Sophie's Playboy (11 page)

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Authors: Natalie J. Damschroder

BOOK: Sophie's Playboy
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She led the way into the station through the back door and toward the production booth. Parker followed, complaining the whole way about women who can't commit. Sophie was amused enough by his attitude that she didn't worry about the recording until they were actually inside, shoulder to shoulder.

The production manager's voice came through the headphones. "Do you guys want a run-through?"

They looked at each other questioningly and what had happened in Parker's office happened again. Sophie felt like a bubble had instantly formed around them, created by their electricity. She couldn't look away from him or from the promise in his eyes. She was never going to get through this.


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"Uh, guys? Do you want to do a run-through or not?"

They snapped their attention back to their individual scripts.

"No, we're okay."

"Let's just get to it."

Sophie stumbled over her words the first two times they tried to record. Parker made her angry with his smoothness and sincerity. The anger worked in her favor, and the third take was flawless. They sailed through the other two spots and Sophie escaped the booth for her cubicle. She had ten minutes before the show and she needed it to regain her equilibrium.

That plan went up in smoke as Parker followed her. She swiveled to face him, damned if she was going to run to the bathroom again.

"That went well." He perched on the edge of her desk.

Sophie scooted the chair back as far as it could go.

"Yep." She pulled out her list for the show and pretended to peruse it.

"We have that L.A.B. in a couple of weeks."


"Can you come with me to my family's Fourth of July barbeque?"

If he thought she was that dumb ... She tilted her head.


Parker sighed. "Please? Mare wants to meet you."

"Who's Mare?"

"My sister. Her name's Mary, but she hates it so I call her Mare."


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"Why does she want to meet me?"

"Because you're the first woman I've ever worked with like this and she thinks you're a good influence."

Melina poked her head around the corner. "Come
, you two! Show time!"

They rushed to the studio and in the chaos of settling in, Sophie managed to avoid Parker's invitation. By the first break, though, she'd considered it and decided to go. What the heck. She was curious about Parker's family. She was honest enough with herself to admit that it also gave her an opportunity to be with him away from work but not on a date.

Coworkers did things like this. They could be friends, couldn't they?

The way Parker beamed when she agreed to go, however, told her he wasn't looking at the event in quite the same way.

* * * *

Sophie's first live action broadcast—or L.A.B.—on June thirtieth began with perfect weather and an excitement that couldn't be dampened by anxiety. The excitement was about doing something new, something so foreign to her experience. The anxiety was about doing it with Parker.

Her attraction to him had grown exponentially with each four-hour stint. They had differing views on practically every topic, whether they were complaining or praising. Both played devil's advocate to the hilt. Parker had a way of inciting Sophie's passion, be it about politics or plastic wrap. And damn the man, whenever he managed to get her to change her mind, he switched his.


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

He intrigued her and left her feeling more alive after every show than she ever remembered feeling.

She couldn't help but be nervous about this broadcast, though. They'd met daily to prepare for the show, sometimes grabbed a bite to eat afterward, but hadn't worked together in a public forum. Not to mention the on-site broadcast booth was an itty-bitty space smaller than the recording booth at the station.

Sophie spent too much time trying to figure out what to wear. Her little sister had come to town for a few days for a continuing education seminar and willingly offered advice.

Unfortunately, Brie was used to dressing like a comforting role model and had little to say about balancing being sexy with being professional.

"It's nice now, but it'll be ninety by the time we start broadcasting." Sophie cast aside the idea of a suit, even a summer-weight.

"Can't you just wear a station T-shirt and jeans?" Brie asked from her spot in the middle of Sophie's queen-sized bed where she sat cuddling Hippo. The little dog had taken to her right away, probably interpreting from her high-pitched baby talk that she was an easy sell.

"That's what I wear most days. We'll be in public, so Parker will definitely be dressed to the nines and I need to match."

"And attract."

Sophie didn't answer.

"I'm gonna come over when the seminar is done today,"

Brianna said. "I want to meet this guy."


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Oh, no
. "The show is ending an hour and a half early,"

Sophie said casually, digging in her underwear drawer. She decided to wear a linen vest and walking shorts, but needed a bra that wouldn't show. "You might not make it."

"I'll make it. Unless I see Juanita. Then we might just go out instead." Juanita was Brianna's college roommate. "Why's it ending early, anyway?"

Sophie headed to the bathroom to grab some lotion for her legs. Hippo jumped off the bed and followed. She set him on the closed toilet seat.

"The sponsor paid for a two-and-a-half-hour broadcast,"

she called back to the bedroom. Her favorite lotion was almost gone, so she settled for the unscented version and started smoothing it on. "Plus, the travel show is moving to midday and a sports show is debuting after me. They wanted to allow the jock more time for his first show."

"That sucks."

Sophie went back into the bedroom. Hippo followed again, little legs churning. He begged to be lifted to the bed. "Not really. It'll be hot and I don't want to be with Parker that long."

"Yeah, right." Brianna leaned over and picked up the panting dog. "Stop whirling around. You'll overheat the poor baby." She nuzzled him. "I have a feeling you want to be with Parker forever."

Sophie choked on nothing and glared at her sister. "Where did that come from? You've been watching too many romantic comedies."


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Brianna sighed and laid down on her side. Hippo curled up against her stomach and promptly fell asleep. "I've got this sudden thing for Brendan Fraser. But that's not why I said it."

"I barely want him as a friend, Brie."

"Come off it. You can't lie to me any better than Kira can.

You've got it bad for him, and if he ever kisses you, you'll rocket into space."

