Sucking in San Francisco (9 page)

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Authors: Jessica McBrayer

BOOK: Sucking in San Francisco
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“It’s dangerous and his connection to you is unhealthy.”

“You’re just being the over protective big brother.”

“Is that how you see me? As a big brother?”

“That’s the way you’ve always acted.”

“And now?”

“Now is complicated.” I sigh, running the seatbelt through my fingers.

“It doesn’t have to be, just sleep with me,” he says casually.

“You are a wicked, bad boy!”

“Man. Please, I’m a man.”

“Fine, a wicked, bad man!”

“That’s better and more accurate.”

I exhale loudly and he laughs. Sebastian pulls up outside of the hotline, one of the least interesting Victorians on the block.

“I’ll pick you up at two am, ma petite, go save some lives.”

“See you later, Bast, and be good.”

“Oh, I’m always good, Cherie. But when I’m bad I’m even better,” he says with a glint in his eye and a crooked smile. Cheesy, but it leaves a warm feeling in places better left unmentioned. I will not cave, I will not cave, I say to myself like a mantra. Herding my lustful feelings for Bast back under control.

I walk up the short steps and then punch the key code to let myself into the lobby of the building, half hoping Aidan will call.


I get coffee from the ancient but ever-full coffee pot, which is why the building smells of burnt coffee with an after taste of mildew. I wipe down everything with my handi-wipes and Lysol my headset, twice for good measure. The person before me left used tissues all over the floor. Can’t they hit the garbage can?! I use a handi-wipe to pick them up and then sanitize my hands twice and Lysol the floor just to be safe. Eeuw! I fill out my log book and listen to the calls during my shift. Every time the red button lights up I find myself on the edge of my seat. I realize I am waiting for a British accent to come on the line and when it doesn’t, I’m a little disappointed.

“Suicide Prevention, this is Lilith, how may I help you?”

“I need help,” she says, her voice sounding near hysterics.

“That’s what I’m here for. Can you tell me your name?”

“Stephanie,” she says as she takes a deep breath.

“Stephanie what’s wrong?”

“I think I might have overdosed.”

“Stephanie, I need your address. What did you overdose on?”

“Those little gummy vitamins that kids take. I went through three jars today before I knew they were vitamins.”

“Stephanie, I’m not sure what that will do to you. I think you’ll be okay to walk into an ER though. Are you up to that or do you want me to call you an ambulance?” I say.

“I DO NOT want an ambulance showing up here if at all possible. My neighbors would freak out. That’s why I called you guys. I thought maybe if I threw them up or something…”

“I think it’s too late for that Stephanie. You need to see a doctor and be checked out. Go to the ER and explain what happened. Take in the bottles with you. It will help them to know what they need to do. In the future here’s the number for poison control.” I give her the number and she promises to keep it near her phone.

“Okay, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Call us anytime,” she hangs up the phone.

Red light blinking, phones are busy.

“Suicide Prevention, this is Lilith, how may I help you?”

“Lilith is a pretty name.”

“Thank you, sir, how may I help you tonight?”

“I just wanted to talk.”

“Let’s start with your name.”

“My name is Peter.”

“Peter, what’s got you so down that you called us tonight?”

“What are you wearing? You sound really hot!”

“Peter, I have your number on caller ID. This is the third time you’ve called in this month. Do we have to report you?”


Sometimes we get those calls too. Lonely people wanting companionship are one thing but pervs are another.

Soon my shift is over and it’s time to go. I turn in my headphones, gather my cleaning supplies and open the door. The first thing I notice is the cold mist that wraps its wet fingers around me. The fog parts and I tense as I see a broad-shouldered shape come towards me. Then I relax as I recognize Sebastian. He’s wearing a trench and looks delicious.

“How was your evening, Cherie?”

“Uneventful,” I say, smiling at him.

“That’s a relief. I thought I was going to have to kick some djinn ass.”

“I would like to see you get hot and bothered.”

“There are other ways that could happen.”

“Like dancing?”

“Hmm… that wasn’t what I was thinking of, Lily.”

“Live dangerously, Bast.”

I’d like to live dangerously with him for ten minutes or so. Ugh! Stop it Lily. Soon enough we pull up to the manse and Sebastian gets out and opens my door.

“What did you do tonight?” I ask as we walk into the house, trying to change the subject and with it my libido.

He puts his arm around my waist and guides me through the door. The constant physical contact shreds my composure.

