Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (50 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Are you happy?”

She lied back down on the bed and covered herself with the sheet. “Yes,” she said as she closed her eyes.

Aleco walked to the door and opened it. Penny was standing in a gray dress that clung to her hips. She was holding her son in her arms. “We have a meeting today, Aleco. As the king, you are expected to attend.” Aleco didn’t hide his disappointment. “It will only be a few hours,” she said with a smile. “Then you can return to—whatever you two are doing.” She walked away and he closed the door behind him.

Aleco changed and dressed himself in his formal attire, w
hich was uncomfortable and warm. He hated being king. “I’m going to a meeting,” he said to her. She rolled over and looked at him. “Join me when you’re ready.” Accacia pulled back the sheets and let him gaze at her naked body. He knew what she meant. “I really need to leave, Accacia.” She shook her head silently and patted the bed next to her. Aleco stared at her for a moment, wondering what he should do. He was needed at this conference but he could only think about one thing; his wife. The clothes fell from his body with lightning speed and he crawled into bed with her, making love to her gently and quickly. She scratched his back as he moved inside of her and whispered his name. As soon as she climaxed, he released himself into her then moved away from her, putting on his clothes as fast as he could. He left the room without a backward glance.


“You’re doing a horrible job as a king,” Penelope said as he took his seat at the dining table. Rhonian was napping with the maid, and Artremian was on his way to join them for breakfast. “This is the first time I’ve seen you in a week.”

“I’ve been busy.” H
e smiled.

“I don’t see how that’s possible.”

“I was on my honeymoon, Penny.”

“You didn’t go anywhere.”

Aleco leaned back in his chair and rubbed the capsule around his neck. He thought of Accacia and everything they had done in the past week. It didn’t seem like a lot was accomplished but the time went by quickly. “I beg to differ.”

m very happy for you, Aleco. No one deserves such bliss as much as you.” She smiled. Penelope reached out her hand and touched his. Aleco squeezed her fingers in return.

“Thank you, Penny.”

She stared at him for a moment. “Should we be expecting any children soon? I imagine they may already be on the way,” she said playfully.

“That’s unlikely,” he said sadly. “I’
m certain that Accacia is barren.” He felt his heart slow in his chest as the poison of his depression circled in his veins. Children were something he never wanted, but now he wanted them more than anything, especially with Accacia.

“I’m so sorry, Aleco. I had no idea.”

“Thank you,” he said. “Please don’t mention it to Accacia. I know it bothers her.”

“Of course,” she agreed. “What makes you think she is unable to conceive?”

Aleco thought for a moment. Penny was his best friend, other than the Chief, and he felt comfortable talking about his deepest fears, even if they consisted of Accacia’s past, with her. He knew Accacia wouldn’t mind. “Accacia was pregnant with Drake’s child. He was displeased by the conception so he ripped it out of her body. I can still see the scars in the light sometimes. I doubt she could have a baby after the trauma.” Penelope closed her eyes and nodded her head, clearly affronted by the horrifying revelation. “She and I made love without herbal contraceptives for months and she never became pregnant. Plus, she was with Zyle for a year and they never had children either.”

Penelope was surprised he
mentioned Zyle at all. She assumed he would never speak his name ever again. The memories of his pain flooded her mind as she reflected on those nights Aleco would collapse in her arms, overcome by his grief at the loss of his life’s love. “I’m sorry to hear that, Aleco. That never should have happened to her.”

Aleco gripped the glass before him, almost shattering the cup in his bar
e hands. “No, it shouldn’t have.”

“What will you do?”

“What do you mean?”

“You need an heir, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said. “I do, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to have one.”

“Back to my point,” she said. “What will you do?”

“Nothing,” he said. “We won’t have children. Sadie and Vance is the closest thing to it. The throne belongs to Vance if he wants it.”

“I don’t know if that will work.”

“I don’t know what you are implying, Penelope, but I will not have a child with anyone but Accacia. I will gladly step down from the lordship if that is unacceptable. I have no problem with that—I didn’t want the position to begin with.”

Penelope nodded her head. “I expected nothing less.”

“Good,” he said.

Artremian walked into the room and kissed his wife on the brow. “Good morning, darling.”

She grabbed his face and kissed him and he smiled back.

Aleco smiled at the interaction. Now that he had Accacia
, the closeness no longer bothered him.

Artremian smiled at Aleco.
“And look who it is,” he said excitedly. “I thought you were never going to leave that bedroom.”

“Don’t get too excited, Art. I will probably disappear for another week after this meeting.”

“What a wonderful king you are,” he said with a laugh.

“I never said
I was.”

“I guess that’s true.”

Lydia and the two little ones came into the dining hall next. Sadie ran to Aleco and he scooped her up in his arms, setting her on his knee. Vance came up next and Aleco grabbed him as well. “You guys are getting heavy,” he said. “You’re gaining some muscle, Vance.”

s,” he said with a smile. “I haven’t stopped training, Aleco.”

“Good,” he said. “I found another trainer for yo
u. This warrior is the best I’ve ever known, fearsome and deadly. You’ll learn a lot from this instructor.”

“What abo
ut you, Aleco?” he asked. “You’re the best.”

“Actually, I’m not.” H
e smiled. “This warrior could defeat me easily.”

“Really?” Van
ce’s eyes lit up. “I’m so excited.”

“You should be.”

“When will I meet him?”

“Soon,” Aleco said.

