SEAL of Approval (10 page)

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Authors: Jack Silkstone

BOOK: SEAL of Approval
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Ali sat on a park bench with her sister watching her nieces playing in a sandbox. The toddlers hadn’t spotted her yet. They were completely enthralled with the plastic spades and buckets that she’d previously bought them.

Stretching her neck, Leonie enjoyed the escape. “So give me the sordid details.”

Ali shook her head. “The sex is great and that's all you're getting.”

Her sister feigned horror. “Oh, come on. You've got to give me more than that. Seriously, do you know the last time Steve and I had sex? I can't remember the last time he got up close and personal with my vagina.”

Ali grimaced. “T.M.I.”

“Come on, don’t be a bitch, Ali.”

She laughed. “Enough. Fine, all I’m going to say is that it’s the best sex I've ever had. His body, god, it's carved from granite. He seriously looks like an artist sculpted him. And yet, he's so gentle, caring and considerate. He literally satisfies my every need.”

“And his…” Leonie wiggled her finger.

She smiled. “More than adequate.”

“God, I knew it. You're such a lucky bitch. Now, whatever you do don't have kids with him. It’ll wreck everything. I’m serious. Before we had the devil spawn, we used to bang every five minutes. Steve was a demon. He took me in the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry, it didn't matter. He just wanted me twenty-four seven–”

One of the girls screamed, interrupting her tirade. The youngest had grabbed a fist full of her sister’s hair and was yanking it.

Leonie rose from the bench. “And then, these little angels arrived.”

Ali watched as her sister untangled the girls and kissed each on the cheek. She smiled to herself as she reflected on what a great father Mike would make. He was patient, kind and gentle. The way he treated Axe also proved he was compassionate. However, his underlying financial issues were concerning.

“Hey, lover girl. What's on your mind?”

“Huh, nothing.”

“Come on. We don't keep secrets from each other. What's up?”

“It's Mike, he's got himself in some financial trouble. Forget to pay some bills when he was away on a mission.”

“How much trouble?”

“I'm not sure. A debt collector came to his apartment this morning and told me they were going to take his truck.”

“You're kidding me. Ali, that's a bit of a red flag. Surely a Navy SEAL can sort out his finances?”

“I know. The problem is I think I’m falling for him. He’s so gentle and thoughtful, Leonie. He’s a gentleman, an amazing lover and he even cooks. You know he disarmed a mugger the other night?”

“Oh shit, the full package.”

“Yeah. But it isn’t all smooth sailing. Since I started seeing him I feel like I'm constantly being challenged. First there was the mountain climb and the night of sickness and now this. It's as if the universe is conspiring against us.”

“Look, Ali. If there's one piece of advice I can give you it's to follow your heart. There were plenty of things that got in the way of Steve and I. But we still made it through and now look at us. Two beautiful terrors… and no sex.”

Ali wrapped her arms around her sister. “I know I don’t say this enough, but I love you so much.”

“Me too, bubs. I just want to see you happy. So, SEAL or no SEAL, if this guy breaks your heart I'm going to break his perfectly sculpted legs.”

“Well, if it makes you feel better we're going to one of his team-mates for dinner tomorrow night and they've got two little boys. Mike says they’re horrendous.”

“Oh, joy. What's that? Date number five and the most romantic of all. Dinner with hyperactive midgets.”

“At least, he's introducing me to his friends. That's got to be a good sign, right?”

“Definitely. Military guys take introductions to their buddies very seriously. But, if you have to drop your keys in a bowl on the way in, run like hell. But first, text me the address.”

Ali punched her gently in the shoulder. “You and your one-track mind.”




Ramirez was the only spectator at the training session. He watched as his son intercepted the soccer ball and dribbled it toward the goal. “Go Carlos!” he screamed as the boy lined up and kicked. The ball went wide, hitting the side post, and ricocheted off across the boundary.

“Good try, son,” he shouted encouragingly as the boy, shoulders slumped, trotted toward him. “It is better to try and miss, than never try at all.”

The boy shook his head and joined the back of the lineup as another child attempted the drill.

Ramirez’s phone vibrated. He pulled it from his jacket. “Hello.”

“When are you going to kill the fucking SEAL?”