“I went to the club for a while. I needed to feed, so I went down to the docks and helped myself to a worker.”

“What, no brazen beauties?” I ask, looking up at him in mock surprise.

“There is only one beauty I want in my life now,” he says searching my face.

Oh boy, melting time. If I really thought he was serious I wouldn’t be able to hold out.

“I can hardly believe that.”

“Believe what?” Helena asks as we walk into the library.

“That I have become a one-woman man,” Sebastian says with a straight face.

“I have a hard time believing that as well, dear.”

“Well it is true. A change in my priorities was long overdue.”

Quickly changing the subject I ask, “Where is Andrew? Or has he expired from old age?”

“I’m right here, Miss. Did I hear right? Is Mr. Sebastian settling down? The horror! What will the rest of us single men do? We look to you for inspiration. You are the Casanova of the Night. The Player of Players. The King of Lovers. The Seducer of the Starlight …”

“Enough!” Sebastian says wearily.

He sits down next to me and scowls.

“You know I met Casanova, while he was in Paris. He was the biggest scam artist I’ve ever met. But the women. He puts me to shame. At least I have been honest in my liaisons. He was just as dishonest with the women as he was in his financial dealings. He was always running from the law or an angry relative,” Sebastian reminisces with a weary look in his eyes.

“Somehow I don’t think I would have liked to have known him,” I say.

“No, Cherie. I would not have liked you knowing him. He would have been relentless in his attempts to seduce you,” Sebastian growls.

Helena smiles conspiratorially at me. I give her an innocent look. Andrew serves us mulled wine and we sip it in amiable silence. It seems Sebastian might be more serious about his interest in me than I originally thought. It isn’t customary for vampires to mate with other vampires. They tend to take human lovers so they can feed off them. Vampires also tend to have a testy temperament and mating with one can be disastrous. Violent things can happen and the relationship hardly ever lasts. Of course my family is different in a lot of ways. Bast has always had human lovers but for no longer than a night at a time, maybe two at the most, if they amuse him. He has never shown an interest in another vampire or for that matter in a lasting relationship. God I bet he can kiss like he’s on fire… his fingers run down my cheek and I gasp.

“What’s the matter?” Julian asks, looking over his book.

“Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking of something,” I say, embarrassed.

Sebastian chuckles. He knows what he just did to my body. His senses picking up all the minute signals my body puts out. It’s how we hunt.

“Lily, you look guilty, must have been interesting thoughts,” Helena says, with a knowing look.

That’s the thing about Helena. She has been secretly advocating for a relationship between Bast and me for quite a few years now. I can tell she is beside herself with delight. I’m sure not going to trust his sudden profession of abstinence. My imagination is running a little hot at the moment I have to admit. His kissing has to be amazing after all those years of practice. My libido is out of whack tonight. Did I mention it has been a while?

“How was work tonight, Lily?” Julian inquires, putting his book down. “No calls from our little blue friend, Aidan?”

“No, I was telling Bast that everything was very normal tonight.”

“Unfortunate. I was hoping to have some more interaction with him. Next time he talks to you, see if he wouldn’t mind coming to the house. If I could talk to him it would be an extraordinary opportunity.”

“We don’t want a next time, Julian,” Sebastian says, irritated. “He’s a danger to Lily.”

“Oh, well, of course I don’t want to endanger Lily, Sebastian. I just thought since he’s been amenable so far…”

“We can’t count on that. Frankly, I think it’s not a bad idea to get him bound.”

“Sebastian! You can’t mean that,” I exclaim.

“I do. It would solve our problem of his popping...”

“It’s not been so bad. Besides,” I say interrupting him, “he said binding is slavery. It’s painful to a jinni. I don’t see how we can be a part of doing that to Aidan.”

“Now it’s Aidan, is it?” Sebastian says narrowing his eyes at me.

“He’s a sentient creature like we are, Bast.”

“This sentient creature could annihilate you in the blink of an eye, Lilith.”

Sebastian gets up, walks to the sideboard and pours himself a drink.

“I think Helena should try and bind him,” Bast says.

“Well I don’t,” I practically shout.

“You’re young and sentimental, Lily, you aren’t seeing clearly. He should have a master that can control him.”

“Don’t you dare pull the age card with me, Bast. I don’t care how old I am. I’ll still think slavery is wrong.”

“Julian, Helena, what do you think?” Sebastian put the question to the elders.

