Stepbrother Untouchable (13 page)

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Authors: Colleen Masters

BOOK: Stepbrother Untouchable
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He pulls his head back and looks at me. “OK?” he asks. I
nod, feeling breathless. Without taking his eyes off me, he begins to pull back
out, all the way to his tip, before sliding in again. He pulls out a second
time, and as he returns, my lips part in surprise at my body's response. I
think he can sense that I'm starting to warm to the sensation, because he
begins to move a little faster.

“Oh, Nate, that feels…it feels…” I trail off. There are no
words. I simply wrap my legs around his back and dig my hands into his hair as
he moves against me, as exquisite waves flow through my body. His lips find
mine again, kissing me with a passion that matches the faster pace he's

I feel an orgasm begin to build inside me. I've had orgasms
before, including an amazing one with Nate, but this one feels different. It's
so powerful that it scares me. I bear down against it, holding my breath to
keep it at bay. But everything Nate is doing is working against me. I feel his
hands move to my breasts, and my back arches against the heat of his palms. He
kisses my neck as I bend to him, and his cock finds new and untouched nerve
endings to drive me to the edge.

“Oh, Nate, it's too much…” I breathe, opening my eyes. “I
don't know if I can.” He slows down for a moment.

“Brynn, you're safe with me,” he murmurs, his dark eyes
finding mine, tenderness and passion mixed in them. “You just have to let go.
Let go with me.” He begins to speed up, but his eyes don't leave mine. I follow
his advice, trying to let the orgasm take me rather than trying to control it.
“Yes, yes, Brynn,” he grunts as my eyes roll back in my head.

He slams his hips into me now, driving his cock inside me. I
hear myself begin to moan as though I'm outside of my own body. His torso lifts
off of me and he thrusts in a little deeper. The slightly new angle is enough
to push me right over the edge. I completely lose control, my body arching with
spasms of its own accord. I can vaguely feel him bucking on top of me, his
sweat dripping down onto my skin.

He collapses on top of me and I tuck my face into his neck.
His body weight feels exactly right on top of me. I feel like I could stay like
this forever.





I wake up to soft kisses on my cheek. My eyes flutter open
in surprise.

“Mmm?” I murmur incoherently.

“You passed out,” I hear Nate whisper back. I realize he's
still on top of me—and inside me.

“Oh, sorry,” I smile, blushing a bit. “I hope I didn't make
too much noise.”

He grins. “Well, I think if they'd heard anything, we would
have known about it by now.”

“How long was I asleep for?”

“Just twenty minutes or so. I was worried I was going to
crush you.” He kisses my lips and then reaches down. I watch him hold the base
of the condom as he pulls out of me. The sensation of him leaving my body is
jarring, and I lay still for another minute, absorbing it, as he walks to the
bathroom. He comes back with a couple of wet tissues and I sit up to take them
from him.

“It's OK,” he says. “Lie back.” I obey, and feel him
carefully wiping up the inside of my thigh, and then begin to giggle. He stops
and looks at me with a confused frown.

“I'm sorry, I just—I never thought I'd be in this position
with Nate Thornhill!” I explain. He shakes his head with a bemused grin as I
continue to giggle.

“You bled a little, but it didn't get on the comforter. That
would have been tough to explain,” he says as he returns to the bathroom.

“I could have just said I had my period,” I point out as I
pull my comforter back and crawl underneath the sheets.

“Oh, I guess that's true,” he says, coming back and sliding
into bed next to me.

“I can't believe I'm not a virgin anymore,” I grin as he
wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. “I was beginning to think it would
never happen.”

“So…you liked it?” he asks, running his fingers up and down
my arm. I'm shocked to feel my body respond hungrily, as though I haven't just
had a mind-blowing orgasm twenty minutes ago.

“Are you kidding me?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.
“What about me? Was I…”

“You were excellent,” he assures me. “It was different,

“Different, how?” I ask, frowning.

He shrugs. “I usually don't really know the girls I sleep
with. Or have feelings for them. Even the ones I get to know, because we're
hooking up regularly, I'll end it when they get too clingy.”

A fissure of concern rises in my chest. “So…don't get

“That wasn't a warning,” he says, turning to me with a
smile. “Besides, I don't think of you as clingy. Stubborn, maybe.”

