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Authors: M. Clarke

Something Wonderful (31 page)

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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taken a picture of Matthew’s surprised expression. He had no idea I had been relaxing in the pool totally naked just before he came.

“Becca, you were waiting for me, weren’t you?” How he could say those words and make it sound so sexy, was beyond me.

“You wish,” I teased, surrendering into his hands as they were exploring my body, then peeling the robe off me.

“Yes, you were, and now, I’m going to make it up to you.”

Before I could say a word, his lips pressed to mine as he guided my legs around his waist. Holy shit! His pants were off and he was hard and ready for me.

“When do your parents come home?” he asked between sucking my tongue.

“Oh, my parents. I uh…I lied,” I mumbled, kissing him back.

“My kinky Becca. You’re lucky I can’t spank you under the water, instead I’ll make you suffer some other way.”

What did he mean by that? I didn’t have to wait long, as I soon found out what he meant. With a deep inhale, Matthew went down into the water and next thing I knew, his tongue and lips were between my legs, devouring me. Lord, have mercy! I went completely limp, as I threw my head back.

Rising out of the water, Matthew brought my bottom up, exposing me to the cold breeze, tantalizing my body even more. With my hands anchored to the edge of the pool, my body floated while taking in what Matthew had to offer.

After letting go of my legs, Matthew pressed me into the wall. His eyes filled with desire. “Have you ever done it in the pool, Becca?” he asked, spreading my legs with his knee.

“You would be the first…if I let you,” I flirted.

“Want me to beg? I will, but I’m very good at showing, not asking.”

Matthew dunked himself back under the water. His tongue and lips sucked and teased the hell out of my clit again. Unable to take it anymore, I pulled on his hair to bring him up for air. “You win.”

Breathless, Matthew’s eyes glistened greedily as he positioned his body for me. Mere moments after I parted my legs, he was inside me. It felt tight when he first entered, but after, it just got hotter in the pool. Matthew draped my legs around his waist again and started pumping deeper. I swear I thought we were going to rock out of the pool.

As the water splashed and waved across the pool, I opened my mouth to his lips, feeling myself climax. Oh God! He felt amazing. When he pressed me into the wall again, his arms protecting me from the cement, he gave me all he had.

To answer Matthew’s questions, I had never had sex in the pool before, but yes, oh God, I would do it all over again with him. When his energy had been spent, we continued to embrace each other.

Matthew pulled back and rested his head on mine as he ran his hand through my hair. “Come home with me tonight.” His tone was pleading.

“My flight back home is in three days.”

“You were going to stay away that long?”

Feeling guilty, I nodded. I couldn’t look at him. I was punishing the both of us, because of a misunderstanding. I was afraid to get too close to him, in fear of having my heart broken. It was definitely easier being on the other side and giving advice. It made me think of Jenna.

Matthew tilted my head to meet his eyes. “I can understand why, but don’t ever take off like that again. I was out of my mind, going crazy. I’m ready for us. I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

“After we get out of this pool, I want you to go inside and pack. Don’t worry about the flight home. I’ll take care of it.”

“Matthew…I couldn’t.”

“It’s on my parents. How do you think I got here?”

“What do you mean?”

“I used my parents’ private jet. Although they don’t know that I took it.” Matthew bit his lip with a frown, looking like a little boy who was about to get in trouble. How could I resist that expression?

“Okay,” I agreed, and Matthew beamed the happiest smile. “But before we go, I have to take the dogs to the pet hotel.”

“Sure. Not a problem.”

Wait ‘til I tell Jenna. Not only will she be stunned that Matthew and I were actually dating, she will flip out when she realizes that I had hid it for this long.

, the heartaches, and especially the madness of the lawsuit out of the way, it felt good to get together and celebrate all the upcoming occasions. Becky and I were at the bar first, waiting for Nicole and Kate.

“I’m so glad Max didn’t have to go to court,” Becky said. “Who would’ve thought Ethan would save his ass? This is totally fate. It goes to show you, sometimes miracles do happen to good people.”

“I know. What a relief! I don’t even want to think about the what-ifs.”

“Well, I’m just glad you and Max made up. And you stopped being so stubborn.”

“How about you? Hiding your relationship from me. I can’t believe you didn’t mention one word about Matthew all this time. But I had my hunches.”

“Hunches? What are you talking about?” Becky snorted, taking a sip of her cocktail.

“For starters, you wouldn’t take his calls. And Matthew looked like he was going to lose it when he asked me where you were,” I rebutted. “Now who was the one being stubborn?”

“It was different.”

“I’m just happy for you.”

Becky curled her lips, giving me a dream-like smile. “Sorry. I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure what was going on. I promise I’ll talk to you about it all later. I don’t want Kate and Nicole to know just yet. And by the way your package came.”


“You forgot already? Make sure to swing by our apartment before you go to Max’s place. You can try it on him.” Becky arched her brows.

“Oh!” I said, blushing as I stared down into my drink. “THAT package,” I mumbled, smiling.

Becky turned her head. “Nicole is here.”

“Becky…Jenna.” Nicole squeezed, draping her arms around our shoulders. “Thanks for coming. Did you have your last fitting?”

“Yes, we went together after work.”

“Great. I’m glad you both love the lavender color. I think it’s perfect for a spring wedding. Don’t you?”

“Perfect,” we both agreed. “Let’s go get our table.”

“We can’t get one until we’re all here,” Becky reminded.

“No need to worry. Here comes Kate.” Nicole waved.

“Hey.” Kate smiled, giving us each a tight squeeze. “Sorry it took so long. The lady who was fitting me took forever. She said I lost weight. I was so happy. It’s been so difficult to lose the extra pregnancy weight.”

