Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (49 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Aleco shook his head. “I don’t want to do this, Accacia. I have absolutely no interest in ruling the people. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

“You’ll be fine, Aleco. I’m certain of it. Besides, you have a queen who already has some experience.”

Aleco knew she meant well but the reference to her joint ruling with Zyle made him uneasy. Accacia caught the
look and immediately regretted saying it. She knew how possessive Aleco could be. “Please don’t speak of Zyle to me ever again.” Aleco understood how childish he was being, but he had suffered the agony of seeing Accacia with him on a daily basis and he didn’t want to think of it ever again. He had been willing to kill himself over it. Aleco wanted to move on like nothing had happened, unable to deal with the agony of her betrayal to him. Now he had what he wanted and he didn’t want his happiness to be spoiled with thoughts of her making love to Zyle, which he had practically experienced through his powers as a Nature Priest.

Accacia nodded. “I won’t.” She
hated the jealousy that coursed through his body. Accacia knew he would be hurt for many years to come. She wished Aleco didn’t have to live with the knowledge she had been married to someone else. Accacia felt her heart ache when she thought of Zyle, knowing he was in unspeakable agony on the ship back to Suaden. “Now that you are about to become my husband, can I ask you something?”

Aleco sat up and ran his hands through her hair, letting his hands touch her however he wished. She was his to keep
and he was going to take advantage of it every moment he could. “You can ask me anything, Accacia.”

Accacia was happy they had returned to their previous relationship instantly
, despite the obvious pain in Aleco’s heart. She felt like they were back in Asylinth Cottage, making love by the fire and discovering each other for the first time. She felt like they had never been apart. They were both broken but were complete when they were together, oblivious to the events surrounding them. There was something Accacia wanted to know. She had already questioned Aleco but he had denied both of her previous requests. “Tell me what you and Penelope were discussing. Ever since I overheard your conversation I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”

He looked away from her, shaking his head slightly at her inquiry.
Aleco dropped his hands from her strands of hair and placed them in his lap. “You can ask me anything, but there are some answers you don’t want to hear—this is one of them, Accacia. Are you sure you want to know? It will only hurt you. It may even make you regret your decision to choose me.”

Accacia grabbed his hand and stared into his eyes. “Nothing you say will ever
make me regret staying, Aleco. Zyle may be my soul mate but I gave you my soul first—it’s yours.” Accacia knew Aleco didn’t want to discuss Zyle, but she made an exception because she was proving her love for him. “And yes, I want to know, Aleco.”

Aleco stared at her for a moment. He took a deep breath before he continued. “I decided to kill myself.
” Aleco paused when he felt Accacia pull her hand away. He knew she was shocked by his words. “I asked Penelope to stab me through the heart because I didn’t want to be alone when—it happened. She agreed. We were supposed to do it right after you left but I had to come here first.”

Accacia covered her face with her palms and the tears poured from her eyes. She had suspected it but she hadn’t actually believed it to be true. Accacia cried quietly to herself while Aleco watched her, unsure if she wanted him to touch her. He knew how disturbing the new was. “Why?” she whispered through her tears.

“You know why, Accacia.”

She met his gaze. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to stay out of pity. I wanted you to choose me because you wanted me—no other reason.”

acia wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him to her chest. “I’m so sorry I caused you this much pain, Aleco. I—I had no idea. Please forgive me. I had no idea how much I had hurt you.”

Aleco kissed her forehead and rubbed her arms. “I forgive you, Accacia. No harm was done.” Accacia felt her heart lurch when
she considered the alternative. What if she left? Aleco would have committed suicide and she would never have known. There was a knock on the door and Accacia flinched at the sound.

“Aleco—we are waiting
,” Artremian yelled through the door. “You can do—

Accacia wiped her tears away and trie
d to regain her composure. “He’s right, Aleco.” She searched for a handkerchief but found none.

“Allow me.” Aleco grabbed her fac
e and kissed her tears away then brushed the moisture away with his fingers. “I’m sorry that I upset you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t want you to know.”

Accacia nodded. “You don’t need to apologize.” She rose to her feet and searched for
her clothes, finding them on the other side of the room.

“Are you sure you want to marry me?” Aleco asked as h
e dressed himself. “Marrying a king sounds horrible.”

“It’s not so bad.”

Aleco didn’t react to her words but Accacia immediately regretted saying them. They flew from her mouth before she could stop them. Accacia hated herself for hurting him. “I’ll get the maids,” he said as he walked away. He didn’t seem angered like she thought he would be. “They’ll outfit you with a dress. I’m sure Penelope will let you borrow one for the ceremony.”

“No, Aleco,” she said as she shook her head. “That woman hates me.”

“No, she
you. I doubt she will still behave that way. Besides, she loves me so she would help me in whatever way she can. I want you wear something beautiful to your wedding. She won’t mind—really.”

Accacia sighed. “Okay.”

Aleco walked to the doorway and conversed with Artremian. “I need the maids to prepare Accacia for the wedding ceremony.”

“Aren’t you supposed to sleep with the bride
the wedding?” he asked with a smile.

Aleco smiled. “She and I will make our own traditions.” Aleco turned back to Accacia. “I’ll see you soon.” He closed the door behind him.


Penelope came into the room with the dress on a han
ger. Accacia felt her chest fall. She was hoping it would be Aleco. She hated being apart from him so soon after they were reunited. Penelope laid the dress on the bed and looked at Accacia. Accacia met her gaze and didn’t look away, unsure what she should do.

“I realize we didn’t get along very well,” she said with a smile. Penelope sat on the bed directly next
to Accacia. The sheets were in disarray from their lovemaking but the woman didn’t seem to notice. “I apologize for my rude behavior, Accacia. But I meant every word I said.”

