SEAL of Approval

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Authors: Jack Silkstone

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SEAL of Approval


Dating just got selective.


Jack Silkstone




The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


Text copyright © 2016 Jack Silkstone

All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.


Published by Jack Silkstone


This book is dedicated to the Military Working Dogs who have served, loyal and steadfast, alongside their handlers in the world’s deadliest conflict zones.


A percentage of the sale of this book will be donated to a foundation that trains dogs to help servicemen and women who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder.


Chapter One


Warfare Operator Mike Saunders placed the two halves of his M4 carbine on his desk and glanced at the Belgian Malinois working dog that sat at his feet. Reaching down he ruffled the hound’s ears and was rewarded with a snuffle from a wet nose. Smiling, he returned to cleaning his weapon and watching the video playing on his battered laptop.

Tall, with broad shoulders, Mike looked as if he had stepped out of a SEAL recruiting poster. The twenty-eight year old had a square jaw, slate grey eyes, and short blonde hair. A cheeky smile and an easygoing attitude topped off what most women called a ‘complete package’.

His dog, Axe, was an equally handsome specimen. Smaller and leaner than the related German Shepherd, he had a dark face with intelligent brown eyes and alert ears that jutted from the top of his head. That is, except for the very tip of his right ear which drooped forward like a wilted leaf.

Mike finished cleaning a component and scanned the SEAL team room. Richard ‘Rick’ Anderson and Javier ‘Ernie’ Ernesto were also working on their weapons in a space resembling a football locker room. The men, and Axe, were team-mates, SEALs on standby at their base in Coronado, ready to leap into action, at a moment’s notice.

“Hey Mike, how’s that lady of yours doing? She launched her modeling agency yet?” asked Rick, a muscular African American who was the squad Corpsman and a notorious ladies man.

Mike snorted. “The party’s tomorrow. And before you ask, you’re not invited.”

“Bro, you’re killing me. What’s the point of knowing someone who owns an agency if you’re not allowed to meet the girls?”

“Meet, is that what you call it?” added Ernie from the bench seat where he was cleaning his pistol. The short, athletic Mexican was the squad’s communications guy, happily married, and a father of two.

Rick flexed his bicep against the fabric of his camouflage combat shirt. “Hey, it’s not my problem ladies can’t resist, the Rick.”

Mike finished assembling his carbine. “Did you seriously just refer to yourself in the third person?”

“Rick Slade gets all the ladies.”

“The only thing Rick Slade’s going to get is herpes,” quipped Ernie.

Mike snickered. “Burn!”

At that moment a craggy faced, barrel chested SEAL with short grey hair barged into the room and bellowed. “Grab your panties ladies. We’ve got a hit on Barbosa. Wheels up in ten.”

Chief ‘TJ’ Lines was their squad leader. Mike guessed his age at mid-forties but no one actually knew how old he was. He’d been a SEAL for longer than anyone could remember.

The men sprang into action, fitting their weapons together and grabbing their gear. Camouflage body armor covered with pouches was thrown on over their fatigues along with backpacks and their night vision equipped helmets.

Mike snapped his gun belt around his waist and checked his pistol was secure. “Where’s he at?”

“Location of interest on the outskirts of Puerto. We’ve got approval. The platoon’s launching and we’re on point. I’ll give orders in the air.”

“Nice, going after the top dog,” said Rick as he grabbed his medical kit.

“Only way we roll,” added Ernie as he finished donning his own gear and made for the door. “I’ll see you boys in the hangar. I wanna grab some extra batteries.”

“I’ll come with.” Rick followed the comms guy out of the team room, leaving Mike and TJ with Axe. Mike finished fitting the dog’s harness then rechecked all the buckles were closed. As he snapped on a lead, his laptop started chiming. He glanced at the flashing icon on the screen.

His girlfriend, Stacey, was calling. He locked eyes with a frowning TJ. “It’ll only take a minute.”

“You’ve got thirty seconds.” The Chief continued preparing his equipment.

As the call connected Mike looked down at Axe’s intelligent eyes staring up at him. “Just a second, bud.”

