Steal the Day (45 page)

Read Steal the Day Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #erotic romance, #Vampires, #menage, #werewolves, #Thieves, #Lexi Blake, #Fae

BOOK: Steal the Day
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“I thought I was going to Neiman’s.” I wasn’t often allowed to go off schedule. Zack wasn’t like Neil, who I could have swayed with a good bottle of champagne and the promise of hot-guy watching.

“Mr. Quinn and Mr. Donovan request your presence in the grotto,” Zack informed me, and my heart just about sank out of my chest.

I hugged Sarah and Felix good-bye.

“I know it’s hard, but you know what you have to do,” Sarah whispered.

Zack led me to the car Lee brought around, and I walked mindlessly, unable to think about anything but the choice I was going to have to make.


* * * *


“Zack, you and Lee have the rest of the evening off,” Dev informed my bodyguard quietly. Zack nodded, and once he disappeared in the elevator, Dev locked us in. He was in his now familiar suit. He’d probably been meeting with someone important. He loosened his tie and turned his beautiful face to me. “Come on, sweetheart, Daniel is waiting.”

I was happy for the endearment, but he still didn’t touch me. I followed him into the grotto where Daniel waited.

Like Dev, he was in a suit that fit his spectacular body to perfection. His tie was already gone, and he’d unbuttoned the dress shirt. “Hey, Z.”

Dev walked to the bar and poured himself a drink. He came back with two glasses. I tried to refuse, but he pressed the vodka into my hand. “You’re going to need it, sweetheart.”

“Just get this over with.” I wasn’t some spoiled child to be called in for chastisement. Maybe I had made some mistakes, but I made them honestly. I couldn’t help the fact that I loved them. I hadn’t meant to hurt anyone.

“Daniel and I have been talking it over, and we’ve come to a decision,” Dev explained, taking a short sip of what looked like Scotch. I was surprised because he hated Scotch.

“Do I get any say in this?” I asked, knowing I didn’t.

“Of course. You can accept it or not.” Dev sounded so calm and reasonable. I really wanted to push him. I wanted to get rid of the politician and fight with the man.

“Well, that seems fair.” For the first time, I thought seriously about walking out on both of them.

“Z, just listen,” Daniel said. “It’s not what you think, but it is serious. It’s your choice.”

“Fine. Hit me, Dev.” I had things to do anyway. I would get this deeply painful conversation over with and concentrate on finding Neil. Halfer was still out there and I had no doubt he would show back up, but I would put all my efforts into finding Neil and bringing him home. Felix said he needed time, well, he could spend time healing here in Dallas. I tried to think about anything but the choice they were going to ask me to make.

Dev smiled for the first time, and it was filled with a sexy promise. “She really thinks this is going to be bad, doesn’t she?”

“Dude, we’ve strung her along for days.” Daniel shrugged. “You can’t expect her to take that for long.”

“There were things we needed to negotiate, Zoey,” Dev explained, looking slightly amused. It threw me off balance, which I think was his point. “We can’t go into this lightly. Daniel and I had to work some things out between us before we made our proposal to you.”

“What is this proposal the two of you have come up with?” I wanted to hear the words. I wanted to know it was all right to keep dating both of them. I would be respectful and try to keep our worlds as separate as possible.

Dev’s lips curled up in a sexy grin. “We want to make our ruse into truth. The rest of the world believes we are a happy, settled
ménage à trois
, and Daniel and I have decided we can make it work.”

“What?” The word sounded dumb coming out of my mouth.

“We’re going to share you, lover,” Dev explained, his eyes already heating up at the thought. “Do you remember what we did in Vegas? We’d be doing it on a regular basis. That’s not to say you wouldn’t be sleeping with us on an individual basis as well, but there will be an enormous amount of sharing. We liked it, Zoey.”

I looked at Daniel for confirmation. He smiled slowly, and I caught a glimpse of fang. “It was hot, Z. I have to admit it. I liked watching you.”

He also liked the power that had come from Dev’s magic. If he fed from it regularly, he might be able to daywalk on a permanent basis. There was so much more to this proposal than mere sex. Dev was right. I needed the vodka.