"Puh-leeze." Sophie buttoned up her vest and tugged it into place. She looked good. Just the right balance. She twisted her hair up on the back of her head and pinned it, then touched up her makeup. She added a bit more anti-perspirant when the thought of kissing Parker sent her body heat up three degrees.

She was about to leave the room when Brianna grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed next to her.

"Seriously, Soph. Give him a chance. Don't cut him off just because of who you
he is."

Sophie consciously relaxed her tight muscles. "Most women get burned once or twice and are wary of men forever."

"You haven't been burned," Brie pointed out.

"Exactly. I haven't let anyone get close enough to try. But Parker is exactly the kind of man who can hurt me. He's deep enough to make me fall in love, but playboy enough to pass me off to someone else before he falls, too."

Brianna smiled. "At least there's a chance he'll fall."

* * * *


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

Sophie met Parker and the engineer, Mark, at the station and rode with Parker to the festival. They arrived a half-hour before show time and had no problems setting up. Mark clearly knew what to do and how to deal with clueless talent.

"Just stand there until I tell you to come in," he said.

"No one else could get me to obey so quickly," Sophie joked.

"Thanks for the info," Parker teased back. "I would never have guessed that."

Sophie gave him a mock punch in his biceps and had to stop herself from feeling them. Rock hard. Just the way she liked it.

Her mouth suddenly dry, she wandered over to a nearby refreshment stand to buy a soda. She felt a momentary release of tension until she realized Parker had followed her, and he reached around her to pay for her drink. His chest was close to her back, his arm stretching by her ear. His scent and heat enveloped her.

No. Goddamnit, no. I'm not that weak
. She fought dizziness and quickly gulped some of her cola. "Thank you,"

she told Parker, then moved away and went back to the mobile booth without turning. She had to pull herself together.

Mark settled them into their seats and got them situated, then retreated to the back of the booth—shaped like a giant shoe, she didn't know why—and Sophie listened to the commercial playing in her headset. The Rant and Rave theme music came next. Sophie got ready.


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"Good afternoon, Boston, and welcome to Rant and Rave.

I'm Sophie Macgregor, here with my partner, Parker Cornwall—"


"—and we're broadcasting live from the grand opening celebration of the area's newest independent movie house."

She gave their location and hours and read from the list of activities during the festival. "We're going to begin today with a Rave instead of a Rant." She abandoned her prompt materials and began ad-libbing. "I got a chance to wander around before the show, and this movie house is gorgeous.

It's a renovated theater from the forties and they've kept as much of the original atmosphere as possible. Their lineup of films ranges from
Gone with the Wind
to modern thought-provokers like
Gods and Monsters
and even
. Their prices can't be beat, either."

Parker took over and talked about the ticket and concession prices, then said, "Today's theme will obviously be movies. Since we can't take calls on location, we'll be sending Sophie into the crowd to talk to the people here and see what they have to say. Stay tuned."

Melina, back at the station, went to commercial and Sophie gratefully escaped the sweltering shoe. Parker poked his head out the motor-home-type door as Mark was helping Sophie gear up with wireless headphones and microphone.

"You okay?"

She tried to be nonchalant. "Sure. Why?"

"Just asking. You seem a bit off today."


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"I'm fine. Thanks." She took off into the crowd, still without looking at him.

Parker watched her for a minute before he went back into the booth. They had agreed that Sophie would be better in the field. She was more approachable, more open—and certainly more comfortable with the general public than he was. But he wished she was more comfortable around him.

Every time he got within five feet of her, she tightened like a harp string.

"Parker, can you hear me?" Her voice was tinny in his earphones.

"Gotcha, Soph."


The producer came in clearer from the station. "Check."

"What's the count?"


Parker could hear the broadcast now and waited for his cue. "Welcome back to Rant and Rave. This is Parker Cornwall, and I'm here with Sophie Macgregor at the site of the amazing renovated independent movie house." He added a few more superlatives and Sophie took over.

"I'm here with Quintelle, a self-proclaimed movie buff who has nothing but raves for this new theater. What's your favorite classic, Quintelle?"

"Oh, I love the old war movies. They just have so much heart. I can't wait to see
The Battle of Midway
on the big screen again."

"What else are you looking forward to?"


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

"Oh, probably just about everything. I love movies." He half chuckled, half snickered. "Plus, the theater is air conditioned."

Sophie laughed. "Thanks, Quintelle." She moved through the crowd, doing one long commercial without making it seem like marketing. Halfway through the broadcast Parker could see her pinned in a corner by the front of the theater, surrounded by "fans" who wanted to get on the air. Sophie kept her composure and managed to talk to most of them.

But she was clearly exhausted when they were done.

"Thank God for jocks!" She handed Mark the headphones and mike and slumped onto the step of the booth. "I couldn't have done this for another hour." She grimaced as she tugged her shoe off.

"And a half." Parker sat next to her and lifted her feet into his lap. Sophie let him and even turned so he had better access. He pressed his thumbs into her arch and she sighed.

He watched her close her eyes and lean against the jamb of the open door.

She looked completely exhausted, Parker thought, but relaxed around him for the first time since their date at Victory. He continued to watch her face as he rubbed her feet. She groaned a little, and it hit him in the chest—as well as a more expected spot. God, he wanted her.

"DEEEE, dee dee dee, deh deh deh, de de de."

"Who's calling, Vincent Price?" Sophie asked lazily.

"Something like that," Parker murmured, flipping open his digital phone and checking the incoming number.

"Hi, Mare," he answered "What's up?"


Sophie's Playboy

by Natalie Damschroder

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