“I understand.
” Accacia nodded. “You were just trying to protect Aleco.”

“Yes,” she said. “As I will for always.”

“Do you still hate me? If you do, it won’t change anything,” Accacia said. “Aleco will still marry me despite your objections—no matter how close you are to him.”

Penelope reached out and grabbed Accacia
’s hand. It felt cold under her grasp and she felt the pulse underneath the skin. It was beating frantically, alarmed at the proximity. “No, of course I don’t hate you, Accacia. Aleco is happy—happier than I’ve ever seen him. You made the right decision when you chose him. I will love you the same way I love him—as long as he stays happy.”

“That won’t be a problem.
” Accacia smiled.

“I had a feeling it wouldn’t be.” Penelope rose from the bed and held the dress out to her. “What do you think? If this isn’t the one
, I have many others to choose from.”

Accacia stared at the dress for a moment. The silky material of the dress shined in the light from the window and it fit snugly around the waist. The length of the dress would trail behind her across the floor, making it appear elegant and graceful. “I love
it, Penelope.”

“Call me, Penny.”


Aleco stood before Father Hyphalia on the dais, which overlooked the lands of Roslyn and the fields farther out into the distance. The
council was lined to the side of the progression, and Artremian and Penelope stood on the opposite side of the walkway. Steward Josiah sat in the corner, pouting noticeably, and Nolan stood in the back, hidden in the shadows. The peasants watched from the base of the platform and Aleco smiled when he heard them cry. His palms were sweating and he was more nervous than he ever felt. Killing Drake was easier than taking the throne.

Father Hyphalia smiled at him, trying to assuage the anxiety etched on Aleco’s face. Father Hyphalia asked f
or a blessing from the gods then performed the ceremony, officially admitting Aleco into the position. Aleco vowed to protect the innocents of the Continent with his life and he meant every promise he made. He knew he had a lot of wrongs he needed to correct. Father Hyphalia nodded to Aleco at the end of ceremony. “Rise,” he commanded.

Aleco rose to his feet and stared into the gaze of the Guardian of Channeled Souls. The Chief approached Aleco and stood slightly behind him, clapping him on the shoulder in congratul
ations. His black eyes were shining in the sun and Aleco had never seen the man so happy. “Good luck,” he said with a smile. “I hope you can handle it.”

Aleco shook his head. “Unlikely.”

“I wasn’t referring to your lordship, Aleco. And I told you not to give up. I’m glad you took my advice for once—I know how seldom that occurs.”

Aleco smiled at Nolan. “Thank you for everything, Nolan.”

The Chief nodded. “Now let’s get you married off. The sooner you throw your life away, the sooner we can drink the rum.”

Aleco turned away and saw Penelope walked down the walkway with a boutique of flowers in her hands. She smiled at Aleco as she approached him
, and she was wearing a bright, gold, dress, which accentuated her skin perfectly. She stood across from Aleco and waited. She was acting as Accacia’s chief maid and had offered to do it willingly. The Chief was Aleco’s brother, his witness to the ceremony.

Aleco turned away from her and saw Accacia walk down the pathway. She had a gown of deep green and it matched the colors of her emerald eyes perfectly, flaunting the features of her comely face and contrasting against the color of her complexion. Her eyes were brighter than he had ever seen them, and they glowed by their
own will as she approached him. The happiness on her face was nothing in comparison to the bliss he felt within his heart. Aleco understood just how lucky he was.

Aleco was su
pposed to wait for the bride to come to him, but since he was the official king and had violated every tradition anyway, he walked down the aisle towards her and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding him to her. She smiled at him when he pulled away and he took her hand in his, leading her to Father Hyphalia. “I think you were supposed to wait,” she whispered teasingly.

“I’ve waited too long as it is.”

Aleco held her hands and faced her, completing the wedding ceremony before everyone on the Continent. They said their vows to one another but they were unnecessary. Instead of exchanging rings like most other couples, Aleco opened his capsule and took out his Soul Catcher, handing it to Accacia. “This belongs to you.” Accacia smiled through her tears. She opened her own and gave him her own Soul Catcher, completing the exchange.

Aleco grabbed her face and kissed her, listening to the cacophony of applause erupt around them. The King and Queen of the Continent finally ended their embrace and stared at each other, lost in the depths of
each other’s eyes. Aleco grabbed her hand and pulled her away. “Now it’s time for the honeymoon—we have a lot of time to make up for.”

Roslyn Keep




The knock on the door awoke Aleco from sleep. His wife’s arms were wrapped tightly around him, holding him to her chest like he would slip away. He kissed her head before he left her side. Accacia opened her eyes as he moved away from her. “Where are you going?” she asked.

He smiled at her. They hadn’t left the bedroom once because she wouldn’t allow it. Accacia wouldn’t let him leave. “Someone is at the door,” he said as he put on his trousers. He left his torso bare.

“Open the door, Aleco.” It was Penelope’s voice. Aleco recognized it and so did Accacia.

Aleco was going to walk across the room when Accacia grabbed his arm. “Put on a shirt, Aleco.”

He stared at her for a moment. “It’s just Penny.”

“I said put on a shirt—now.”

Aleco stared at her for a moment. “Accacia, Penelope doesn’t see me in that way. She is a wife and mother. There is no need for jealousy.”

“Fine,” she said as he lied back down. “I’ll open the door in nothing but a shirt next time.”

Penelope knocked again.

Aleco growled at Accacia. He understood her point completely. It secretly made him happy that she was so possessive of him, that she felt the same way he did. Aleco belonged to her and she didn’t want to share him with anyone. He suspected his relationship with Roxian had made her more controlling. Aleco grabbed his shirt from the floor and covered himself.

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