The door opened again and Accacia stood in the doorway. She wore a simple dress and her hair cascaded around her shoulders. Accacia was more than beautiful—she was gorgeous. Aleco put his children on the ground then walked over to her, kissing her passionately in front of everyone. When Accacia pulled away, her face was crimson read, embarrassed by the audience watching their tender interactions.

Aleco smiled at her. “What?” he asked playfully. “They hear us in the middle of the night. This is nothing.”

Her face turned a shade darker. Aleco took his wife by the hand and led her into the room. She smiled at everyone and said hello. Aleco led her over to Vance and stopped before him.

“I want you to meet someone, Vance,” he said. “This is my wife, Accacia.”

Accacia kneeled down and looked into Vance’s face. “It is very nice to meet you, Vance.”

He stared at her for a moment. “I recognize you,” he said. “You came to see us at home.”

Accacia smiled and hugged him. “I’m glad that you remember me.”

“I remember you, too!” Sadie said as she ran over to Accacia.

Accacia wrapped her arms around the little girl and hugged her. “That makes me happy as well.”

Aleco knee
led down beside his wife. “Vance, this is the warrior I was telling you about. She’s the most powerful soldier I’ve ever met.”

s you?” he asked with surprise.

“Yes,” she said. “I would be honored to teach you. If you will have me, that is.”

“That would be so cool!” Vance turned to Aleco. “She can even beat you, Aleco?”

Aleco looked at his wife for a moment, remembering their battle at the base of the Lorunien Tree. The true victor had never been settled, but Aleco knew she was the better fighter. “Yes, she can.” He leaned into her ear. “When you aren’t cheating, at least.” Accacia smiled at him.

Aleco rose to a stand and returned to his seat at the table. He patted his leg and Accacia sat in his lap, exactly where she belonged.

“So, I hear you two have been rather busy?” Penelope asked.

Accacia’s cheeks turned crimson again. “A little.” She smiled.

Aleco wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, nuzzling the crook
of her neck.

“Must you do that now?” Artremian asked playfully.

“I’m the bloody king,” Aleco said without looking at him. He only had eyes for his wife. “I can do what I damn well please.”

Artremian rolled his eyes. “Paso Robles has been destroyed, burned to the ground, as you commanded. You were right. I don’t think anyone wanted to live there—too ma
ny painful memories.”

Aleco nodded. “Good.”

“And the wall around Aleutian has been taken down. The peasants who volunteered were paid a large sum in exchange for their work.”


“The dukes have been restored to their rightful positions,” he said. “I just wish I had the original keep my ancestors built. It’s a shame it was destroyed.”

“It would have happened anyway, Art. It was constructed of Soul Binders. It had to be eliminated.”

“Yes, I suppose.” He sighed. “I just wish my ancestors had used something else. Oh well.” Artremian read the sheet before him. “And all trading tariffs have been eliminated. Peasants will not have to pay taxes on their goods.”

“That shouldn’t have happened in the first place,” Aleco said.

“And the council members still have their collection of Soul Binders. They denied possessing them, but I’m certain they have them. A few Soul Binders is negligent, but I assumed you would disagree.”

Accacia leaned forward. “You’re right, Artremian. My husband doesn’t accept that.” Aleco smiled while he listened to her. He loved hearing her refer to him as that. “We want them confiscated.”

Art shrugged his shoulders. “I already tried, Your Highness. They denied their existence and their possession of them.”

“Are they still in Roslyn?” Aleco asked.

“Yes, they’re still here. Would you like me to call a meeting in the Grand Library?”

Accacia answered. “I’ll deal with them.”

“Not to overstep my boundary
, but perhaps the king should address this issue.”

Accacia shook her head. “No,” she sa
id. “It is unacceptable if the king kills the councilmembers. I, on the other hand, am just the queen. I can do what is necessary with no repercussions.”

Artremian stared at her. “But they are four large men, Accacia. They could overpower you—even hurt you.”

Aleco shook his head. “I’m not worried about it, Art. My wife is a master of the blade. Besides, I’ll be outside the door if they decide to move against her. I doubt she will need the aid anyway.”

Accacia smiled at Aleco. “Thank you,” she said. “I was hoping this possessiveness would disappear.”

He stared at her for a moment. “It hasn’t.” He smiled. “And it’s as strong as ever. I would never allow you to be put in danger or risk your life in any way. But I know how strong you are, Accacia.”

,” she said. “It’s about time.”



“Keep your eyes closed!” Aleco led her by the hand farther up the beach. She could feel the sand beneath her feet as she moved forward
, and he held her steady as they progressed onwards. Accacia wanted to open her eyes but she promised Aleco she wouldn’t. “Don’t even think about it,” he said as he read her mind.

“How much further?”

“We’re almost there.”

Accacia could hear
the ocean crash against the shore and sing to her eardrums. She knew the sea was directly next to her. The revelation made her even more confused. She had no idea what Aleco wanted to show her.

“Okay,” he said. “Now you can open them.”

Accacia opened her eyes and smiled. What she saw before her made her heart swell with happiness and delight. A two story house had been constructed directly on the beach of Severstein Sea. A porch wrapped around the house with two rocking chairs sitting outside. The windows faced outwards to the roaring sea. The house was painted white with brown shutters against the windows, making it look like a palace in Accacia’s eyes. The sight brought tears to her eyes. “It will be nice not to worry about bats anymore.”

Aleco smiled and shook his head. “There are no bats in my cave. I’ve never seen one in there—

Accacia grabbed his face and kissed him. Aleco immediately responded to her touch and grabbed her face, kissing her like it was the last time. She pulled away and Aleco he
ld her to his chest. “I love it.” She smiled. It’s gorgeous.”

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