STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (31 page)

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Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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Angel laughed. 

I'm sorry to laugh and I don't have any advice to offer.  I told Cray he should warn Birch, but he assures me Birch has a way of handling women like my sister.

Mona screamed with laughter. 

Yeah, he does.  It should be an interesting week and a half, but I'm not sure he's ever encountered or dealt with a snow princess from across the pond.  They'll either kill each other or if there's chemistry the bed springs at his condo will get a workout.


Don't presume, Mona,

Cray said.


No, she's right,

Angel said,

Darja is no blushing innocent.


Bekka is harder to read,

Mona said,

but she and Freddie have a thing going that can't be denied.


Bekka doesn't talk much about her private life so your guess is as good as mine,

Angel said.


Freddie won't push her, but at the same time he's no saint.  We've been friends for years and to my knowledge he doesn't invite women to meet his parents.  I've been to his family home many times, but as a friend.

Angel said,

Do you have feelings for Freddie?


Not in the way you mean.  We tried the kissy face stuff early on, but there's no magic there.  Hey, my rental must be here because the intercom is buzzing.  See you tonight.

Cray and Angel along with her parents arrived in White Plains at the Phillips mansion before Mona and her passengers left the city.  Celena gasped when Cray parked in front of the huge Tudor home that belonged to the Phillips.  Gwen and Alexander rushed from the front door to greet their guests.  True to their word at Christmas, the Phillips spoke a few words in Norwegian.  With genuine warmth and grace they welcomed Celena and Agust to their home and a bond formed between the two couples.

Inside the massive foyer with hardwood floors, oriental carpets and the elegant stairway in front of her, Celena turned to Angelica with a gesture and said,

This is the stairway you will come down to take the man you love as your husband.  Angelica, my heart is so full to be here to see my first born recite her solemn vows.

Angel embraced her mother and said,

Mamma, I'm so glad you and Pappa are here, too.  Pappa, no tripping on the stairs as you escort me.


It is my proudest moment since the day you were born,

Agust said.



Cray said,

I'll bring in the luggage from the car.  What room is ready for the Andersson's?

Gwen told him and then led the others to the den so they could chat.

As Mona entered the city limits of White Plains later that afternoon she called Birch.  He answered and she said,

What took you so long to answer?


My client is being deposed, Mona.  I excused myself when I your number popped up on my phone.  Is something wrong?


Not a thing, Birchie, baby.  I'm heading to your office as we speak.  There's a certain Norwegian beauty who can't wait to meet you in person.


You're in White Plains now?  You're two days early.  Mona, I'm taking next week off work and that's why I'm cramming so much in this week.  Christ, couldn't you warn me?


Consider this your warning, Birchie, baby.  This is a last minute change.  I expect you to be ready to greet us in fifteen minutes.


Fuck, Mona, I can't walk out of this deposition.  Can't you stall?  Tomorrow is no better.  I'll be in court in the morning.


Get your intern to handle the deposition.  See ya' in thirteen minutes.  You can figure out the court thingy later.


Mona ushered Dirk and Darja into a high-rise building a half block from the courthouse.  She pressed the top floor button on the elevator, the doors closed and the elevator zoomed to the top.  They entered a plush reception area where an attractive woman sat behind a teak circular desk.  The woman glanced up and smiled. 

Mona, it's good to see you.  It's been a long time.  Your brother asked me to take you to his office and he'll join you in a few minutes.  He's finishing up with his client right now.


Thank you, Thelma.  You needn't bother.  I'm familiar with his office location.

  She introduced Darja and Dirk to Thelma and lead them to the glass-walled office where Birch did his lawyering.

Mona offered them a seat while she pushed a button on the wall.  The wall slid to the side exposing a stocked bar. 

Beer, wine, soft drink?  What's your pleasure?

They both chose soft drinks.  Dirk moved to help her and said,

Mona, I thought you were showing off in New York when you took us to those fancy places.  Now you bring us here.

  He grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. 

I could be serious about you, but I will never be able to give you what you deserve.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and said,

Dirk, lets enjoy your visit to the fullest while you're here and not worry about the future.  Can we do that?

