Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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    Darja's cell phone rang as they finished lunch.  Her eyes danced when she noticed the caller. 

It's Birch.  Please excuse me for a moment.  Hi Birch.


Where are you, honey?  I stopped by the house, but no one's there.


The girls went shopping and we just finished lunch.  Are you finished for the day?


Yes, and I want to spend the afternoon with you.  Where exactly are you?

    Darja covered the mouthpiece on the phone and asked Mona where they were.  Mona told her and Darja relayed the information to him.  He said,

I can be there in twelve minutes.


I'll wait.  Do you want to go to another movie?

  She giggled.


It's a surprise.  I'll tell you when I get there, doll.

    She closed her phone and spoke to the group. 

He's taking me somewhere, but he didn't say where.  He says it's a surprise.

    Much to her chagrin, they insisted on waiting with her until Birch arrived.  He greeted the ladies and helped Darja in the passenger side.



Gwen said,

Cocktails at our house at six and dinner at Morton's at seven-thirty.  Can we count on you?


Yes, Mother, we'll be there.

  He and Darja waved as he zoomed away from the curb.

    Gwen turned to Celena and said,

It appears that another of my sons and another one of your daughters has formed an alliance.


Is that what we're calling it now, Mother?  An alliance?

Mona said, chuckling.


We call it spring fever in Norway,

Celena said.


So do we,

Gwen said,

I guess it's universal.



Angelica said,

I usually do my hair, but I'd like to get it professionally done for the wedding.  Can you recommend someone?


I took the liberty of hiring hair stylists and makeup artists to come to the house next Saturday right after lunch to do all the hair and makeup.  Did I presume too much?

     Angelica hugged Gwen and said,

Perfect.  Will it interfere with the wedding planner and caterers?


Not at all.  Saturday morning the men are being shooed out of the house while we women takeover the upstairs to make ourselves glamorous.  The men will be allowed back in the house fifteen minutes before the ceremony and not a minute sooner.


Wow, Mother,

Mona said. 

You're getting in good practice for my wedding day.


Do you have an announcement to make, dear?


No, Mother, and it's further away than ever now that I see how much in love Angie and Cray are.  I refuse to settle for less than what they have.

     The two families gathered in the den for cocktails except for Darja and Birch who hadn't put in an appearance yet.  The doorbell rang and Cray rose to answer it. 

Bekka and Freddie, since when do you stand on formality Freddie?  You're a part of the Phillip's family with a different last name.  Come in, please.

    Bekka entered the den and glided across the room to where Gwen and Alex sat. 

I've been so anxious to meet you.  Your kindness and generosity to us is breathtaking and mere thanks don't suffice.

  She embraced both of them and turned to Lake and Ladd. 

At last we meet in person.  Ladd, it's been wonderful getting acquainted with you in cyberspace.  But where is Birch?

  She swooped around the room hugging and kissing everyone in the room including her family.

    Mona said,

Birch took Darja away for the afternoon and we haven't seen them since they left.


Sounds like Birch,

Freddie said. 

He's never one to pass up a pretty girl.

  The group laughed.


Bekka, how did your meeting with the Winthrops go last evening?

Mona asked.

    She took a seat beside Freddie, gazed at him and said,

They're lovely wonderful people.  I saw where Freddie gets it.


They loved her,

Freddie said. 

My mother called this morning and raved about Bekka.

    Birch strode into the den in a custom suit, different from what he wore when he picked up Darja. 

Before anyone yells, I realize we're calling it close.  You must be Bekka.  The resemblance between you siblings is remarkable.  Bekka, Darja requests your assistance with her hair if you'd be so kind.  She promises to be ready to leave on time for dinner.


If you'll excuse me, please,

Bekka said. 

I will see to it that we don't delay anyone.  Birch, it's nice to meet you in person.