Nicole waved, letting the waitress know we were all here. After we were seated at our table, we ordered, and soon after, the waitress brought our drinks. “Let’s toast,” Kate said, raising her cup. “Here’s to friendship, Nicole’s wedding in April, Max’s lawsuit being dismissed, and Becky’s new lover, who just happens to be Max’s brother.”

Becky’s eyes grew wide and she lowered her jaw. “How did you—” Becky turned to me. “You told them?” Though she was completely surprised, she wasn’t mad. Thank God!

“I hinted. Although they’re not very good at taking hints,” I lightly scoffed.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Nicole asked. “And to think, we’re supposed to be friends.”

“Just hit my glass, will ya?” Kate demanded.

After the toast, Becky chatted about how her relationship with Matthew began. She didn’t hold anything back; she never did. Talking about relationships and sex came easy for her. It was fun hearing about their hot and steamy encounters and their make up sex in the pool. When she mentioned the private jet, I realized Max never told me about it. Hmmm? Not that it was important.

Our topic of conversation changed when our dinner arrived. “Where would you like your bachelorette party to be?” Becky asked Nicole.

“No need to ask her. I’ve already started looking around,” Kate said, twirling her pasta with her fork.

“Where?” I asked.

“Vegas, baby. And we are going to have the time of our lives,” Kate exclaimed. “Though, I may have to bring Kristen with me, and my mom, so she can watch her. There is no way Keith can take care of her alone for the whole weekend.”

“We don’t have to go all the way over there. I really don’t mind just hanging out and having dinner,” Nicole said, looking guilty for the trouble she thought she was causing.

“Are you kidding? You planned an awesome party for me,” Kate said excitedly. “Now it’s my turn.”

“And we’ll help,” Becky said, pointing to the both of us.

Nicole nodded with a smile. “Okay. That really sounds like fun.”

“I’ll drive,” Kate offered.

After setting the date, we finished dinner while chatting about how much our lives had changed in the past year. Kate and Nicole left after we paid the bill, but Becky and I decided to hang out at the bar. It had been awhile since the two of us hung out alone together, like we used to.

“I still can’t believe it. I mean, I love that you’re dating Matthew, but who knew?” I giggled.

“Yeah. Who knew Matthew would be interested in me?” Becky raised her brow.

“Hey! It should be who knew you were interested in Matthew? Don’t cut yourself short just because he’s good-looking, rich, successful and Max’s brother….”

“You can stop right there,” Becky snorted. “He’s pretty amazing so far. Let’s see where it takes us. One day at a time.” Becky sighed.

After an hour had passed, we decided to head home, since we both had to work the next day. Becky headed to the ladies room one last time. Looking down into my purse to dig for my car keys, I got off the barstool and almost ran into someone. “Excuse me,” I said. When I looked up, I froze and lost my breath. Not again!

Crystal glared at me. Not an inkling of surprise showed on her face. This made it clear she knew I was here and she came specifically for me. With the blink of an eye, I dropped my keys back into my purse and tried to weave around her when she grasped my arm.

“I might have dropped the lawsuit, but that doesn’t mean Max won’t run back to me. You won’t satisfy him the way I did.” Her tone was cold and challenging. Others around us were not only shifting their eyes to us in curiosity, they were honing on our conversation.

I was really getting tired of hearing all her crap. She had caused enough trouble and almost broke Max and I apart. The old Jenna would have sulked away like a coward, but the new Jenna was not only pissed off, I wanted to hurt her just like she hurt us.

Feeling the anger boil inside of me, my fists became tight and I wanted to punch her in the face. I stopped myself since that wasn’t lady-like. Besides, I didn’t want her suing me. Who knows what she would pull. She would most likely find a way to hurt me, plot some type of sick revenge.

Just as I was at the breaking point, Becky came back from the restroom and stood behind me, rubbing my arms to calm me down. Having Becky by my side gave me the courage to say what I wanted to say.

“You know, I’m tired of all of your threats. I don’t need to satisfy Max because he’s too busy satisfying me,” I stammered. “So, if you think Max is going to run to you, you’d better think again.” My eyes shifted to her hand still holding onto me. “You can let go of my arm now. I’d like it back,” I ordered with a cool, calm tone. I decided she wasn’t worth my time or my energy.

“You’re just a new toy. He’ll get tired of you,” she hissed.

“No. You mean you were a toy. I’m something more. I’m his future.” Becky placed a cup of water in front of me. “And you know what? I’m also terribly clumsy.” It happened so fast, even I was surprised how quickly I acted. With no time to think of the consequences, I took the cup and tossed the water on her.

“You bitch!” she yelled, wiping the water off her face.

“You’re lucky it was only water. Next time, something else will hit your face.” After slamming the glass on the bar, I walked away with Becky’s arm around me. Laughing and feeling exhilarated, we pranced out of the restaurant.

“Oh my God, Jenna! That was epic. I didn’t think you understood what I was trying to tell you to do with the water glass. You DO have an evil side.”

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” I smirked. The cold air swept my hair away from my face, cooling me down as we exited, and headed toward the parking lot. Slapping Crystal would have been wrong, but dumping water on her was the next best thing.

“Too bad Nicole and Kate left early. I can’t wait to tell them what you did.” Becky kept staring at me with an awed expression on her face. “Going to Max’s tonight?”

“Yes,” I said, keeping my stride with hers. “But I’m going to go get my package first.” I might have built up courage to do something I wouldn’t normally do, but talking about sex or thinking about it would always make me blush.

“I wish I could see the look on Max’s face,” Becky snorted. “He’s going to thank me tonight.”

BOOK: Something Wonderful
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