He pulled her close and kissed her as the office door opened and Birch entered.  He cleared his throat at the same time Darja rose from the sofa, threw her arms around him, pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.  His arms wrapped around her waist, then lower and his tongue entered her mouth.



Birch said when both couples broke their hold,

if this is the way people from Norway greet each other, I'm buying a one-way ticket.

Darja said,

I want to live with you while I'm here.


Darja, Mamma and Pappa will be ashamed.  They will never allow it,

Dirk said. 

They didn't raise you to be a slut.

Mona and Birch glanced at each other.


Who are you to talk?  Some nights you don't come home.  Why is it okay for you and not for me?  I'm twenty-eight years old.  I can do what I want.


Did you see how ashamed and embarrassed Mamma and Pappa were this morning when you threw a tantrum?  We're here as guests.  Do you really want to hurt our parents?

Darja turned to Birch and said,

Do you want to sleep with me?


Well, I...I...I.  Darja, maybe we should take this slow.


How slow?  I'm leaving in ten days.  What is it with you American men?  Since I've been here, men are trying to touch me inappropriately or treating me like they find me amusing and not worth the trouble.

Mona spoke. 

Darja, Freddie brought a friend along so you'd have an escort.  You treated him like he didn't exist while you flirted and danced with other guys.


He patronized me and treated me condescendingly.  I'm not a piece of fluff to be dismissed as unworthy.  Birch, we talked almost every day for months.  Am I a piece of fluff?

Birch heaved a sigh and said,

No, Darja, the discussions we had since Christmas show me your depth and I want very much to get to know you better in person.  Dirk makes a valid point, though, about your parents and I don't want to embarrass my folks.  Let's be discreet.  We'll have time alone.  I can assure you of that.

She snuggled against him and said,

Whatever you say, Birch.  I trust you.

Mona raised one eyebrow, glancing at Dirk and Birch who gave her a quizzical look in return.

The two families gathered at the Phillip's home, including Lake and Ladd.  Ladd inquired about Bekka's whereabouts and Mona told him she'd arrive Friday evening with Freddie Winthrop.  Gwen and Alex hosted a typical American barbeque on the terrace for their guests.

Ladd pulled Cray aside at the first opportunity and said,

Am I to assume that Bekka and Freddie are an item?


He's taking her to meet his parents tonight for dinner.  Make what you will of that.  Have the two of you been in contact?


Four or five times over the past few months since Christmas.  I didn't develop any attachment to her if that's what you mean.  She's beautiful and pleasant so I didn't consider it a hardship to escort her while she's here.  Freddie is a terrific guy, richer than Midas and if they made a connection, it's okay with me.


So no hard feelings?


None whatsoever.  Darja is a beauty.  She and Birch seem to hit it off pretty well.  She strikes me as so gentle and sweet.  She just might be too much of a lady for Birch.


Think Jekyll and Hyde,

Cray said laughing. 

She's why we're here sooner than planned.  She made it quite clear she'd make everyone miserable if we didn't bring her here to meet Birch.  She's a firecracker.


In that case, I revise my opinion.  They're made for each other.  Cray, I can see how happy you and Angelica are.  I wish you the best.

  Birch clapped his hand on Cray's shoulder and squeezed.


Thanks, Birch, we are happy and I wish the same for you whoever it may be.

At nine that evening, Birch said to the group at large. 

If you will excuse us, I'm taking Darja to the movies.

Mona gave a sly grin and said,

Oh, Dirk and I will go with you.  What are you seeing?

Birch glared at her and named a recent film, realizing that Mona had a penchant for  seeing the latest movies.  Mona said,

Oh, too bad.  I saw that weeks ago.


Gee, that is too bad, Mona.  Maybe another time.

  His eyes shot daggers at her.

Agust approached Darja as she rose to accept Birch's hand.  He spoke in rapid Norwegian in a low voice. 

Of course, Pappa.

As Birch opened the passenger side door to his car for her, he said,

What did your father say?  I could tell by his tone he warned you about something.

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