Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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We're here,

Darja said, running to embrace Angelica. 

We got stuck in the back of the plane.

    Cray's mother, born and raised in Alabama, became a Yankee when she married her husband, but she raised her sons to be Southern gentlemen.  Cray's early years of training kicked in and with courteous, gracious manners he charmed the Andersson women, casting a spell over them. 

    Angelica smiled at his courtliness while Mona smirked.  The two women glanced at each other and their grins widened.  On the way to baggage claim, Mona paired with Dirk, Cray walked between the parents with Mamma's hand tucked in his bent arm and his other arm brushing against Pappa.  Angelica walked between her sisters and asked loads of questions about their trip and what they wanted to do while here.  A more congenial group couldn't be found.

    At baggage claim, Cray hailed a bellhop, slipped a large bill in the man's hand and said in a low voice,

There will be a lot of bags.  Handle them with care and I'll show my gratitude.  We're in a stretch limo that I'm calling now.

    The driver of the limo and the man handling the luggage loaded the trunk while Cray helped the women in the limo, got them situated, showed the men where to sit and then climbed in beside Angelica after handing the luggage handler another large bill.  The man  bowed and wished them a good evening.

    Celena, Angelica's mother said in halting English,

Everyone is so nice here.

    Darja burst out laughing and said,

Mamma, they're nice because Cray is handing them money.  Cray, I love this car.  Is it yours?


No, Darja, I wouldn't be able to find a place to park if it were mine.


I bet you ride in limousines a lot though.


We ride the subway and taxicabs, too,

Angelica said.

Most people who live in the city don't own a car.


If that's true, then I prefer to ride in limos,

Darja said.

    Agust, Angelica's father, said in Norwegian,

Darja, don't be impertinent.  We're guests in this country.

    Angelica said in English,

Pappa she's not impertinent.  She's expressing her preference and that's okay.  New York City is overwhelming when you first see it.  I had a difficult time adjusting to it when I first came here.

    Mona and Dirk sat side by side enjoying a conversation between them that was punctuated with laughter.  They ignored the rest of the group.

    The limo driver eventually pulled in front of the canopy that sheltered the hotel's entrance.  Cray hopped out and motioned for two bellhops.  He helped the elder Andersson's from the car and then gave a hand to Bekka, Darja and Angel. 

Honey, I'll go to registration to get the room keys.

     An hour later, the group gathered in Agust's and Celena's suite.  Cray said,

I imagine the trip has tired you.  I took the liberty of ordering room service for dinner so we can eat and get to know each other better.

  He answered the door when room service knocked and helped orchestrate the seating arrangements for the eight of them and asked the servers to remove the coverings from the serving dishes and set up a buffet.  As they left, he slipped them each a large bill.

    Darja didn't miss a thing and when he caught her staring he winked at her and she smiled.  She sidled up to him and whispered,

How much has this cost you in gratuities?

    He shrugged and said,

It's my pleasure to make you comfortable.


    The more they ate, the more they relaxed and the conversation flowed in an easy manner.  Angel noted her parent's fatigue and said,

Mamma and Pappa, you're tired. You should get a good night's sleep.  The difference in time takes some getting used to, so we'll leave you alone to prepare for bed.

    Celena said,

Angelica, where is the kitchen?  We must return these dishes.


The girls and I will stack them and put them in the corridor.  A hotel staff member will remove them.

  She kissed her mother and father's cheek and bid them good night.

    When they finished clearing the room and their parent's had retired to the bedroom, Angelica said,

Bekka, Darja and Dirk, are you ready to go to bed or do you want to do something?


We slept on the plane,

Darja said and Dirk nodded. 

I'm ready to hit the sights.


Well, all right then,

Mona said. 

Let me make a couple of calls and we can party hearty.  Bekka, you game?


Yes, I'll go along if it's okay with you.


What do you have in mind, Mona?

Cray asked.


There's a new club in Greenwich that just opened.  Freddie says it's hot.  I'll call him and tell him to bring Jackson with him.  Why don't you go with us?

    Cray glanced at Angelica and she said,

Why not?  We're not old married folks yet.


I'll order a limo.  Is anyone changing and when should I tell the driver to get here?

