SEAL of Approval (8 page)

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Authors: Jack Silkstone

BOOK: SEAL of Approval
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Ali laughed. “Come on warrior, you’re not afraid of coyotes and wolves are you?”

His eyes went wide. “You’re shitting me. There are wolves out here?”

“Of course. I get at least one dog a week that’s been badly mauled.” She rose and started collecting dried branches from the surrounding bushes. “We’ll make a fire. It’ll keep them away.”

He struggled to get to his feet and help. Another bout of dizziness and vomiting hit him.

“Hey, you need to rest up. If we have to spend the night here, that’s fine. The temperature won’t drop very far this time of year. Plus we’ve got a space blanket and plenty of water.” Ali made a fist-sized pile of dried grass and placed the sticks she had collected next to it. “Do you have a lighter?”

Mike shook his head and groaned. “Is there one in the pack?”


He watched her open the medical kit and inspect the containers inside. “We do have potassium permanganate though.” She continued rummaging through the kit. “If there’s something with glycerin in it, we might be in business. Ah, huh. Jackpot!” She held up a bottle of hand sanitizer.

“What are you going to do with that?”

“Watch and learn.” She opened a dressing and placed it on the ground. Then she tipped some of the potassium on it as well as a squirt of hand cleaner. Using a twig, she blended the two compounds. The mixture erupted into flame and she added kindling to it. In no time she had a small fire burning.

“Where did you learn that?”

“I went through a survival show phase. It was a bit of an addiction.”

Mike’s laugh turned to retching. “Seriously, I’m impressed, and a little bit emasculated.”

“Hey, you rest up. When you’re feeling better we’ll walk out.” She wandered a few yards from the fire to collect more branches. “Oh and who’s Rick?” she asked over her shoulder. “When you were sick you kept abusing some guy called Rick.”

“He’s a buddy of mine. I’m pretty sure it’s his cooking that did this to me.”

“So we’ve got Rick to blame for a night out under the stars with you and the contents of your stomach.”

“It would seem that way.”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Ali snuggled in next to him with the space blanket wrapped around their shoulders. With their little fire crackling in the cool evening air, they were actually very comfortable.

“It’s so pretty out here,” said Ali as the first stars appeared in the sky. “I don’t think you should be so harsh on Rick.”

“Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Mike slipped his arm around her back as he scanned the mountain landscape for any sign of his team-mates. “You’re all in the shit,” he mouthed.

“You’re welcome,” responded Rick from the darkness.

Mike subtly pried the device from his ear and buried it in the sand under him.

“You OK?”

“Yeah, I had a bug in my ear.”

“You’re not having a great time up here, are you tiger?” She passed him a bottle of water.

He rinsed his mouth. “It’s not that bad. I’ve got you here with me.”

She patted his cheek. “You’re so sweet when you’re not puking all over the place.”

“Oh, you had to bring that up.”

Ali laughed. “I see what you did there.

“I’m sorry, it just came out.”

She snorted. “Right, no more. Topic change, how many kids do you want?”

“Wow, trap a man on a mountain and hit him with the big ones.”

“That’s right, handsome. You’re a captive audience.”

“Well, I definitely want kids. But not while I’m still in the SEALs. I’m not missing out on them growing up, like my dad did.”

“You said he was Navy?”

“Yeah, I didn’t get to see much of him.” Mike took another sip of water. “Don’t get me wrong, he was a great father, when he was around.”

“Is he still alive?”

“No, cancer got him.” He handed the bottle to her. “What about you? Want kids?”

“Three, a boy and two girls.”

“You’ve got all this worked out, haven’t you?”

“It’s a girl thing.”

They sat silently gazing out over the mountains. The stars shone brightly in a cloudless sky, the lights of Tijuana sparkling along the coast.

“You sure you didn’t plan this?” she asked, snuggling into him.

He was thankful the darkness hid his face. “No, why would you ask that?”

“Because this is about as romantic as it gets.”


Chapter Twelve


The squad was already assembled in the briefing room when
Mike finally arrived at work. In the corner of the room, stood a whiteboard with his name on one side and Ali’s on the other. Under her name they’d written a list of attributes: flexible, endurance, problem solving, nurturing, not a princess.

Under his name they’d written a single phrase: pukey whiner.