He coolly held the phone away from his ear until the Butcher’s tirade was finished. Then he brought it closer and spoke. “Many of the pieces are already in place. I am waiting on the last of my men to have the necessary documentation and then we will move.”

“I want it done as soon as possible.”

“These things are better not rushed. They require meticulous planning and rehearsals to ensure they are successful.”

“Do you remember what happened to the last man who failed me?”

Ramirez paused. “I’ve never failed you before, why would I now? You forget who I am, Vicente Barbosa. I am the man that people go to when they want the impossible done. I am the man who can kill anyone… for the right price. I’m not a man you want to threaten.”

Barbosa fell silent for a full ten seconds. “I have never given you a task more important than this. My family’s honor is at stake. When you are successful, I will double your fee.”

“Your kindness is appreciated. If things go according to plan, in forty-eight hours you will have your revenge.”

“I want to see the pain on his face as he watches his woman die. Then, bring me his head.”

“It can be arranged so you can watch.”

“The Americans are trying to capture me. I cannot leave Mexico.”

“You will not have to leave the safety of your home. Their deaths will be broadcast over the internet to your computer, for a nominal fee.”

“Excellent, I look forward to the show.”

“I will make the necessary arrangements.” He terminated the call and turned his attention back to his son's soccer training.

His wife approached with a drink in each hand. “Was that work?”



He turned to her, unable to hide his grim expression. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t make the game on Sunday.”

She shook her head and turned away.

Ramirez fought the urge to curse. Instead he focused his attention on his phone. If he was going to be sleeping on the couch, then he may as well spend the night with his mistress.


Chapter Fifteen


Mike stood outside a three-story brick structure stenciled with the letters MOE. The Method of Entry building’s many walls were adorned with every type of window or doorway that the SEALs were likely to encounter. The teams spent hours perfecting the art of bashing, chopping, cutting, and blowing their way into the building. Then, overnight, a team of maintenance staff would return it to its original condition, so they could attack it again.

TJ and the rest of the squad were in one of the explosives preparation bays, hidden behind a bank of dirt. Not wanting to talk to them, Mike had volunteered to set up the house. Seething he lifted a wooden door and made to slot it into its retaining brackets. TJ and the others had made him look like an idiot to Ali. He’d never borrowed a dime in his life, paying cash for his truck and everything in his apartment. Not to mention, Ali didn’t have a gold digging bone in her body. The door failed to slide into the bracket and he gave it a solid kick.

TJ appeared holding a breaching charge attached to an extendable pole. “You all good?”

He managed to shove the door in place. “No, I’m not good.” He spun and spotted Ernie and Rick joining them. “Which one of you assholes dumped the late notices at my place?” The sheepish look on Rick’s face confirmed his suspicions. “I want my spare key back. None of you assholes can be trusted.”

There was an awkward silence, then TJ spoke, “So, how was your day off?”

“Apart from Ali thinking I’m an idiot?” He paused. “Yeah, good I guess. I hope you enjoyed your little repo man cameo.”

“I was pretty convincing, yeah. Although I’m surprised she hasn’t dumped you.”

“Why would she?”

Ernie laughed. “Because you're broke, holmes.”

“Well I ain't saying she's a gold digga, but she ain't messing with a broke nigga,” added Rick.

“Did you seriously just quote Kanye?”

Rick grinned. “You know I did, brother.”

“You're enjoying this, aren't you,” snapped Mike. “You're putting this woman through hell and you're enjoying it. You're all enjoying it.” Their silence confirmed his assessment. “I thought as much.”

All three men broke into righteous laughter.

“Come on, bud. Remember this is for your own good. And I gotta say, so far this girl is kicking selection in the butt,” said Rick.

“We'll see,” grumbled TJ. “Yeah, so far so good, but this next phase is the moneymaker.” He held up his explosive charge. “Let's test this bang.”

“Hang on, what do you mean by another phase?” Mike asked over his shoulder as he grabbed his helmet and eye protection. He joined the Chief at the door he’d installed. “She's been through enough. I think she's proven her mettle.”

TJ pressed himself against the wall with the pole at arm’s length, the charge resting against the door. “Not yet she hasn’t. Eyes and ears, take cover!”

Mike checked his gear and tucked in behind TJ. “Ready.”

Ernie and Rick did the same.

“How many more phases are there?”