    Bekka and Darja said they wanted to shower and change and asked Mona to advise them on what to wear.  Forty-five minutes later, they piled in the limo and headed for Greenwich Village and the new club.  Bekka and Darja wore sexy outfits chosen by Mona that would get them noticed.


I see Freddie and Jackson waiting outside for us,

Mona said,

We'll go in as a group and you don't need to feel like you have to stay with them.  Dirk, you're mine tonight and I don't want to catch you ogling other women.  Keep your eyes focused on me.

    Cray laughed and said,

She's bossy like that.  If you see someone you like better, go for it.  She'll survive.


I don't want you browsing the merchandise, either,

Angel said.


Can't I even look?

Cray asked.


It depends on whether you want to be left at the altar or not.


I found the best, why look?

  She nuzzled her nose in his neck.

    A line waited in front of the club.  Mona introduced the two men to Dirk, Bekka, Darja and Angelica.  Freddie said after the introductions,

We can go right in, our table is waiting for us.


Who do you know here?

Mona asked grinning.


The owner.  He invests with me and I made him so much money he bought the club.  There's a table waiting whenever I want it.  I made the call after your call.

    Darja had slipped her arm in Jackson's the moment they were introduced.  She looked up at him and said,

Is that true?




And what do you do for a living?

Darja asked.


I invest in commercial real estate.

  The bouncer at the door beckoned to them and as they went to the front of the line, the ones still standing there complained loud and long.


Is that profitable?

    He stuck his hand in his pocket, jingled coins, grinned at her and said,

I can show you a good time while you're here without resorting to a bank loan.

    When they settled at the table and ordered drinks, Angel excused herself to use the restroom.  She transformed her look from the cornflower blue dress she wore with a matching jacket by removing the jacket and baring her shoulders in a strapless top.  She pulled the combs from her hair that kept her French twist in place, shook her head and let her long hair flow down her back.  From her purse she extracted a bold shade of lipstick, applied it, splashed a dab of expensive perfume on her pulse points and sauntered back to the table where the four men stood at her appearance.  Cray smiled and said,

There's my dance partner.  Come on, honey, I'm in the mood to snuggle.

    Jackson leaned close to Darja's ear and said,

You must come from very good stock.  Your family is so good looking.

    Darja laughed and said,

We're peasants, but we do all right.  Which one of us do you think is the prettiest?


You're beautiful.  Let's dance.

    Dirk and Mona had disappeared among the crowd and Freddie maneuvered Bekka to a less crowded and quieter corner where they could still dance and talk.  She told him about being a nurse and how much she loved the job when he asked about her profession.


Are you aware that Cray and your sister set up a foundation to help children in need who could otherwise not afford it?  They asked me to serve on the board and I'm finding it so fulfilling and satisfying.  We've just gotten underway and the results are remarkable.  Children with crossed eyes and cleft palates are shiny and new again.  I've monitored the first few children and gotten to know them.  The change in their personalities and confidence is beyond belief and so wonderful to see.  It was your sister's idea and Cray got on board.  I'd love you to meet a few of these children if that interests you.


I'd love to meet them.  Children are our future.


My family supports loads of charities and I do personally, but until I witnessed the impact on these children first hand it didn't register with me.  These kids come from poor families and without a leg up their futures don't seem bright.

    Bekka frowned and said,

A leg up?  I'm not familiar with that saying.


I'm sorry.  It means a helping hand.

    She gave him a most beatific smile. 

Yes, children from impoverished families can use a leg up in this country.  Norway has a universal health system for all its residents.


Bekka, you should smile more often.  You light up the room when you do.


I do smile for my patients.  This trip and this city is a bit intimidating to me.  It's the first I ever flew.  The entire country of Norway has less than six million people.  I live and work in a town near Oslo and I'm fearful when I go to the city by myself with its half million people.


One does have to be alert when in this city and there are some sections of the city I'd never venture even in an armored car.

  He laughed and she joined him. 

I'm sure Cray and Angelica have plans for you while you're here, but if you have any free time, I'd love to show you my New York.


Why don't I make myself available to you when you're free?

she said.


I did promise Mona I'd escort you, Darja and Dirk if you wanted to experience the nightlife.  Have lunch with me tomorrow and spend the afternoon with me.

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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