Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (47 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Aleco looked away from her. He didn’t say a
nything for several minutes as he stared at the stump of the Lorunien Tree. The Nature God was wrapped around his soul, trying to contain the despair he felt at Accacia’s words. She said she regretted leaving him but she wouldn’t change the past and secure their life together. She loved Zyle more than she ever loved him. The pain ran through his body and he let it die within him, stopping his heart for a moment in time. Father Giloth didn’t know what he was talking about. Aleco would never be happy. “When do you leave?” he asked.

Accacia was surprised at his words. She was
expecting a different reaction. He really didn’t love her anymore. She suspected he might because he demanded to know her answer but it clearly wasn’t so. “Tomorrow.” Accacia grabbed the stones from the grass and tucked them into her shirt, hiding them from view. Only the Time Stone remained at her feet. “What will you do, Aleco?”

“I don’t know. I su
spect they will elect me as king—a position I have no interest in taking. Technically, I’m the Duke of Aleutian—another post I have no desire to hold—so that will need to be discussed when Penny and I travel to Roslyn tomorrow.”

“I think you will make a
wonderful king, Aleco.”

“It doesn’t change anything. I still don’t want it.”

“Is that what you and Penny were discussing?”

Aleco flinched subtly at her words. They had been talking about his suicide, not his coronation. “No, Accacia. And don’t waste your time asking. I will never tell you.”

Accacia knew he wouldn’t tell her. She didn’t bother to ask. “What about your children? Where will they go?”

“Lydia is their guardian, not I.”

“They won’t live in the forest with you?”

“I don’t know where Lydia will wish to live. I haven’t asked her. And I don’t suspect I will live here either.”

“Where will you go?”

Aleco didn’t say anything. There was no answer he could give without telling a lie. If he said he didn’t know
, that would also be a falsehood. He sat next to her in silence. Accacia reached for his hand but he rose to his feet. “I will wish you farewell at the ship tomorrow.” He walked away from her, and Accacia felt her heart break with every step he took. He was so different, she didn’t recognize him. She missed those crystal blue eyes. Accacia looked down at the Time Stone sitting on the grass. She grabbed it and ran her fingers along the stones, touching it with her soul and mind.


Harbor of Orgoom Forest




The Asquithians had prepared everything for the voyage. Their stocks were full of vegetarian food and they had plenty of water to sustain everyone aboard the fleet of ships. It would take them a month to return home and they needed to be prepared for the journey. Accacia walked across the deck and looked out at the wharf. Aleco was standing with Penny along with the other guildsmen who had come to say farewell to their comrades. The Chief stood on Aleco’s other side and stared straight ahead.

“Are you ready?” Zyle asked.

Accacia nodded.

“It’s going to be alright, dear.” Laura patted her elbow and smiled at her niece. Accacia smile
d in return. They walked down the pier and met Roxian on the wharf. She smiled at Accacia as she walked passed. Accacia felt the tears bubble under the surface of her eyes. The moment was too familiar. She had already lived through this agony once, and yet she was doing it again. Zyle shook hands with the Chief then moved to Aleco. Zyle embraced the Nature Priest with a hug, and Accacia was shocked by the gesture.  Laura hugged Aleco as well. Accacia walked across the wharf, saying goodbye to everyone until there was one person left; Aleco. Zyle and Laura stepped aside and let Accacia approach him. He wore the thin shirt he had worn the day he said goodbye to her the first time. She wondered if he had done it on purpose. He stood in the exact same place he had stood before, and Accacia felt weak at the sight. Aleco stared at her for a moment and she returned his look. Neither of them knew what to say.

Aleco spoke first
. “Thank you for everything you did, Accacia. Without you, we never would have succeeded. I’m disappointed I didn’t strike with the killing blow, but you’re the next best choice.” He smiled at her and she felt the tears fall. How could he not be as upset as she was? She was on the verge of insanity. “I’m glad you’re leaving, Accacia.”

She stared at him. “Why?”

“I know you’re happy there. Suaden sounds beautiful—it’s where you belong. I’m happy for you.”

She grabbed his hand. “I’m going to miss you, Aleco.”

Aleco didn’t respond to her affection. He pulled his arm away and brought his hands behind his back, distancing himself from her. “Goodbye, Accacia.”

Accacia cried at his words. The tears poured from her eyes and she didn’t care who sa
w. She was wounded by his words. He didn’t care at all. “You told me you would love me forever. How can you take that away? I still love you.”

Aleco met her gaze with no emotion. “Things change, Accacia.”

“Do you still love me, Aleco?”

Aleco said nothing for a moment. He met her gaze without changing his stoic expression. “No.” He watched her face dissolve into tears at his rejection. “I still care for you, but I don’t feel that way for you anymore.”

Accacia felt her body shake with sobs. She knew he was being truthful. He couldn’t lie. She felt her stomach tighten in pain at the revelation. She felt like her chest would cave in again, stopping her from being able to breathe.

“Accacia, you made the right choice and I respect you
r decision. Zyle is perfect for you—he’s your soul mate. You and I—we were just together. Our love was nothing compared to what you have with him.  He is better for you than I ever was. Zyle will always love you—I no longer do.” Aleco moved away without touching her or comforting her. “Have a good life, Accacia.” Aleco reached Penelope, and she put her arm under his waist while she held her infant in her other arm. Sadie and Vance walked alongside them and they smiled up at him, wanting Aleco to grab them. Accacia fell to her knees as she watched them walk away. She was so delirious that she couldn’t think or breathe. Everyone watched her with worried expressions but no one reached for her, unsure what to do. Accacia couldn’t digest what Aleco had said to her. He didn’t love her anymore—he didn’t want her.