TJ held up two fingers. “Fire in the hole.”

A deafening explosion shook the building, covering them in dust and smoke.

“So, what are the final phases?”

“You already know the next one,
,” said Ernie as they inspected the door.

The charge had split it neatly in two, throwing both halves inside.

“I'd call that a clean breach,” said TJ.

“I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Ernie.”

“Family, bro, it's all about family.”

TJ nodded. “Damn straight it is, Ernie. Behind every SEAL there should be a strong wife, capable of running the household in his absence.”

“Yeah, and you don't get a household crazier than this motherfucker’s.” Rick gestured to his offsider.

Mike shook his head. “Oh shit, you're not going to…”

Ernie slapped him on the shoulder. “Hell yeah we are, frogman. Dinner. My place. Seventeen hundred. Make sure she doesn't wear anything real nice. The boys have taken to throwing poop.”

“You're shitting me?”

“Oh, they'll shit you alright.” Rick grinned. “From head to toe.”




, you work with Ernie, right?” Ali asked, as Mike pulled his truck into the driveway of the Ernesto residence. Located a few miles from the San Diego River, the home was a large single-story, stucco hacienda painted white with a red tiled roof. The front garden was tastefully landscaped as a desert setting, complete with cacti and red boulders.

“Correct, he's in my squad. His wife, Maria, is probably the best Mexican cook in San Diego.”

“And, they’ve got two boys that are out of control?”

“Yeah, but don't mention that to Maria. She thinks they’re total angels.”

“Most mothers do.”

He knocked on the door. A moment later it opened and Ernie greeted them with a broad smile, welcoming them inside. Maria, a pint-sized brunette with a huge bosom, appeared from the kitchen and embraced him in a bear hug. “Mike, how's that beautiful dog of yours doing?”

“Great, thanks to the skills of this amazing woman. Maria, this is Alison.”

“Oh, the new girl. Ernie has told me a lot about you. So you're the one who's finally managed to rope my adopted son?”

Mike shot Ernie a questioning look.

“She doesn't know,” he mouthed back.

“I don't know about roping him.” Ali laughed.

“Well, you're the only one he's ever brought around here, so that makes you pretty special. Now, excuse me, I've got to finish preparing dinner. Ernie, get them a drink and take Ali out back to meet the boys.”

“Yes, Maria.”

A moment later, with ice-cold
in hand, they walked outside onto a wide deck overlooking a beautiful garden.

“Looking good, brother,” said Mike as he surveyed the lush green lawn.

“Thanks, finally got it finished last week.”

Ali spotted the boys playing in the sandbox under their stilted cubby house. A few feet away, on the grass, a Border Collie watched them intently.

“James, Ryan, come and say hello to our guests,” called Ernie.

The two boys crawled out of the sandbox and trundled across the grass toward them. Dressed in matching sets of coveralls, Ali put their age at around four and five. They were adorable and resembled their parents, with dark hair, brown eyes and olive skin.

“Hey, guys,” said Mike as they ran toward him and latched on to his legs.

“Mike, where's Axe?” one of the boys asked.

“He's not feeling great at the moment, Ryan. When he's better I'll bring him around.”

“Who's that?” asked the younger of the two, James. He hid behind Mike's legs, peeking around at Ali.

“Oh my god, they're so cute,” she said.

“This is Doctor Ali, she's helping Axe to get better,” said Mike.

“Is that your girlfriend?” asked Ryan. “Mom says you can’t find a good girlfriend.”

Mike reached down, grabbed him by the coveralls and tossed him over his shoulder. “Is that right? Well your mom wouldn't know, because she's too busy bossing your dad around.” The boy squealed with delight.

“Michael Saunders, I heard that.” Maria was standing in the doorway to the living area with her hands on her hips.

“You're in trouble,” sang James as he clapped.

Mike lowered Ryan to the ground and grinned sheepishly. “Every man wants a strong woman, Maria.”

“Dinner is served,” she growled.

“Dad loves it when Mike comes around,” said Ryan as they walked inside.

“Why is that?” asked Ali.

“Because he never gets in trouble when Mike’s here.”

“Is that right?” She glanced at Mike and he shrugged.

