Soul-Mates Forever (28 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Soul-Mates Forever
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“What?” I stand up abruptly, my hand leaving Pax’s, and I look directly at Mom. “That can’t be… I… I don’t know how to feel about all this. This is too much.” I walk angrily out the front door and down the walkway and lean against our car. Pax half jogs half walks fast to me, her hands quickly on my arms.

“Tuck, calm down. This is not good for your head. Baby? So, what if he owns the record label that wants to sign you and the band? So what if your mom really is a changed person? So what if you can have a happily ever after? So… What if?” She’s smiling. The love in her eyes makes my heart beat so frantically.

I throw my arms around her, my mouth latching onto hers, and I kiss her deeper and with more love than ever. Once we’re done making out, I take her hand, and as I lead her back into the house, I see Mom and Stanley peering out the front window. Walking back into the living room we sit back down in our respected places. I hand Pax her juice, and I take the coke from the tray. “Baby, you need to eat and feed our baby,” I smile at her and watch as her face brightens. “Mom, Stanley? What’s for dinner? I think I could eat a horse!” My mom’s face is the most beautiful I have ever seen it as she rises, leans down, kissing me on my forehead and walks towards the kitchen.

“Just for that, I’m making your favorite dish. Swiss steak smothered in homemade gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and my homemade rolls. I’ve got some work to do, so you all enjoy some time together.”

Pax quickly rises, kisses my mouth and heads after her. “I think now’s a good time to get to know your mom and help out. See you in a little bit, sexy.” Her smile is one for the record books as I watch her leave the room.

“So, Stanley. Tell me what you and Gregory have talked about?” Smiling he gets up and sits next to me on the couch.

Chapter Twenty Three

“So, there you have it. Everything that’s been going on in your son’s life. I’m so proud of him coming here today and trying to make it work with you. I can’t imagine how hard it is for him to do that but he’s so strong, so loving. You have one remarkable son, Lily.” I’m sitting at the breakfast bar talking as she cooks dinner. When I first walked into the kitchen, I was in awe of the beauty. Granite countertops, wallpaper that brought out the dark black specs, with grays and white, in the granite . All new appliances, all in stainless steel.

She covers the pan and walks over to me, leaning on the bar. “Oh, Paxton. I am so proud of the man he’s become. So proud. I can’t take any credit for that. I know and I am so hopeful he will open his heart back up to me. I want to be in his life again so badly and now you and a grandbaby on the way. I can’t tell you how happy I am.”

I reach over and pat her hand. “Well, I can tell you how happy and glad I am you had such an amazing son.” She smiles at me and continues her cooking. “Now, just gotta get our studio back into shape and plan a wedding.” I shove a carrot in my mouth just as Stanley and Tuck walk into the room. Tuck immediately finds his place wrapped around me from behind and kisses my cheek.

“Yeah, we have a lot of planning to do and also decide on a date, my love. We need to get busy practicing making more babies for after this one comes,” he whispers as he rubs my tummy.

Lily spins around, spoon sloshing gravy all over the place. “Oh! Can I help plan your wedding? I would be truly honored! I planned all the redecorating for our house and am going to be starting up a decorating store soon.” Stanley walks over and starts cleaning up the mess and then pulls her into his embrace.

He kisses her on the cheek. “That’s right, your mom and soon to be mother in law is quite the designer/decorator. I’m so very proud of her.”

I look up at Tuck, he shrugs and then I look over at Lily. “Um, that actually would be great. My mom is planning it along with my girls but I’m sure they would love the help and advice. If you give me your number I’ll give it to my mom.” She smiles and jumps up and down like a little kid. I can’t help but laugh and notice Tuck chuckling under his breath.

We have a lovely dinner, great chatting and a lot of much needed laughter. Once at our car, Lily and Stanley hug me, and Stanley shakes Tuck’s hand. I watch when Lily hugs Tuck, kisses his cheek and how he then pulls her back into his arms when she tries to walk away and kisses her on the lips. My man is so strong, gives forgiveness and has so much kindness and love in his heart. We’re halfway home when he pulls over onto the shoulder of the road, the tires screeching in protest. He puts the car in park, turns to me and takes my hand.

“Let’s run off to Vegas and get married! Tomorrow! I don’t want to wait anymore. We’ve waited long enough, beauty. I almost lost you. Life’s too short,” he says excitedly.

