Starship's Mage: Episode 5 (8 page)

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“Can we get there in time?” she asked. They were currently much further away than Falcone’s eight hour estimate.

“This is a Navy flotilla, ma’am,” Medici said dryly. “This is a
. Harmon!” he barked, and Alaura’s aide turned to face him. “Order the flotilla to accelerate at ten gravities. We have some scum to save for the prisons!”




As the shocky sensation of jump faded, David looked over at Jenna grimly.

“How long was that?” he asked.

“Five hours,” she replied. “Same as the one before. And the one before that – that’s five jumps with only five hours rest each.”

The Captain of the
Blue Jay
nodded grimly. They were now six jumps and twenty-five hours away from Darkport – a speed that was perfectly fine for a ship with multiple Mages, but for only one Jump Mage…

Damien was trained and normally scheduled around jumping every eight hours. David’s experience was that most Jump Mages could jump after six hours rest once or twice without an issue – but five hours rest was pushing it.

And David’s Ship’s Mage had just done that five times in a row.

“Call Kelly,” he told Jenna, extracting himself from his command chair. “Have her meet me at the simulacrum chamber.”

“That’s low,” his executive officer pointed out.

“I’m surprisingly okay with that,” David told her.




The petite blonde engineer met David at the entrance to the simulacrum chamber, carefully maneuvering herself in the zero-gravity of the ship’s core.

“What’s this about, boss?” she asked.

“Making sure your boyfriend doesn’t kill himself,” David told her grimly before overriding the lock on the Chamber and launching himself in.

Damien was floating in the center of the chamber, surrounded by the screens carrying the starlight of deep space to the heart of the
Blue Jay
. The young Mage barely seemed to notice them entering, and David was
the platform next to him before he reacted.

“Hey, boss,” he said blearily.

“Damien, what are you
?” David asked bluntly.

“Getting us the hell out,” the young Mage told him. “Keep going, keep everyone safe.” His voice was slurred, and he refused to look at the Captain.

“We’re six light years from Darkport, can you stop trying to kill yourself?”

“Everr’one in trouble ‘cause of me,” Damien slurred. “Gotta keep…”

David grabbed his Mage by the shoulder and turned Damien to look at him. Looking at the youth’s face he couldn’t keep from swearing aloud.

Damien’s eyes were bloodshot, his nose had clearly been bleeding and the veins along his cheeks stood out in sharp relief against the sudden pallid tone of his skin.

“What the hell?! You can’t
this to yourself!” David snapped at him. His Ship’s Mage wavered for a moment, as if trying to muster the energy to argue, and then slumped, his body going limply limbless in the way only fainting in zero-gravity could do.

“Damien!” Kelly shouted, diving across the room to join them. By the time she reached the pair, though, David was already checking the youth’s pulse.

“He’s alive,” he told the engineer. “Looks like a damn near-run thing, I should have stopped him after the
damned early jump.”

Gently, he shifted the young man’s mass over onto Kelly.

“Look, get him to bed,” he told her. “I’ll set an alert so the ship will tell me when he moves, and make
sure the idiot doesn’t try and jump us again for at least twelve hours.”

“Will do, boss,” Kelly confirmed, shifting Damien’s weight so she could move with him.

“When you’re done, come see me on the bridge,” David instructed as she headed for the door. “If Damien’s damn stupid stunt isn’t enough, we’ll need some way to cover ourselves still. I have some thoughts on that box of missiles we picked up.”




By the time the
Azure Gauntlet
had finally been ready to go, Mikhail Azure’s patience had grown very short. Even he couldn’t argue that the six missile tubes and fifteen laser turrets Wong’s crew had got back online weren’t worth the wait, however, so he had remained silent.

Fortunately for Wong, the old bounty hunter’s abilities as a Tracker were sufficient that they had not needed any more data for him to track the
Blue Jay
, and two jumps after their repairs were complete, they had arrived on the fleeing freighter’s trail.

After twelve hours of repairs and a full day of jumping, however, he was starting to doubt Wong’s abilities. By any reasonable standard, there was no way the
was still ahead of them – to have jumped as often, as fast, as it would have taken for them to have come this far should have

“We are ready for the jump, my lord,” Wong reported, seemingly unaware of his master’s doubts. He stepped up to stand directly beside Azure and continued, too quietly for any but the crime lord to hear. “I have Jourdaine standing by to jump us again if necessary,” he murmured. “I do not believe that Rice and Montgomery could have gone further than this in the time available.”

“So you are prepared to run?” Azure asked sharply, glancing at his ship’s commander.

“For all of my distaste for the man, Able was very good at what he did,” Wong admitted. “He died. We know what the
Blue Jay
’s crew did to him, but they have proven themselves very tricky – and no prey is as dangerous as one that knows it’s cornered.

“I am prepared for the unexpected, my lord,” he concluded. “But if my calculations are correct, we will emerge within missile range of your prey, and this long hunt should soon be over.”

Azure nodded slowly, glancing around the bridge of the stolen cruiser. Despite the unexpected strength of their prey, the cruiser had proven valuable beyond his wildest dreams. He wondered, now, why he’d held it in reserve for so long. With Montgomery to build amplifiers for the rest of his fleet, the
would make a suitable flagship for the conquest that would ensue.

He saw the future of the Blue Star Syndicate stretch out before him, and it was glorious.

“You may jump when ready, Mister Wong,” he said aloud.