As Ali entered the dining room, she gasped. Maria had prepared was a veritable smorgasbord of Mexican cuisine. There were tortas, tamale, tacos, quesadillas, pambazos and a range of other dishes that Ali couldn't identify, but that looked and smelled amazing. Triggered by the colors and the aromas her stomach announced itself, loudly.

Maria pushed a full plate in front of her. “Mike, get some food in the woman before she starves.”

For the next half hour Ali ate her fill of the amazing cuisine as she was bombarded with questions from Maria and the two boys.

“It's rude not to eat it all,” whispered Mike as Maria ladled another serving of tamale onto her plate.

“Please Maria, your food is amazing but if I eat anymore, I’ll burst.”

“Nonsense, a skinny little thing like you should eat much more.”

Thankfully, the ring of Maria's cell phone ended the ladling of food. She excused herself and moved into the kitchen to answer it.

Ali spooned some of the food onto Mike’s plate. “ You've got to help me with this.”

“Nooo, I can't eat any more.”

Maria reappeared, shaking her head. “Mike and Ali, I'm so sorry to do this but I've got to duck away and help out a friend.”

Ernie rose from the table. “Is everything OK?”

“One of the girls is having a bit of a cooking crisis. Tomorrow she has a school baking day. I shouldn't be very long. Will you be fine with the boys?”

“Not a problem,” said Ernie.

“Will you two still be here when I get back?”

Mike grinned. “If you promise to bring back some of whatever you’re baking.”

“Of course, darling. Ali, make sure you've got room for dessert.”

Ali managed a sickly grin as Maria left.

Once she was gone Ernie gestured outside. “Well, I think we should head back out to the deck and catch the last of the sun.”

“Do you want us to help clean up?” Ali asked as they rose from the table.

“No, we'll sort that later.”

A moment later they were sitting in deck chairs drinking beers while the boys played in their sandbox.

“This is the life,” said Mike as he relaxed. “Not a care in the world.” As he spoke his and Ernie’s phones started buzzing. He pulled it from his pocket and checked it. “You've got to be shitting me.”

“What is it?” asked Ali.

“We've been recalled,” said Ernie.

“Recalled for what?” she asked.

“Not sure.” Mike placed his beer on a side table and rose. “We've got to report to the base. Ernie, do you need a lift?”

“I can't leave the boys.”

“Yeah right, I forgot.”

Ali stood and joined them. “I can watch them till Maria gets back. She said she wasn't going to be long. Then I can get a cab home.”

Mike frowned. “You sure you're OK with that?”

“Yeah, I look after my nieces all the time.”

“These two can be a bit of a handful.”

“Oh please, they're four. What could they possibly get up to?”

He shook his head. “Don't ask.”




As Mike backed his truck out of the driveway he shot Ernie a glare. “
is the test, isn't it? You're going to see how she fares with the boys.” He dropped the truck into drive and took off toward the base.

“If she can manage those two after the amount of sugar they've had, she can handle anything.”

“Sugar? Did Maria agree to this?”

“In theory.”

“So, you told her about the Girlfriend Selection Course.”

“Not exactly. In fact it was TJ who convinced her it was a good idea.” He gestured to the side of the road. “Pull in here.”

Mike brought the pickup to a halt behind a grey van and they got out. He followed Ernie who opened the side door revealing Rick in a camping chair, eating popcorn. “Hey boys, you got here just in time for the show.”

The inside of the van was lined with monitors and there was a bench with a row of laptops. He recognized it as a surveillance setup. “Where the hell did you get this?”

“TJ borrowed it from a buddy with the Feds.” Rick directed Mike to a chair. “Ernie and I spent the afternoon wiring the house for sight and sound.”

Mike sat and watched the screens. Sure enough, they showed images from a half dozen cameras around the Ernesto residence.

“Your girl's got her hands full.” Rick pointed at one of the screens.

The boys had abandoned their play in the sandbox and were now pursuing separate activities. Ryan was in the kitchen with the dog and James was on the dining room table pushing leftovers around with a toy bulldozer. Ali was frantically attempting to talk him down, while at the same time catching plates as they spilled off the end of the table.

“Damn, Ryan’s a straight up mountain goat,” said Rick. In the kitchen, the four year old had pulled out drawers and was using them to climb up onto the counter.

“Maria’s going to kill you, and Ali’s going to help her hide the bodies. Things are getting a little out of control,” said Mike.

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