Rick was the first to spot him. “Morning, Bear Grylls, how’d you sleep?”

His lip lifted in a snarl. “You know exactly how I slept, douche bag.”

Ernie snickered. “Looked pretty cozy, all snuggled up with your princess charming.”

“Yeah, she rode in on her big white horse and saved your ass,” added Rick.

“You guys are bastards. I’m going to pay you back for this, and when I do–”

“Hey, Romeo,” interrupted TJ. “There’s no harm done. In fact, not only have we tested the mettle of your future wife, but we also brought you two closer. The crucible of adversity has forged a bond between you that will not easily be broken. What more could you want?”

Mike, Rick and Ernie all stared at the craggy Chief in silence.

“What the fuck, TJ. Have you been reading some Tony Robins shit or something?” asked Rick.

Mike sighed. “As much as I hate to say it, he’s right. Last night Ali really came through for me.”

“Steady on, brother. She’s through the first gateway, but we’re a long way from bashing a trident on her chest,” said TJ.

Mike slumped into a chair. “What’s next then?”

“A subject close to my heart,” said Rick.

“Let me guess; some kind of gold digger test?”


TJ flipped over the whiteboard to reveal a detailed list of actions and reactions. “Listen up, whelps, this is how it’s going down.”

Mike held up his hand. “Stop. Can I please have one night off to take her out for dinner? You put her through hell, and she deserves a break.”

“You sure she’s the one who needs a break?” asked Rick.

Mike glared at him.

TJ turned to Ernie, who nodded. “OK, tonight the GSC is on hold. But the day after, we’re back on schedule.”

Mike nodded. Small wins were all that he was going to get at this stage.

“Where you going to take her?” asked TJ.

He shrugged. “I haven’t thought that far ahead.”

The Chief fixed him with a stare. “You like this girl, right?”

“Um, yeah.”

“OK, an old buddy of mine owns a pretty good restaurant over in Little Italy. It’s called Just ‘n’ Thyme. I’ll give him a call and get you a table. He’s also got shares in the Old Ken cinema. Take the girl to see something nice.”

Mike was a little taken back. TJ had just dropped the name of one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. He knew that because Stacey had wanted to go, but they’d been booked solid for six weeks. “Thanks, TJ.”

“No problems.” The veteran SEAL cracked his knuckles. “OK, so back to the plan. Mike, tomorrow night you’re going to cook for her, and then take the following day off.”

Mike’s eyes narrowed. “There has to be a catch.”

TJ grinned. “It’s a selection course. Hell yeah, there’s a catch.”




TJ briefed the squad on the next phase of the Girlfriend Selection Course the subject of their planning was chatting with her sister in the veterinary clinic’s waiting room.

Leonie handed over a large coffee. “So, what the hell happened last night?”

“You’re an angel.” Ali took a sip. “Where do I start?

“At the beginning.” Leonie took a seat.

“So, Mike took me on a hike up Mount Otay.”

Her sister grimaced. “Really, that sounds about as romantic as dinner with Donald Trump.”

“No. Actually, it was amazing. He packed a lovely picnic. The view was beautiful.”

Leonie's eyebrows rose. “And let me guess, you stayed on the mountain all night making love under the stars.”

“Not exactly.”

“Oh god, what happened?”

She sighed. “Mike got hit with a bad bout of food poisoning. He was vomiting and dizzy, the works. We had to spend the night out in the wilderness.”

“What a nightmare.”

“Not at all, it was kind of nice. I lit a fire and we talked until he fell asleep. By morning everything was fine.”

“So, you nursed him all night. What can I say. Honey, you're a sucker for a wounded critter.”

“I got the feeling that the whole climbing the mountain thing was a bit of a test.”

Her sister grinned. “And you passed it with flying colors. So what's next? When are you going to see this super stud again?”

“Well…” Her eyes sparkled. “Tonight, he’s taking me out to apologize for the mountain fiasco.”

“Oooh, where you going?”

“Just ‘n’ Thyme.”

“Get out of town. How’d he get a booking at such short notice?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea. Then we’re going to a rom com at the Ken Cinema.”

“Girl, this boy is pulling out all the stops. You’re going to get yourself some sweet loving tonight, and I want all the juicy details.”

