching down to their knees. Noah bit my ass cheek as he unclasped my stocking from the garter, and I squealed and inadvertently shoved my pussy right in Jay’s face. He didn’t miss a beat, sucking through the lace covering my skin and making me moan. I was so ready to explode with just that one touch, having been on edge all night.

Before I could thread my fingers through Jay’s hair and hold him right where I wanted, Noah wrapped an arm around me from behind, pulling me on top of him on the bed, my back to his chest. He’d taken his pants and underwear off at some point, and I could feel him beneath me. He was so thick, so hard, and I felt like I was going to lose my mind as I watched Jay grab a small bottle of lube from their bag.

He uncapped the bottle, dripping it down onto Noah’s hand. His cool, liquid-coated fingers made their way to my body, and I responded instantly. There was no pain anymore when either of them had me that way, just unparalleled pleasure as he slid a single finger deep inside of me. I anticipated him sliding other parts of his body deep inside the same place, but he surprised me. Instead, with his finger still between my cheeks, his arm awkwardly to the side, Jonathan guided him inside my pussy. Jay looked up at me with a devilish smirk and kneeled between our legs.

When his mouth practically formed a suction over my clit, his fingers pulling and opening me, I let out a startlingly loud noise. It felt too good, and I was clenching around Noah before I could even catch my breath. These boys were inhuman, pulling orgasms from my body as if it was second nature to them, and while Noah continued to rock into me, Jay lapped and nibbled, humming and watching us. He was touching Noah, too, his fingers occasionally skimming my body.

I closed my eyes, remembering the first time we’d been together, and contrasted it with how well I knew them now. I knew whose hands were touching me, whose lips were pressed against mine, and whose cock it was, no matter where on my body it pushed into.

As I came a second time, Noah pulled his fingers out from where they’d been buried and found more leverage against the bed. He used both hands to push into me harder, the angle and depth perfectly hitting my G-spot.

Jonathan’s lips slid up and down my pussy, moving seamlessly from my body to Noah’s, and I opened my eyes, watching him with rapt attention. I wanted to record it, to be able to play the erotic movements back in my own mind, at least. I knew Noah wasn’t going to last much longer, so I laid my head back against his chest. One of my hands reached to pinch my nipple, the other on the bed to try and relieve Noah of some of my weight. When he began to falter in his movements, the exertion of what he’d been doing becoming obvious, I knew he was close. I focused, letting out a deep shuddering breath as I came a third time, and Noah groaned into my ear, stilling beneath me as I started to come back to earth.

My body was limp, exhausted, but I rolled off Noah when he tapped my hip in his usual manner to politely request I stop crushing him. We lay together, watching Jonathan stand up, unintentionally showing off his cock. They were both so beautifully unique. Even as exhausted as I was, I wanted to kneel down and worship him the way he’d worshiped me. I was still slightly uncomfortable, given that they both had far more experience giving blow jobs than I did, but I sank to my knees in front of him anyway.

“Turn,” Noah said.

I halfway rolled my eyes up at Jay, but we did as Noah requested, turning so he could watch us. I’d learned a lot about the art of seduction from them; it was never entirely about the goal, but mostly about the buildup leading to the finish line. It wasn’t a sprint, it was a marathon, and they were both Olympic-level runners.

Looking up at Jay, I ran my hands up and down his thighs. I lifted from where I’d been sitting back and brought my hands to the creases of his thighs where they met his torso, teasing the thin skin with my thumbs. His cock bobbed, eager and ready, but I just smirked as I knew he’d be happy to wait. My lips pressed up, touching the sensitive sac below and my tongue snaked out, laving a path up the center seam. My hands wound around to cup his ass, and I kissed his thighs, still taking my time and going slowly.

By the time I made it to his dick, he was writhing and panting, begging me with his words and actions. I’d grown to love the power that came from teasing someone to such a degree, and then giving him such pleasure. I kissed from the base up to the crown-like tip, mentally comparing his cock to Noah’s. I loved both of the appendages and could tell them apart by sight, taste, touch, and feel. I knew if we reenacted that first moment of intimacy we’d shared, I’d know who was where just based on those markers, and the thought made me shiver. They’d loved me so perfectly from the start, giving so much, and now I put all of my energy into loving them back the same way.

When I reached the tip, I swirled my tongue, using my hand to keep him steady, lapping and licking like it was the best lollipop I’d ever tasted. I closed my lips around the head, still swirling my tongue and sucking with various degrees of strength. Pooling my saliva, I let him slip out slowly, then sucked him back in quickly, repeating that several times until I knew he was extremely worked up. Only then did I take the full length of him into my mouth, making sure to look up and make eye contact again, smiling at him as best I could around his cock.

His hands framed my face, gently skimming the skin beneath my chin, and his eyes were full of love and lust. He seemed to want to form words and say something but was too distracted. I took that as a great sign and felt my pride increase. I’d worked hard at being able to take his whole length in, and he appreciated it as my nose touched the patch of hair at his pubic bone. Humming, I pulled back, letting him slip almost all the way out, then sucked him slowly back into my mouth. His thumbs swept up into the hollows of my cheeks, and I was certain he could feel himself from the outside.

One of his hands moved lower to my throat, and he gave the tiniest nod, directing me exactly how he wanted and needed me. I pulled him all the way back in, my nose against his body again as his hand at my throat pressed ever-so-lightly, feeling even better as I swallowed around him.

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