Reality shivered around him, and the
Azure Gauntlet
was elsewhere. It took precious seconds for her scanners to awaken to their new reality, but when they did they showed the
Blue Jay
dead center in the




Damien was on the bridge when the jump flare blasted onto the
Blue Jay
’s sensors. David’s idea for making sure he didn’t jump early again was apparently to keep a continuous eye on the Mage.

Given the blazing headache the last jump he’d made had left him with, after twelve straight hours of nothing but sleep, the youth wasn’t planning on disobeying the orders he’d been given to avoid jumping until twelve more had passed.

Besides, it had been a while since he’d actually been on the freighter’s bridge. Normally he was linked in by intercom.

Once the massive cruiser appeared on their scanners, though, he started to regret the situation.

“We have this under control, Damien,” David told him, the Captain’s eyes on the scanners. “Of course, I’m not going to object if you were to get down the simulacrum chamber at this point,” he finished dryly.

“Inbound message,” Jenna announced. “I think they want to talk to us.”

“Play it,” David ordered, and Damien turned, standing next to the exit from the bridge, to watch the recording.

A tall man in a plain black suit appeared on the screen, surrounded by the bustle of the cruiser’s bridge. His eyes were a sharp, piercing blue framed by neatly trimmed shoulder-length hair. He wore the gold medallion of a Mage, but without any of the symbols that marked training or degrees.

“I am Mikhail Azure,” the man said simply. “I command the
Azure Gauntlet
and the Blue Star Syndicate, and I have now brought you to bay.

“This message is for the Mage Damien Montgomery,” he continued. “We both know that you have an extraordinary gift, Damien, and that you are pursued by the Protectorate for its use.”

“Today does not need to end in fire. Your Captain knows the value of my word, and I give it to you on this:

“If you surrender, and swear to serve me willingly, I give my word of honor that I will spare the
Blue Jay
and its crew – even your Captain Rice, for all his sins against me and mine.”

Mikhail’s piercing gaze seemed to hold Damien’s across the room and the vast gap of deep space between them.

“I am generous to my employees, Damien, and if you serve me I will make you rich and powerful beyond your wildest dreams. You cannot lose here – and do not think you can escape me if you refuse. You are out of time. I can be magnanimous, but I will not be defied.”

The recording ended.

Damien stepped back into the bridge, glancing around at David and Jenna.

“He’s right that we can’t run,” Jenna said quietly, looking at him.

“You got his son killed,” Damien said to David. “Would he really keep his word?”

“He’s not as trustworthy as Falcone,” the Captain replied slowly. “But in this? To buy
loyalty? He would.

“Your gift would be worth that to him.”

Of course, Damien knew, what Azure would want from him was warships. Dozens of ships like the
Blue Jay
– regular freighters with amplifier, whose victims would never seem them coming. He could save the
Blue Jay
, but only at the cost of thousands of lives.

“May I?” he asked Jenna, touching the communication controls. She nodded slowly, activating the recorder and focusing the camera on Damien.

“Lord Azure, I have considered your offer,” he told the camera, “and I have decided that I have no interest in being a low-life murdering scum working for criminals and slavers. You can go to hell, and take your ‘offer’ with you.”

Cutting the recording, Damien turned back to Captain Rice –

“Please tell me you have a plan, boss.”

“After all we’ve been through?” David asked him with a slow grin. “Of
I have a plan.”




Azure had not actually expected Montgomery to blithely change sides, though he had suspected that Rice might convince the youth to make a career change to save the rest of the ship. There was rejection and there was
, however.

“I see that Montgomery has already established his opinion of us,” he said icily, loud enough that everyone on the bridge of the
Azure Gauntlet.
“I suggest we show him what us ‘low-life murdering scum’ think of lily-handed Mages too naïve to know a good offer when they see one!”

The answering growl told him he’d hit the right tone. Few of his people had chosen the path they now walked, and to be judged by a man who’d been handed the world on a silver platter the way many of the Protectorate’s Mages were stung.

“Take us in to seven light seconds, Mister Wong, and prepare your precision kinetics,” Azure ordered, leaning back in his chair.

They’d emerged from their jump twenty light seconds away from the fleeing freighter. The
Blue Jay
was well within the range of the
heavy missiles, but those weapons lacked the precision to disable the ship’s matrix. A single one of those gigaton warheads would vaporize the freighter.

The Navy’s answer to that, decades ago, had been the precision kinetic missile: a light, antimatter-driven missile with no warhead except its own mass. Carefully aimed, the missile could eliminate turrets, break rotating ribs, and similar disabling damage. To carry a low enough velocity to avoid doing critical damage though, the weapon’s range was limited – and detailed targeting instructions were required from the parent vessel.

The Snapdragon V missiles carried by the
had a maximum range of just over ten light seconds. At that range, though, Azure’s experience was that even Navy vessels tended to inflict far more damage than intended. The closer they got to the
Blue Jay
before firing, the better – and rare indeed was the Mage who’s amplified reach was more than six light seconds.

“We will be clear to fire in less than three hours,” Wong reported quietly. Behind him, the Mages at the Simulacrum switched out, the dark-haired youth whose golden amulet actually bore the stars of a Jump Mage replacing one of his illegally trained fellows. “I’ve had Jourdaine move up,” Wong continued, nodding to the exchange behind him. “He’s rested for eight hours, so he can jump us after the
if they run.”

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