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Authors: Annie Nicholas

Starved For Love (4 page)

BOOK: Starved For Love
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Hoel spoke with my father and he held my coat.

Chapter Four

Hoel followed my father deeper into the house toward the study. As soon as they were out of sight, five pairs of female eyes turned my way.

My heart shrank at the sight of my birth mother’s worried smile. She gestured for me to join them.

Step by slow step, I descended into the foyer where I was snatched and ushered into the kitchen to endure the coming interrogation. They sat me on the stool at the counter and surrounded me.

Tears welled in two of my mothers’ eyes and anxiety in the third’s.

“Don’t get too excited.” I raised my hands to ward off any comments. I didn’t deserve their concern. They misunderstood Hoel’s visit and the sight of my jacket in his hands. How did I explain that I hadn’t met Valerio of my own free will and that he’d dined on me like Chinese take-out?

“He works for Valerio Hunan,” my birth mother, Sam, whispered, as if Hoel could overhear through four rooms.

“I know,” I whispered back, unable to resist.

“You know why Valerio is in town?” She squeezed my hands.

I nodded, afraid to speak.

“His employee must be here to speak to your father about
.” Another of my mothers, Estelle, who birthed Rose, tripped over her own words. She pushed her way to me and scooped me into a bone-breaking hug. “Our Pia is growing up. Are you ready for this, sweetie?”

“I am grown.” The words came out strained.

“Let her breathe, Estelle.” My father’s sharp voice shattered the moment. He didn’t appear as thrilled by Hoel’s presence. “Wives, you’re needed in the study.”

Estelle set me back on my feet and accompanied my other two mothers and my father out of the kitchen, leaving me with my sisters.

Rose pulled the milk from the fridge. “I wouldn’t mind a piece of that golden boy. I wonder if he has plans for tomorrow. It’s day three in my cycle. I’ve never had a nephilim. I’d think they’d be giving lovers.” She winked at me from the fridge.

“Hands off Val’s staff, at least until we know for sure he’s not interested in allying with our house.” Adele piled fresh baked chocolate chip cookies on a plate. “I doubt he’d want you corrupting his assistant.”

“He’s nephilim? I didn’t know they really existed,” I said. A child of an angel in our house? Working for an incubus? That sounded like a sin in and of itself.

“It’s just a rumor, but he looks angelic enough to eat.” Rose stuck out her tongue at Adele, who’d given her a warning look.

I set the glasses on the counter and looked from one sister to the other. “I’m sorry.”

They glanced at each other. “For what?” Adele asked.

“The whole Valerio thing is being blown out of proportion. I know you were both interested in him and I’m not pursuing him. It’s all a mistake. I blundered into the building and Hoel recognized me, thinking—”

“Wait, wait.” Adele shoved the plate of cookies at me. “What do you mean
You didn’t have an appointment set up by Dad?”

I swallowed a dry piece of cookie without chewing. “No.”

Rose poured the milk and shook her head while Adele reached across the counter and grabbed my earlobe. Bending me forward over the top, she gave it good twist. “You listen to me, Pia Marie Blyton. If Valerio has lost his mind and decides he wants to marry you, then you’re going to bury your heart in the deepest hole you can find, plaster a big old smile on your face and say
Do you understand me?”

I yanked out of her grip and strode around the counter to face my dark-haired Amazon-like sister. Where Rose was sexy and energetic, Adele was sultry and dark. “No, I don’t.” I gave her ponytail a good hard jerk. The need didn’t place me in any kind of mood to be yelled at or manhandled like a child.

“The moms and Dad need someone with Valerio’s connections. Dad’s successful, but Val’s wives are rumored to have links to politics, the Mafia and corporate America. If he marries one of us then our families will be allied, which means greater security for all of us.” She poked me in the chest. “Time to stop being a spoiled brat.”

Rose met my questioning glance and nodded. “We did our best to lure him but he’s not biting. The marriage would be a good thing, for everyone.”

“I’m a little hurt that you went to meet him without me.” I crossed my arms and faced the duo that simultaneously drove me nuts and filled me with joy.

They both raised their eyebrows in an identical way.

