SEAL of Approval (9 page)

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Authors: Jack Silkstone

BOOK: SEAL of Approval
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Chapter Fourteen


Mike slipped through the door to the briefing room. The unit’s intelligence officer had already begun his presentation to the platoon. Ducking into the back row he took a seat next to Rick.

“Where you been?” whispered Rick. “TJ ain’t happy you weren’t in for the run this morning.”

“I slept in. What have I missed?”

Rick’s brow shot up. “You slept in?”


Grinning, Rick lifted his hand. “High-five, brother.”

Mike left him hanging. “Anything new on the Butcher?”

“Nope. He’s gone to ground.”


At the front of the room the intelligence officer paused and advanced his slides. “That concludes the latest target updates. What I’m going on with now is the assessment from Homeland Security.”

“This ought to be good,” mumbled Rick.

Among the SEALs, Homeland Security had a reputation for releasing alarmist reporting that they usually ignored.

“The latest assessment indicates that, due to recent successes against the Mexican cartels, there may be an increased threat to military personnel in the San Diego area. Although the Butcher has gone to ground, Homeland thinks he might be looking to conduct a revenge attack stateside. Team Five has been identified as a potential target.”

One of the SEALs thrust his hand in the air. “Hey, sir.”

“What’s up, Dean?”

“If Barbosa wants revenge won’t that make him easier to target. I mean he’s got to coordinate that shit, right?”

“True, but it also means we need to be vigilant. Guys, you need to report any suspect behavior. When off base make sure you maintain a low profile. That means no military style training shirts, no Oakleys and no cargo pants. Remind your wives that dressing kids in cammo or SEAL branding is a bad idea.”

Rick lifted his hand. “What about Team Five limited edition assless chaps. Is Mike still allowed to wear them?”

The officer chuckled. “Rick, what you and Mike wear in the Blue Oyster is completely up to you. OK, if there’s no other questions, we’re done here.”

As the SEAL operators filed out of the room TJ rose and made eye contact with each of the squad. “Alpha, we’re staying.” He waited till they were alone. “Mike, good of you to join us.”

Rick slapped Mike on the shoulder. “He slept in.”

He shook his head. “Thanks, bud.”

“Well, I hope you’re all rested up because we’re moving into the final phase of the selection course.”

Mike sighed. “Come on guys, Ali–”

“Still hasn’t passed,” shot Rick. “Bro, you made a promise. You gonna break a promise to your team-mates?”

He shook his head.

TJ fixed him with a steely gaze. “Good, because tonight is stir-Friday.”

“Except it’s Thursday,
,” corrected Ernie.

“Yeah, it’s a joke,” said TJ.

Ernie snorted. “Not funny, you shouldn’t tell jokes, Chief.”

“You know what is funny?” TJ said. “Beach running in waterlogged dive masks.”

“OK, I take it back. It’s funny.”

“I thought as much. Alright, tonight Mike is going to cook for the lady.”

“Yeah, we went through it yesterday, I’ve got it,” said Mike. “I make the pasta and you guys run the mission. Look, this might be nothing but I keep seeing the same white sedan around town.”

TJ frowned. “You think it might be related to the Homeland assessment?”

Mike shrugged. “It could be nothing.”

“It could be something, you get plates?”

“Negative, there wasn’t one on the back. I haven’t seen it from the front.”

“Well, let’s keep an eye out and if turns up again we’ll check it out.”




Later that evening, only a few miles from Coronado, Ali arrived at Mike’s fifth floor apartment. He gave her a quick tour, before returning to the preparation of their dinner. It was pretty much exactly as Ali expected a military guy’s place to look. Sleek, clean and with the exception of a few photos, completely devoid of personal effects. With a glass of wine in hand, she checked out the balcony and the view. Even at night it was spectacular. She could see all the way out across the parklands to the USS Midway museum.

“Great place and a killer view,” she said, reentering the apartment.

Mike turned from the stove. “Thanks, I don't get to spend as much time here as I’d like. Although, I'm thinking I’ll have to move. Once Axe is better he's going to need a yard.”

Leaning against the bench top she watched him chop fresh parsley. “They won't let him go back to work?”

The knife paused, mid slice. “Do you think he’ll be physically able?”

“In time, yes. He's made great progress in the last week.”

“That would be awesome. However, I'd need the Army vet to retract his original assessment.”

“I could definitely help with that. I can be very persuasive when I need to be.”

Mike rinsed his hands in the sink and dried them on his apron before leaning across the counter and kissing her. “Don't I know it.”

“So what exactly are you cooking?” she asked as he returned to preparing food.

He dipped a wooden spoon in the pot and tasted the contents. It's an Italian dish that my mom taught me to make. I hope you like pasta.”

“Love it.” She watched him open the oven, letting steam escape into the room. The rich smells of chocolate and whiskey flooded her nostrils. “Oh, my god, what is that smell?”

“That's the
piece de resistance
. My mom’s Mississippi mud cake. It’s a secret family recipe.” Taking a baking tin from the oven he placed it on the bench top and draped it with a clean dishcloth. “Now, all that’s left is to cook the pasta and we're in business. I hope you're hungry.”

Ali slid around the granite island and stood behind him as he reached into an overhead cupboard. “Yeah, about that.” She kissed the back of his neck and slipped her hands around to his hard stomach. “I was kind of hoping we could take a few minutes to work up an appetite.”

Mike abandoned his search for the pasta. Turning his head, he muttered against her lips, “That sounds like a good idea.”

