Strong (Kindred #1) (37 page)

Read Strong (Kindred #1) Online

Authors: K.A. Hobbs

BOOK: Strong (Kindred #1)
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“Hormones.” Jack grins shaking his head.

“They are a huge pain in my arse!” she growls wiping her eyes.

“We weren’t expecting a visit,” I smile, as we walk up the stairs. “Nice surprise though.”

“Well, I want to have Chinese and you just can’t have that with two of you and fully enjoy it, so I thought we’d all eat together? Fancy that? We could call Megs?”

“I’d love that.” Carmen grins.

“Plus, I really want to talk to you both about the nursery, what colours and stuff.”

“I already told you, Red. Blue, we’re painting it blue.”

“And I already told you, we’re fucking not!” she yells over her shoulder.

“You can’t paint a nursery blue when you don’t know if you’re having a boy or a girl.” Carmen agrees as we walk into the apartment.

“It doesn’t matter, boy or girl, they’ll be a Bears fan.” Jack laughs.

“It’s not going to be blue, however, keep going on like that and your balls will be.” she threatens him.

I carry the bags into my room and then head back into the lounge, they’re all sat on the sofa so I head over and sit next to Carmen, resting my hand on her thigh. It doesn’t go unnoticed and Josie is the one to mention it.

“So… You
got it together, then?” she nods at my hand.

“Yeah,” Carmen grins at me. “With everything going on… You know…”

“It’s about time.” she huffs.

“Mom phoned.” Jack looks at me.

“She phoned me too.”

“She asked if we were going home for the holidays, I said we wouldn’t be.”

“Yeah, she mentioned it.”

“What are you doing?” he asks, stretching his arm along the back of Josie.

“We’re going to Chicago.” Carmen answers for me.

“Really?” Josie asks, clearly surprised.

“Yeah, why?” Carmen replies, equally surprised.

“I just thought you would be here, I don’t know why… Wishful thinking I guess, all of us together.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Carmen frowns. “But Carter has given up everything to be here with me and I really want to see Chicago.”

“You’re going to regret that when you see how fucking cold it is over there right now.” Josie laughs.

“I’ll warm her up.” I grin, pulling her to me.

“I’m sure you will.” she laughs her dirty laugh.

“You’ll be here for Thanksgiving though?” Jack asks.

“Yes, and I’ve made a promise to Carmen that she’ll get to see what it’s like.”

“Good, because we’re planning to have everyone over, we’ve got the sports subscription so we’ll get the games.”

“And I’ve said, you and Megs can help with cooking.” Josie points to Carmen.

“Oh, thanks.” she laughs.

“You’re welcome.” she laughs, blowing her a kiss.

“Okay, someone phone Harry and Megs, I’m going to get drinks.” I kiss Carmen on the head and Josie grins at me.

“So bloody cute!” she calls after me.

“I know.”


on’t you dare!” Josie holds her fork out at Jack and scowls.

“Calm down, babe. It’s a prawn cracker.” he laughs.

“Do you see me laughing? Do you, Jack? Back the fuck away from my prawn cracker.” she tells him, completely seriously.

“There’s a whole bag over there.” he points to the bag sitting by Carter.

“Then why are you trying to take mine?”

“I figured what’s yours is mine and vice versa.”

“Well, I hate to tell you, but it doesn’t mean my food while I’m pregnant.”

“Back away, Jack.” Harry mock whispers, clearly amused.

“Here,” Megan reaches over and tips the contents of the other bag of prawn crackers into the dish in front of Josie. “Eat these.”

Josie grins and takes a handful, just as Jack’s hand sneaks out to grab the prawn cracker that started this little thing, her hand comes out and swipes it from his hand. He frowns and she places the prawn cracker in between her teeth, leaning closer to him. He leans forward and takes a bite and they chew, then make an obscene show of kissing each other.

“We’re still eating!” Carter yells.

“And? Get back to it then.” Josie laughs, kissing Jack again.

“I’m right,” Harry tells us. “These two totally get off on winding each other up.”

“We totally do.” Jack grins, pulling away and grinning at his wife.

“You’re nothing like your brother.” I whisper to Carter.

“I know, lucky for you.” I laugh.

“You’re way too sweet for me, Carter. I’d eat you for breakfast,” Josie turns to Jack and whispers loud enough so we can all hear. “And not in the same way I did you this morning.”

“Josie…” Megan groans, covering her eyes.

“How do you get away with talking like that?” I ask her.

“Like what?”

“Like a fucking guy, you’re like me without the cock.” Harry says impressed.

“I’m great, aren’t I?” she laughs.

“Can we please stop, let’s talk about something different. Nursery colours!” Megan suggests excitedly.

“I still say blue.” Jack pipes up.

“No. I think it should be neutral unless you’re going to let me find out what we’re having?”

“I’ve already said you can.” he tells her, brushing her jaw with his fingers.

“Do you really mean it though?”

“Of course, whatever you want to do.”