“Fine, more than just a little. What? I’m not pretty enough? I can be alluring when I want.” I returned to my stool and crammed half a cookie in my mouth. “Just because I—I’m somewhat broken doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do anything for you guys.” I sniffed and chewed as a tear spilled down my cheek. No one understood me. I’d never hurt my family. They always came first. I wasn’t spoiled.

Rose pushed a glass of milk my way. “Nobody
to place you in this position, sweetie.”

I chugged the glass empty and ate the other half of the cookie.

Adele leaned toward me. “Of course you’re beautiful. You’re a Blyton. Dad’s the one who decided to leave you out of this. After the whole Pierre thing, he wanted to give you more time to figure things out.” She waved her hand as if flicking away a bug when she said Pierre’s name.

Pierre, the mortal man I’d fallen in love with three years ago. I’m not sure what notion had entered my head when I was with him. I’d hoped I could fight the need, learn to ignore it and only feed from him, but my need had won out. I had cheated on Pierre, which was why he’d dumped me, leaving skid marks on my heart.

I’d almost wasted away from a broken heart. Every male I saw had reminded me of him, so how could I feed? I had hidden from my family, ashamed and starving. Sin had found me half dead. He had taken me to his nest and pretty much force-fed me until my father set up contracts with my other suitors.

It was time to pull my shit together and act like an asset to this family instead of a liability. “I’m over him. I can be a grown up if you’d treat me like one.”

“Good.” She nodded. “Then it’s settled. If Valerio pursues you and offers a marriage, these are the terms of the contract.” She pulled out an envelope from her purse. “Dad had this drawn up by his office before we met with Valerio.”

I blinked. “Let’s hear what Hoel has to say to the moms and Dad before we start planning my wedding, okay?”

Adele’s eyes narrowed. She was always the hardest to fool. “What did you do?”

I played with the cookies on the plate. “Valerio fed from me, and then I slapped him.”

Rose blew milk out her nose.

“Shit, Pia.” Adele withdrew the envelope.

I tried grabbing it from her hand but failed. “Did you two both feed him?” I had issues about sharing males with my sisters. It icked me out, like using someone else’s toothbrush.

It was Adele’s turn to blink. She shook her head and glanced at Rose, who dabbed her face with a napkin. She also denied being touched.

I hadn’t expected that. I’d thought for sure Valerio had more than tasted my sisters. “Really?” They were extraordinary females.

“Not even a kiss.”

The shreds of my dignity knitted together a little.

“Way to go, baby sister.” Adele held out her hand for a high five.

Grinning like an idiot, I slapped her hand, then Rose’s.

The kitchen door opened and my mothers spilled inside the room. My birth mother pressed her delicate hands to my cheeks, the biggest smile I’d ever seen gracing her face. “Valerio Hunan has asked our permission to court you.” She caressed my face as if afraid I’d vanish from the spot. “We don’t want to pressure you. Your father wants to deny him but I’d like to know what you want.”

I glanced from her to the grave expressions on my other mothers. Neither met my gaze. They were asking my opinion? Two years of being treated like an invalid. Of having my parents watch over my cycle, questioning my emotional attachments to my suitors. God forbid a suitor took me to a movie or dinner.
Pia might fall in love again, then waste away if he dumped her.
I learned my lesson and I hadn’t handled my heartbreak the best, but I was stronger for it. “I’d like for him to court me.” I could guard my heart. Let Valerio try to steal it. I’d pull out my ninja moves and break his heart back.

My mothers squealed, clapped and hugged as if someone had thrown them a surprise party. I could almost hear the wedding plans spinning in their collective heads. “Your father is still in the study with Hoel. You need to give them your assent and convince him you’re really fine with this. He’s…hesitant.”

I grinned and made a fuss with my mothers and sisters but inside my heart quivered. They pushed me out of the kitchen with a quick swat to my ass so I’d hurry to the study.

What the hell had I gotten myself mixed into? I didn’t ask for any of this. Sin sent me to Valerio. Just the thought of the cruel vampire had my need howling. Damn males and all their enticing body parts. I knew from experience fighting my natural instincts would only lead to ruin. I had to fuck someone soon.

First, I had to confront Hoel and my dad. I should have grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and shoved it in my panties. The thought of the cold ice against my oversensitive nether lips sent a shiver down my spine. This was bad. I had to get out of the house.