“You're incorrigible.” She took another sip of the coffee. “Now, what's going on with you? How did the girl’s camp go?”

Leonie groaned. “Let's not talk about that. Tell me all the details of this new man. I bet he's got a massive…” She wiggled her finger suggestively.

Ali snorted into her coffee, dribbling it down the front of her scrubs. “Leonie, I haven’t slept with him.”

“Yeah, but I bet you’ve felt it through his jeans all thick and throbbing.”

“Leonie, we’re not having this conversation.”

“Oh, we just did baby. That one's going straight in the double click bin.”

“The what?”

“You know. The place I store mental images for when I double click the mouse.”

She raised her hand. “Enough. I love you sis but that's too much information.”

“Not at all. By the way, I’ll be here tomorrow for all the juicy details.”

“I won't be here. I'm taking the day off and, Mike is too.”

“Ooh, a lazy day of sex… that's even better.”

Standing she kissed her sister on the cheek. “Get the hell out of here. I've got work to do.”

“Is that how you order your SEAL around?”


“Fine, I'm going. But tomorrow, I want all the details.”


Chapter Thirteen


Mike wrapped his arm around Ali’s shoulders as they left the Ken Cinema and walked the dark streets of the city. Despite the late hour she felt safe nestled against her SEAL. “What did you think of the movie?”

She felt him shrug.

“Ah… It was good.”

“The truth please.”

He chuckled. “OK, I thought it was a little cheesy.”

Ali laughed. “It’s a romcom. What did you expect from Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds? It’s meant to be cheesy. That’s the point.”

Mike dropped his hand to her waist. “I have to admit, I’ve always liked Sandra Bullock.”

She smiled. “Oh, really. Here’s me thinking you’re more of a Reece Witherspoon kind of guy.”

“No way, Bullock is sassy and seriously sexy. I’ve seen everything she’s in.”

“Me too. Which one’s your favorite?”

“You mean, apart from the Proposal?” He winked. “I loved her in Miss Congeniality.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope, I really like that movie.”

She snuggled in against his arm. “Me too. I must have watched it at least fifty times.”

“Let’s dig it out on a rainy day,” said Mike as they turned into a park and walked along a gravel path. “Although I’m not watching the sequel, it was crap.”

“Yes it was.”

“Ali, I hope tonight’s made up for the debacle on the mountain.”

“Are you kidding? It’s been perfect. I’ve never had the chef hand deliver his signature dish before.”

“And I’m sure he’s never had someone ask to take the bones home in a doggy bag.”

She shot him a frown. “I bet he’s never met a dog like Axe either.”

Stopping, he stepped in front of her, ducked his head and kissed her. “And that’s why Axe… loves you.”

“Just Axe?” she murmured.

As he kissed her again he expected to feel panic at her words… but he didn’t. He’d never been with a woman who made him feel so elated yet at the same time content. It was the piece that had been missing in all his relationships. “He’s had more time with you.”

She smiled. “This is true.”

As they continued along the path Mike reflected on the date. TJ’s contact had pulled out all the stops for them. If he didn’t know better he’d suspect that the Chief was setting him up for some kind of test.

Pausing, Mike scanned the park ahead of them. His eyes darted across the dim landscape. He could see a jogger in the distance and someone walking a dog. Nothing that suggested trouble, and yet he couldn’t shrug off the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

“You OK?”

His eyes snapped back to her. “Hey, yeah I’m good.” Almost instantly the feeling of uneasiness was replaced with something else. Exhaling softly, he took a moment to appreciate her beauty. Her eyes shone in the soft glow cast from the park’s lights. Tipping his head, he pressed his lips against hers and wrapped his arms around her waist. She responded eagerly and seconds turned into minutes as they embraced.

“Hey, pal.”

The voice was slurred.

Mike spun toward the figure approaching them and stepped protectively in front of Ali. “How can I help you?”

“You can give me your wallet, asshole,” the man hissed, pulling a knife from under his grubby jacket.

Ali gasped.

Mike quickly assessed their assailant. His hair and beard were matted, his eyes bloodshot. The stench of body odor filled the air as he approached. When he wasn’t talking his jaw was clenched and grinding. “Let’s not do anything stupid.”

“Listen, punk,” the mugger slurred.

