STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) (2 page)

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Authors: Alana Marlowe

Tags: #D/s Dark Erotic Romance

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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There is one other thing. The spanking isn’t just for discipline. It can also be very sexual and stimulating. If you have never experienced it before, I would like to show you what I mean, if you will allow this.


Sara, I want to be with you. I want to spend my life with you. And yes, I want to marry you. But I had to make these feelings known before we go any further in our relationship.


Here is what I want you to do. There are a few websites I have listed on the back page of this letter. I want you to go and do some reading to understand what “Domestic Discipline” is.


If you have not done so, please open the box that is on the table. In it, you will find a gift. This is something that is yours to keep regardless of your answer. This is just to show you I love you. But how you use it will also indicate to me if you want us to pursue this relationship further.


There are basically three options. The first, is that you now know some of the deepest secrets I have, and that you want nothing more to do with me. That is understandable and if that is what you truly feel, then I will accept that and move on out of your life. The ring is yours to keep, regardless.


The second is that you want to continue with our relationship, but have absolutely no interest in a domestic discipline relationship. If you choose that option, I will respect your wishes and love you regardless. I cannot promise you any more than that, however. Being that my desire is to have a wife that understands my needs, not living as I feel is right goes against that. I may decide to marry you regardless, but I need to know what you will agree to before I make a final decision.


The third option is the one that I hope you will choose.


What I would like to do, is to actually show you what life would be like with me in such a relationship. I want you to come live with me for a month on the ranch. Live as if we are married.


I will show you what my needs and desires are and you will show me yours. I will explore your body and you can explore mine. I know that you have forbidden intercourse until after marriage, and I will respect those wishes.


I would never violate your trust. But I would want to push the limits as much as you will allow me to. I want to feel your body next to mine with nothing in between. I want to explore you with my hands and my mouth.


During the month long trial, I will show you how much I will love you. We will talk about how this kind of relationship takes shape. What things are ok and what things aren’t, as well as their respective consequences.


And yes, I will spank you. That is the whole purpose of the trial. It is for you to understand what you are agreeing to by saying yes to marrying me.


So here is how this will work. I want you to come out to the ranch to see me on Friday afternoon. If you choose option one, then return the empty box to me. Like I said, the ring is a gift regardless.


The empty box will signal to me that you are no longer interested in pursuing this relationship. I will give you a final hug and kiss and bid you goodbye with no hard feelings. I will cherish the time we have spent and will also always be here as your friend if you ever need me.


If you choose option two, then wear the ring on your right hand. That will signify to me that you are unwilling to be in a domestic discipline relationship with me, but still want to be with me and it will then be up to me to decide which direction to go.


If you choose the third option, then wear the ring on your left hand. Then we can plan on when the month will start and how this will all work out.


I know you will have lots of questions. I will answer them all honestly.

I love you Sara.


Truly Yours,




Sara sat dazed on the couch with the letter now in her lap. She stared at the roses and the little blue box, unable to actually make herself move at this point.


Her eyes glazed over in her stare as she started to think back over the last 6 months of dating Alex. Could this actually be happening? Things started to make more sense now about little things that she didn’t pick up on in the past.


There had been several times in the past few months where she had been a little cranky. During those times, Alex would pay special attention to her, making sure she felt loved and needed by hugging her and holding her tight. Most guys in her past would just call her “bitchy” and blow her off, totally ignoring her needs. But not Alex.


He would also comment jokingly that maybe she just needed a good old-fashioned spanking to put her in a better mood. Usually the comment was made as he gave her a light swat on her butt and a slight grin on his face. She would blush and giggle and tease him, saying, “well, maybe you are right!” and would actually wonder about him holding her down giving her a good bottom warming.


She secretly fantasized about his strong, loving arms wrapped around her after he spanked her bottom good and helped her to release her pent up frustration and attitude. When she had those fantasies, she couldn’t help but pleasure herself, and used that fantasy quite frequently to do just that.


As she shook herself out of her stare, she picked up the blue box and opened it. Her eyes filled with tears of joy as she looked at it. How did he know what she loved so much?


It wasn’t an engagement ring, but it was the most perfect two heart diamond ring set in yellow gold. It glistened in the sunlight that was now streaming through the window. She pulled it out of the box and began to put it on her left finger, but she stopped herself short and instead put it back in the box.


Instead, she picked up the letter and read it again. The tears began to fall as she read it a second time, paying more attention to it this time. Her tears were happy tears. She had FINALLY found the kind of man she was looking for.


Someone who actually wanted a wife that would be there just for him. Not a wife that would also “bring home the bacon”. For so many years, she worked in corporate and hated it.


All she dreamed about was finding that husband who loved her and wanted a wife that he could take care of, and that she could take care of him without her having to hold down an external job.


She knew what she wanted went against all the conventional thinking. All the women’s movement was about was being independent and not having to rely on men. But that is actually what she wanted.


