Stars in the Sand (14 page)

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Authors: Richard Tongue

Tags: #military, #SF

BOOK: Stars in the Sand
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Sir,” Barbara began, but he interrupted her.

I gave you an order.”

 She looked briefly as though she was going to refuse, but walked out of the room, followed by the others; Manning and Cantrell carried Grogan between them. Cooper stood at almost-attention, looking ahead.

Are you going to behave like that when you are next down on a planet?”

No, sir. I will be operating either alone or with a partner, not trying to chaperon a group of drunks on shore leave.”

You really are sure that your career is over, aren’t you.”

How is your hand?” Caine asked.

It stopped working after the punch. Hopefully Garland can fix it.”

 Nodding, Marshall said, “Probably. We’ll make sure we have the spares on board, anyway. Do you think this was a set-up?”

I don’t think so,” he replied. “It looked like a group of arrogant blowhards pushing their weight around, and probably wanting to relieve some tension. They got their wish. Are shoot-outs common out here?”

Common enough that every part of the station has tranq canisters fitted, triggered by gunshots that don’t come from a registered weapon,” Caine said. “Good bit of design.”

In that case, I stand by what I said.”

I’ve looked at the footage, and it corroborates your story. Had you not been provoked, I’d probably have just left you here to pick up on the way back, but ultimately, no harm has been done. Nevertheless, I will put a citation on your record, if that means anything to you.”

It does, sir,” he replied, looking at the ground. “I won’t let you down again.”

I’ve canceled all leave, anyway, so this won’t recur. Once you’ve got your hand fixed, you can report for cleaning duties.”

One thing, sir. Cantrell.”

 Marshall glanced at Caine, then said, “What about her?”

She came to help her crew out, sir. Wasn’t involved in the fracas. I don’t think you should say anything to her, but I rate it as a good sign.”

Noted. Now head on up to medical and get that hand sorted out.”

 He nodded, managing to resist the urge to salute, and walked past the two of them, half-jogging to catch up to the others. Marshall glanced after him, then turned to Caine.

His heart’s in the right place.”

You had to do something official, though.”

Hell, we’ve both done worse on leave.”

We didn’t get caught, though.”

 Looking around, he said, “They obviously have a lot of business here.”

Typical belter outpost. I could show you ones that look just that same at Proxima and Sirius.”

The difference being that we are more than thirty light years from home. Feels strange that being out here is…”

You were expecting strange alien cities, mysterious lost worlds?”

Not having to get my people out of hock for bar brawls.”

Cooper has a hell of a lot of tension to work out of his system. It might be no bad thing for him to do it now, rather than when it might get us into real trouble.”

Maybe,” he said, shaking his head. “We might as well have a walk around the station ourselves. There’s an observation deck a few levels up.”

Don’t fancy going to the bazaar, then,” she said, smiling.

I think I might give that a miss for a while.”

 The two of them walked out of the corridor, and were about to step into an elevator when Karim appeared, moving between them and the door.

Yours was not the only crew represented here last night,” he said. “It happens, out here.”

Nevertheless, I apologize, once again.”

Hassim has enough money to repair his bar, the idiot who decided to challenge a man with a titanium fist will have a scar that will attract the ladies for the rest of his life, and certain elements of your ship will be cleaner than they have been in many years, I suspect. Where is the harm?” He grinned, then said, “We are used to people playing hard. As long as they pay for the damages, it is well.”


Is for ships plying the stars. Not men and women sitting in bars.”

 Caine looked over at Marshall, then said, “This is about you canceling shore leave.”

It really isn’t necessary,” Karim added. “I am not displeased with your crew.”

I am,” Marshall said, “and I fear it is necessary. In any event, we will be leaving in a couple of days.”

Schedules are the enemy of pleasure. I caution you to savor life while you can.”

You never give up, do you?”

Being an honest merchant, I would never get anywhere if I was not persistent.”

Perhaps next time.”

Could I at least offer the two of you refreshments? I happened to overhear that you were making your way up to the Observation Deck. The twin planets are crossing our little red star at present; it is a beautiful sight.”

 Looking down at his watch, he replied, “That would be very good of you.”

I will have them waiting for you.”

 They stepped into the elevator, while Karim started barking into a communicator behind them. It took only a few moments to rise to the top of the module, and the two of them stepped out into a spectacular hemispheric dome, starlight shining through in a million directions. Behind them, the twin planet the station was orbiting – which once was one, before some unknowable catastrophe had shattered into two tumbling halves – was passing in front of the red dwarf primary, dimmed through its thin atmosphere.

 Waiting for them on the table was a silver platter, loaded with vegetables, hard-boiled eggs and pate; Marshall looked down at it, then up at Caine, who shrugged. He reached down for a piece of lettuce, and smiled at the crunch it made in his mouth.

This is real.”

We’re being spoiled, Danny.”

And eggs, as well. I don’t think they’ve been fabricated.”

Only one way to find out,” Caine said, reaching down. Marshall looked at the underside of the platter, and noticed a trio of almost-imperceptible bulges underneath. With a smile, he looked up at Caine, and winked.

I think now we can discuss our plans. After all, we’re alone up here.”

Yes,” she said, kneeling down opposite him as he pulled a stylus from his pocket.

Lowering his voice, he said, “The most important thing…”, before slapping the hidden microphones with his stylus as loud as he could. Caine did likewise, and they knew that somewhere, a straining operator was going to be reaching for the aspirin.