    Freddie said,

Mr. and Mrs. Andersson, Bekka is the most amazing nurse.  At the risk of boring everyone, I need to tell you about our last day and a half and it concerns the Angel Foundation.  Bekka and I visited a few of the clinics and she identified seven more children, including infants who need our help immediately.  I took her to meet the surgeons and she charmed them into agreeing to perform the corrective surgery and are even allowing her to assist during the procedure.


But you're here for the week,

Angelica said,

and right after that my family is returning to Norway.


Angie, if I promise to have her back here no later than Friday at noon to prepare for the rehearsal will you agree to let us return to the city this Sunday?  The surgeons cleared their schedule and reserved the operating rooms for these seven children this coming week.


How can I refuse?  I can't imagine Bekka being that persuasive.

    Freddie shook his head. 

I made the introductions and she took over from there.  The medical lingo flying between them had my head swimming.  She's a dynamo when she wants something for a child's benefit.

    Cray turned to Mona and said,

Do we have enough money in the account for seven more surgeries?


I'll cover what the fund can't, but you'll have enough,

Freddie said, 

Bekka talked so passionately about the need to my parents that Dad ponied up a half mil.


A half million dollars?

Birch said.


Chump change, Birch.  You know that.


Yeah, but it's not tax deductible.  Dad, Lake and Ladd, if Freddie can tap into that kind of money without a tax deduction we need to get the Angel Foundation approved by the Federal government as a deductible charity.

    Lake said,

Ladd and I can handle that.  It's a slow process, but we might as well begin now.



Cray said, 

Your dream is getting bigger and better with the help of our families.


There's more,

Freddie said,

but I'll let Bekka tell you at dinner.


You're in love with her,

Mona said.

    He sent her a sly smile and changed the subject.

    Upstairs as Bekka fixed Darja's hair, Darja said,

You're glowing.  You like Freddie and you spent the last day and a half in bed with him.  Is he good?


If I'm glowing it's because we visited clinics and arranged for seven more surgeries for needy kids.


That's wonderful, Bekka.  Truly it is, but there's more to it than that.  He gave you great sex.  Are his parent's snooty?


No, they're wonderful people.


And the sex?


What sex?  I'm finished.  Slip on your dress, so we don't keep anyone waiting.

    Darja and Bekka entered the den and Bekka went straight to Freddie, who stood when they entered.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and said,

Did you tell everyone that we're falling in love?


No, sweetheart.  I left that part for you because I still can't believe a woman like you could love a man like me.

    Gwen looked at Celena and said,

Spring fever.

  Celena laughed and Gwen joined her.


Damn, I knew it you sneaky devil,

Mona said. 

I've known you for so many years and I never saw you like this.  Congratulations, friend.  You chose the best.

    Angelica said,

How's this going to work?  Bekka, you have your career in Oslo and Freddie's work is in New York.


Don't worry.  I'm flying home with the rest of the family, but nurses are needed here and I can sit for the licensing test and then apply for a work Visa.  It's done all the time.


That can take over a year at times,

Lake said,

and there's no guarantee the U.S. will grant you one.


I have friends in high places,

Freddie said,

and in the meantime, I guess I'll be flying across the Atlantic many times between now and then.

    Agust said,

America is the land of milk and honey so it is said, but I do not relish losing half of my children to America.  We did not approve when Angelica became an American citizen and next it will be Bekka.  What's wrong with Norway?  We have a high standard of living.  In some cases we rank higher than America.

    Celena took his hand and said,

Agust, I would follow you to the ends of the earth to be with you.

    He gazed in her eyes and said,

We met in Norway and stayed in Norway.  We waited three years to declare our love before God and marry.


You were a skinny fisherman from Finland, but the first time you kissed me I fell in love with you.  We waited until we had enough money saved so we could buy our shop and be together.  Times are different now.


I kissed you on our second date.


Yes, and I loved you then as I love you now.  True love is capricious (she used the Norwegian word) and catches us when we least expect it.

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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