The call connected and an attractive blonde appeared on screen. “Michael, where are you?” Her high-pitched voice crackled through the speakers.

He fought the urge to grimace and braced himself as he delivered the bad news. “At work babe, ‘bout to head out the door.”

Stacey’s heavily made-up face screwed into a scowl. “What do you mean you’re heading out? Where are you going?”

“Honey, I can’t tell you. You know how it is.”

One perfectly manicured eyebrow arched. “Really, you’re going to play that card. You do realize that my agency launch is tomorrow?” She flicked her hair to emphasize the point.

“Of course, look I’m going to do my best to get there but–”

“But? All I ever hear are excuses, Michael. I’m beginning to think that you’ve got zero interest in this relationship.”

“Hey, you know that’s not true.”

“Then make sure you’re here tomorrow night.” Her face disappeared as she terminated the call.

Mike glanced down and took in the concerned expression on Axe’s dark face.

“Yeah, I know bro.” He took up the dog’s lead.

“Walk with me, Mike,” grunted TJ from the doorway.

The three of them, two operators and a canine, left the SEAL’s training facility in the direction of the Naval Air Station hangars.

“You might not know this, Mike, but when I first joined the teams, I was married.” The old SEAL had a voice that sounded like gravel being tossed in a steel drum. “It didn’t last very long. You know why?”

Mike could guess why. “No, tell me.”

“Because she was a narcissistic princess. A lot like that pretty little lady you’re fooling around with. Bud, SEALs and girls like that don’t work... not long term.”

At a loss for words, Mike remained silent.

“Yeah, they’re fun and she’s probably a great lay, but that’s it. You can’t count on them. They’re about as reliable as a cheesecloth condom. Soon as things get tough, they’re going to cause you heartache and headaches. Isn’t that right, Axe?”

At the sound of his name, the dog glanced up at TJ and licked his chops.

“See, even Axe agrees.”

They entered a cavernous aircraft hangar and joined the rest of the squad. Rick and Ernie had organized their parachute rigs and other equipment. Behind them, the rest of the SEAL platoon, another ten men, also prepared their gear.

“That lady of yours doesn’t look or sound like the sort of woman a SEAL should be dating, brother,” continued TJ as he found his rig in the line of parachutes.

Rick laughed as he adjusted his harness. “The old man giving another one of his infamous lectures?”

“Hey, I’m just trying to look out for our boy. That’s what brothers do.”

“I get it, TJ, and I appreciate your advice, but I think you’re wrong about Stacey. She’s a good person. She’s just got a lot riding on this agency.” Mike adjusted his own chute, checking the suspension hooks that would hold Axe across his chest.

Rick snorted. “She may be hot but, that woman’s crazy with a capital C.”

Mike frowned and turned to Ernie for support.

“Whoa, brother, don’t bring me in on this.” Ernie tossed Mike a
, his favorite. “Who you choose to date is completely up to you.” He lowered his eyes to his equipment. “But
, the bitch is crazy. I mean, who the hell hacks their boyfriend’s email account.”

“She’s a little insecure,” said Mike as he unwrapped the candy.

“Bro, she chooses what you wear,” added Rick. “And then, when you don’t wear it she refuses to go out with you. That girl is all about herself.”

Mike chewed the
as he glanced down at Axe sitting at his feet. “What about you bud, you like Stacey, right?”

The dog gave a whine as he lowered himself to the floor and covered his snout with one paw as the others broke into laughter. Mike shook his head in disgust.

TJ gave him a friendly slap on the back. “Hey, like I said, bud. We’re just looking out for our team-mate. Now, let’s get this show on the road.”




On the other side of town, at the Iron Canyon Veterinary Clinic, Alison Taylor was finishing her final consult for the day. Chloe, a beautiful Golden Retriever sat on her examination table. It had been a last minute walk-in to the clinic. Chloe had chased a squirrel over an embankment and badly sprained her hind leg. Faced with an injured dog and a distressed owner, Alison had been unable to turn them away.

With the dog bandaged and her owner placated, the pretty veterinarian glanced at the clock on the wall, as she washed her hands.