Thanks for the food,” Marshall said to the air, “but I don’t think you will find our conversation particularly interesting.”

A pity,” Karim’s voice said, echoing through the chamber. “I give up my lunch for nothing?”

You’re welcome to join us,” Caine said.

Alas, a commander’s work is never done. Enjoy the food, and the view, and if you are inspired to yield some of your secrets, feel free.”

We’re far too boring for that,” Marshall said, “but the sentiment is appreciated.”

 Caine wandered over to one of the walls, taking periodic bites from the egg, “That’s Sol, isn’t it.”

That it is,” Marshall replied. “So damn small, isn’t it.”

Just another star, lost among millions.”

What about Hydra Station?”

 The wall glowed over in a far corner, evidently it was programmed to respond to voice commands. He squinted at a dim point of light, and shook his head. His ship was back there, and more than a hundred of his crew. For the first time he really regretted leading this mission himself, though he knew that if he hadn’t, he would almost certainly be back there right now, sitting in his office, regretting not having led the mission.

Even smaller,” Caine said. “I think the wall must be using magnification to show it at all.”

 He turned to her, then saw a blue flash up above, and his face grew pale, “Deadeye, is that what I think it is?”

 Turning, she saw the light fade, and a small dot appear, slowly moving towards the station. “We’re both thinking the same thing. Dammit.”

 Reaching for his communicator, Marshall said, “Ouroboros, this is the Captain.”

Race here. We just…”

We saw it too. Civilian or military?”

Identification says both. Military supply auxiliary.”

We’re on our way back. Stand by to get the ship buttoned up, and make sure all our supplies are on board.”

I can guess where they are going,” Caine said as she made her way to the elevator.

So can I. Fleet spares and repairs.”

 They stepped inside, and tapped for the docking ring. It waited a moment, as if reluctant to obey their orders, then started to race through the levels, heading back for their adoptive ship. Suddenly, this station felt like a dangerous place to be, and even the comparative safety of Ouroboros would be welcome.

Chapter 14


 Orlova leaned over the sensor console, watching the unidentified ship cruise towards the station; behind her, Race was frantically programming a new hendecaspace course into the computers, his fingers rattling across the keys. Spinelli looked up at her, shaking his head,

Heading right for us. I’ve identified it as a military supply tender,
-class. From the way she’s accelerating, I’d say she’s running empty at the moment.”

Any clue as to where she has been?”

No signs of battle damage, she looks brand new.” He shook his head again, then said, “Your guess is as good as mine. We didn’t see any tenders of this type during the battle, but they’ve had enough time for someone to get there and back. We’re still only one jump away here.”

 She turned to ask Race a question, but saw him snapping a stylus in two; she decided to reach over to the auxiliary station and get the answers for herself. Ouroboros was fully fueled now, at least, and the inventory records showed that most of the components they needed were back on board. Only four members of the crew were on the station – but that including Caine and the Captain.

Spinelli, get us launch clearance from Station Operations. For, say, ten minutes.”

Shouldn’t we wait until the Captain gets back?”

Having it doesn’t mean we can’t change our minds, does it?”

No, ma’am,” he said, turning to his station.

Once you’ve got it, I want to speak to that ship.”

 Nelyubov drifted into the bridge; his eyes widened, and he said, “You’ve got to be crazy.”

Right now we’re operating in a vacuum. We need to know where that ship has come from, and if they’ve managed to identify us. We haven’t got the equipment or the people to run a proper hack, so the only thing I can think of is to ask them.”

And if they decide that we are the bad guys, and to try and swat us?”

Two missile tubes is all they have,” Spinelli said, “and no sign from my board that they are preparing to fire them.”

They’d wait to close the range before they played their hand, Maggie.”

We have launch clearance,” Spinelli added. “Do you still want that ship?”

Get its Captain on the communicators now. Voice only unless they insist.”

Aye, ma’am,” he replied, and Orlova braced herself for the impending conversation. She reached down to a liquid bulb underneath her chair and took a quick sip of water, clearing her mouth, then pulled up a microphone.

This is Margaret Hooke,” she began – like the Captain, she’d decided a fake name was best, “First Mate of the Ouroboros. Thought I’d check in and welcome you to the system.”

 A stern voice replied, “This is the Hermann Balck. While your greeting is welcome, it is not necessary. We instruct you to clear your docking port at once.”

Balck, there are several other docking ports…”

 With a sneer, he said, “And you have the priority one, which is the one we need. You’ve been given clearance to take off, anyway, so leave.”

 Race turned from his station, saying, “We can leave the system. We’re cutting it a little tight, but it’s only a short jump to the next star on our list. Course is laid in.”

Message from Airlock Two; Marshall is now on board, and heading up here.”

Very well, Balck,” she said. “We are departing now. I hope you enjoy the docking port as much as we did.” Snapping off the channel, she said, “Race, clear the station and proceed to the
hendecaspace point, best acceleration. Spinelli, I want you to watch that ship like a hawk. If it so much as twitches, I want to know about it.”

Maggie,” Race said, “You realize that our course will take us well within firing range of the Balck.”

I do,” she replied. “If we make an effort to stay out of its way it will be so obvious that the dimmest tactical officer would have to notice. Just hang tight.” With a jerk, the ship detached from the station, dropping down and away, and the engines flicked on, the acceleration pushing her back into her seat. “Frank, get the countermeasures running.”

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