Chapter Five

My father and Hoel lounged across from each other, making small talk as I entered the study, their glasses of brandy held aloft.

“Pia, I believe you met Hoel, Mr. Hunan’s personal assistant.” My dad set his drink down and rose, extending his hand toward me.

I couldn’t touch him. The need was too strong. Valerio had drained me dry and left my meter on empty. On my day threes, I usually had a little juice to stave off the need until I met my suitor. Not now, and I’d been like this for hours. I nodded, clutching my hands against my stomach, and remained by the door. “We’ve met and I’ve come to give my consent.”

“You consent?” Dad regarded me as if I’d been body-snatched. Pausing next to me, his eyes darted to the sweat beading on my forehead and he frowned. “Let’s talk in private.”

“No.” I didn’t want my father talking me out of this. My sisters were right; time to put on the big girl pants and help my family. They’d all been there to support me during my stupid crisis. I’d be there for them. “I’d like to see Valerio again.” With his dark hair and magic fingers.

My father didn’t touch me. He’d been married to succubi for a long time and raised three of them so he knew the signs of the need without having to ask. “I’ll leave you with Hoel.” He sighed. “Alone.”

“Really? Do you think that’s a good idea?” I pressed my hands harder against my stomach, my gaze wandering to Val’s golden boy. He had nice hands, large and strong with well-manicured nails.

“Do you have anyone else in mind?” My father gave a sardonic little smile. He also knew I had a suitor problem.

“I guess not. What about the ‘no sex in the house’ rule?” I whispered.

He glanced over his shoulder at Hoel and frowned. “What choices have you left yourself?”

I cleared my throat. “None.”

“Then I guess I’m forced to look the other way for tonight.” His eyes narrowed as they met my gaze. “Don’t make a habit of it. The house is for family, not feeding.” He then waved at Hoel. “I’m going to take a moment to discuss this with my wives. Pia will keep you company.” He closed the door behind him as he left us alone in the study.

The fire popped, sending a spark onto the carpet. I jumped at the noise, then raced over, stomping on the red ember. “The wood mustn’t be cured enough.” I toed the small burned spot, making sure it was extinguished.

What the hell was I doing? My father pretty much gave me permission to have sex with Hoel in the study, to feed from him. I should be turning on the smolder, not playing fireman. I’d never had sex in the house before. It was like being given permission to eat pizza in the living room for the first time. Exciting, yet I didn’t want to make a mess so I’d be allowed do it again.

Hoel finished his drink and rose from the chair. “If your father gives his consent, Valerio instructed me to extend an invitation to dinner tonight. Terms to your courtship can be discussed then.”

“Okay.” I licked my lips and approached. “I have a bit of a problem though.” The light scent of Hoel’s cologne reached my nose. The spice mixed in with his natural musk. I closed my eyes and savored it and leaned closer.

“Ms. Blyton?”

I opened my eyes and stifled a small laugh.

Hoel was pressed up against his chair where I’d cornered him, his eyes wide. “You’re in need?”

“Unfortunately. It’s Valerio’s fault and I have no one to feed from. All my usual suitors are unavailable.” I grabbed his tie and tried to reel him in. My need was now in control. Hoel wouldn’t leave this room unmolested.

“My contract with Val states I’m off-limits, Ms. Blyton.”

“To all succubi?”

“No, Val’s wives.” He extricated his tie from my fingers. A mistake. Lust bloomed and the muscles low in my abdomen clenched.

I moaned and pressed against him. “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t bear his wedding mark on my skin.” This was bad. He’d have me begging soon. “Hoel, I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.” I wet my dry lips with the tip of my tongue.

“I don’t remember being asked.” His gaze focused on my mouth. “What about Zur-Sin? I’m told he’s one of your suitors. I can’t imagine him turning you down.”

Dropping my head forward, I leaned it against Hoel’s chest. “I fed from him last night and it wasn’t his turn. He did me a favor and I had to pay a price. If you were in my shoes, would
ask him again?”

Hoel lifted my chin and ran his thumb over my lips. “You shouldn’t have to exchange favors, Pia. Sin should be grateful for your attention. I, on the other hand, work for Val. I doubt he’d be fine with me fucking you before he does. I’d like to keep my job.” He turned me around and set me on the chair. “I can take you some place. A favorite bar, maybe?”