“But… But… The wedding plans. My mom… Your mom. Um… Your head, my stomach… Um,” I blurt out, my eyes blinking rapidly in surprise.

“We’ll have another wedding, just like you planned. Come on, let’s get married and make it official. We’ll just tell everyone we’re going on a mini vacation. I’ll even call Doc Maddison tomorrow and tell her everything and see what she says. If she says we shouldn’t because of health reasons, we’ll wait. Please!”
God, he even sexier and hotter when he begs. Fuck me!

Leaning closer I kiss his full lips and nod. “Only if the doctor says it’s ok, promise?” He nods rapidly, his smile growing. “Yes! I can’t wait to be Mrs. Tucker Williams.” I remove my seat belt, jump up, well as best I can and straddle his lap, the steering wheel pressing against my back. My tongue takes a dive into his mouth and is met with his immediately. “Damn, you make me so happy! I love you so much!” I say against his mouth.

“Fuck, beauty. I need to get you home too so we can really celebrate. This is one of the best days of my life but it won’t compare to the day we say ‘I do’ to each other and when our baby is born. Nothing will ever compare to that, but this is so close!” His mouth smacks mine, and he rubs my back. “My mom is back in my life. Stanley’s record label is gonna work with Gregory. We’re both getting well. We’re gonna have a baby and you’re mine. Fuck, I’m a lucky son of a bitch!”

I giggle as he lifts me off his lap and places me back onto the seat, buckling me in and then crashing his mouth to mine once more. He doesn’t waste any time getting us home because as he said ‘We have some celebrating to do’. Everyone’s asleep when we get home, so we tiptoe up to our room, tear each other’s clothes off and make love until we’re exhausted, which wasn’t very long after the long day we’ve had, but oh, it was so good.

The light is filtering in through our blinds as I stretch the next morning and pat Tucks side of the bed and find it empty.
Dammit! I wanted to snuggle!
When I go into the bathroom, I find a note taped to the mirror:
‘Don’t forget your pills. Love you’
. I giggle, take my pills and do all my other duties and head downstairs.


“Yes, I’ve talked to the doctor and she said it would be a great and much needed vacation as long as we are careful and get plenty of rest.” I hear Tuck say as I get closer to the kitchen. “We’re only gonna be gone a week. Yes, I’m glad too. I already talked to her parents and they are gonna stay and watch the house while we’re gone, said they’d be happy to. Ok, thanks Mom. I’m happy too. Will talk to you soon. I will. Bye.”

I walk in quietly as he hangs up, laying his phone on the kitchen table. I sneak up behind him and whisper, “Morning, sexy.”

His hand takes my arm and pulls me around him until I am sitting on his lap. He kisses me deeply, sucking on my tongue. His hand finds my breast, and his thumb starts rubbing my nipple. My hand wanders down his chest and grasps his firming cock through his pajama bottoms. His hips rock up and down, his mouth crashing harder against mine.
Damn, now this is what I call a good morning kiss and then some.

“Don’t start what we can’t finish, baby,” he says still pressing against my mouth. I pull back, both of us breathing heavy, and give him a confused look. “We leave in about three hours,” he says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. I smack him hard on his arm and jump off him quickly.

“Three hours! Three hours. Three hours?” I pace around the kitchen floor and stop dead in my tracks when I see my dad leaning against the door frame. “Uh. Hi, Dad, um…” I walk over, kiss him on the cheek and then walk back over to the table and sit in a chair. My face feels like it’s on fire in embarrassment.

“Oh, I just got here,” he tells me as he walks over to the coffee pot. “Don’t mind me. Carry on with what you were doing.” Tuck starts busting a gut, and I hide my face in my hands.

By the time I’d gotten everything packed, Mom not letting me go without giving me an extreme amount of hugs and Tuck making me crazy with yelling at me to hurry up, we boarded the plane right before they were ready to leave. Story of our lives. A few hours of sleep on the plane, we reach our destination. The bridal suite at The Mirage. Our luggage is to be delivered in a half hour and Tuck insists on carrying me over the threshold.

“Tuck!” I yell giggle when he hoists me up into his arms. “We’re not married yet, you silly goofball!” We’re both laughing as he carries me inside, kicks the door closed with his foot and continues until we reach the bedroom. We both fall onto the bed, still laughing until his mouth finds mine. “Mmmmm,” I moan when he starts to suck on my lower lip and then his tongue finds its way into my mouth.