“Gee, thanks,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

“So, why did it never happen? Losing your virginity?” he
asks, turning to me and resting his head on his elbow.

“Well, I guess it's not that surprising. I've never really
dated. My first kiss was with this guy David in my junior year of high school.
It was really fast. And gross. His tongue just sort of darted in and out of my
mouth. And then senior year, and freshman year of college, a few guys took me
out, but it never really went anywhere. I mean, they were fine, but I really
wanted to dedicate myself to studying, and getting a scholarship and all that.”

“Did your mom put a lot of pressure on you to do well in

I smile. “The opposite, actually. She was always begging me
to get my head out of a book and put on some lip gloss. Which of course just
made me want to stick my head even further into a book. I just never wanted to
end up like her.” Nate raises his eyebrows at me, and I sigh. “I mean,
dependent on men. She never really learned how to do anything because she's so
beautiful and charming and men would always do everything for her. But when I
came along, they stopped coming around so much, and she had to take care of me
all by herself. And even when they did, they'd eventually leave, and she'd be
devastated. Curled up in bed for days, depressed, unable to care for herself…”

“So then you started taking care of her,” he finishes. I
nod. We settle back into the pillows for a minute. “Your mom should have known
that not all books are created equal, though,” Nate begins thoughtfully. “Some
are far more interesting than others.”

“What?” I ask, with absolutely no idea what he's talking
about. With a devilish grin, he reaches over me and opens my bedside table. I
shriek and grab his arm as I see his fingers graze over my copy of
Chatterley's Lover.
But to my far more infinite horror, his hand keeps
searching back and returns to the bed with my hot pink vibrator. “Oh my god,
put that back!”

He ignores me, and studies it thoughtfully as my cheeks
burn. “Someday I'd like to watch you use this on yourself,” he comments. My
mouth drops open and he glances up at me, his eyes boring into me. “What do you
think about that?”

“I…I don't know,” I whisper.

“Not tonight,” he assures me, replacing the vibrator in the
drawer and turning back to me. “Tonight, I'll do all the work.” I gasp as I feel
his fingers slip between my legs and rub against my clit. “You have no idea how
much it turns me on to be your first for all of this.”

“Mmhm,” I reply distractedly as my eyelids flutter. No way
can I concentrate on speaking with his hand down there.

“Brynn, keep looking at me.”

“Why?” I whine.

“Because I like to tease you,” he replies simply. I bite my
lip and turn my head back to him. His fingers rub my aching nub over and over

“I like it when you order me around,” I whisper, feeling
shocked to hear myself say such a thing out loud. His eyes widen.

“You do?”

“Only in bed,” I explain. I watch his pupils dilate and his
jaw muscles contract, as though he's struggling against some powerful reaction.
He sucks in a breath of air and then blows it out of his mouth slowly.

“Oh, Brynn, there are so many things I want to do to you.
But we can't just jump from zero to sixty.” I nod in understanding and then
moan as he slips a finger inside me. “You're so wet already. You want round
two?” All I can do is moan in affirmation. “Turn around,” he orders me, and a
thrill of desire rushes through me. I obey, turning over onto my other side so
that my back's to him.

He runs his hand over my ass and then back between my legs
and inside me. I hear him fumbling with his other hand and then the sound of a
condom being ripped open.

“Put your arms over your head,” he tells me. I place them
over my ears and onto the pillow, bending my elbows so that they don't hit the
headboard. I feel his hand press down against my forearms, his long fingers
easily reaching completely around me, and pinning me to the pillow. His other
hand slides out of me and pulls my hips back toward him. I begin to tremble
with anticipation, but don't have to wait very long.

I feel his cock at my slit, pushing into me as he holds me
in place. I cry out from pain and pleasure as he reawakens the soreness he
created the first time, but unlike that time, the pleasure is also instant and

I feel his mouth at my ear. “You like that?”

“Yes, oh god, yes,” I moan. He thrusts into me faster.

“It's so hard to hold back with you,” he mutters, almost to

“You don't have to,” I reply. I hear him grunt in response
and slam into me harder. Suddenly I feel myself being picked up and turned
over. Before I know it, I'm on my hands and knees without Nate and me ever
losing contact. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from screaming out in
pleasure as he pulls out and drives back in. He's in so deep now, pressing
directly against my g-spot with every thrust.