I gripped the armrests, my nails digging into the wood. I’d rather they be scratching down Hoel’s back.
Shit. Focus.
He was right. My family needed this marriage and screwing Val’s personal assistant before the first date would be bad manners. I’d fought the need before. I might, kinda, be able to do it again. But the last time I didn’t have a hot blond god standing inches from my body.

“Move away. Give me room to breathe.” I leaned my head against the back of my chair.

“There must be a place you hunt?”

“I’m not like the others. I—I don’t like being with strangers.” A blush burned my cheeks and I closed my eyes. “I have trust issues. Distract me, Hoel.”


I could hear him pacing the room. He received points for not abandoning me. Placed in a hard position, he was handling it well. “What are you?”

The pacing stopped. “That’s not any of your business.”

Peeking between my eyelashes, I eyed his tall, straight form as he faced away from me, running his fingers through his golden hair. “You send out big immortal vibes, almost as strong as Sin.”

“Almost?” He twisted around, clearly insulted.

“You should be stronger than a seven hundred-year-old vampire? You’re not stronger than my father though.”

“How do you sense this?”

I shrugged. “It’s a natural talent. My sister Rose can tell you how big a man’s cock is with his clothes still on.”

“Nifty trick, but yours is more useful.”

“Not if you’re a succubus. Don’t believe the magazines, size does matter.” I should really pick another topic to discuss. Cock sizes only made me hornier and I had to yank my gaze from the zipper of Hoel’s pants. Sweat trickled along my temples now. The need would start hurting soon, I’d been down this road before.

Squirming in my seat, I swallowed. “Could you pass me the phone? I’m not going to be able to do this. I have to call Sin.” A pit of dread sprang open in my gut. I’d always feared Sin on some instinctual sub-level, but this was more visceral. If I’d pissed him off yesterday and he sent me to Valerio, knowing my history with men, what would he do to me tonight? Sin liked toys and used all the nice ones on me but I knew he owned things not so fun. Stuff with spikes and hooks that made me cringe at just the thought.

Hoel loosened his tie. “I know Val doesn’t like Sin as your suitor. He’s asked to make quiet inquiries on the details of buying you out of that contract.” Once again, he ran his hand through his hair. Removing his jacket, he tossed it onto the couch.

“What are you doing?”

“Choosing the lesser of the two evils. It seems to be my curse to be placed in these types of situations.” The tie and shirt followed his jacket.

I sat up straighter, unable to pry my gaze from his six-pack abs. A golden happy trail of hair led from his belly button, disappearing under his waistband. Naturally blond, oh my. What I would do to have Rose’s talent right now. My sex grew wetter.

He knelt in front of me. “To feed, you only have to orgasm, right?”

Only? I nodded. My ability to speak had vanished when he’d undressed.

He gave me a small, devilish grin and it melted me to the seat. “I think I can manage that.” Guiding my legs apart, he slipped my damp panties off.

A shiver ran over my skin where his fingertips ran over my legs. I had an idea where he wanted to head and I prayed I was right.

Bending my knees, he set my feet on the edge of the chair, exposing my lady parts for his viewing pleasure. His gaze met mine and carnal desire ignited in his expression. Gone was the professional personal assistant. A hungry male knelt before me, ready to worship my body by satisfying my insatiable appetite. He slid a finger along my labia, separating the folds.

I moaned and lifted my hips to give him better access.

“You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to taste you.”

Taste me already
, I wanted to cry, but held my tongue. Hoel was risking his job for me. The least I could do was let him take his time.

He dipped his fingers deeper, circling my entrance. “So wet for me.” He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked.

“Oh, my.” The words slipped out. I never noticed how soft his lips appeared until now. “Kiss me?”

The devilish smile I’d enjoyed not long ago returned. I liked this playful side of Hoel. “Your wish is my command.” He leaned forward, setting his mouth to my pussy. His hot tongue boldly licked between my folds.

I grunted at the sudden solid sensation and arched in the chair, hoping not to tip it.

He grabbed my ass and held me still as he kissed my most intimate parts. Using his tongue, he left no flesh unexplored. Slow and easy, he licked me with loving strokes.