She wanted to rely on a man. She wanted to be a housewife! And she wanted to be proud to be that and not be looked down on for it.


The problem was, most men these days have been so conditioned to have a working woman that they don’t know how to do anything else. It was so refreshing to find a man who thought the way she did.


Now she had to decide if she could handle his domestic discipline request. She couldn’t believe her luck. She had often fantasized about an alpha type male being in control. She had just never really experienced one in a normal relationship before.


Could she handle it? She had read about “Head of Household” or “Taken In Hand” type relationships on forums and from other women. She had never actually met someone in person who was in this type of relationship. She had so many questions. So many thoughts racing through her head and her body.


As she continued to think about lying over Alex’s lap with her bottom bare and getting pink from his hand, she also noticed her body reacting with a heightened sexuality and awareness. The moistness between her legs was pronounced as she reached down to see just how wet she was getting.


For a brief moment she was stunned at just how turned on she was by just thinking of his request. She wondered if she was crazy for getting turned on by the thought of someone delivering pain to her body in this way. But at this point, all she wanted was to continue in this fantasy and feel the pleasure of where her mind could take her.


She slid her body down on the couch to make herself more comfortable as her hand drifted underneath her soft cotton panties, reaching her tingling clit. She closed her eyes and thought about being bent over Alex’s knees, her bare bottom facing upward as his hand held her tightly down around her waist.


As she imagined the sound of him smacking her bottom, she could feel the heat building up both on her bottom and in her belly as she felt the tremors of pleasure begin to take hold.


She circled her clit slowly at first, building up the fantasy in her mind. As her hips began to rock in time with her clit circles, she dipped her fingers down between her petals and felt how slick she had become.


Imagining her bottom was on fire by now only intensified the pleasure as her fingers moved furiously over her clit forcing the current of sexual electricity to wave through her. Sara wondered if she would be able to take it.


Her womanhood twitched as her hand moved over her clit, circling faster and faster, bringing her higher and higher. Her mind was in a frenzy as she imagined Alex’s hand landing over and over again on her now hot buttocks.


As she squirmed around on his lap in her fantasy, she brought the waves of pleasure forward through her body, every muscle in her body tensing with passion while waiting for release. Her whole body was now shaking and trembling as she felt the wash of pleasure waves fall over her.


Even though her clit was way too sensitive she didn’t want to stop the fantasy as she continued rubbing her clit, making her body jolt until she was too sensitive to touch herself any longer. Breathing heavily with her eyes closed, she lay on the couch allowing her body to regain its composure while she wondered if her body would truly react in real life as it does when she fantasized about it.


After catching her breath and cooling down, Sara picked up the box and took out the ring. She placed it on her left ring finger and admired its beauty.


How did he know the perfect size? How did he know what she liked? He must be paying attention. That alone spoke volumes to her.


She leaned back on the couch and looked at the ring. Today was Sunday. She had until Friday to make up her mind for sure.


But for now she decided to just lay back and think about how they met and what brought both of them to this point in time.













Running Into Destiny


Sara didn’t feel all that pretty, and not all that skinny. She was average looking, and had to wear makeup to even feel comfortable about herself. For some reason, she also had been carrying around extra weight that just didn’t want to leave.


When she moved out to the outskirts of Little Rock, she was glad to have a fresh start. She had no intention of dating anyone for a while as she wanted to work on getting in better shape and eating better. She managed to find an inexpensive little house just outside of town.


It was in need of repair, but Sara was handy and unafraid to take on the projects. Included in those projects was putting a garden in the yard.


It was while she was at the local nursery picking up plants that she first met Alex. He was there picking up a truckload of mulch with a co-worker of his. He was in the truck catching bags of red bark mulch as his buddy was tossing them to him when he missed one and it almost landed on her.


It was her fault actually because she wasn’t paying attention and walked in between the two men working. She jumped back just in time to not be smacked by the flying bag and when she did, she stumbled and landed right on her bottom.


In a flurry, Alex was off the truck and by her side asking her if she was OK and apologizing for almost hitting her. “I’m so sorry, ma’am, please let me help you, ” Alex said as he reached out with one hand behind her arm and the other hand grabbing her hand. His strong hands were rough and calloused from working, but all she could feel was the electricity when he touched her.


Blushing, she said, “No, it is quite alright. I should have been paying more attention.

I’m sorry for getting in the way.”


As he pulled her upward to her feet, he tugged a little too hard and pulled her body right into his, bouncing slightly as they both hurriedly backed away from each other, this time both of them blushing.


She looked down at the ground, then up towards his face. She felt as if it things were going in slow motion. Her heart was racing as her eyes met his. The steel blue of his eyes seemed to cut right into her soul. She almost couldn’t hold her gaze but at the same time was mesmerized and speechless.


“Are you ok, Miss?” the voice said as it flowed from his lips to her ears. His face had half a day’s razor stubble already showing and his hair was cut short on the sides from what she could see under the cowboy hat.

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