My body begins to shake with another orgasm and this time, I
let myself go with it. I feel Nate's hands pulling my hips back to meet his
with every thrust as he comes with me. My elbows collapse down with the final shudder
of my orgasm, and Nate lands on top of me, immediately kissing the back of my

“Oh, Brynn, I'm sorry,” he murmurs, as he pulls my hair out
of my face.

“Sorry? Why are you sorry?” I ask, befuddled.

“You're crying…I'm so sorry. I was too rough, I went too
quickly, I—” he rushes on, sounding horrified.

My brain tries to catch up with him. “No, no. It didn't
hurt. I didn't even realize I was crying. Everything felt amazing.”

His body relaxes against mine. “I was so scared for a second
there. I thought I hurt you.”

“No, honestly…” I reach up to touch my face, and he's
right—my cheeks are damp. “That's so strange. This doesn't happen a lot?”

He pulls himself up so he can look at me with an ironic
grin. “I do try not to make girls cry, Brynn.”

I laugh. “I'm sorry, I just meant…I wondered if this happens
to other girls. I suppose I don't usually…you know, let go of control like
that. Maybe the emotional release…”

“Maybe. Just as long as you're OK.”

“I'm more than OK,” I assure him.


I nod. “A little.”

“I'll get you some water,” he says, kissing the back of my
shoulder before gently pulling out of me. He comes back from the bathroom with
a glass for me, and sits up in bed with me as I drink it.

“I wish you could sleep here,” I murmur, resting my head on
his shoulder. I feel spent, relaxed…and happy.

“Me too.”





The next morning, I wake up reaching for Nate, but he's
gone. I turn over onto my back in frustration. I thought that after we had sex
my desire for him might fade a bit, become more manageable, but it's even
stronger now. Even though I can feel a little soreness and pain between my
legs, I want him to take me again, and again, and again.

I glance at the clock and am shocked to see it's almost
noon. Well, I guess I did have a big day yesterday, between almost sliding down
that cliff and losing my virginity. I slide under the sheets to the side of the
bed and sit up on the edge. I roll my ankle and find that there's barely any
pain, though I guess I should leave the tape on for one more day just to be

I stand and pull on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt and
head downstairs to the kitchen and fix myself some breakfast. My mom walks in
just as I'm sitting down at the breakfast table.

“Wow, that's a lot of food, Brynn,” she comments, raising
her eyebrows at the amount of eggs and toast on my plate.

“Starving,” I reply, pausing only momentarily then
continuing to shovel food into my mouth.

“I can see that. How's your ankle?”

“Lot better.” I clear my throat. I need to stop acting weird
or my mom will know something's up. I put down my fork. “Did you have a nice
lunch with Pierce yesterday? Where'd you go?”

“The Palm,” she replies. “It was lovely. Pierce is a regular
there and always gets the best table.”

“Oh, good.” I glance up as Nate slides opens the door from outside.
He winks at me and I quickly bury my head back in my food so that my mom can't
see the blush spreading across my cheeks.

“Just returning from your morning workout, Nate?” my mom
asks as she begins to fix herself some tea. “You're both getting such late
starts today.”

“Must've been that hike,” Nate replies nonchalantly. “How's
your ankle?”

“Lot better,” I repeat, holding it out from under the table
and rolling it around to demonstrate.

“Better keep the tape on for another day just to be safe.”

“That's just what I was thinking.”

“Anybody want some coffee? I'm just putting some water on,”
my mom breaks in.

“Yes, please,” we both chorus.

“You know, I'm so glad you two are getting along. That
'step' word has such a bad connotation, I suppose because of Cinderella…you
know, the wicked stepsisters. But of course, having a bigger family can be such
a positive thing,” she muses, turning up the burner on the stovetop. I watch
her for a moment, wondering if she's trying to bring up something about what I
said to her last night, about how she needs to get involved in Pierce's harsh
treatment of his son.

“Very positive,” Nate replies seriously, not looking at me
as I glare at him warningly. It is so not the time for one of his smartass

“Pierce and I are going to the farmer's market in about an
hour. You guys want to come?”

And miss a chance to be alone with Nate? “I was thinking I
was just going to sit by the pool today,” I reply. “Give my ankle a little more
time to heal.”

“Probably wise,” my mom agrees. “What about you, Nate?”

