Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She was alone in the cabin. Maddox was out in the barn skinning his deer. Kayne had decided to venture up a nearby hillside to where he’d seen a silhouette of what appeared to be a newly constructed windmill of some sort. Riley was sitting outside on the porch, keeping an eye out for any unexpected visitors.

She assumed they were probably grieving in their own way about the old man who’d died. Alone with their own thoughts, they would figure out a way to deal with it. Just as she would have to do.

Apparently Trader Jack had had a fledgling trading business here in this valley. He’d told the guys that he put people up through the night several times a month as they traveled through. He used the barter system to get things he needed in exchange for what people wanted from him.

Eve grinned as she looked around the living room. The man had been a genuine pack rat. He’d collected everything for his business. From the pine rafters, he’d hung everything from copper frying pans to dried herbs to an array of homemade birch bark candle chandeliers. Three of the walls contained pine shelves filled with books, pottery pitchers, granite bakeware, and an abundance of what appeared to be homemade, thick white candles.

C.J. and herself definitely could have used a lot of this stuff in the little cabin they’d sequestered themselves in. But C.J. had wanted nothing to do with men, and Eve hadn’t seen any reason not to go along with her. Thinking of her friend brought more sadness shifting through her. This time of night C.J. would be snug as a bug in the double bed they’d shared for warmth. With no one to keep her company. No one to ease her fears after the nightmares that frequented her.

Her sadness scattered at the sound of the front door opening. It was followed by heavy footsteps coming down the hallway, and Eve twisted to grab her rifle from the nearby coffee table. When she spied the six-foot figure of Riley, she placed her weapon down again. Right now, he was the person she wanted to see the most. Some instinct deep inside her told her he was the most compassionate of the trio.

She waited until he removed his outdoor wear and boots before turning to face him and allowing him to see the tears that were now flowing from her eyes.

When he saw her, concern burrowed his eyebrows. He cursed softly, and in a few quick strides he sat beside her on the couch. Quickly, he gathered her into his arms. He smelled nice. Of the rough outdoors and of the clean mountain air. He held her tightly, whispering softly into her hair that everything was going to be fine, and with that confirmation, she finally allowed herself to fully break down.

She cried. This time harder than when she’d sobbed by the creek earlier. Realizing she hadn’t fully mourned the old man who they’d found laying on the porch, she cried some more for him. Then she bawled for the deer still alive out there, having lost one of their own. Most of all though, she wept for C.J., being alone. The emotions ran deep inside of her, and she didn’t know how long she wept, but when her sobs finally subsided, she felt so much better. It felt as if maybe some of the healing process had taken hold this time, and she knew she was going to be okay now.

“Trader Jack has a hell of a big garden out back. It looks like he’d just tilled it a few days ago. There are seeds in the barn. He must have saved them from his last year’s crop. I know he had a pretty big-sized garden last year. He’s lucky to be in this valley. The mountains keep most of the cold air from getting in.”

She already knew all about the valley being sheltered, and she had a feeling he wasn’t sure what to say or how to comfort her, so that’s why he was babbling. Just having his strong arms around her, though, made her feel so safe. And loved.

“You look cute after you’ve had a good cry. Cute and so vulnerable,” he whispered. His brown eyes flared with intense emotion and protectiveness as he brushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. With such tenderness coming from a big man, one who obviously had intense feelings for her, made her suddenly feel all hot and excited at having him here with her. And she felt needy. So damned needy.

“Make me feel better, Riley,” she blurted, and then she bit her bottom lip, wondering if maybe he would refuse her.

His eyes widened slightly as if questioning if she really wanted the kind of comfort he craved to give her. But then the question disintegrated from his gaze, and suddenly his mouth melted over hers. His lips were firm, warm, and sensual. There was tenderness in his kiss. Tenderness for her hurting. And there was something else. An emotional turbulence. An upheaval. Something desperate and something wounded inside him. She had wounded him. She had hurt all of them by not remembering them. By not returning to them.

There was also restrained fire in his kiss. A wild passion she’d only caught glimpses of during those flashes of memories she’d experienced.

She sensed he needed her, too. Just as badly as she needed him right now. That he wanted sex. Heck, whom was she kidding? She wanted sex. With Riley. Now.

“Make love to me, Ri,” she whispered after breaking the intoxicating kiss. She longed to experience what they’d shared in the past, and she slipped her hands beneath his T-shirt. Ripples and ripples of warm, solid muscles flexed beneath her fingers as she touched his flesh. Such silky-feeling flesh.

His sharp inhalations and soft curses only increased her need for him to fuck her.

“I want to take you so bad, Eve. I want to see the pleasure splashing across your face. Pleasure just like I used to give you.” His voice sounded so husky, and his eyes twinkled with such obvious love, her heart clenched in happiness.

His mouth came down on hers again. This time, his lips slanted over hers with unrestrained passion. He tasted good, and she could feel the coiled need building deep inside her vagina. Could feel the rigid muscles lacing his abdomen as her fingers swept downward and then struggled to unclasp his jeans. She found the zipper, and within a heartbeat, she’d lowered it.

The heat of his erection pressed against his underwear, and he groaned against her mouth. The guttural sound intoxicated her senses. He lifted his ass, and she slid his pants over his hips and down. Then she slipped his underwear down and gasped into his mouth at the feel of his hot, swollen, very long cock sliding against her palms.

Oh wow, he was immense!

As she stroked his length, he growled with an animalistic sound that snapped through her like a live wire. She loved that sound. It was familiar and made her blood run hot through her veins. Without warning, he broke the kiss, and they both breathed against each other’s mouths, gasping for air.

“Give me a minute,” he said, and he moved slightly away from her, giving her enough space to catch a glimpse of his engorged cock.