“Hoel!” I tried to rock my hips but his strength kept me prisoner. “Oh God.” The need flashed inside my gut. It roared for completion. I entwined my fingers in his hair and rested my feet on his broad shoulders.

Ignoring me, he continued to lap and kiss as if we had all night.

“Please.” I writhed in his hands and lifted the hem of my dress to watch him devote his attention to my pleasure.

A deep chuckle came from his throat, purely male and self-satisfied. He found my clitoris and began to suck.

My vision narrowed as the sensation assaulted my overeager libido. “Yes. That’s it.”

Softly at first, he played with my bud, but soon he sucked harder until I could only pant and hang on the armrests for dear life. He brought me into a state of sheer ecstasy where I couldn’t even remember my own name. Each exhale came out a moan until the pleasure grew too much as it crashed over me.

Rocking my hips in his strong hold, I cried out. What? I’d never remember. I only knew his mouth upon me as he sucked me to completion. My need exploded, combined with my orgasm, and created the energy my body consumed to survive. Hoel’s flavor imbued it. Airy and thin, it slid into the place where I stored what we’d created, tasting like smoothest of whipped creams. The power throbbed though me, a mixture of me and my lover.

With a shuddering cry, I collapsed. Limp and lifeless, my body molded to the form of the chair. If not for Hoel’s hands and the armrests, I might have pooled onto the carpeted floor.

He passed a few more licks as if savoring my flavor, then placed a gentle kiss to my inner thigh. “Good?”


He climbed to his feet. “We should keep this between us for now.” His lips were glossy with my juices.

A dark foreboding sank into my bones at his suggestion. “For now. Secrets have a tendency to burn me.” And they did. Pierre had been my dirty secret. I didn’t want to be Hoel’s. The thought made me sick. However, I reached for his pants and undid the button.

He removed my hands and kissed each palm.

“I give when I receive, Hoel. It’s only polite.”

He laughed. “Maybe another day.” Turning, he retrieved his shirt from the couch.

I leaned forward in my chair and examined his back. Each shoulder blade bore deep scars. Rising to my feet, I approached him and ran a finger lightly over the rough tissue.

With a hiss, he flinched. “Don’t. They’re painful.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean—it’s just—you’re not a nephilim are you?”

“Why would you think that?” He swung his shirt over his shoulders and dressed.

“Rumors.” Not a nephilim then. The scars on his shoulder blades, the ones I’d touched and made him flinch—I cringed—had there been wings?
Oh my flipping God.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What?” He glanced up from dressing.

Two plus two always equaled four. If I added Hoel’s scars, rumors and the power surrounding him together, they equaled only one thing. “You’re a fallen angel, aren’t you?”


“I’m so sorry.” I covered my mouth with my hand. Pacing the room, I tried not to panic. I’d fed from him. He’d gone down on me.

“Easy.” Hoel caught me by the shoulders. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop.”

“I’m going to hell when I die because of this.” I gestured between us.

He chuckled. “Angels haven’t any more connection to heaven than demons have to hell. We’re just rare magical beings and I’d like to keep my existence quiet. Do you understand?”

I nodded. “If you’re not from heaven then how come you lost your wings?”

“I didn’t say there weren’t laws to be broken. It’s my punishment.” He set the tie around his neck and straightened it. “You might wish to shower and change. Valerio wants me to bring you home for dinner.”

I took a shaky breath. “I’ve already fed him once today. He has five wives. Let them take care of him.” I smoothed my dress back over my hips. The nerve of the incubus to order me around, after we’d only met this afternoon.

“As a guest, not a meal.”

“Oh.” I scratched my chin. “Well, then, I’ll get ready.” Before exiting the room, I glanced back, mischief rising. “Would you like me to send my sister Rose in to keep you company?” I wasn’t going to tell her a thing. It would be a lot more fun to watch her find out on her own.

He shook his head vigorously, a charming blush coloring his cheeks. “I doubt I would survive her.”

Opening the study door, I ran into my father. “Dad!” How much had he heard?

He pointed back to the study. “We haven’t finished our discussion.” His scowl foretold my grim future. What did I do now? Every time I thought I was doing the right thing it turned out wrong.

Without another word, I scurried back in and hovered by the fireplace.

BOOK: Starved For Love
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