“I’m not sure what to think. I’m opposed to enslaving any creature. I would never bind a djinn, But,” Julian says holding his hand up to stop Sebastian and I from interrupting him, “the witches are trying and may eventually be successful. Regrettably, I think we have to deal with them. I don’t think Indio was here on a social call. I think she was here to observe and look for our weak points.”

“I know you’re right, darling,” Helena says. “She is a fledgling witch with talent and is building her power at an alarming rate. Her sister is even more powerful. They may not know Aramaic but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t make our lives unnecessarily difficult if they wanted to. They knocked out the power playing with things they didn’t understand. That’s just the beginning of what they could do. They could make the cars have trouble, the staff quit, and any number of minor things happen.”

Sebastian sits back down.

“What do you propose then?” he says.

“We need more information from both sources,” Julian decides. “That means Aidan and Indio.”

“Aidan does what he wants. I have no control over him. However, we could come up with some questions to ask him if he visits me again.”

“I think that would be wise,” Helena says.

“I don’t like this,” Sebastian says.

I’m still pissed at him. How can he be so callous as to want to bind Aidan? He has regard for human life but why throw away a jinni’s? I don’t understand. Knowing Aidan now, I can’t imagine what the war must have been like. They must all hate vampires. The good djinn and the bad. Well, Sebastian is just going to have to deal.

“Sebastian, you must spend more time with Indio. Let her think we are interested in an alliance with them. Encourage them to believe we are carefully considering their proposition,” Helena says.

“I don’t like that,” I mumble.

I get a full smile from Sebastian. Sebastian’s smiles have a way of making my heart turn inside out and flip flop around. They always have. At least that isn’t anything new. Maybe it’s the way his whole face lights up all the way to his eyes. Whatever it is, when he smiles, you know it’s genuine. I can see why he is so successful owning his club. He has the right amount of charisma and intelligence to make a business run smoothly. I had just seen a hard side to his usually charming façade. It is part of the complex man that he is. Thinking of him and his many moods would give me a head ache if I could still get them. Just as Sebastian puts his arm back around me the door bell rings. It is three in the morning. Only one person it could be, Hannah.


Andrew swings his hips in time to some song he is humming, as he goes to the door, to let Hannah in. Hannah, a vampire friend, lives across the bay in Berkeley. She is definitely one of a kind - for example, at the moment her hair is fire engine red. We never know what color it will be. She is experimenting with Goth and the look suits her. Hannah lives in Berkeley because she has a penchant for hippie blood. It’s something she picked up in the sixties and never lost a taste for. I think the truth is she loves the lifestyle and free thinking that embodies the University town, but she insists it’s the blood. She admits the “mary-janed” blood is getting harder and harder to find these days. Andrew has a bit of a crush on her and we are still trying to figure that one out.

“Vamps and Vampettes, how’s it going?” she asks.

“Hannah honey, what are you up to?” I ask.

“Not much. I was over on this side of the bay, I didn’t even bother stopping by Lily’s place first. I thought she must be here and I decided I would drop in on my favorite foursome and see how you guys are doing. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.”

“Are you still doing that herbally enhanced blood, ma petite?” Bast asks.

“As if I could give it up. I have to admit it’s hard to find. I have to mix it up with college students. I get pretty lucky with them though. Many of them like to partake as well.”

“Well dear, you might have to face reality and admit that the era of free love and peace has moved on,” Helena says.

“Shame on you. Shame, shame on you! How can you give up on peace? Man you really bring me down, Helena.”

Hannah tended towards the ruthless side of the vampire nature until she started using hippie blood and hanging around us. But it’s still not wise to piss her off.

“I’m sorry, dear heart, what was I thinking? Here, Andrew has brought some mulled wine to warm you up.”

“Here you go, Miss Hannah, I hope you enjoy it. This is a fresh batch,” Andrew all but drools.

Oh brother. Andrew stumbles and Hannah with her vampire reflexes catches the glass before it smashes. She gives Andrew a wink and I think he just about wets himself. Hannah crosses her legs. She wears black fishnet stockings and black leather platform boots. She has on a mini dress with a green zombie printed on the front of it. You would never know that Hannah “died” in the 1860s.

“Andrew, this is delicious. Thank you and please remember, none of this ‘Miss’ stuff. If you must use any classification, please use Ms.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Hannah,” Andrew says, blushing bright red. What can I say? Hannah has that affect on men.

“What’s this I hear about a new nightclub you bought, Sebastian?” Hannah asks.