“I have to, um…” he trails off, trying to come up with an
excuse. “You know, I think my friend Jackson might swing by later, so I better
stay home.”

“OK, just the parents then,” my mom with a faux sigh. Nate
and my mom both leave the kitchen to take their coffee into other rooms, so I
can finish off my breakfast in peace. After I clean up my plates, I decide to
head into the den and turn on the TV. My body needs to digest that giant
breakfast I just devoured.

Pierce and my mom find me sitting in there on their way out
the door, and I wave goodbye. But as soon as the door closes, a ball of
excitement forms in my stomach. I'm alone with Nate. I feel like a kid on
Christmas morning. I push aside the throw and stand up, heading for the stairs
and Nate's bedroom. A flurry of nerves hits me as I walk down the hallway and
knock softly on his door.

“One sec!” he calls back. “OK, come in.” I push the door
open to find him standing just outside his bathroom, a white towel wrapped
around his waist. He's dripping wet, having clearly just stepped out of the
shower. “Oh, it's you,” he says with a smile. I shut the door behind me.

“They just left.”

“How are you feeling, really? I want to make sure I didn't
go too fast last night. Any regrets?”

I walk toward him. “I do have one regret.” He frowns in
concern, his beautiful forehead marred by a line in between his eyebrows.
“There was something I wanted to do last night, but I didn't get the chance.”
The tension immediately leaves his face.

“Which was?” he asks, the edge of his mouth twisting up in a
questioning smile.

I reach forward and unwrap his towel in response, then kneel
in front of him. I watch his cock grow hard in front of my eyes as he gazes
down at me. Without another word, I run my hands up the front of his thighs,
feeling his leg hair under my palms disappear as it reaches the line of his
hips. I lean forward, trailing kisses just under his belly button. He smells
amazing—a heady mixture of fresh shower combined with the very personal scent
of his package. It's unlike anything I've smelled before, and though I haven't
been with anyone else, I bet the smell is all his own.

I wrap my hands around the back of his thighs as I dip my
head and kiss the base of his shaft. His cock jumps slightly in response to my
touch, and I hear him groan. I wrap my hand around him, pulling him toward my
mouth. I circle my tongue lightly around his tip, licking up a bead of liquid
that has just appeared there.

I move to the base of his dick, pressing my tongue down hard
as I make my way back up the underside of his shaft, then flick my tongue
around his tip. Then I tuck my lips around my teeth and wrap them around him,
stretching my mouth wide to receive him. I move slowly down his length, wanting
to make him feel as good as he's been making me feel. And to tease him a
little, too, if I'm being perfectly honest.

I look up at him as I pull back, and see him biting his lip
as he looks down at me. I circle his tip with my tongue for a minute as he
watches me. I feel myself growing wet—why going down on him turns me on so much
I don't know, but it does. His fingers wrap around the back of my head, digging
into my hair, as he dips his head back.

I take him in my mouth again and begin to move faster. I
bring one hand up to massage his balls, and wrap the other around his shaft,
following my mouth. I still can't fit his whole cock in my mouth, so I figure
this is kind of a good cheat. My eyes begin to water a bit as I hear him begin
to groan. I move even faster, excited to feel him come in my mouth, and to
taste him.

“Oh, fuck, fuck, I'm coming,” he moans, and suddenly my
mouth is filled with liquid. I keep moving my head back and forth even as I
feel it leak a little out of the corner of my mouth. Should I swallow it? I don't
know what else to do, so I lean back for a moment and feel it run down my

Nate's taking deep breaths above me, his chest heaving, so I
lean forward again and kiss his shaft gently as it softens a bit. I guess I
expected it to, you know,
go down
right away, but it stays mostly erect
as I stand back up.

To my surprise, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. I
thought he might feel some compunction considering where my mouth has been, but
his tongue slips readily against mine and I relax against him. His hand slides
down my ass and he rubs himself against me.

“How much longer do you think they'll be gone?” he asks
breaking away and bringing his other hand up to my cheek.

“No idea.”

“Well, I'll make this quick, just in case.” He pushes me away
and steps back. “Strip.”

I almost gasp at the pleasure his command sends rushing
through me. I pull off my shirt and yoga pants, then unhook my bra and slide my
panties to the ground as he watches. My lips part as he wraps his hand around
his cock as it hardens completely again.