“Oh crap!” It was already ten past seven. She was late for her date.

She slipped out of her scrubs and fished a flowery summer dress from a sports bag in the corner of her office. Throwing on a pair of black flats with the dress she turned and faced the mirror on the back of the door. She grimaced. The face looking back at her might have been pretty, if it wasn’t for the bags under her eyes. She pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail, applied color to her full lips, traced liner around her green eyes and dusted her cheeks with a touch of concealer. She was far from ready. But, it would have to do.

Her assistant caught her on the way out. “Have a good time.”

The restaurant was a short cab ride from the clinic. On the way, she checked her phone. She had three missed calls from Brian, her date. The banker would not be impressed by her tardiness.

A smartly dressed maître d' led her to the table where Brian was waiting. The handsome investment banker was dressed in a three-piece suit and wore a frown. She noted he already had a starter in front of him and a glass of wine.

She felt his gaze on her as she approached.

Smiling, she reached the table. “So sorry I’m late. I had a last minute consult.”

Brian remained seated. “I took the liberty of ordering you the salad.”

The waiter pulled her chair out and Alison sat. “Oh… thank you.”

The banker frowned. “I hope that’s alright. I mean this is a two star restaurant and I didn’t want to offend them by not ordering.”

Alison managed a thin smile. “No, it’s fine. A salad is perfect. I can always get the steak for entrée.”

“I did tell you it was a two star restaurant didn’t I?”

“A number of times, why? Is there a problem?”

He exhaled. “It’s just… Look, the owner is a client of my firm and…”

Alison’s face suddenly felt warm. “Go on.”

He leant forward and whispered. “And, well you didn’t put very much effort into your presentation.”

It took every ounce of her strength to refrain from taking his glass of wine and throwing it in his face. Instead she whispered back. “Like I said, I had a last minute consult.”

He chuckled. “Please, I’m sure the dog’s sprained ankle could have waited.”

She grabbed her glass of water and drank to hide her disgust.

“Look, it’s OK,” he continued. “Just, for future reference, it’s appropriate to wear heels to a restaurant like this.”

The waiter appeared with a bottle of wine and Brian inspected it. “So, I had quite the hectic day today.”

Alison didn’t hear the rest of the words coming from his mouth. Her mind had wandered back to their first date. A casual drink at a bar, it had gone reasonably well. In direct contrast to his current behavior, Brian had been attentive, engaging and somewhat charming.


She turned her attention back to him.

“Did you hear anything I said?”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry. Look, I’m not feeling very well. I might slip out to the ladies room. I’ll also fix up my makeup.”

He nodded. “Good idea.”

“Excuse me.” She rose from the table and made her way to the foyer. Instead of entering the rest rooms, she ducked out of the restaurant and hailed a cab. Climbing in, she slumped into the back seat and fought back tears.

The driver glanced at her in the mirror. “Where to, Miss?”

She gave him her address and reached into her bag for her phone. The number she wanted was at the top of her favorites.

Her sister Leonie, answered. “Hey sis, I thought you were on a hot date.”

“Things didn’t turn out the way I expected.”

“Are you OK? What happened?”

Alison gave her a run down on the brief encounter with Brian.

“You’re kidding me? He actually said that? What an A-grade asshole.”

“Yeah, I’m beginning to think I attract them.”

“No babe, there’s just a lot of them in the world. Look, where are you now?”

“On my way home.”

“Screw that. Meet me at the
Cold Stone
at Rancho Del Ray. Triple choc ice cream will make you feel better.”

Alison managed a chuckle. “Fine, but I’m telling you now. I’m done with men and I’m done with dating.”

“Good, ice cream it is.”




rested a gloved hand on Axe’s head and ruffled his ears. He could feel the animal’s excitement; a bundle of barely contained energy pressed against his leg. The two of them, and the three other members of the squad, were hidden in a tree line a few hundred feet from the walls of a gated hacienda. If their intelligence was correct, and it so often wasn’t, then one of the most wanted men in Mexico currently resided inside the lavish mansion.

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