“Yes, it’s called You Belong to Me. It’s on Union Street.”

“Pricey neighborhood,” Hannah says.

“But worth it,” Bast sips his wine.

“We’re going Tuesday for my birthday. Why don’t you join us, Han?” I ask.

“I’d like that, I’ll be there.”

“It’s a forties themed place. I’m sure you have something in your closet for the occasion,” I hint.

“Are you critiquing my wardrobe choices, Lilith Goodwill?” Hannah pulls on her sleeves and sniffs loudly.

“No, I think Goth looks good on you. I just don’t want you to feel out of place.”

“Well in that case, it would be fun to dress vintage. I might have to shop. And I better leave if I want to get home in time for bed. How long are you still sleeping, Lily?”

“About six hours, you?”

“Eight hours still. I don’t understand it, Julian. I’m older than she is.”

“Everyone is different, Hannah. Some vampires always have to sleep some of the time. Only time will tell. Usually at about two hundred years you will either be done with sleep altogether or you will know you are a sleeper,” Julian says.

“Ughh, I bet I’m a sleeper!” Hannah grumbles and crosses her legs dramatically.

“Don’t be so sure, Hannah. I slept seven hours a day until I was two hundred and three. Then one day I just couldn’t sleep and that was that,” Julian says as he put a hand on her shoulder.

“Well that’s comforting. I can’t wait until I can stay up all the time. I have so much to do and think of the hunting opportunities. I need to go, but I’m excited about Tuesday. See you then. Ciao.”

“I think it’s time I go home and go to bed too, Sebastian,” I say.

“Of course, ma petite.”

I go about the room gathering the things I’d let accumulate throughout the day.

“Goodnight, Lily,” Julian says.

“Goodnight, Lily,” Helena says with a raised eyebrow and a sparkle in her eye. I pretend to ignore her.

Sebastian helps me into his car and we are silent again on the short drive to my condo. When we get there he parks the car instead of just letting me off.

“I’m walking you up and checking out your condo,” he says.

“Sebastian, that’s hardly necessary.”

“It’s entirely necessary. There have been too many stakings for my liking and you are too vulnerable on your own.” We walk up the steps and into the high rise building. When we get into the elevator, Sebastian continues his crusade. “Why won’t you accept Helena’s invitation to move in with us? You spend all your time with us. You’re family. We could look after you better in the manse.”

“My independence is important to me Bast, you know that. I would feel funny living off Helena, Julian and you.”

“Then pay us rent if it’s that important to you. Do what you have to to feel okay with it but just move in, Cherie,” he says as he takes my keys and lets us into my condo.

The floor to ceiling glass walls in my main room are moonlit. Sebastian doesn’t need any light to see. When he is satisfied that no one is there he asks for a glass of wine and we sit in front of the windows looking out at the skyline. My grandmother’s rocker is the only dated piece in a room full of modern black furniture.

We talk about who could be eliminating us. We talk about Starbright and about how excited I was to have met her. I plead with Sebastian not to meet with the witches and he tells me not to meet with Aidan. Soon it is too close to dawn and I have to hurry before I fall asleep where I stand.

“Well, we’ve worried enough about things. You need your sleep, Cherie. I’ll go now.”

Sebastian bends to kiss me gently on the cheek and is gone in a blur. I lock up behind him and then slip into a night gown.

I definitely have a crush on Sebastian. He was dressed in jeans and a button down shirt tonight and I couldn’t help noticing how he fills those jeans out. He has the nicest ass I have ever seen and the package in front isn’t bad either, and a chest that begs to be touched. Hair that looks better if you run your fingers through it. Sigh. Life is complicated.

I climb into the deep pile of twelve hundred count cotton sheets, blankets and comforter. I get my red leather journal out and begin to write. I have almost a hundred years worth of journals on my shelves, chronicling my life. I’m not sure why I save them. I would be in trouble if someone ever got a hold of them. I never re-read them. I figure once I’m done writing it is time to move on. It’s simply a way to process my thoughts. I think they are a reminder that I am more than blood and hunting. I’m a feeling, loving creature too. I scribble for a while, trying to get a grip on the well of emotions that exist between Sebastian and me. From flirting and meaningful glances to a shouting match to a gentle kiss goodnight. It isn’t something I’m going to figure out anytime soon. I know I’m pushing the dawn and I don’t want ink stains on my sheets again so I put my pen and journal away and snuggle deep under the blankets to wait for oblivion to take over.

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