His mouth leaves mine, and I whimper at the loss. He brushes some hair off my face and leaves his hands framing my face, his thumbs rubbing my temples. “I think a Jacuzzi clean time is in order before we head out to dinner and then the Chapel of Love, don’t you?” Smiling I nod, wink and then he kisses my nose. The bed dips and rises when he climbs off, and I watch his sexy butt as he walks into the bathroom. Rolling over onto my side, I rest my head on my arm as I listen to the water pouring and close my eyes with the relaxing sound.

* * *

The tub is filled up – check. The lilac salts poured in – check. Candles lit – check. I turn off the water, walk into the bedroom and stop. Pax is sound asleep, her head on her arm. Legs pulled up into her, and she looks like a goddess. Leaning back against the wall I stand and just stare at her. My life started out so shitty: druggie parents, the bad crowd I hung out with, and Darndage. But then it all turned around. My great friends, my mom back in my life and her new, um, boyfriend, Pax’s parents are turning themselves around, and I actually am starting to like them. A record contract soon coming, my amazing soon to be wife and a baby on the way. I can’t believe how fortunate I am. I close my eyes and sigh. Guess I’ll go let the water out of the tub and snuggle up with my beauty for a while.

She doesn’t even stir as I snuggle up behind her and throw some covers over us, or when I brush her hair out of her face and then slide my hand between her legs. My baby is really tired. Can’t blame her after her injury, surgery and being pregnant. Yawning I lay my head next to hers and dream of our wedding.

“Sexy. Oh, my sexy rocker, time to wake up.” Wet kisses are penetrating my sleepy state. My eyes open a slit, and I see my beauty’s face in front of mine. “We’re gonna be late to dinner and I’m starving!” She giggles.

We take a quick shower, not even time to have any fun sex, dressing in our finest and head down the elevator to our private dining room. I had all the arrangements made before we left Kansas. The waiter takes our picture, a few times, before I slide out Pax’s chair and then push it in and laying her napkin on her lap. Sitting next to her, I take her hand in mine and kiss the top. “Paxton, you look extremely beautiful tonight. I love your dress and how you fixed your hair. You’re radiant and glowing, my love.” She chose a light gold floor length dress, all shimmering in sparkled sequins, with spaghetti straps and low cut, just enough to show her silky, unblemished and abundant chest. Her light golden sequined high heels and matching clutch purse, and her hair left long but some pinned up and curled, she looks like a beauty queen.

“Thank you, Tucker. I have to say, I’ve never seen you in a black tux before but I think you need to wear it more often. You’re the most handsome, sexy, fuck hawt and gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.” She leans over and kisses my lips, and it starts to get heated until we hear a small cough.

“My apologies for the interruption. Would you care to order a drink, appetizer perhaps?” The waiter asks laying a menu down on the table beside me. I look at Pax and she winks, biting her lip.
Fuck she needs to quit doing that, or I’ll be tempted to take her right here.

I look quickly back at the waiter. “Yes, please.” I look at the drink menu and then at the appetizers. “We would like a glass of milk for the lady and a coke for me. Then your appetizer special looks very nice, we would like that too.” I hand the menus back to the waiter. He nods, smiles and leaves the room. Leaning over to my girl, I pull her lip out of her teeth with my mouth. “Better stop that, beauty. You know what that does to me and I’m not sure you’ll like me taking you right here on the table.” Her eyes go wide, and a beautiful blush flushes her cheeks.

“Hmmmm, I dunno about that, sexy. I’m game if you are,” she whispers as she winks at me.
My cock is already hard and painful.
We’re interrupted again by the waiter bringing in our drinks and appetizers and we quickly get to work stuffing our faces. “Mmmmm,” she moans as she sucks an oyster into her luscious mouth making me lick my lips as I watch.

“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me. I’ve never in my life seen anything as sexy as you eating an oyster.” She licks her lips and swallows all the while giving me her sexier than fuck smile. “Damn, baby. I might have to blindfold myself just to get through dinner without attacking you.” Her brow raises, and a medieval look crosses her face.

“Oh, my, sexy. Now, that’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. Blindfold. Handcuffs. Bedpost. Hmmmm,” she says licking her bottom lip.
My cock just twitched.
She picks up another oyster in the shell, and my eyes move along with her hand as she tilts her head back and slides the lucky oyster into her mouth. I lick my lips again as I watch her throat as she swallows then as she licks her lips again.
I’m so fucked.

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