“Marcus called me your Lancelot, Zoey, and perhaps there is some truth to it,” Dev said quietly. “But maybe Camelot would have stood a little longer if Arthur and Guinevere and old Lance had been a bit more sexually liberated.”

“How is this supposed to work?” I tried to catch my breath.

“We’ve decided to live here,” Dev replied. “All three of us will share these rooms. I’ve already ordered a bigger bed and some light-tight drapes. The staff knows that you and Daniel are to be treated as residents not guests. The two of you will have access to everything. Daniel and I will continue to work together. You should think about this, Zoey. We’ll more than likely be very demanding. We consider this a committed relationship. Any sex we have is with you, and I, for one, am going to want a lot of sex.”

Daniel held up his hand. “I will, too, Z. I’m done with denying myself. I want to fuck you daily, and I’m not going to walk away like a gentleman after you feed me. We’ve also decided that Dev is going to donate on a regular basis. His blood really is fairly close to yours. I want you both to take my blood at least once or twice a week. You’re aging, Z, and I’m not. I can stop that. I can stop it for both of you.”

Dev shrugged out of his jacket and laid it over the couch. He started in on his dress shirt. “If this proposal is acceptable to you, we would like to consummate our arrangement tonight. I’ve been miserable sleeping by myself.” Dev tossed his shirt over the jacket. “Come with us, Zoey.” He leaned down and kissed me. His tongue was insistent, and I let him in. I was drowsy with wanting by the time he was done with me. “I’ll be in bed waiting for your answer.”

Dev walked off toward the bedroom, and it was Daniel’s turn to persuade me.

“You’re really okay with this?” I asked as he pulled me into his arms and against his chest.

“We’re stronger together than we are apart, Z.” Daniel’s hands cupped my ass. He growled a little as he kissed me, letting me feel just how all right he was with the arrangement. “We need each other. The last few weeks proved that to me. We’re not going to get a white picket fence and two point five kids, but we can still be happy.” Daniel pressed his lips to mine once more and pulled away. “I love you. I’m going to go to bed. Don’t leave me waiting too long because two dudes in bed gets gay after a while, even if we are waiting for a girl.”

Daniel was tossing off his clothes as he walked to the bedroom.

I took a really long breath. I was stupid. There was so much more to this than simple love and lust. There always would be with these two men. They were ambitious and could be cruel and ruthless when it came to fulfilling their well-thought-out plans.

If I walked into that bedroom, I would be walking into a relationship where I had to fight not one but two men. I would have to fight to maintain my freedom because they were already working in tandem to curtail it. I would have to fight to be more than a pretty face and a soft body in bed. It would be so much harder because they were already presenting a united front.

Daniel wanted that power he could only get from Dev. Dev wanted to play the game, and more than that, he wanted to belong. He wanted a brother to replace his own, and Daniel could be that person for him. I would be the conduit to bring them together. This was so complicated, and I knew it was going to be far harder than either of them could imagine.

I knew all of that. I knew the best course of action was to grab the key from Dev’s jacket and march myself right back down to Ether. They would come around eventually. I could keep them both and maintain my control.

So why did that seem like a sad half-life compared to what they were offering me?

By the time I reached the bedroom, I’d gotten rid of those pesky clothes. I didn’t need them with my loves. I let Daniel pull me into bed, and Dev’s hands were on me before I hit the sheets.

I tried to kick my stilettos off, but Dev playfully slapped my hands away. “Leave them. We like the heels.”

Daniel was in full agreement as he wrapped those heels around the small of his back and his fangs found my neck.

It was the longest time before I managed to get out of those damn shoes.


Zoey, Daniel, and Dev will return in Steal the Moon, coming January 2014!


Steal the Moon

Thieves, Book 3

By Lexi Blake

Coming January 2014!


When an ancient artifact enslaves every werewolf on earth, humanity’s only hope is a thief…


Zoey Donovan should be happy. Her love life couldn’t be better, her demonic nemesis is on the run, business is booming, and no one has tried to kill her in seven whole months. But without her best friend to share it with, it all seems a little hollow. Neil, her fabulous furry wingman, is missing and two grumpy werewolf bodyguards have taken his place.