“No, Jose, don’t,” Megan pleads. “It’s exciting not knowing then when they arrive, it’s like the most exciting present you’ve ever received.”

“Megs, I can’t wait. I’ll be a nightmare. And if we find out, then we know what we can paint the nursery.”

“And if it’s a boy…”

“Yes, Jack, okay! If it’s a boy, you can paint it blue.” she rolls her eyes.

“Really?” he asks excitedly.

“Sure, just as long as if it’s a girl, we can paint it Alice in Wonderland.”

“I would have thought that was a given.” he tells her.

“Deal then,” she holds her hand out and they shake. “I just know it’s a girl.” she grins, rubbing her stomach.

“Have you got names?” Carter asks spooning a third helping of rice, chicken and cashews onto his plate.

“Yes actually, it’s the one thing we can agree on.” Josie smiles.

“And?” I prompt.

“And… We’re not telling you.”

“I wouldn’t tell you either.” Harry laughs.

“Of course you wouldn’t. You two are so alike.” Megan sighs, rolling her eyes.

“I think that deserves a high five?” he looks at Josie who raises her hand.

“You two, I’m so glad you didn’t get together, you’d be the worst.” I tell them.

“Could you imagine it?” Jack rolls his eyes.

“You’d be so lucky, Josie. Let’s not make out you don’t want a night with me.” he smirks.

“Harry… Sweetheart, I know you think you’re God’s gift to women, but really, I wouldn’t sleep with you even if I could. You’re too demanding, too cock sure and I go for brown eyes, not blue.” Josie smiles.

“So you’re not even the slightest bit curious what the studs feel like?” he grins, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ve asked Megan… I think I can live without feeling them for myself.”

“Who’s ready for dessert?” Megan interrupts, pushing her plate away.

“Nice way to stop that conversation.” Carter laughs.

“They do it just to embarrass me, I swear they do.” she tells him, cleaning the table.

“We do,” Harry nods, agreeing. “I love only you, I see only you, I only want to taste you.”

“And Jack, I really am only interested in your giant cock.” Josie cackles.

“Dessert!” I half yell, aware Henry is fast asleep only a few feet from me.

“Please, it might shut them up.” Megan agrees.

“I wouldn’t bet on it.” they both call after us.



We said goodbye to everyone fifteen minutes ago, we’ve been tidying the kitchen ever since and now, everything is clean and the whole flat is silent. I’m just putting the cushions straight on the sofa when Carter drops the tea towel on the counter and comes to stand in front of me in the lounge.

“They’ve all gone…” I whisper.

“Do you want to go to bed?” he asks hopefully.

“Not right away… I’d really love to dance with you.”

“Dance with me?”

“To slow songs, dance with me.”

“Okay.” he nods.

I walk over to my iPod and find my love songs playlist. I press play and the first strains of I Have Nothing begins, it couldn’t be more fitting for us right now. He holds out his hand and when I place mine in his, he spins me, then pulls me back to him. Everything inside of me is fluttering; my stomach, my heart, I’m sure every other part of me is too. He turns me so my back is to his chest, wraps one arm around my waist and moves us left, to right. I reach my hand up and wrap it around his neck, turning my face to inhale him.

“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he breaths into my neck.

“I’m glad you think so, you’re gorgeous too.” I tell him, as we sway to the music together.

“It was so normal tonight… Like we’ve always been the six of us, like it’s just what we do.”

“I know,” I smile, remembering feeling exactly the same. “We all fit together, it’s like it was always going to happen. Harry and Jack met, so when they met Josie and Megan, they would find the other half of them, and in doing so…” I turn in his arms to face him. “I found mine.”

“And I found mine.” he smiles, leaning closer to me and hovering so close to my lips I can feel his breath on my face.

“Kiss me.” I tell him.

“Kiss you?” he teases inching a little closer.

“You’re a tease,” I tell him. “Kiss me.”

He laughs, that laugh that makes my toes curl into the rug under my toes and moves forward closing the distance between us. The air surrounding us crackles and sizzles, my whole body heats and my heart suddenly picks up like it’s running a race and can’t wait to get to the finish line. I bring his hand up to my chest and place it over my pounding heart.

“Feel that?” he nods. “It’s been beating, healthy and strong since I met you. In my weakest moments, you were my strength Carter, my reason to keep on fighting.”

He closes his eyes, like he’s absorbing my words. When he opens them, he removes his hand from my chest and brings mine to rest over his heart. It’s beating just as fast under my fingertips, just as strong.

“Feel that?” he asks, the exact same question. “It’s been beating like that since I met you too. Without realising it… You’ve become my everything.” he smiles.

“You’re my everything too, I’m completely and utterly yours, Carter.” I tell him, leaning closer.

“And I’ve been yours from the second we met.” he tells me, pulling me so I’m pressing against his body. “Carmen?”


“I’ve really had enough of dancing now.” he chuckles.

“Me too…”

“Then can we go to bed?”

I don’t answer.

I hold his hand and lead him to our room, not bothering to turn off the music. I’ve wasted enough time, I’m not wasting another second of it.



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