“I want you to go on birth control soon, OK? I don't want to
have to wear a condom with you.”

“Does it feel very different?”

“Oh yeah. And I want to feel myself right up against you.”
He walks over to his bedside table and pulls a condom out and tosses it on the
bed. “Come,” he says, holding his hand out to me. I walk over, and he turns me
around, pulling my back against him. I feel his cock hitting the small of my
back as he runs his fingers over my stomach and then up over my breasts, gently
pinching my nipples. I groan into his touch. I've never felt anything close to
the way he makes me feel.

“A little faster and harder this time, OK?” he asks, and I
nod, already beyond speaking. His fingers slide down and over my clit, and I
can hear the sounds of my wetness as he presses one finger inside me. “You're
already so wet…good girl.”

His other hand snakes up to my face and turns my cheek so
that I'm facing him. He kisses me, hard, his tongue ravaging my mouth as his
finger circles inside my opening. His thumb flicks over my clit and I cry out
in pleasure and surprise. As if he were just waiting for this response, he
turns me around and pushes me down on my back on the bed. He picks up the
condom next to me and quickly rips it open and pulls it on. He grabs my hips
and steps forward, pulling my ass down so that it's just on the edge of the
bed. He bends over me, quickly pulling my breast into his mouth and gently
nibbling on my nipple.

He moves his weight onto his elbows and I feel him pressing
inside me. There's a slight soreness left over from last night, but also
instant pleasure. He stretches me open, pushing slowly but surely until he's
all the way in. My hands dig into his back as he thrusts again, a little
harder. Then he stands up, still inside me, and pulls my legs up so that my
calves are resting on his shoulders.

He moves his right hand over my crotch, and I moan as he
begins to circle my clit with his thumb. I cry out as he begins to pull in and
out of me at the same time, and I watch his face as he watches himself move
inside my opening. The combination of his fingers on my clit and his cock
inside me is quickly driving me crazy.

“Aaggh,” I cry out intelligibly, and Nate's eyes snap up to
my face. He removes his hand from my clit and leans forward so that both of his
palms are spread on the comforter. My legs are still on his shoulders, and I
can feel a good stretch in my hamstrings in this position. I'm also completely
immobilized as he begins to drive into me in earnest now, his jaw tense and his
neck muscles bulging.

I close my eyes and lose myself to the sensation of being
drilled over and over again. He's hitting me so deeply, and I'm absolutely out
of control and powerless. Maybe it would make me nervous with some other man,
but I feel completely safe with Nate. As an orgasm begins to rip through me, I
feel his hands gripping my shoulders tightly, pulling me down against him as he
comes inside me.

“Brynn, oh, fuck, Brynn!” he shouts as he releases himself.
My legs fall off his shoulders and splay onto the comforter as he collapses on
top of me. I gasp for air, and drowsily wipe the hair out of my face as I feel
him stir on top of me. He picks his head up and listens for a moment. “They're
still not home.”

“Mm, guess not,” I murmur rather incoherently.

“Good,” he says with a wicked smile, and begins to kiss down
the middle of my chest as he slides to his knees on the floor.

“Nate, what are you—oh, god,” I moan, as he takes a long
lick of my slit.

“I can't wait until tonight to taste you again. It's like
I'm addicted to this, to you.”

I close my eyes as he begins to flick his tongue across my
clit. I thought I was completely worn out, but I'm coming back to life
shockingly quickly under his deft tongue. His hands pin my knees to the sides
of the bed, stretching me wide open so that he has complete access and control.

I feel his tongue dart in and out of me—a completely
different sensation than when he uses his fingers. My back arches off the bed
as he moves back to my clit, circling it relentlessly. I whimper as I feel
waves of pleasure begin to reverberate through my body. My body wants to rock
and shake, but Nate's hands pin me firmly to the bed, and his tongue keeps
flicking across me. My energy has no choice but to be completely directed to
the reaction he's eliciting. For some reason, it's when Nate backs off slightly
that my body rocks into a full-out orgasm, my back arching wildly off the bed,
just the top of my head and my hips remaining in contact with the comforter.

“Oh my god,” I breathe as I relax down. I lift my head
slightly and watch him lick his lips before lying down next to me on the bed
and lazily flopping an arm over my waist.

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