Mike sprung into action. One hand clamped down on the wrist of the knife hand, the other further up the arm. Wrenching the man’s wrist backward he forced him to his knees. The knife clattered on the sidewalk and he kicked it clear.

“Stop, it hurts,” he wailed as Mike forced him onto his stomach and locked his arm behind him. Only then did he check on Ali. “You OK?”

She stared at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”

“Can you call 9-1-1?”

She fumbled with her purse. “Of course.”

A patrol car responded in a matter of minutes and in no time the perp was cuffed and detained inside. Mike gave the officer a statement before they continued their walk.

“I’m really sorry you had to see that,” said Mike softly.

Ali stopped, grabbed his face and kissed him. “You’re amazing. I feel so safe when I’m with you and now I know why.”

They broke and he smiled. “No, you’re amazing and I’ve got a dog that can walk now to prove it.”

“Shall we go see him?”

“It’s your night, babe. I thought you might like to grab some gelato for dessert.”

Her teeth flashed, a cheeky grin. “I’ve got some in my freezer.”

“Sounds good.”

Mike glanced over his shoulder as they left the park. He couldn’t shake the feeling they were still in danger.




Ali lived in a quiet, semi-rural suburb on the outskirts of San Diego. It was a short drive from the clinic where they’d stopped to feed Axe the remains of Ali’s T-bone. Then, bidding goodnight to the dog, they had driven to her townhouse.

As Mike killed the engine, she faced him smiling. “Thanks for a wonderful evening.”

“An absolute pleasure.” He leant across and planted a long kiss on her. Lifting his head, he said, “Let me get your door.”

As he made his way around to her side of the truck, Ali smiled to herself. Say what you would about military guys, but they were gentlemen. Or at least Mike was. One look at her tight dress and heels and he had taken it upon himself to lift her in and out of the truck. That was fine with her. His hands on her waist and the scent of his cologne sent her heart racing, every time.

A moment later he opened the door. “Here you are, little lady.”

She stepped onto the running board and kissed him again as he wrapped his hands around her waist. He was hard against her as they pashed. Leonie was right, she could feel how large he was.

“I think we should take this inside,” she managed between bouts of passion.

He cupped her buttocks. “You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She moaned as he lifted her out of the truck. Pushing the cab door closed he carried her across the lawn to the porch. Somehow, between kisses, she found her keys and he unlocked the front door. “Where to?”

“Second room on the right.”

He swept down the hall into the master bedroom. As he lowered her gently onto the bed he kicked off his loafers. In the soft light from the street lamps outside her window she caught his cheeky smile.


“Damn you’re sexy.”

She moaned as he lowered himself on to her, his lips traced her ear lobe and she shuddered with delight. All thoughts of playing hard to get were out the window as she unbuttoned his shirt.

“So, we’re not going to take this slow?”

“Are you kidding me?” Her voice was husky. “I’ve wanted your hands on me all night.”

“I’ve made a good impression then?”

She managed to completely undo his shirt exposing his chiseled abdomen. “You could say that.”

Mike slid his hand under her dress and ran it up her leg to her waist as he kissed her. His touch was electric. She arched her back as his hand slid to her inner thigh.

“I want you now,” she gasped as he redirected his attention back to the lobe of her ear.

“I’ve wanted you since we first kissed.”

His warm breath sent her into overdrive. “Not before then?”

“OK, maybe when you hit that first bullseye.” He bunched her dress up on both sides of her hips and slid it over her head. Kissing her neck, he unsnapped her bra and freed her breasts.

She bit her lip as his mouth found her nipple and he took it gently between his teeth. His hands roamed her body, stoking the fire that burned inside. “Promise me I’m not just another notch on your belt,” she said as he kissed her neck.

He paused. “I like you, Ali, I like you a lot.”

Her full lips formed a smile. “Then why are your clothes still on?”

Mike slid off the bed and out of his pants in one smooth maneuver. Noticing that the curtains were open he reached across to close them. Glancing out the window he spotted a white sedan parked across the street.

Ali let out a sigh. “Are you teasing me on purpose or just giving my neighbors something to look at?”

Mike pushed the car from his mind as he turned. Laughing, he climbed onto the bed and lowered himself on top of her.

She gazed up at him with lustful eyes. “I hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight.”

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