Zyle watched her with a saddened expression. He knew she loved Aleco and always would
, but the sight of her on her knees while he walked away broke his heart. He hated seeing her this way, and he wondered if she would react that way if he had said the same thing. Zyle felt his heart race in his chest as he watched her mourn from Aleco while he walked away into the trees with his family.

The heave of her sobs rocked Ac
cacia’s body and she felt sick, more nauseous than she had ever been. The last time she said goodbye to Aleco on this very peer it was painful, but it was nothing compared to the agony she felt now. The idea of living without Aleco was more than she could bear. Accacia looked back up the hill and saw that Aleco was gone. He had already disappeared into the line of trees. Her heart ached.

She rose to
a stand and turned to Zyle. He was watching her closely, unsure what she would say. The tears fell down her cheeks but she did nothing to wipe them away. They continued to fall. “Zyle—I—I have to break my promise to you.” Zyle dropped his head and closed his eyes, controlling the pain circulating in his veins. The end of his fingers burned like they were on fire, and his chest felt like it would cave inwards. “I left him once and I regretted it. I won’t make the same mistake. I’m so sorry.”

The King of the Asquithians
met her gaze. There was no anger in his features, just a gaze of depression. “I’m your soul mate, Accacia. You’re destined to be with me. I know you love him, but I’m your fate, not him.”

She shook her head. “No, I make my own fate, Zyle. And I choose my destiny. I want to spend it with him.” The tears in Zyle’s eye
s broke her heart. “I’m so sorry, Zyle. I love you so much. I mean it. You’re my soul mate, but I gave him my soul first. If I had never met Aleco, our fate would have been different. I’m so sorry.”

Zyle sighed deeply before he responded to her words. “Accacia, I’m not just your soul mate, but your best friend, and as your closest friend, I acce
pt your decision even though it breaks my heart. I want you to be happy. I apologize for making you promise yourself to me to begin with. I never should have done that—I regret it.”

She wrapped her arms around him and he held her close. “I love you so much, Zyle. I’m so sorry.”

Zyle ran his hands over her body, cherishing her presence for the last time. “Can you promise me something else instead, Accacia?”

“Anything,” she said as she kissed his cheek.

“After Aleco dies and you’re ready, please return to me. You belong in Canu with us. I hate the idea of you roaming the Continent alone, without Aleco to look after you. Even if you just want my friendship and nothing more, please come back to me. I’m still your soul mate and I still need to be with you, even if we’re just best friends. I know you feel the same way. Can you promise me this? Please?”

Accacia stared at her life partner for a moment. “I don’t want you to wait for me.”

“That’s my decision to make. Please promise me that you will come back.”

Accacia kissed him. “I promise I will.”

Zyle turned to Laura. “Grab her bags from our quarters please.” Laura nodded and walked away. They held each other for a moment in silence, savoring their last moment together before she left him.

“I’m so sorry, Zyle,” she whispered.

“It’s okay, Accacia. I want you to be happy.”

Laura returned with
Accacia’s belongings and set them on the deck. She stepped away.

“I love you, Zyle.”

Zyle pulled her lips to his and kissed her deeply. “I know you do.”

He stared at her for moment and memorized the look of her face. He had numerous images of her in his Soul Catcher but he wanted to treasure the last sight of her. “I’ll see you when you get back.” Zyle let the tears fall as his heart broke in the moment. He kissed her one more time before he walked away, leaving her standing alone.
He walked to the ship without looking back. Zyle couldn’t look at her.

Laura grabbed her face and kissed her cheek. “Goodbye, my dear.”

“Goodbye,” she said with a sob.

“We’ll be waiting for you.” Laura walked away and Accacia remained glued to the spot. Roxian and the other Asquithians boarded their ships and prepared to set sail. Accacia looked
for Zyle but only saw his back. He was looking over the opposite side of the rail, unable to look at her. Accacia cried harder than she ever had as she watched her life partner sail away across the sea. Now she knew how Aleco felt when she had sailed away from him forever. The ships departed farther out to sea until they were invisible over the horizon. Night had descended as Accacia stood on the wharf, watching her soul mate leave her behind.


Roslyn Keep




Aleco wasn’t listening to a word Artremian said. He was too depressed to care, too delirious to care about such idiotic things such as the choice of the new king or other insignificant matters. Aleco emptied his glass of brandy and forced the tears behind his eyes. He thought the second time Accacia left it be would easier; he was wrong.

Penelope had held him when they were out of sight and he broke down with the sobs. Aleco knew Accacia still loved
him and he wanted to make her departure from him as easy as possible. He loved her. He wanted her to be happy.

“Are you even listening to
?” Artremian asked incredulously. Penelope was standing beside him with her arm wrapped around him. Her loving gaze landed on her husband’s face and Aleco felt sick at the sight. It reminded him of Accacia.

“I’m not going to be the k
ing,” Aleco said firmly. “That’s final.”

“Why the hell not?” he yelled. “You saved us all from the wor
st dictator of our history—you’re the clear choice. You’re the Nature Priest of Orgoom Forest and the Duke of Aleutian—there is no one better.”

the Nature Priest—I am no longer.”

n stared at him. “Since when?”

“Yesterday,” he said. “And I won’t be around long enough to rule the Continent.” Aleco made a disgusted face. “Just imagining it make
s me sick.”

“Which is another reason why it should be
,” Artremian said. “You do not crave the power of the office—you’re a perfect candidate. And what do you mean you won’t be around long enough? Where do you plan on going?”

“Into the v
oid,” he said after he drained his glass.

“You can’t
be serious.”

“He is, dear,” Penelope said.

Aleco placed his glass on the table. “Why don’t you be the king, Art? You’re as good as anyone else.”

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