Undaunted by her humorless babysitters, she intends to track Neil down even if it means risking her newfound romantic bliss. But someone else has plans for Zoey, and they don’t intend to play nice. Lucas Halfer is desperate for revenge, and he knows just how to get it.

An ancient Roman legend tells of an artifact that will grant its possessor the power to control all wolves. No one, including Daniel and Dev, believes the Strong Arm of Remus is real but Zoey thinks Halfer might have already located it. With every werewolf pack in North America gathering in Colorado, the demon could enslave an unstoppable army.

To save the day, and possibly the world, Zoey will have to find a way to steal the Strong Arm of Remus from one of the most powerful demons in existence. Then again, impossible is kind of her specialty.


* * * *


Dev reached out and suddenly I was no longer wearing that towel. He tossed it aside and took a moment to let his eyes roam my body. “I believe we had an arrangement before, lover. Do you remember it? I was more than willing to concede the reins of our relationship to you as long as I maintained a certain level of dominance in one very specific place.”

Dev liked to be in control in the bedroom. He liked to play certain games and we hadn’t done anything like that since bringing my husband into the relationship. I have to admit everything female in me tightened at the thought of Dev taking control again. Sex had been good the last six months, but Dev had allowed Daniel and me to explore what we were willing to do together. The boundaries had yet to really be pushed. As I looked into those green eyes, I realized he was done with going with the flow.

Dev was going to take charge.

Dev stood up and before I could protest, he tossed me on the bed. I tried to scramble up but found myself tangled in green vines that shot out from the walls to hold my arms and legs. The lush ivy held me tight, and I couldn’t stop the startled cry that sprang from my lips as I was spread in a very wanton fashion across the bed.

“Now, my goddess,” Dev drawled as he and Daniel looked down at my body. Dev’s eyes were hot, and there was no mistaking the erection he was sporting. “You were a very bad girl today. You caused an enormous amount of trouble. Did you think you could get away with it? It’s time to discuss your punishment.”

“God, she looks hot,” Daniel said with an expectant grin as he looked down at me.

“She does indeed,” Dev said, watching me struggle against the bonds. They caused me absolutely no pain but they held me tightly. I wouldn’t be going anywhere. My skin was already getting hot under the boys’ scrutiny.

Dev walked to the side of the bed and ran a single finger against my pussy, testing it. I sighed against the light pressure, wanting so much more. My Faery prince smiled down at me satisfied I was already responding. He drew the saturated finger directly into his mouth and sucked the cream off. He turned back to Daniel, who was more than interested in the proceedings now. There was a very large tent in those sweats.

“I have never had a lover get so fucking wet, so fast. It’s intoxicating,” Dev commented, shaking his head.

My vampire smiled. “I spent most of my youth with my face in her pussy, so I have to agree with you. It’s my happy place.”

 “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Dev said as though suddenly noticing I was writhing on the bed. He walked up to me and gave me a slow, sexy grin. “Was there something you needed, my mistress?”

I held my head up so I could look at them. “You know what I want, Dev.”

He sighed. It was the sound of true contentment, and I knew he meant business. If I had busted out of my funk today, then Dev was right behind me. “I know exactly what you want. I know what he wants, too. I also know it will be a while before either one of you gets it.”

“What does that mean?” Daniel was used to getting straight to the fun.

Cupping my breast, Dev sat on the edge of the bed. He played lightly with my nipples, allowing the tips of his fingers to dance softly across the peaks. They hardened and I tried to press up, needing a much firmer touch. I would have preferred his mouth there, but I was going to have to take what I could get.

Dev looked thoughtfully at Daniel. “It means that I am ready to move this relationship forward. It means I am done with merely participating. You’ve trained me to be a better fighter. I’ve listened to your advice and allowed you to be the master. In this room, I am the master. Up until now our sex has been what I can only call somewhat circumspect.”

Daniel looked confused. “Dude, we fuck the same girl in the same bed. How much freakier can it get?”

Dev laughed. “You have no idea, Daniel. Until tonight, I’ve been content for the most part to wait my turn and allow you to have yours. We’ve watched as the other pleasured our lover. This is not true sharing. Tonight we’re going to play a little game, and I’m going to take us places you haven’t even thought of yet.”

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