She shuddered as an exquisite rush of anticipation raced through her. Okay, he was very big. Bigger than she remembered.

He moved fast, producing a packet of condoms, seemingly from nowhere, but most likely from his jeans’ back pocket. The man was prepared. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted her.

She whimpered as he ripped the tip off the packet, then placed the condom on the nearby coffee table beside her rifle Then he turned to her, his dark brown eyes flaring with arousal as he stared at her.

“Why don’t we get rid of that blanket, sweetness?”

His breathing sounded harsh, and she moaned softly as he reached up and found the edges of the blanket that she’d been clutching. Tugging it gently, she let go, and he spread open the edges. His gaze widened in surprise when he noticed she wore nothing beneath. She preferred to sleep in the nude, and since they were in a warm house, she’d opted to just that tonight. Besides, her underclothes, which she’d freshly washed earlier after the men had gone out, were hanging up to dry in the corner of the living room on a rope she’d strewn.

“Had I known you were in here naked on the couch all this time with me just sitting outside on the other side of this door…” His voice sounded strangled and thick with emotion.

Heat simmered inside her as he reached out and cupped her breasts. He held them gently in his palms, testing their weight.

“So long I’ve been wanting to do this, baby. Way too long. We haven’t touched another woman since you, Eve.”

“No one?” Gosh, that was so surprising. She’d convinced herself they’d been with pleasure girls. Had thought they would have a favorite by now.

He shook his head, frowning. Arousal flooded her as he rubbed her nipples tenderly with roughened thumbs. The friction wasn’t nearly enough for her, and she wanted more.

“Harder,” she whispered.

He grinned. “Still the same, aren’t you, Eve?”

She wanted to ask him what he meant by that remark, because she didn’t know, but suddenly his head lowered, and her breathing grew rapid and raspy. All she could do was helplessly clutch her hands into the blanket that had puddled around her waist.

Her breath hitched as she watched his full lips part, and she gasped at the intensity of incredible, firm heat as he sucked her left nipple into his hot mouth. With his tongue, he laved the tip with such an intense pressure she could feel the spirals of electric awakening zipping a straight line deep into her vagina.

She gasped, thrust her hands up, and held his solid shoulders to steady herself.

He popped her nipple free and grinned up at her.

“You like?”

She could barely nod.

“Good, then I haven’t lost my touch.” He dipped his head to her other nipple, sucking it in between his lips. This time he bit, his teeth sharp and so demanding, she couldn’t help but cry out as pain splashed into her swirling senses. The pain quickly turned to something else, something dreamy and quite erotic, but then before she could explore this exquisite sensation, to her disappointment, he backed off and seemed content to suckle.

She liked watching him at her breast. His bald head glowed in the flashes of flame light from the fire, and his eyes were scrunched tight. She felt his muscles flex beneath her fingers and moaned as a hand slipped between her thighs. She widened her legs as best as she could and whimpered when his finger dipped inside her sopping vagina. He collected her juices and then slid his lubed finger over her clit, stroking her with such a firm, superb pressure, she couldn’t help but undulate her hips against the surging sensations.

“I wanted to take my time.” He swore softly against her mouth. “But you’ve always been too damned sweet. I can’t wait.”

“Don’t wait. Take me now,” she panted. The need to be fucked was intense and intoxicating and surreal. It seemed unbelievable that she would so naturally want a man whom she hadn’t seen in so long to make love to her.

She whimpered as she watched him roll on his condom, sheathing his thick, dark erection. Her heart cracked madly against her chest as he watched her lie on her back on the couch.

He came over her, his big body so nicely tense and sweetly perspiring. The muscles in his arms were bunching as he braced himself over her. Reaching up, she curled her hands over his strong shoulders. She dug her nails into his warm flesh as she felt the bulge of his plum-shaped cockhead enter her vagina. There was a brief hesitation. His eyes captured hers. In the firelight, his eyes glowed red with lust and shone with love, and her heart sang.

This man belonged to you once. He still wants you. Make him yours again.

She dug her fingers deeper into his thick muscles, pulling him downward.

“Take me,” she whispered. “Take me hard.”

“You still like it rough, hey, baby?” His white teeth flashed in the semidarkness.

She wasn’t sure if she did like it rough. But yeah, forceful sounded good about now.

She nodded her consent.

His eyes darkened.

Before she could brace herself, he entered her in one swift, solid thrust that stretched her unbelievably wide. She gasped at the intense fullness, but her gasp was swiftly swallowed as Riley’s mouth melted over hers. His kiss was powerful. His thrusts into her were even more powerful. And rough.

Every time he thrust into her, his pelvic bone rubbed her clit, unleashing another round of wicked sensations. They made her heady, made her desperate for release. His mouth possessed hers. His solid flesh entered her and withdrew in long, fierce strokes that dipped right down into her soul.

He fucked her intensely, without control, and she bucked against his possession in a desperate frenzy. The delicious sensations scrambling through her snowballed, launching her toward the climax just out of her reach. She needed this pleasure. Craved that climax. And then she was there.

Her pussy clenched around him so tightly, she heard him cry out, whether in pain or arousal, she didn’t care. She just wanted him to keep riding her as she herself rode the hot sprays of bliss.

She didn’t think his pistoning strokes could get any more powerful. But they did. The intensity of it almost frightened her, but then she relaxed, knowing he would never hurt her. Could never hurt her, no matter how out of control he got.

And, she realized as she kissed him feverishly, she liked that he was so out of control. Liked the wildness about him, especially after the gentleness and concern she’d experienced from him.

He grunted and groaned as he pistoned. She met his every thrust, loving the almost painful, white-hot blades of pleasure twisting through her. She felt his body tighten. His thrusts increased in speed and fierceness.

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