As she pressed her breasts against his back, her fingers slid beneath the waistband of his jeans. “I thought you might like it.”

He moaned as he tensed against her. Then, turning, he scooped her off the ground so she was straddling him. They kissed as he sat her on the bench and she wrapped her legs around him. “You have all the best ideas,” he managed, sliding off her T-shirt.

Her jeans followed a moment later, tossed into the corner of the kitchen.

“You better turn off that sauce or it's going to burn,” panted Ali.

He reached out and flicked the cooktop off. “We can always eat cake.”

“Sex and cake? You're possibly the sexiest man I've ever met.” She ripped off his shirt as he dropped his pants.

“Yeah, well I'm not letting you leave. For the next twenty-four hours you're mine.”




Ali relaxed in a deck chair on Mike's balcony, enjoying her coffee and a bowl of cereal. She and Mike had spent the morning in bed. He’d made breakfast, then dashed out for a run while she took the opportunity to check her emails and grab some sun.

A thump on the door startled her. She shrugged a bathrobe on over her underwear and walked across the apartment. “Who is it?”

“Delivery for a Michael Saunders.”

She opened the door, but left the security chain in place.

The man on the other side stuffed a letter through the gap. “Where's Mister Saunders?” he demanded.

Ali could see the guy was big and middle aged. She put him in his late forties, possibly fifties. He had grey hair, a weathered face and intense grey eyes.

“Can I take a message?”

“So he lives here. Good. Give him this letter and tell him this is a courtesy call. If he doesn't pay up, we're going to take his truck.”

She took the letter.

“You understand?”

“Yes.” She closed the door and slid the bolt shut. Examining the letter, she walked across to the bench where she had previously spotted a pile of mail. As she added the envelope to the heap she noticed that most of the open documents in the pile were overdue bills. It looked as if Mike was in financial trouble.

She returned to the balcony and was about to sit when there was another knock at the door. “Are you serious?” she murmured.

“Mike, Mike, I know you're in there!” a female’s high-pitched voice yelled.

Ali frowned. Who was this woman and what the hell was she doing at Mike's door at eleven o'clock on a Wednesday morning?

“Mike, you can change your number but I know you haven't moved!” she screamed. “Baby, come on, let me in. I know you’re there. I know we can work this out.”

Ali padded quietly across to the door and looked through the security peephole. The woman outside was pretty, very pretty in fact. Her hair was honey blonde and her lips a slash of bright red lipstick. Vision through the hole was limited, but she could make out a black singlet and what she hoped where fake boobs. Mike wasn’t kidding when he said Ali wasn’t like any of his ex’s.

“I bet you didn't make it up Mount Otay, did you sweetheart?” she whispered.

“Fine, you know what, fuck you, Mike. I was the best thing that ever happened to you and you completely screwed it. You chose that stupid dog over me. Now you can sleep alone at night.”

Ali tried not to laugh as the woman stomped off in her high heels. “So that's the infamous Stacey.” Mike had told her about the ex and what had happened after Axe had been shot. One thing was for sure; Ali would never make him choose between her and the dog. Axe had saved Mike's life. For that reason alone she would never begrudge his feelings for the dog. However, the whole issue with his finances was something that concerned her.

She pondered the issue for half an hour before the sound of a key in the lock signaled his return.

Shirtless and coated with sweat, he bent and kissed her. “Hey, you.”

Ali exhaled as she drank in his lean muscular frame.

“I'm going to grab a shower. You want in?” he asked dropping his shorts and standing naked in the living room.

She rose, letting the bathrobe slide off her body revealing her underwear. Unclipping her bra, she released her breasts and stood with her hands on her hips and watched him grow. Their talk about his finances could wait.




An hour later, still damp from the shower, Mike prepared a chicken salad. He served it with a slice of mud cake, drenched in cream.

“So, your ex dropped by while you were out.”

He stopped slicing tomatoes and turned to her, with a scowl. “Stacey? What did she want?”

“I think she was trying to make amends. I didn't let her in. She's got quite the potty mouth.”

“I'm so sorry you had to experience that.”

“Kind of reflects poorly on you, Michael.”

He looked up from tossing the salad. “How do you mean?”

“Well, she definitely wouldn't have made it up the mountain, so clearly you were thinking with your dick not your brain. You’ve got to tighten up your testing process, Mike.”

He swallowed nervously as he placed bowls on the island. “Testing process. I’m not sure I know what you mean?” Head bent, he returned to the salad.

“Babe, are you OK?” she asked.

“Huh, sorry no, I'm just a little preoccupied with something.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, it's nothing for you to worry about.”

She sighed. “Look, Mike. You had another visitor. A debt collector who told me to give you this.” She reached for the letter from the pile next to her. “He said if you don’t pay they’ll take your truck. If you're having financial problems, Mike, you can talk to me about it.”

His jaw clenched as he read the letter. “It's nothing I can't handle. Got a little behind on a few things because I was away. I'll get them sorted this week.” Scrunching the note into a ball, he tossed it in the sink.

“Alright. But if you need a hand, just let me know. I'd be happy to waive all of Axe's medical costs.”

He turned to face her. “You’d do that for me?”

She nodded. “You’re a good guy Mike and–”

“Go on.”

“And, I more than like you.”

He wiped his hands on a dishcloth. “Why haven’t I ever met a woman like you before?” he asked, rounding the counter.

She arched an eyebrow and shot him a smile. “We covered that.”

Mike wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her gently. Her mouth met his eagerly and the kiss gained intensity as his hands caressed her. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered breathlessly.

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